Robin N. Coger, PhD

Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Welcome to the February 2024 issue of First Monday.

As this semester races forward, I hope you’re doing well in balancing your immediate and long-term ECU-related goals, tasks, projects and collaborations, your well-being and that of your family, and your dreams for the future. The latter element is important since, in the best scenario, it has the power to energize the others. In the multiple definitions Merriam-Webster dictionary lists for the noun dream, “a strongly desired goal or purpose” and “something notable for its beauty, excellence, or enjoyable quality” are both included. Please consider your dream for East Carolina University and whether writing it down and placing it where you can read it every day will help you to act with purpose to bring your dreams for ECU into fruition. Related to this, last week we had the honor of joining the Learning and Organizational Development team within ECU’s Human Resources Department in celebrating a few of the staff and faculty at ECU who are instrumental in making the many accomplishments of Pirate Nation possible. This wonderful event honored ECU employees for their years of service to the state and also showcased the 2023 Treasured Pirate Awardees: faculty and staff nominated by colleagues for outstanding performance that went above and beyond or resulted in extraordinary outcomes. In addition to providing a chance to say “Thank You” to the many awardees, the program was an excellent reminder that the people of ECU are the strength of this University. Congratulations to all of the awardees!

Did anyone else happen to read the January 31 Insider Higher Ed article summarizing how students see their college experiences, based on a report from the Partnership for College Completion? The organization interviewed students attending various colleges and universities in Illinois and offered several insights. One of these was that access to campus resources and services is important to students, but their access can be impeded by not knowing what resources exist and how to find them, the timing and scheduling of the services, and/or students’ perceptions of interactions with staff as negative. This information aligns with conversations happening on our campus that have identified the student experience and student well-being as two of the critical components of student success at ECU. In past issues, I’ve mentioned the direct correlation between the students of the Pirate Nation succeeding and ECU’s budgetary allocations from North Carolina. Each of our students and all of us play important roles in ECU’s student success ecosystem. Thank you for your dedication to our undergraduate, graduate, online and in-person learners and for the ways you are collaborating and sharing information with each other to enable our University’s successes in educating, graduating, and launching the careers of ECU Pirates.

Thank you for taking the time to read the contents of this issue. I am grateful to everyone who contributed to making this First Monday possible.







Survey: Facilitating Student Connections to Resources

Starting February 5, faculty members will receive the second ECU Connect survey, specifically designed to enhance student connections with resources and facilitate grade performance feedback. Progress Surveys play a vital role in student success by providing valuable course feedback at key intervals throughout the semester. Each survey includes tracking items such as Flags, Kudos, and Referrals, providing instructors the opportunity to choose and comment on these items for students in each of their course sections.

Empowering Student Success: ECU CONNECT Referrals with PASC Support

To streamline the process of connecting students with the academic resources they need, we encourage any campus partners to utilize the ECU CONNECT platform. By raising a PASC referral through ECU CONNECT, you facilitate the connection between students and PASC resources. Student Success staff will proactively reach out to each student referral, ensuring they connect with tutoring, study groups, or specialized study skills assistance. Your referrals significantly contribute to a holistic approach to student success, fostering an environment where every student can thrive.

ECU CONNECT Data Access and Training

Academic departments of all disciplines can request usage data HERE. Additionally, training opportunities are open to departments, individual faculty, and/or staff members. To inquire about training, please get in touch with ECU CONNECT Administrator Dylan Moore.

Pirate Academic Success Center

PASC services kicked off for the Spring semester beginning January 16. Our goal is to support student academic journeys and support their learning experience. PASC Services offered include:

  • Course Tutoring by Appointment: Tailored assistance for specific courses to help students excel academically.
  • Study Groups for Undergraduate Courses: Collaborative learning environments where students can engage with peers in their courses.
  • Study Skills Coaching: Guidance on effective study techniques to optimize personal learning strategies.
  • Canvas Course Support Videos: Specifically designed to aid students in BIOL2130, BIOL2140, BIOL2150, CHEM1120, CHEM1130, CHEM2750, CHEM2760, PHYS1250, and PHYS1260.

For a comprehensive list of PASC services, please visit the PASC website. If you have any inquiries or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us via email.

🤝 Connect Students with Academic Resources: Use ECU CONNECT

PASC’s dedicated team is ready to provide assistance and resources to ensure that every student reaches their full potential. To streamline the process of connecting students with the academic resources they need, we encourage campus partners to utilize the ECU CONNECT platform. By raising a PASC referral through ECU CONNECT, you play a crucial role in facilitating the connection between students and the support they need. Whether it's academic tutoring, study groups, or specialized study skills assistance, PASC is here to help. Your referrals contribute to a holistic approach to student success, creating an environment where every student can thrive.

TrACE: Celebrating Transfer Student Success

Meet Jennifer Heath, a senior at ECU and a TrACE Program participant set to graduate this May with a 3.9 GPA and a Bachelor of Social Work. Prior to joining ECU, Jennifer earned an Associate in Arts from Lenoir Community College. Her journey in the TrACE Program has been marked by valuable experiences, including an internship at the Ronald McDonald House Charities of ENC and her current internship at ECU Home Health & Hospice in Kenansville, NC.

As one of our first TrACE students, Jennifer is excited about her future and aims to pursue a Master of Social Work program post-graduation. Jennifer's success story is a testament to her hard work and the transformative impact of the TrACE Program. TrACE remains committed to fostering the success of transfer students like Jennifer, and we are honored to have contributed to her educational experience.


Last week the Office of Global Affairs (OGA) surpassed $1 million in study abroad scholarships awarded since 2017 through the Rivers Foreign Exchange Fund, the Harold Bate Fund and the Perry/Paschal Scholarship Fund. In AY 2023/2024, Global Affairs awarded over 200 students scholarships across the five scholarship funds currently managed by the office.

International student enrollment continues to grow at ECU as a result of the implementation of targeted and intentional recruiting and enrollment management strategies. This spring we have seen a 13% increase in international undergraduate students and 6% increase in international graduate students compared to spring 2023. Academically supported. Professionally prepared. You belong at ECU.

The Office of Global Affairs’ International Coffee Hour has gained popularity among both students and staff. Each Friday, international and domestic attendees enjoy the opportunity to stop by the Ledonia Wright Cultural Center for coffee, pastries, and a fun time. Attendees enjoy learning a little about other cultures while playing new board and card games. Laughter is a universal language, and seemingly so is Uno. Join us Fridays at 3:00PM through the end of February!


Fall 2023 Emerging Scholars
Emerging Scholars visit Hyster-Yale.

In November, the Office for Equity and Diversity was pleased to host our sixth Emerging Scholars Symposium with a focus on supporting ECU’s faculty pipeline and a renewed emphasis on scholars whose research interests align with our University mission and our refreshed strategic plan, Future focused. Innovation driven. Held on November 6-9, 2023, the Symposium brought in twelve advanced doctoral students and post-doctoral scholars representing a range of disciplines from the Colleges of Engineering and Technology, Arts and Sciences, Fine Arts and Communication, Business, Health and Human Performance, Education, and Nursing.

Provost Robin Coger welcomed and engaged with our scholars at an opening welcome dinner, which also included remarks from Associate Provost LaKesha Alston Forbes. The Symposium featured Scholar Research/Clinical Presentations, which were held on both campuses, were open to the campus community, and showcased the great work of our scholars.

The fall 2023 Symposium experience was expanded to include a spotlight on ECU’s commitment to engaged scholarship through a “field trip” led by Dr. Angela Lamson, Interim Assistant Vice Chancellor for Economic and Community Engagement. Participants made a site visit to the Hyster-Yale Greenville location to learn more about ECU’s commitment to innovation, faculty and student success, our region and more.

Additional enhancements to the scholar experience included an opportunity to learn more about the Greenville community through a tour of highlights of the city led by Mr. Merrill Flood, Director of Research and Innovation Campus Development in the Division of Research, Economic Development, and Engagement.

During their stay, participants spent a full afternoon of dedicated time with their host departments learning more about ECU’s academic programs. Scholars also engaged with administrators, faculty and students through workshops and panel discussions about faculty life and the student experience at ECU. Tours and networking opportunities provided the scholars with additional information about the campus and Greenville community.

The Office for Equity and Diversity had a great response to our call for applications to participate in the Symposium, and the selection process was very competitive. We plan to host our next Emerging Scholars Symposium in fall 2024. For more information about the Emerging Scholars Symposium, please contact the Office for Equity and Diversity by email or call 328-6804.


Active Learning and Leadership Fall 2023 Cohort

Through the Fall 2023 semester Active Learning and Leadership Program, twelve ECU faculty spent the semester exploring strategies for embedding opportunities for student leadership capacity building into a selected course. This program is made possible by the Truist Center for Leadership Development. Emily Brewer (CAHS) facilitated the program, and participants included: Monisha Atkinson, Roshaunda Breeden, Tricia Carter, Nancy Dias, Megan Dillon, Rose Haddock, Lindsey Oakes, Ellen Poland, Jason Pudlo, Steven Richter, Kindal Shores, and Deborah Thompson.

Quality Matters Council Annual Summit

On February 9, 2024, ECU will host the UNC System Quality Matters Council Annual Summit. This event brings together faculty, instructional designers and campus administrators for a day of networking and presentations around the implementation of Quality Matters at our respective institutions. Quality Matters is a globally recognized organization dedicated to improving the quality of online course design. This year’s summit features panels of faculty from across the system, a keynote address from the Director of Quality Assurance at Quality Matters (Dr. Racheal Brooks), and breakout sessions presented by faculty from across the UNC System. If you are interested in learning more about Quality Matters initiatives at ECU, please contact the Office for Faculty Excellence.

Fall 2023 Faculty Resource Community

Eight faculty members recently piloted a program model aimed to increase support and community for faculty at ECU. The 10-week ECU Faculty Resource Community program was modeled after the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) Faculty Success Program. Led by Dr. Eboni Baugh in the College of Health and Human Performance, the Faculty Resource Community utilized NCFDD resources to provide specialized support for fixed-term and tenure-track / tenured faculty in the four core areas of support, professional development, accountability, and community. Participants in the pilot program included Sambuddha Banerjee (THCAS), Laura Bright (Academic Library), Kayla Flynn (CAHS), Erin Kessell (COE), Claudia Kitchen (CON), Jenna Lee (COB), Daniel Perrucci (CET), Kelley Reinsmith-Jones (HHP), and Lisanne Shaffer (CFAC).


Research and Creative Achievement Week (RCAW) – Abstracts Due February 15

While the big event is a little more than two months away, the deadline for students to submit abstracts is approaching. If you know a student or are currently mentoring a student who should be part of RCAW, encourage them to submit an abstract by Thursday, February 15.

Taking place during RCAW is the Capture 180 Research Challenge. Capture 180 challenges students to describe their work to a lay audience in two to three minutes using one static slide or prop. This opportunity is not limited to thesis projects and is extended to any ongoing research or creative projects by students at any stage of their studies at ECU. More information, rules and registration can be found on the Office of Undergraduate Research website. The registration deadline is Friday, February 23.

The Trendsetter Award is one way ECU highlights scholars across their careers. Applications for the 2024-2025 Trendsetter Award are due February 12. All faculty, regardless of tenure status, department, school and/or college and field of study, are welcome to submit a nomination which consists of a current CV and letter of support from their department chairperson. Awardees will be announced at the 2024 Research & Scholarship Award Ceremony in April.

Inaugural Trendsetter Award winners shared their experience and expertise in research and creative activity achievements during a professional development workshop series throughout this academic year. One additional workshop opportunity remains. Please join us for Workshop 3 of the Trendsetter Series to be held Friday, February 16, 2:00 - 3:30PM via Microsoft Teams. Register through the OFE’s website to join the session. In this workshop, Leigh Atherton, Jacquelyn Mallette, and Rukiyah Van Dross-Anderson will share their expertise and experiences with attendees.

If you missed the first two workshops, you can view the recorded sessions (see below) or learn more HERE.

  • Workshop 1 – Co-hosts: Matt Militello, Lisa Beth Robinson, and Stacy WarnerView session
  • Workshop 2 – Co-hosts: Ryan Schacht, Alex Vadati, and Siddharth NarayanView session

The Innovator of the Month was established by the Office of Licensing and Commercialization to recognize faculty that have developed novel innovations that can have a major impact on eastern NC and beyond. Nominees are selected by members of the ECU Patent Committee, which chose Dr. Michelle Malkin for this month’s spotlight.

Dr. Michelle Malkin, assistant professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology, developed an innovative checklist to be used by the justice system to improve outcomes. According to Malkin, within the criminal justice system, courts often fail to understand problem gambling leading to challenges with ensuring appropriate resources are made available through the judicial process. To help stakeholders recognize gambling motivated crime, Malkin developed a novel checklist that can be used by practitioners, lawyers, judges and others to better understand what constitutes a gambling-motivated acquisitional crime and who is most appropriate for gambling treatment diversion programs. The Malkin Gambling-Motivated Crime Diversion Checklist has been licensed from multiple state agencies and organizations across the country.

Do you have an idea or innovation that can have impact? Tell us!

The Office of Licensing and Commercialization launched a new mentorship program for faculty who are advancing innovative solutions towards commercialization. The network of mentors available include:

  • investors
  • business advisors
  • drug development specialists
  • executive leadership
  • software developers

If you need mentorship related to entrepreneurship, business development, investment, or related activities, please make a request through our website. We can connect you with a mentor in our network that matches your need.

Bertie County leaders reached out to ECU to develop a housing market analysis and plan to guide and direct efforts to address the lack of affordable housing for critical employment sectors. Robin Payne, an economic development consultant for Bertie County, connected with Merrill Flood, ECU’s Director of Research and Innovation Campus Development, for the collaboration. The County agreed to fund an intern for the research and data collection, and Cameron Brown, a senior Community and Regional Planning major, was selected as the research intern for the project. Cameron collected housing market data and formatted the findings report. By the end of the fall semester, the ECU team developed a full report analyzing the housing market and provided recommendations to Bertie County Commissioners. The commissioners accepted the plan and recommendations.

Bertie County has scheduled meetings to continue their relationship with ECU’s Office of Economic and Community Engagement for guidance and next steps.

The SECU Public Fellows Internship (PFI) program is a paid summer internship opportunity for undergraduate students that focuses on strengthening eastern North Carolina communities by bringing talented students to work in professional environments. This program combines a traditional internship experience with the community-engaged mission of the university by partnering students with local government and nonprofit organizations to address identified priorities.

If you have a student in mind for this paid summer internship, encourage them to apply. The application, job descriptions and more information can be found HERE. Applications are due March 1.

Continuing & Professional Education (CPE) Opportunities

CPE provides continuing education programming through innovative training, certification, and professional development opportunities for adult learners. Join us for these upcoming opportunities:

The Office of Continuing & Professional Education supported online registration and onsite registration check-in services for the School of Art and Design’s Material Topics Symposium, held January 12 - 14. Their annual conference engages studio jewelry artists, undergraduate and graduate students, and faculty with attendees and presenters from 21 states, Canada, and Germany. The Symposium is organized by ECU Metals Design graduates Emily Booker, Chase Shotton, and Tracey Jean Bell and hosted by the School of Art and Design in the Jenkins Fine Arts Center, Greenville, North Carolina.

Lifelong Learning Program (LLP)

The Lifelong Learning Program hosted the registration kick-off event on January 26 at the Willis Building. Registration is now open for the greater community. View the catalog and register online today.

February courses and events include:

  • Art Quilting with LLP and the Greenville Museum of Art
  • Taste of Love, Wine Tasting Event at Firefly Wine Shop
  • Monuments & Memorials
  • Elder Law, Estate Planning with Colombo Kitchin Attorneys

LLP is accepting proposals for the Fall 2024 program! If you would like to offer your expertise as an instructor or propose an experiential trip or event, click HERE to submit a proposal.


2023 - 2024 Faculty Senate meeting dates are as follows:

  • February 27, 2024
  • March 26, 2024
  • April 23, 2024
  • April 30, 2024 (Organizational Meeting for 2024-2025)

For more about ECU Faculty Senate, click HERE.




Student Success

Dr. Holt meets with a group of students from Building Hope during a recent visit to the College of Allied Health Sciences.

Dr. Yolanda Feimster Holt, Associate Professor in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSDI), received the Barbara W. Bremer Distinguished Professorship to promote scholarship within the area of school-aged language learning and literacy disorders.

As a recognized, national scholar within her field, Dr. Holt was appointed to a two-year term with $25,000 in funding provided for each year of the professorship. Her proposal includes a project investigating language and literacy development within children who come from low-income, and rural households.

Dr. Holt plans to use a community engagement model asking partners to guide and administer inquiries as well as CSDI graduate student clinicians to score and interpret assessments and undergraduates to observe and inform their own research. She will welcome a community speaker as part of the project as well.

Dr. Holt joined the ECU College of Allied Health Sciences Faculty in 2017. She recently served as the Director of Engaged Research with the university’s Office of Research and Economic Development (REDE). Dr. Holt earned her Doctorate in Speech and Hearing Science from The Ohio State University and Master of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders from North Carolina Central University (NCCU).

Physical Therapy students recently welcomed several young patients for their annual pediatric assessment lab. Pirate PTs practice evaluations on the babies of faculty, alumni, and community volunteers to learn about the physical development of children at varying ages.

The Department of Addictions and Rehabilitation Studies hosted its 4th Semi-Annual Academic Alignment Retreat, providing a space where students could meet or reconnect with one another while learning from faculty about what the spring semester will hold.

Public Service

Drs. Lynne Murphy, Associate Professor, and Heather Panczykowski, Assistant Professor, published an article titled ‘Practice and Recommendations for Universal Design for Learning in Occupational Therapy Client Education’ in The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy alongside OT alumna, Victoria Christmas ’19, and a colleague from Pediatric Advanced Therapy.

Left to right: Drs. Leigh Cellucci, Yolanda Feimster Holt, Bob Orlikoff, and Lauren Sastre

ECU received the 2024 Carnegie Elective Re-Classification for Community Engagement due in part to the contributions of 82 members of the university and local community who helped prepare materials for the review process.

Representatives of Allied Health Sciences included:

  • Dr. Leigh Cellucci, Professor and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for the college
  • Dr. Yolanda Feimster Holt, Associate Professor in Communication Sciences and Disorders
  • Dr. Bob Orlikoff, Professor and Dean for the college
  • Dr. Lauren Sastre, Assistant Professor in Nutrition Science

Regional Transformation

The interprofessional autism diagnostic clinic team marks its first session together working with a local family.

A team of clinicians representing ECU Pediatrics, PASS Clinic, Occupational Therapy, and Audiology hosted its first autism diagnostic clinic providing comprehensive evaluation, support, and resources for families of young children concerned with their development.

Tricia Carter, Clinical Assistant Professor in Communication Sciences and Disorders, proposed the spring pilot program with support from Dr. Lauren Turbeville, Assistant Professor in Occupational Therapy, due to the extensive wait times required for autism diagnostics.

ECU’s clinic includes four sessions during which a family receives the undivided attention of the full interprofessional team. Prof. Carter hopes to extend the clinic to help more families in the future if all goes well with the pilot.

Drs. Lauren Turbeville, Assistant Professor in Occupational Therapy, and Amy Wedge, Clinical Assistant Professor in Physical Therapy, will host a spring session of Pirates™ "POWER" Over Parkinson's Disease: A PWR!Moves® Exercise Class.

This eight-week program provides both physical and occupational therapy in a group setting at no cost to the participant due to funding provided by the Parkinson's Foundation. Participants will engage in best practice interventions specific to Parkinson's Disease that are adjusted to ability levels as needed including: flexibility, strength training, fine motor control, balance, walking, anti-freezing, and handwriting as well as general mobility and activities of daily living.

