• OCTOBER’S THEME: Simchat Torah, Rejoicing of the Torah ~ Simchat Torah celebrates the conclusion of the annual cycle of public Torah readings - when we finish the Book of Deuteronomy and begin all over again with the Book of Genesis... just as we celebrate our birthdays as a way to acknowledge where we came from, so, too, do we celebrate Simchat Torah to remind ourselves of our people's story, and, in so doing, help to ensure our future. (reformjudaism.org)
Rededicating Our Sanctuary & Ensuring Our Future
rabbi randy sheinberg
...just as we celebrate our birthdays as a way to acknowledge where we came from, so, too, do we celebrate Simchat Torah to remind ourselves of our people’s story, and, in so doing, help to ensure our future...reformjudaism.org
- The month of September, which this year corresponded with the Hebrew month of Tishrei was a blur of Jewish holidays. First it was Rosh Hashanah, the start of the new Jewish year. We greeted 5784 with the sounding of the shofar and kicked off the Ten Days of Awe - our time of introspection, reflection, and contrition. Through those first ten days, we thought about how to atone for our transgressions. We made amends, we apologized, and on Yom Kippur we prayed and fasted. Cleansed and ready to start the year fresh, we moved into the holiday of Sukkot, the time of thanksgiving and rejoicing. There we re-learned that life is for celebrating and appreciation. We reconnected with the natural world around us and we reconnected with the people around us too. And now we celebrate Simchat Torah, our time to rejoice with the Torah. We celebrate not only the whole world, but also our unique Jewish story and its role in the world.
- What a difference a month makes!
- Tishrei was a whirlwind of Jewish holidays, however, the month that follows it, the Hebrew month of Cheshvan (which this year corresponds to the Gregorian month of October) and albeit we get to slow down, we are served with a reminder; the holiday season does not end with Sukkot. On Friday evening October 6th and Saturday, October 7th we celebrate Simchat Torah. At this time we read the very end of our Torah Scroll, the story of Moses’s death, and then…almost without taking a breath, we will read the very beginning of the scroll, the story of creation found in Genesis - Chapter One. It is a small moment perhaps. Maybe it does not have the same drama as Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur; yet to me, Simchat Torah is one of the most moving and instructive holidays in the year. For it reminds us that the story of Judaism, our story…is never-ending. There may be a beginning to our new year and an end to our old one; however Jewish life, Jewish history, and Jewish values are timeless and everlasting. Our Torah is our greatest symbol of this fact. “Turn it and turn it again, for everything is in it,” the Rabbis teach of the Torah. Every time any one of us - young or old reads or studies Torah, we are participating in the Great Jewish Story. By adding our opinions, our questions, and our interpretations to the study of Torah, we keep it fresh and alive and we ensure that our proud heritage will continue for a long time to come.
- This fall, I invite you to engage with Torah…be part of the story yourself. There are several opportunities for you to do so: 1) Come to our regular Torah Study Class. We meet Shabbat mornings both on ZOOM and in-person (check the calendar for the specific schedule). As we begin a new cycle of the Torah reading, it’s a great time to jump in and join us for wonderful conversation and probing questions. 2) Participate in the CCAR Torah Pilot. The CCAR Press is in the early stages of developing A New Torah Translation and Commentary for the 21st Century. When it was first published in 1981, The Torah: A Modern Commentary was the first English language modern Torah commentary ever published. It is time for a new generation of scholars to shed light on our Torah text and create the gift for the next generation using new scholarship and new approaches to Torah study. We have signed on to be a pilot site for the development of the translation portion of this work. In November and December, we will meet to study an excerpt of Torah using the proposed translation, and then provide our feedback. Stay tuned for details, and plan to participate in this exciting project. 3) Learn to read/chant Torah yourself! Cantor Friedlander and I are offering a class to prepare adults to read and chant Torah. This is an ideal opportunity for anyone who has never read before to do so. It is also great for anyone who wants to celebrate a milestone birthday or a simcha, or who simply wants to take on a new challenge. The class will culminate in a Torah Celebration Shabbat on Saturday morning May 19th. We hope you will join us! 4) Participate in any of the array of other wonderful learning opportunities - monthly Shabbat learning programs, workshops for families, panel discussions, Temple outings, and much more. Check the Calendar for upcoming new courses.
Hazak, hazak, v’nithazek! ~ May Torah continue to strengthen and guide us, and may we be blessed to learn and teach it for generations to come.
A Prayer for Tashlich
Here I am again ~ ready to let go of my mistakes. • Help me to release myself ~ from all the ways I've missed the mark. • Help me to stop carrying ~ the karmic baggage of my poor choices. • As I cast this bread upon the waters ~ lift my troubles off my shoulders. • Help me to know that last year is over, ~ washed away like crumbs in the current. • Open my heart to blessing and gratitude. • Renew my soul as the dew renews the grasses. • And we say together: Amen. (Velveteen Rabbi & Ritualwell)
Temple President - lisa lupo
As We Begin 5784, Let’s Continue to Celebrate and Rejoice the Torah
- I am sitting down to write this column after returning from a beautiful Day 2 Rosh Hashanah Service in Cunningham Park. The sky was blue, the sun was out, and it was about 75 degrees with a slight breeze. The weather could not have been more perfect.
- It was a wonderful way to end a weekend of beautiful Rosh Hashanah Services that were held in our sanctuary for the first time since 2019!
