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Nurturing Care for Early Childhood Development - Social Behaviour Change Communication Package

Early Childhood Development is a multidimensional process that involves an ordered progression of cognitive, physical, language, motor, socioemotional and regulatory skills and capacities during the period between zero to eight years of the child’s life. Proper care and development in these early years (particularly birth to three) provides the building blocks for lifelong health, educational achievement and economic productivity, which will last throughout childhood, adolescence and adulthood. For children to reach their development potential, they need nurturing care, that is, the conditions that enable communities and caregivers to ensure their good health, nutrition, security, safety, responsive caregiving and opportunities for early learning.

Kenya has adopted the Nurturing Care Framework in its endeavour to enhance ECD for children aged 0-8 years. For the operationalization of the framework, an enabling environment has been provided through a country-level ECD policy coupled with a national Advocacy Strategy. Collective action has also been taken by multisectoral stakeholders at both country and county levels to develop a social and behavior change communication (SBCC) package for heightened adoption of appropriate nurturing care practices by caregivers and their social influencers.

Find below, the SBCC package, which includes strategic documents and communication materials.

Strategy Documents

Print Materials

Posters for Female Caregivers

(1 - Good Health, 2 - Adequate Nutrition, 3 - Safety and Security, 4 - Opportunities for early learning, 5 - responsive caregiving)

Posters for Male Caregivers

(1 - Good Health, 2 - Adequate Nutrition, 3 - Safety and Security, 4 - Opportunities for early learning, 5 - responsive caregiving)

Posters for Frontline Service Providers

(1 - Good Health, 2 - Adequate Nutrition, 3 - Safety and Security, 4 - Opportunities for early learning, 5 - responsive caregiving)

Audio Materials

Audio Visual Materials

Social Media Cards

Created By
Ruth Njuguna


Ministry of Health Kenya, UNICEF Kenya Springboard Communication Consultants