Call 252-744-6199 to register for the spring session which begins on February 22.


Retired athlete and U.S. Olympic gold and silver medal-winning gymnast Laurie Hernandez visited East Carolina University on January 18 to share messages of acceptance, positivity and mental health advocacy with the public. She spoke to various groups throughout the day, including ECU students, faculty and staff, and the Greenville community as the final of two guests in the 2023-24 Voyages of Discovery Series, hosted by the Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences. This year’s season focused on the theme of inspiring hope and healing and Hernandez’s visit was co-sponsored by the Honors College. Read more about Hernandez’s visit, HERE.

Dr. Samuel Sears, Professor in the Departments of Psychology and Cardiovascular Sciences, recently was interviewed for a segment on Heart Rhythm TV, the flagship YouTube channel of the Heart Rhythm Society. The Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) is an international nonprofit organization that represents 7,000+ medical, allied health and science professionals who specialize in cardiac rhythm disorders. Their mission is to improve the care of patients by promoting research, education and optimal health care policies and standards. During his interview, Sears discussed his 29-year career, his research on implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICD), support groups for patients with ICDs, and a variety of other topics. Watch the YouTube video HERE.

Harriot College is excited to share that the B.S. degree in Biochemistry recently received accreditation from the prestigious American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB), making it stand out as a program of excellence. The outstanding curriculum is provided by the Department of Biology in close collaboration with the Department of Chemistry. ASBMB has accredited more than 100 programs nationwide since 2013, and East Carolina University's represents the third accredited program in North Carolina. Accreditation signifies that the ASBMB recognizes that ECU’s program upholds the highest standards of quality and innovation in biochemistry and molecular biology education and provides students with a curriculum that aligns with the fundamental concepts and critical reasoning skills needed by individuals with interests in pursuing a career in biochemistry. Our graduates are prepared for a profitable future, and they help bolster our economy. Learn more about the B.S. degree in Biochemistry.

Dr. Kirstin Squint, Professor in the Department of English, has authored a chapter “The US South and Multiethnic Literature of the United States,” which appears in the book, “A Companion to Multiethnic Literature of the United States.” The book is the first in-depth reference work dedicated to the histories, genres, themes, cultural contexts and new directions of American literature by authors of varied ethnic backgrounds. Engaging multiethnic literature as a distinct field of study, the volume brings together a wide range of critical and theoretical approaches to offer analyses of African American, Latinx, Native American, Asian American, Jewish American and Arab American literatures, among others. Learn more on the publisher’s website HERE.

Dr. Francis Manno, Assistant Professor of Physics and principal investigator on a $648,000 grant funded by the Office of Naval Research, is collaborating with the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences at Greenville and its A Time for Science initiative to design and evaluate learning experiences for K-12 students. The goal is to improve their scientific knowledge and interest in STEM-related fields. Read more about this exciting project.

Dr. Kristen Myers, Chair and Professor of Sociology, and Dr. Kirk Miller, Associate Professor of Sociology, with co-authors at Northern Illinois University, have published a new paper, “Framed as (Un)Victims of Sexual Violence: An Intersectional Model,” in the journal Feminist Criminology. The study presents an intersectional analysis of beliefs about and experiences of Black women regarding sexual violence, using focus groups and survey methods with Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) college students. Specifically, this model explains the experiences of Black women survivors of sexual violence who simultaneously experience sexual victimization, are denied legitimate victim status, and have reason to distrust legal forms of justice. The researchers theorize the process of (un)victimization enables future sexual assault of Black women. Read the article HERE.


Best Banquet honors medical students

The Brody School of Medicine’s chapter of the Student National Medical Association (SNMA) hosted the 40th annual Andrew A. Best MD Senior Recognition Banquet on January 20. The event honors Best, an important contributor to the advancement of minorities in medical education throughout eastern North Carolina, and celebrates Brody’s graduating SNMA members.

The East Carolina University Brody School of Medicine Chapter of SNMA is an organization focused on increasing the number of culturally responsible minority physicians that excel academically, succeed professionally and impact the community in a positive manner.

Brody Scholars taking advantage of opportunities

Christian Smallwood ’20 ’21, Mohsen Zakaib, Eduardo Castañeda and Abby Ulffers ’23 are the Class of 2027 Brody Fellow and Brody Scholar award recipients.

The four newest recipients of the university’s most prestigious medical scholarship have begun their second semester as student doctors and are taking in all the opportunities, patient interactions and experiences the Brody Scholars program provides them.

Eduardo Castañeda, Abby Ulffers ’23, Mohsen Zakaib and Christian Smallwood ’20, ’21 are the Class of 2027 Brody Scholar and Brody Fellow award recipients. The scholarship, valued at approximately $118,000, provides each scholar four years of medical school tuition, living expenses and the opportunity to design a summer enrichment program that can include travel abroad. The award will also support community service projects the students may undertake while in medical school. The Brody Fellow award covers a smaller portion of the total tuition.

About 76% of Brody Scholars remain in North Carolina to practice, and the majority of those stay in eastern North Carolina. Since the Brody Scholars program began in 1983, 154 students have received the scholarships.

Robot surgery research

Dr. James Whiteside

Advances in medical technologies – from medicines and physical therapies to implants and surgical methods – come in a flurry that often seems impossible to keep pace with. One ethical quandary faced by East Carolina University professors instructing students at the Brody School of Medicine is how to incorporate robot-mediated surgery into the course of study for doctors on the path to becoming the next generation’s surgeons.

The outcomes of existing studies got ECU’s Dr. James Whiteside wondering if robotic techniques are beneficial in one of the most commonly performed surgeries that he is familiar with, hysterectomies – not only in terms of medical outcomes, but financially, as well.

Whiteside and his collaborators designed two studies, published in 2023, to determine two things: if the robotic surgery approach was clinically better for patients and what the cost differences, if any, are. The study relied on Medicare models to normalize the financial data, to be able to “compare apples to apples,” Whiteside said, due to the incredible variation across the country in hospital charges and the cost of supplies.

Whiteside’s April 2023 study pored over data from 264,717 hysterectomies performed by 5,000 surgeons nationwide, including the age, sex and frequency of surgeries performed by each. Controlling for a variety of factors, Whiteside’s research team determined that hysterectomies performed with the robot cost about $1,500 more than established minimally invasive surgical approaches. The increased price of robotic surgeries, Whiteside said, can be attributed to both supply and amortized costs – purchase of the machine and regular maintenance.

“A related conclusion,” Whiteside said, “was that as people paid more for their health care, they did not necessarily pursue ostensibly higher value care options, which is understandable given accessing and meaningful quality measures to weigh against those rising costs remains difficult.”


