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The Eagle Weekly October 27, 2024

October 27, 2024

The Week Ahead!!

November 5 LCPS Bond Information

The L'Anse Creuse Public Schools Board of Education has approved placing a $188.7 million, no tax-rate increase bond proposal on the November 5, 2024 ballot.

Please see the video below outlining information for LCPS No-Tax-Rate Increase bond on the November ballot. There is also information below about how the bond will impact MSE, and your student, directly.

Voting Information

If you have previously requested an absentee ballot, those were sent out to resident by your local clerk at the end of September. Please check with your local township/city about early voting dates and times, and you can always vote in person on Election Day November 5, 2024. If you are NOT registered to vote, considering registering this year to cast your vote on the bond proposal and other important offices and races on the 2024 ballot for local, state, and national elections. If you register prior to October 21, you can do so online through the button below.

Around MSE This week!

The 8th grade football team got to play their final middle school football game at High School North on Tuesday!
Our Top NWEA Performers were honored on Friday with an ice cream treat! These students excelled and scored in the 80th percentile and above! Thanks to our PCC Volunteers who came in and helped out!
Students from Mrs. Dinser's Advanced ELA 6 class helped "buddied up" to help Mrs. Abeli's math students

Upcoming Halloween Spirit Week!

MSE Turkey Trot!

1st Annual School Wide Turkey Trot- Where we trade in our Eagle Wings for Turkey Feathers! Help us reach our Fundraising goals. Funds raised are used to help support clubs, such as Cross-Country, Ski, Bowling, and Green Club, along with Student recognition events like Ice Cream Socials and student gatherings, Staff appreciation and so much more! Have questions? Let us know.

Instructions for Turkey Trot Fundraiser are below! Register your student, share the link and they get a free Slurpee. Check out the website for more prize information.

Eagle of the Week!

This week's Eagle of the Week is 8th grader Ty W. who was nominated by Mr. Dropps who said "Ty is everything you could ask for in a middle school student. He is a leader by example in PE class and he also helps students who are struggling with class activities without being asked to help. Ty works hard each day in class and although he has spent a majority of the marking period with a casted broken hand, he still participates daily and outworks all! During our 3-lap practice runs on the track, Ty often times just keeps going! Some days he will run 10 laps, some days 8 but always with great effort. His perseverance through injury has been admirable." Congrats Ty!

Be the Change Winner!

This week's "Be the Change" Positive Office Referral winner of the week is Lucas K., thanks for being a positive influence!

Homework Club

If your child needs a place to do homework, check out the Homework Club! High School tutors, and Mrs. Hoskisson will be available to help, all you need is a ride for your child!

MSE Parent Community Connection News

Due to the generosity of our 24-25 sponsors, every MSE student will be given a 25th Anniversary MSE t-shirt this year. To order your child's please click the button below the image. You will need to fill out a form for each child you have at MSE. If you want to buy any shirts as a parent, there is another link below that!

Thank you to all our 2024/2025 Sponsors, because of their generous donations each student will be getting a MSE shirt at no cost. Shirts will be worn through out the school year!! Thank you again!

Gold Level Sponsors
Silver Level Sponsors

Student Travel Opportunity!

MSE Ski Club

It's hard to believe it, but winter is right around the corner which means another season of MSE's Ski Club! Please see the information below if your student is interested. All information is linked below:

School Messenger Text Messages

If you do not receive School Messenger text messages from L'Anse Creuse, or Middle School East, when we send out information, please follow the steps below to OPT IN for text updates from LC and MSE. If you do not opt in, the messages will not come through to your phone.

Boys Basketball Tryouts


Around L'Anse Creuse Public Schools

High School Student Travel Opportunity!

Do you want to travel to Europe in the summer of 2026? We have 2 incredible travel opportunities available for current 8th grade students and parents through LCN. There is currently a travel discount of $200 off for anyone who enrolls on one of these trips by October 22nd. Feel free to reach out to Herr Ekdahl ( or Madame Roggeman ( with any questions! Click on a link below for more information and to enroll on that trip.

2026 German trip to Berlin, Prague, Munich, and Luzerne with Herr Ekdahl:

2026 trip to France, Spain and Monaco with Madame Roggeman:

Please contact James Ekdahl or Susan Roggeman with any questions!

If you are interested in more programs offered by the L'Anse Creuse Community Education Department, please access their brochure below:
