Dear Parents and Carers,
What a pleasure it has been to finally start at West Leigh this week. From my short time here, it is clear what a very special school we have and I am immensely proud to be taking up the position of Principal. It is a privilege to be able to work with such wonderful children and to have staff who are so dedicated, knowledgeable and professional. I would also like to say thank you for the warm welcome I have received from our parents and carers. I have been made to feel at home very quickly and I look forward to getting to know you all better over the months to come.
With the summer seemingly deciding to arrive, I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend.
Best wishes,
Mr M Aggus
Diary Dates
New dates in italics
Advance Notice: End of year school reports will be sent home on Friday 12th July to your personal email address held in the school office.
June 2024
- Sunday 23rd - Girls' Choir concert @ Plaza Centre from 3pm
- Monday 24th - Friday 28th - Year 6 Residential to Ilam Hall and Southend Week
- Tuesday 25th & Wednesday 26th - Year 6 Transition Day (King John)
- Tuesday 25th - Super Sports (track) @ Garons from 4pm
- Wednesday 26th - Super Sports (field) @ Garons from 4pm
- Coastal Schools - 4G
- Thursday 27th - WHSG visit (year 4 girls) 9am
- Girls' football fixture at Chalkwell Park 4pm - 4.45pm
- Friday 28th - Summer Fayre Donation Day (Bottles / Chocolates)
- Saturday 29th - Summer Fayre
July 2024
- Tuesday 2nd - King John Transition morning
- Adalah Care Home visit from 1pm
- Year 6 - Fields
- Football trials 5R & 4B 3.30pm - 5pm
- Wednesday 3rd - 3T & 3M Field Study
- Musicians @ West Leigh Baptist Church
- Friday 5th - Year 6 Transition Day
- Year 3N & 3L Geography Field Study
- Monday 8th - Fun Swim Week
- Year 5 Geography Field Trip
- Tuesday 9th - Music Man project
- Football Trials 4E, 4S & 5J
- Wednesday 10th - Meet your new teacher day
- 6W & 6A Geography Field Trip
- Thursday 11th - Open Evening (5pm - 7pm)
- Friday 12th - 6D & 6P Geography Field Trip
- Monday 15th - Year 6 House Team Swimming Gala
- Tuesday 16th - Sports Morning 9am - 12pm @ Belfairs
- Thursday 18th - Year 6 Leavers' Assembly 2pm - 3pm
- Friday 19th - Last Day of Term
- No After School Club
- Monday 22nd - INSET DAY
Year 3
The children have returned to more usual classroom activities following their adventurous ending to last week.
In English, they have been using their writing skills to create a narrative of Lighthouse - a wordless animation. They have demonstrated their understanding of a classic story structure: setting the scene, building up to a main dilemma, resolving the problem and finally, reflecting on how the events may have changed the characters’ lives.
In maths, summer term assessments have been completed. The children have also further developed their formal multiplication and division skills, practising these methods and applying them to worded problems.
Science saw the children embracing challenge as they used memory and recall to demonstrate all that they have learned during their time in Year 3. It is amazing to reflect upon all of the topics that we have explored this year!
Printing has been the focus skill in art this week. The children have created wave and water themed printing tiles from cardboard, string and a lot of glue! Next, they developed their colour mixing skills to create a range of sea-like paint shades before printing a marine background. Finally, they created a silhouetted sea-creature of their choice to complete their composition. The results are mesmerising.
Next Wednesday, if possible, please send in an example of a moving toy. These will support our design and technology research and will be returned to you at the end of the day.
On Wednesday 3rd July, 3M and 3T will be going on a field study to Old Leigh. On Friday 5th July, 3L and 3N will be going to Old Leigh. We would be very grateful for any parents who could accompany us. We will be leaving at 9am and returning at 3pm on these days.
Please let your child's class teacher know by making a note in their communication book, if you are able to help.
Due to this, 3L and 3T will swap swimming days. On Tuesday 2nd July, 3T will swim and on Wednesday 3rd July, 3L will swim.
Year 4
Finally, the sun has come out just in time for the longest day of the year. Over this week, the children have returned with enthusiasm to their learning after the formality of test week. English lessons have introduced explanation texts. Whilst reviewing the features of explanation texts, the children have noticed the similarities with instructional texts, generating some interesting discussions. They have also learned how the passive voice can be used and why it is commonly used within explanation texts.
In maths lessons this week, we have taken the opportunity to review some of the questions from the recent test papers. Statistics have also been reviewed, with the children collecting information, reading and creating a range of graphs and using these to answer targeted questions.
Our final science topic is living things. The children have had the opportunity to group living things and consider their characteristics, comparing and contrasting different life forms. They were also introduced to the four classifications of animal life, providing examples of each.
The focus of our Connected Curriculum lessons has been completing our Lowry-inspired artwork. The children have mastered their background and fairground rides which were superimposed and finally added their ‘matchstalk’ figures. The finished work was of an exceptionally high standard and demonstrated evidence both of the challenges they faced and how they overcame these.
Next week, the children will be designing their motorised fairground rides. Please could they bring in empty and clean cardboard boxes, cartons, egg cartons and plastic bottles for this building project.
On Wednesday morning, 4G will be attending their final Coastal Schools visit. Please ensure they dress suitably according to the weather and wear sensible footwear for walking and the beach.
Year 5
This week, our year Year 5 children have predicted the ending to ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter.’ They have generated some incredibly imaginative ideas using the characters from earlier in the story to ensure continuity. We have attempted to tie up all the loose ends and write a moral, a cliff-hanger or a message, showing how the characters have evolved throughout the story.
We have continued to work on cam toys this week and most of us have now completed our frame - if a little wonky in some cases!
5K and 5F for once enjoyed good weather at ‘fields’ and developed their throwing and catching skills whilst playing rounders. Fingers crossed for good weather next week when we are launching our Olympic week with Olympic sports. Many thanks for all the parent volunteers - we couldn’t manage without you.
Year 6
In Year 6 this week, it would appear that the overarching theme has been excitement!
This was very much the case on Wednesday morning when the children discovered how they will be contributing to the upcoming Year 6 Leavers’ assembly, developing an understanding of the importance of their roles. Please do not ask them about this, however, as they have been sworn to secrecy about the production. They also began to learn much of the music that will be an integral part of what is a significant aspect of their final term at West Leigh.
Thursday brought even more excitement as the pupils brought their designs to life during our Sculpture Day. Working as sculptors, they were required to develop a framework to provide stability and form, and then combine visual and tactile qualities using a variety of tools. They certainly were challenged using a range of materials, including clay, mod-roc, wire and an array of other creative materials.
Bringing the week to a close, excitement was also abound during their Maths Mission Day, which required the children to plan a school residential trip. Unsurprisingly, this led to many excitable conversations, but also a realisation about how difficult it is to consider each and every aspect required for a successful year six residential. To add into the mix, they also had a final meeting for either Ilam Week or Southend Week. We have a feeling that next week will be perhaps equally as exciting (or even more so)!
Year 3 Residential Visit to Danbury
What a wonderful trip to Danbury Year 3 had last week! There was a mixture of nerves and excitement on the coach ahead of a night away with their friends, but the children made memories that will last a lifetime! They took part in a range of outdoor and adventurous activities and were treated to a special viewing of 'West Leigh's got Talent' on the Thursday evening, followed by a hot chocolate. Many of the children conquered some of their biggest fears: overcoming a fear of heights while on the zip wire, the dark whilst caving and manoeuvring through challenging obstacle courses. The journey back to school was much quieter with many of the children exhausted from their trip away and needing to catch up on the sleep they may have skipped during the night!
Non-Danbury Visit
The children had a wonderful day at Hadleigh Farm. We fed the animals, carried out a scavenger hunt and even got to pet the rabbits, chickens, guinea pigs and hedgehogs! The children really enjoyed spending the day in the fresh air and spent plenty of time simply running round and having fun. We saw many different farm animals including goats. sheep and pigs. The goats were especially friendly and even wanted to eat our worksheets! After lunch, the children played in the park and with the tractors, and then we ventured up to Hadleigh Castle. Although it was a little windy, the views were spectacular and we learned a lot about the castle ruins. By the end of our first day, the children were tired but happy - we are sure that they all had a good sleep that night!
The next morning was spent with Becky from 'Oh Happy Creative', who showed us how to make some fantastic creations. We started with under the sea scenes and everyone who passed the classroom stopped to comment on the children's beautiful canvas pieces. Next, we used cardboard to make enormous jellyfish. Somehow, each jellyfish managed to have its own personality! After a picnic lunch and a quick visit to the Leigh Library Gardens park, we made some delicious oat and raisin cookies in the school kitchen. What a fantastic and busy two days we had - the children were all beautifully behaved and were a credit to the school.
Elections 2024
Over the coming weeks, we will be learning about the elections that are taking place in July. We started by considering what democracy really means, and how our country is run. This week, the children have explored the different manifestos that have been presented by the different parties, focusing on what is really important to them. They have debated and discussed the different promises that relate to children and young people, the environment and healthcare. Perhaps there have even been some healthy discussions at home about politics this week!
The School Council have also had the opportunity to meet with and interview local candidates for the Liberal Democrat and Confelicity parties. Children across the school generated questions that they would like to ask and will be shown videos of the interviews. Both candidates were impressed with the quality of the questions and the polite manner of the children in the council. Next week, we will also be joined by the local Labour candidate.
The next part of our project will teach the children about the history of the vote and just how important the right to vote is. We will share fictional manifestos with the children and every child will be given the opportunity to vote for their chosen party (Purple, Orange and White). On 4th July, they will take part in a mock election and we will see who wins! The children will take part in a secret vote with ballot papers and voting booths, in the style of a real election.
National School Sports Week
To celebrate National School Sports Week, children from Year 1 visited the Junior School to participate in a range of Olympic-themed activities. The event was led by a group of Year 6 children who were fantastic in their delivery of activities and they provided support and encouragement to the younger children. There was fantastic archery, basketball and javelin skills on display, as well as many other sports skills. Hopefully, this is the beginning of an Olympic journey for many of the children!
Update from Mr Nash
I am now over halfway through my Land's End to John O’Groats adventure with 574 miles completed so far! I have crossed the border into Scotland this week which was a huge milestone and a fantastic feeling. We crossed the border to the sounds of bagpipes and a true Scottish lunch with the local delicacies which were delicious. I have had such an incredible experience so far and seen some of the most amazing places across the UK with many more to come over the next few weeks as I make my way through Scotland. I am posting updates on my fundraising page if you would like to follow along and if you are able to share my page with friends and family or donate I would be very grateful.
Online Safety
The National College and Online Safety
If you still need to sign up to the Online Safety portal, please follow the link and add yourself as a parent.
Key Notices this Week
Breakfast and After School Club Fees: From the start of the new academic year (2024 - 2025), the fees for our wraparound childcare will be increasing due to rising costs, as detailed below:
- Breakfast Club £6.50
- After School Club (full session) £12.00
- After School Club (From 4:30pm) £8.50
Dietary requirements: Please can all parents and carers ensure their child’s dietary/food allergy requirements are kept up to date as this will impact on the lunch choices available for you to book.
Inspirational Person
Our final inspirational person for this year is Favio Chavez. He is known for his work with the Cateura Orchestra of Recycled Instruments - an orchestra formed of young people living in Cateura, whose parents spend their days working on a rubbish dump, locating materials they can sell. In this town, a real musical instrument would be worth more than a house, so it would be dangerous for children to own one. Instead, Favio worked with the children to create instruments using recycled materials and taught them to play at a very high standard. He is an inspiration as he took something that others would consider worthless and used it to change the lives of children.
A huge well done to all those who completed last half term's Showbie challenge - make sure that you see Mrs London for your prize. For the final Showbie challenge of the year, you need to design something from rubbish! You could design a musical instrument like Favio, or it could be something else completely – but whatever it is, it must be something useful. You could draw and label your design, or even make it if you are feeling really creative! Drawings or photos of your creations can be uploaded to Showbie.
Dinner Menu
Week 1
Monday - Homemade Bacon, Tomato & Vegetable Wholemeal Pasta - Jacket Potato with Baked Beans, Cheese or Tuna Mayonnaise - Granary Baguette with Cheese - Sweetcorn, Coleslaw & Salad Bar - Fresh Fruit, Yoghurt or Fruit Cocktail
Tuesday - Traditional Roast Chicken with Yorkshire Pudding - Quorn in Vegetable Gravy with Yorkshire Pudding - Jacket Potato with Baked Beans, Cheese or Tuna Mayonnaise - Roast Potatoes, Carrots, Green Beans & Salad Bar - Fresh Fruit, Yoghurt to Fruity Flapjack
Wednesday - All Day Breakfast (Sausage, Baked Beans and Hash Browns) - Vegetarian All Day Breakfast (Vegetarian Sausage, Baked Beans and Hash Brown) - Granary Baguette with Tuna Mayonnaise - Mushrooms, Tomatoes and Salad Bar - Fresh Fruit, Yoghurt or Banana Cake
Thursday - Homemade Beef Lasagne- Homemade Vegetable Lasagne - Jacket Potato with Baked Beans, Cheese or Tuna Mayonnaise - Garlic Bread, Mixed Vegetables and Salad Bar - Fresh Fruit, Yoghurt or Carrot Cake
Friday - 100% Fish Fingers - Vegetable Fingers - Wholemeal Wrap with Salmon & Sweetcorn - Potato Wedges, Garden Peas & Salad Bar - Fresh Fruit, Yoghurt or Mandarin Jelly.
Don't forget to check out our new online bookshop here.
Please ensure that your child has their full kit with them on swimming days as we will no longer be phoning home for forgotten kits.
- 3M - Mrs Millham
- 4B - Mr Boylan
- 3N - Mrs Nash & Mrs Mitchinson
- 3L - Miss Playfair
- 4G - Mrs Garrett & Mrs Nash
- 4S - Miss Street
- 3T - Mrs Thompson
- 5K - Miss Chapman
- 5R - Mrs Lewis
- 6D - Miss Fletcher
- 5J - Mrs Wilson
- 5F - Mrs Flower
- 6W - Mr Dunn
- 4E - Mrs Rodger
- 6P - Miss Poysden
- 6A - Mrs Mears
PE Lessons
Please ensure that your child is wearing their full kit on PE days as we will no longer be phoning home for forgotten kits.
Second Half Term:
- Indoor PE - Wednesday
- Outdoor PE - Thursday
- Indoor PE - Wednesday
- Outdoor PE - Friday
- Indoor PE - Tuesday
- Outdoor PE - Friday
- Indoor PE - Tuesday
- Outdoor PE - Thursday
- Indoor PE - Tuesday
- Outdoor PE - Wednesday
- Indoor PE - Monday
- Outdoor PE - Thursdasy
- Indoor PE - Monday
- Outdoor PE - Thursday
- Indoor PE - Monday
- Outdoor PE - Wednesday
- Indoor PE - Friday
- Outdoor PE - Monday
- Indoor PE - Friday
- Outdoor PE - Tuesday
- Indoor PE - Friday
- Outdoor PE - Monday
- Indoor PE - Thursday
- Outdoor PE - Tuesday
- Indoor - Thursday
- Outdoor - Tuesday
- Indoor - Wednesday
- Outdoor - Monday
- Indoor - Thursday
- Outdoor - Monday
- Indoor - Thursday
- Outdoor - Tuesday
Congratulations to 6P who achieved the best attendance this week!