During USASBE’s 2024 Conference in Birmingham, COB Interim Dean Mike Harris was selected as a USASBE Justin G. Longenecker Fellow, the highest recognition USASBE gives to individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the development, furtherance and benefit of small and medium businesses. Acting Miller School Director Chip Galusha, Crisp Small Business Resource Center Director Dr. Emily Yeager, faculty member Dr. Dennis Barber III, and grad student Toan Tran also attended the conference and served on panels, made presentations, and presented research. The story, Miller School continues to represent at the annual USASBE conference, provides more detail about the Miller School’s presence at the conference.

Five College of Business risk management and insurance (RMI) students visited Bermuda in mid-January of 2024 to learn about captive insurance and reinsurance, thanks to an endowment from the North Carolina Surplus Lines Association. RMI instructor Kurt Fickling was an advisor on the trip, where students were presented with a “tremendous opportunity they will never forget.” The story, RMI students visit Bermuda, learn more aspects about insurance, provides more details about what the students learned during the trip.

COB’s Dr. Danny Ellis was selected as board chair of a statewide leadership organization founded by former UNC System President William Friday. The Friday Fellowship prepares leaders to navigate the differences that divide communities by embracing adaptability and accountability. Responding to Friday’s call for leadership marked by courage and grace, the fellowship equips North Carolinians with opportunities for deep engagement with their own — and others’ — leadership practices.

Marketing and Supply Chain Management Chair Dr. Jon Kirchoff has been named as a senior associate editor for the International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. Each SAE manages the review process for assigned manuscripts from the first review until the final decision. This includes managing the reviewers, writing constructive recommendations to the editor, and improving contributions to the journal. SAEs support the Journal’s editors and contribute other services as necessary. The term of office is three years.

ECU’s first micro-credentialed program – 21st Century Leadership – will kick off on Feb. 23, 2024, with its first of seven workshops titled Leading Self, Leading Others. The workshops series, sponsored by the COB’s Office of Expert Services in partnership with the ECU Office of Continuing & Professional Education, is designed to equip current and aspiring leaders with the understanding, skills, and tools to lead strategically. The 21st Century Leadership registration page has more information about the workshops.

Research co-authored by COB’s Dr. Patrick McKay and published in the Journal of Management examined how participation diversity can help teams leverage racioethnic diversity. The research examined the conditions under which racial diversity in teams can enhance performance. Prior research has shown that diversity in teams can result in conflict between members that undermine team performance. Derek R. Avery (University of Houston) and Lauren A. Rhue (University of Maryland) served as co-authors.

The College of Business continues establishing thought leadership with two recent press hits. Finance and Insurance Chair Dr. Brenda Wells spoke with Raleigh’s News and Observer about the NC Rate Bureau’s recently requested 42.2% hike in homeowner’s insurance. Dr. Emily Yeager, director of the COB’s Crisp Center of Small Business Resource Center, spoke with WITN about North Carolina being ranked as one of the top 5 best places in the country to start a business.


Celebration of Research and Scholarship

The dental school’s ninth annual Celebration of Research and Scholarship will be held from 7:30 a.m. to 12: 15 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 7, in Ross Hall. The event, “Artificial Intelligence in the Dental World,” features student and faculty research presentations, keynote speakers and awards.

White Coat Ceremony

Second-year dental student Krystal Jaimes receives her white coat during a Jan. 19 ceremony in Hendrix Theatre. (Photo by Jon Jones)

Members of the East Carolina University School of Dental Medicine’s Class of 2026 received their white coats during a Jan. 19 ceremony in Hendrix Theatre.

More than 500 students, faculty, staff, family and friends joined the students as they donned their white coats and marked the start of the clinical phase of their educational experiences.

“This day marks a very important day in the lives of our students and the history of the School of Dental Medicine,” said Dr. Margaret Wilson, vice dean and interim associate dean for student affairs. “To the class of 2026, this is an important milestone in your professional lives, because today is the day you formally accept your responsibilities to your patients, to your communities and to society.”

ECU’s dental students receive their white coats during their second year of dental school, following classroom instruction and skills practice in simulation labs.

School reaches patient-care milestone

More than 100,000 patients have received care through the School of Dental Medicine’s on-campus and hospital clinics, CSLCs and community program sites across the state.

“Celebrating this milestone is not just about a number,” said Dr. Greg Chadwick, dean of the ECU School of Dental Medicine. “It is about educating the next generation of dentists as we provided much needed care to 100,000 North Carolinians, many of whom may not have had access to this care if it were not for our community service learning centers across the state and our supporters and donors who have been there from the beginning.”

The School of Dental Medicine opened its doors to students in 2011, driven by a mission of preparing dentist leaders and increasing access to oral health care for patients across the state, especially in rural and underserved communities. Since 2012, the school’s model has expanded through the creation of the CSLCs and innovative programming that reaches more patients where they are.

“This is a landmark moment for ECU and the School of Dental Medicine,” said ECU Chancellor Philip Rogers. “This is not only a milestone, but also a mile marker, as we are just getting started. It is a reminder that we are upholding a promise we made to the people of our state to prepare new dentist leaders and increase access to oral health care for patients everywhere, including our most rural communities.”

Hands-on learning

Dental students have been hard at work learning procedures and working together to get hands-on training in a variety of areas.

Third-year students Alissa Henrickson and Sarah Herring are learning the proper procedures when using a laser while classmate Sydney Lewis acts as the patient.

Third-year student Kaylee Bradford shows faculty member Dr. Lakshmi Senkumar her progress in making an impression for her patient in the Comprehensive Care Clinic.


Science education faculty Dr. Len Annetta and Dr. Mark Newton won the Implications of Research for Educational Practice at the 2024 Association of Science Teacher Education national conference. Their work focuses on using low-cost mobile technologies to learn about climate change along the Outer Banks.

Special education students in SPED 3005 visited Carroll County Public Schools in Maryland during the fall for an opportunity to learn new, inclusive practices to integrate students with disabilities into general education classes. Learn more about their alternative break experience HERE.

Department of Interdisciplinary Professions acting chair Dr. Allison Crowe received the 2024 Administrator of the Year award from the North Carolina Counseling Association. The Administrator of the Year Award is designed to recognize someone who has advanced or given support to the philosophy and objectives of one or more of the helping professions. Dr. Crowe has been instrumental throughout the counseling education program's accreditation process with CACREP as well as being a support to her faculty and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Congratulations to the College of Education’s 2023 Dr. Allan Glatthorn Distinguished Dissertation Award winners. Dr. Paul Koh is an associate professor at Towson University who received his EdD as part of ECU’s International EdD program. His dissertation focused on finding leadership and belonging as it related to Asian American leadership. Dr. Carrie Morris is the associate director for school leadership in ECU's edPIRATE program where she also received her EdD. Her dissertation focused on white women educational leaders embracing antiracism.

In December, more than 80 public school advocates gathered for the inaugural assembly of the Southeast Regional Coalition of University Assisted Community Schools in Elizabeth City. The SRCUACS is a collaborative partnership between East Carolina University, North Carolina Central University and Duke University. Participants learned about the history and development of the university-assisted community school model and toured P.W. Moore Elementary School, the first and only rural university-assisted community school in North Carolina.

Science education alumna Samantha Eubanks is collaborating with Dr. Francis Manno, an assistant professor of physics and principal investigator of a grant to design and evaluate learning experiences for K-12 students to improve their scientific knowledge and interest in STEM-related fields. Learn more about the grant and how the NC Museum of Natural Sciences in Greenville and A Time for Science is involved.


Dave Bucci, executive director of the Student Success Center in the College of Engineering and Technology, has been appointed to the Magna Leadership in Higher Education Conference Advisory Board. As part of the two-year appointment, Bucci will help plan content for the conference, recommend speakers, read and rate proposals, contribute to panel discussions, participate in conference events, plan a conference presentation and serve as a liaison for the event.

Anthony Hill, left, and Alex Ferro became the first students to graduate from the PIRATES engineering scholars program in December. The program supports students from economically stressed areas who are pursuing undergraduate engineering degrees. They receive scholarships as well as benefits such as tutoring and mentoring through a $4 million NSF grant. Read more HERE.

Faculty from the Department of Technology Systems and the Department of Engineering hosted a two-day workshop for teachers from Pitt County Schools’ STEM programs. Thirty-one teachers from 14 schools that included 15 international teachers attended the sessions. Dr. Merwan Mehta and Dr. Natalie Aman gave lab tours and hosted a session on how math is used in process improvement and other real-world applications. Dr. Barbara Muller-Borer, Dr. Loren Limberis, Dr. Blair Weaver and Jeff Foeller hosted a session on the engineering design process. Participants broke into small groups and designed a “tower” with spaghetti noodles and marshmallows. Future sessions are being planned.

Melinda Doty, senior teaching instructor in the Department of Technology Systems, graduated from the BRIDGES Academic Leadership Program through UNC Digital and Lifelong Learning. The professional development program is designed to support cisgender or transgender women and nonbinary colleagues in higher education and those committed to supporting women, gender issues and equity in higher education.


Robert W. Ebendorf (American, 1938−) Blue and Yellow Bracelet, 1987, ColorCore® plastic laminate, copper, 7 3/4 × 5/8 × 1/4 inches (19.7 × 1.6 × 0.6 cm). Collection of The Mint Museum. Gift of Porter • Price Collection. 2019.93.1 *** Bring it Together Brooch, 2000, metal, glass, ceramic, turquoise, ivory, copper, steel, tile grout, 4 15/16 × 2 5/8 × 5/8 inches (12.5 × 6.6 × 1.6 cm). Collection of The Mint Museum. Gift of Porter • Price Collection. 2019.93.2 *** Twig Necklace, circa 1994, wood, pearl, 18k gold, steel, 20 × 23 1/2 × 2 inches (50.8 × 59.7 × 5 cm). Collection of The Mint Museum. Gift of Porter • Price Collection. 2019.93.38

From Mint Museum - Objects of Affection: Jewelry by Robert Ebendorf from the Porter • Price Collection celebrates the work of artist Robert Ebendorf, one of the most influential artists in the studio jewelry movement, beginning in the 1960s to today.

The exhibition features more than 180 works of jewelry, metalwork, drawings, and archival materials drawn from the Porter • Price Collection designed by Ebendorf, as well as faculty and graduates of the metal design program at East Carolina University.

Ebendorf’s work combines exceptional craftsmanship, acquired through traditional training in gold- and silversmithing, with the inventive use of found objects and other alternative materials such as acrylic and ColorCore.

Objects of Affection follows the evolution of Ebendorf’s designs from Scandinavian modernism of his early work to his first use of found objects, including tintype photographs in the 1960s; juxtapositions of colored acrylic and precious metals in the 1970s; use of found newspaper and other textual elements in the 1980s; his pivotal incorporation of animal parts in the 1990s; and the remixing and further development of many of these approaches in the 21st century.

Ebendorf had a long career as a professor, culminating at East Carolina University (1997–2016), and the exhibition includes work by 31 graduates and faculty of ECU’s metal design program. Ebendorf was the speaker at the Spring 2023 CFAC Graduation Recognition Ceremony.

While at ECU, Ebendorf became friends with Ron Porter and Joe Price, who built a wide-ranging collection of work by him and other ECU-affiliated artists and an equally extensive archive of their drawings, correspondence, and ephemera. Now part of the Mint Museum’s collection, the Porter • Price Collection affords a thorough look at the contributions of Ebendorf and the ECU program to the field of studio jewelry.

Objects of Affection is accompanied by a 112-page, full-color catalog published by Dan Giles, Ltd.

Ash Crossan left; Tamara Scott right

Ash Crossan ('11 BS Communication) won a Daytime Emmy for her producer role for Entertainment Tonight. Ash is also lead producer and host for Screen Rant, an internet publishing company based in Montreal, Quebec.

Tamara Scott ('16 BS Communication) made her debut on ABC's Good Morning America. A Raleigh native, after graduating from ECU in 2016, Tamara got her first job in TV news at a local station in Greenville the CBS affiliate WNCT. She joined the ABC11/Raleigh team in June 2021 as a morning reporter.

Nolan O’Dell work sample

Founded in 1969, the University Resident Theatre Association (URTA) works to ensure the continued renewal of the American theatre by supporting excellence in the professional training of new artists. URTA recognizes outstanding work of undergraduate instructors, coaches, and mentors, as well as institutions, for excellence in the training and preparation of undergraduate theatre artists.

Assistant Professor Nolan O’Dell and Associate Professor Reid Parker received the Award of Excellence in Technical Direction.


The Graduate and Professional Student Senate recently held their annual elections, and a new Executive Board has been energized to advocate for your graduate students.

The following students were elected to office:

  • President – Deories McLendon, Master’s of Business Administration
  • Vice President – Precious Esong Sone, Master’s of Business Administration
  • Secretary – Hannah Walsh, PhD in Biomedical Sciences
  • Professional Development Chair – Babatunde Falohun, PhD in Biomedical Physics
  • Programming Chair – Jessica Casey, Master’s of Accounting
  • Advocacy Chair – Jude Dilioha, Masters of Environmental Health

We congratulate these students and thank them for their willingness to serve!

Abstract submissions for RCAW 2024 are due February 15, 2024. To submit, log into your PiratePort and find the Student Abstract Submission Card to begin.

The 18th Annual Research and Creative Achievement Week (RCAW) will be held April 1-5, 2024 to highlight the extraordinary accomplishments and success of our students in research and creative activities. This year’s event will be held in the Main Campus Student Center and includes in-person podium presentations, poster sessions, performances, and showcases, as well as virtual posters featuring the research and creative activities of our undergraduate and graduate students and post-doctoral scholars from across ECU. This will be an exciting week and a great experience for students to share their research and creative activity with the university community. The event will also highlight the success of our students and the faculty that work with them.

Additional information can be accessed at the RCAW website. Any questions can be sent to this year’s co-coordinators of the event. Graduate students should contact Faculty Fellow Dr. Michelle F. Eble. Undergraduate students should contact Director of Undergraduate Research Dr. Tuan Tran.

Developing Admission Rubrics Workshop

The Office of Graduate Admissions hosted the second ETS Partnership presentation – Developing Admission Rubrics. It provided information on preparing for the admissions process through a predefined readiness checklist. This checklist can help programs evaluate their current practices to ensure alignment with holistic admissions practices. Other topics in the session included:

  • Faculty resources on best practices in holistic admissions for graduate programs
  • Prerecorded UCLA faculty-led discussion on the use of rubrics
  • An evaluation template for the role of application materials in the admissions process
  • Sample rubrics and highlighted points on the value of using rubrics.

Please feel free to view the slide deck of the presentation: ETS Admission Rubrics Slides

For additional information about utilizing rubrics, please contact Dr. James Coker or feel free to connect with Dawn Lipker from ETS.


Dr. Bhibha Das, associate professor in the Department of Kinesiology, and Dr. Sharon Ballard, chair of the Department of Human Development and Family Science, were selected as panelists for the third annual Women Leaders at ECU panel, on March 28 at the Main Campus Student Center, Room 253 from 3:00 - 4:30PM. The panel also will be live-streamed and recorded. RSVP HERE.

Special Olympics athletes and ECU students were honored in Minges Coliseum during a women’s basketball game Jan. 20 for a unified sport youth exchange program, funded by the Special Olympics and U.S. Department of State, on the theme of sport for social change. ECU representatives and Special Olympics athletes will travel to Peru in March. Four of the HHP academic units — kinesiology, social work, recreation sciences and human development and family science — are represented in the faculty team of Drs. Stacy Warner, David Loy, AJ An, Christine Habeeb, Andrea Buenaño and Eboni Baugh. More information is available in an HHP News blog about the program.

HHP’s Dr. Joseph Lee (left) and Kerry Sewell (right) were lead organizers for a campus-wide networking forum hosted by the College of Health and Human Performance and focused on strengthening partnerships with state agencies to deliver on ECU’s mission. Jenni Owen, director of the North Carolina Office of Strategic Partnerships, said “The forum was excellent. I give it two enthusiastic thumbs-up.” Nearly 100 researchers registered for the event, which was highlighted in the ECU Now blog.

Kendall Nelson, a senior exercise physiology major, presented her project, “Exploring the relationship between migraines, blood flow, and oculomotor dysfunction” at the National Collegiate Research Conference at Harvard University, the nation’s largest student-run research conference. Nelson received a travel grant from undergraduate research at ECU. Her mentor is Dr. Nick Murray, director of the ECU Visual Motor Lab.

Dr. Ed Gomez, professor in the Department of Recreation Sciences, was selected as a The Academy of Leisure Sciences Fellow. New TALS Fellows are nominated by a formal letter from a current Fellow and when formally selected, honored as outstanding performers and recognized leaders in the leisure profession with a minimum of 10 years of experience. Also, Dr. Clif Watts, associate professor and chair of the Department of Recreation Sciences, was selected for a 2024 Innovation in Teaching Award from The Academy of Leisure Sciences. The foundation of Watts’ award came from his efforts with e-books, class materials and class efficiencies and innovations in RCSC 2601 - Leisure in Society.

Dr. Jo Anne Balanay, professor in the Department of Health Education and Promotion, was recently invited and is now an editorial review board member for the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. This journal is considered one of the premier peer-reviewed journals in the industrial hygiene profession and occupational health-related fields. It is a joint, peer-reviewed publication of the American Industrial Hygiene Association and the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists.

Interior design and merchandising student Lucy Maack accepted an offer to be an intern of the production team for the Kohl’s early talent program in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This opportunity came from a group of students that attended the National Retail Federation: Retail’s Big Show 2024 event held in New York City and networked with Becca Keller (pictured right), a 2020 ECU alum and early talent recruiter for Kohl’s. It was Keller who called Maack to extend the internship offer.


Honors College students had the chance to meet with Olympic medalist Laurie Hernandez in a small session before her Voyages of Discovery talk, “I’ve Got This.”

Allison Davis is exploring her passion for recreational therapy through a research project with Dr. David Loy to create PeeDee’s Sensory Space — a mobile trailer designed for individuals with sensory processing issues who may get overstimulated at public events. Read her Pirate Profile to learn more about the research and her college experience.

Honors College graduate Madison Rose was named grand champion during the Graduate School’s Three Minute Thesis competition in the fall. She will represent ECU in the regional competition at the Southern Council of Graduate Schools’ annual conference in Greenville, South Carolina, in March.

Brinkley-Lane Scholar Imaan Siddiqi has been featured in Harvard Public Health’s new campaign, “Public Health in Action: Mental health innovation.” She was interviewed for the video and also had an article about making mental health care more accessible.


Members of the Oceanography & Marine Hydrokinetic Energy Lab including Dr. Mike Muglia (Coastal Studies), Trip Taylor, Lindsay Wentzel, Caroline Lowcher, recently went to Ocracoke to service and upgrade their coastal ocean radar site at the Ocracoke Airport. The radar measures ocean surface currents every hour out to about 180 kilometers, and it provides them with vital information for understanding the Gulf Stream off Cape Hatteras. They went to the site to provide an antenna calibration measurement, upgrade the computer at the site, and install an additional antenna and receiver to use the vessel Automatic Identification System (AIS) information to provide real-time antenna calibrations and updates.

Fourteen Pirates reported to ECU’s Outer Banks Campus in January for the start of their Semester Experience at the Coast. Though they all come from a variety of majors, the students all have common interests in coastal studies and experiential learning. During their semester on the Outer Banks, they will take classes such Survey of Coastal & Marine Resources and Biodiversity of Coastal North Carolina; explore the cultural and environmental opportunities the OBX has to offer; and gain work experience through various internships. They are looking forward to putting the knowledge they learn in their coastal classes to work in their internships in research labs at the Coastal Studies Institute and organizations like the NC Coastal Federation and the NC Aquarium on Roanoke Island. The cohort quickly formed a bond and is looking forward to taking advantage of all the opportunities presented to them here at the coast. We are excited to see all that they will accomplish during their time here!

ECU’s Coastal Studies Institute (CSI) and Dare County Schools (DCS) earned statewide recognition for the success of our coastal science summer camps. These programs are being celebrated for significantly enhancing the educational experiences of Dare County students, as acknowledged by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s (NCDPI) Promising Practices Clearinghouse. DCS, in collaboration with CSI, orchestrated an initiative to provide middle school students throughout the district with an immersive exploration of the Outer Banks’ coastal habitats and history. The four marine science themed summer camps, held from June to August 2023, offered an innovative solution to address the educational setbacks experienced during the pandemic and engage students in real-world learning activities.

Drs. Reide Corbett (Coastal Studies) and Stephen Moysey (Geological Sciences) led the scientific presentations and set the stage for the discussions that followed in the day-long 3rd annual Water Adaptations to Ensure Regional Success (WATERS) Summit, hosted by Reps. Murphy and Rouzer. The purpose of this bipartisan conference held in Greenville, NC, January 24, was to hear from leading experts about human adaptation strategies to waterway challenges in North Carolina and develop legislative plans to combat these challenges over the next 5, 25, and 100 years. Corbett spoke to the drives and examples of flooding in eastern NC, while Mosey followed with a focus on the risks of flooding and resources to help understand individual and community vulnerability. You can learn more and watch the recorded meeting HERE.

Drs. Mike Muglia (Coastal Studies) and Eric Wade (Coastal Studies) are co-principal investigators on a multi-disciplinary project funded by the Department of Energy focused on harnessing wave power to collect ocean data. Dr. Muglia’s lab is providing analysis of past oceanographic observations from offshore the OBX region to inform the development of a Wave Energy Converter design to power observations on the NSF Pioneer Array (see link for video about this aspect of the project). At the same time, Dr. Wade is focused on understanding the social considerations and implications of deploying wave power technology in coastal communities. This multi-institutional collaboration underscores the need for interdisciplinary approaches to respond to complex challenges at the nexus of science, technology, and society.

Dr. Rosana Ferreira (Geography, Planning, and Environment) was the featured speaker for the January 2024 installment of the Science on the Sound lecture series held each month at the ECU Outer Banks Campus. Her presentation was entitled “Navigating Climate Change: Science, Prediction, and Extremes” and a recording of the program is available HERE.

The next Science on the Sound event will occur on February 15 at 6 PM and will feature Dr. James Ferry presenting “Underground Life of the Salt Marsh.”


A PeeDee the Pirate statue was donated by author and East Carolina University alum Ralph A. Finch Jr., ’67, for display in the ECU main campus library. Academic Library Services’ Mark Sanders, assistant director for public services, and Floyd Conner, head of building operations, oversaw the project to retrieve the statue from Virginia, make upgrades and install on the library’s first floor. Circulation student employee and art major Roselyn Venegas applied a fresh coat of paint. Jeb Hedgecock, a School of Art and Design woodshop technician, built the base under PeeDee’s feet. Matthew Clark and Ronnie Williams represented ALS building operations in performing more improvements for stability and sustainability, and led the installation process.

The Open Access Publishing Support Fund may reimburse your department up to $1,000 of the Article Processing Charge for open access articles. Applications are accepted on a rolling deadline from the start of the fiscal year until April 1. For more information or with questions, email

A new Campus Reads theme focuses on non-fiction by some of the women who fought for the right to vote. This digital book club will regularly send different types of poems, short stories, novels and sections directly via email. Subscribe and learn more HERE.

Sponsored by the Friends of the Library, Jennifer Daugherty will lead genealogy workshops March 12, March 26 and April 9. Registration details will be announced at a later date. Each of the three sessions will focus on a different theme: Getting Started with Genealogy, Advanced genealogy skills and Preserving voices: A guide to telling family stories through oral history. For more information, contact Daugherty, Head of NC Collection.


Love Data Week 2024 is here! Join Laupus as we host this weeklong series of data-related presentations and workshops. Presenters span faculty and staff from across the university, making for a diverse interdisciplinary and interprofessional event. Learn more about the event, including the full line-up and links to stream sessions on Panopto.

Associate Director Roger Russell, Assistant Director Mary Roby (first and second from left), and Information and Research Services Librarian Jamie Bloss (first from right) presented at the East Coast Migrant Stream Forum.

Associate Director Roger Russell, Assistant Director Mary Roby and Information and Research Services Librarian Jamie Bloss presented with their team at the East Coast Migrant Stream Forum in December. The assembled team members represent faculty and staff from ECU and NC State, where participants learned about several interrelated research projects the team is working on to study and promote digital equity and health literacy in the farmworker communities in North Carolina.

Congratulations to Jamie Bloss and her co-authors on the recently published article in PLoS One, a peer-reviewed open access mega journal published by the Public Library of Science, titled, “Effect of PRISMA 2009 on reporting quality in systematic reviews and meta-analyses in high-impact dental medicine journals between 1993-2018”. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0295864


Dr. Madeline Fernandez-Pineda published two articles recently that highlight her research activities surrounding STI awareness and prevention that resulted from her doctoral studies at the University of Miami. In one collaboration, she contributed to the creation of a four-part soap opera series that dramatized the realities of the social and cultural barriers of HIV prevention among Hispanic communities, which resulted in the article Infección de Amor (Love Infection): Development and Acceptability of a soap opera for HIV prevention in young Latinas. AIDS Education and Prevention- An Interdisciplinary Journal.

A second paper, Predictors of HPV Vaccine Intention and Uptake Among US Hispanic Parents: A Cross-sectional study. Hispanic Healthcare International, resulted from her dissertation that explored the theory of planned behavior constructs as predictors of Hispanic parents' intention to vaccinate their children against the Human Papillomavirus (HPV).

152 new future Pirate Nurses were inducted into the profession Jan. 25 during a Lamp of Learning ceremony at the East Carolina Heart Institute auditorium. The ceremony is a time-honored tradition where first semester students are presented a Lamp of Learning pin that shows their dedication to learning the skills necessary to be registered nurses upon graduation.

Last year, a new dual Master of Science in Nursing and Master of Business Administration program aimed at increasing the number of nurses in health care administration leadership positions was formalized between the two colleges. In its first full semester, 10 students are enrolled for this first cohort, which exceeded the expectation of the program’s originators.

The new dual degree program is expected to improve health care outcomes by training Pirate Nurses to use their clinical experiences to improve system-wide health care outcomes for hospital systems and other health care organizations.