- That special, peaceful feeling I get just by being in our sanctuary has returned, and it feels great.
- I particularly enjoyed our Family Service this year. Under the direction of our cantorial soloist and new school song leader Kathryn Kitt, our Kol Simkha Student Choir helped lead the congregation in song. Most of our religious school community attended and many students/families had honors.
- As they have in the past, our Kol Simkha Choir will sing at our Monthly Family Services. If you normally do not attend Family Services, I highly suggest that you at least try one out. While geared to families, these services are also appropriate for adults (no kids required). I think you will be pleasantly surprised at how lovely a family service is. Family Services generally start at 7:00pm, a half hour before our other services to better accommodate our kids’ schedules.
- Now that we are back in our sanctuary, we have introduced a new way to stream services. We are moving away from ZOOM and Facebook Live, which can be time consuming and distracting for our clergy to manage and a bit confusing to some congregants, to YouTube.
- We have created a Temple Tikvah of New Hyde Park YouTube Channel. A direct link will be in the Weekly Update, and we are working on creating simple access from our web site. So far, the feedback I have gotten on this new channel has been positive, however stay tuned for more information on how we will make it even easier to connect. Many thanks to Hayley DiRico, Jay Beber, and David Peskin for working tirelessly on getting the technology set up and working.
- We reopened our sanctuary with our first Shabbat Service on September 8th. Other than a couple of relatively minor (and often hilarious) glitches with the sound system, it was a seamless transition back into the sanctuary. We changed the Torah covers, honored Andrea Comerchero and Sandy Peskin for all their hard work getting us to this point and enjoyed a three-piece band for a very lively and musical service.
- Many thanks to Rabbi Sheinberg, Cantor Friedlander, and our Temple Tikvah Choir for bringing us back into our sanctuary with such joyfulness. Thanks to Brotherhood and Sisterhood for providing extra-special community mingling time by sponsoring our pre-service wine & cheese and then our festive oneg. There was a great sampling of a variety of homemade baked goods at the oneg, courtesy of our many Sisterhood bakers.
- Please join us for our Simchat Torah Shabbat on October 6th. There will be a Tot Event at 5:30pm (think grandchildren!) followed by a Pizza Shabbat Dinner (open to all - reservations are required), followed by services at 7:00pm (it is a Family Service). We will also be consecrating our new Religious School students, and there will be plenty of dancing with the Torah to celebrate the conclusion of the annual cycle of public Torah readings...I look forward to greeting you there.
As always, please reach out to me by clicking on the LINK below with your ideas, thoughts, complaints, and compliments.
A Heartfelt Thank You to Brotherhood & Sisterhood for Sponsoring Our Pre-Service Wine & Cheese, Followed by a Festive Oneg for Us to Mingle Together When We Rededicated Our Sanctuary and Celebrated Andrea & Sandy
- Hi my name is Leah McCorey. I am 13 years old and I go to New Hyde Park Memorial High School. I love to go shopping, be with my family, traveling, watch crime shows, and hangout with my friends. I will become a Bat Mitzvah on October 21st.
- My Mitzvah Project is to raise money for Memorial Sloan Kettering. I am interested in raising money for this hospital, because I lost 2 of my grandfathers to cancer in the past year and they helped prolong one of their lives. I was also very close to my grandfathers and I want to raise money in honor of them. I am raising the money by selling snacks after Religious School and possibly after Friday night services in the fall. I’m looking forward to this special day.
- For more information about the wonderful work that Memorial Sloan Kettering does or to make a donation you can visit their website by clicking on the LINK below.
Education Director
We Learn Teshuvah So We Can Reflect, Apologize, Forgive, and Resolve; So We Can Do Better the Next Time
- We had a great first day of school!
- While all our classrooms were not quite ready for prime time, we still had a successful first day and everyone was joyous to be home. Thanks to April Heron and Julie O’Donnell for leading an informative parent orientation and thanks, in advance to all the parents who will step up to be class parents and volunteer to help with various activities this year.
- We are also so grateful to Temple leadership, and particularly to Andrea Comerchero and Sandy Peskin for working tirelessly to make sure our space would be ready for the new school year.
- During school, we studied our first Middah (Jewish value): Teshuvah (the value of repenting and asking for forgiveness). Our students also learned about the meaning of Ein Keloheinu (there is none like our G-d), and we began our Holocaust Book Club, as well as ate apples and honey to celebrate the upcoming new year, courtesy of our PTA.
- Some upcoming key dates: • Wednesday, October 4th at 4:30pm will be our first Teen Holocaust Witness Program Event. We look forward to our 6th and 7th grade students and teens joining with Temple Judea students for a joint Youth Holocaust Witness Program. This is an amazing learning opportunity, and we strongly encourage all eligible students to participate. • Friday, October 6th, Pizza Dinner at 6:00pm: Shabbat Family Service/Consecration of New Students at 7:00pm. In addition to dancing with the Torah, we will hold a consecration ceremony to welcome our new students to Religious School. The following students will be honored: Benjamin Braunstein, Charles Braunstein, Ryder Gutterman, Chloe Kellogg, Spencer Kramer, Parker Kramer, Leyna Maletzky, Aiden Miller, Luca Muto, Leo Pitt, and Sophie Pitt. • And of course ~ Congratulations to the McCorey Family on the upcoming Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Leah on October 21st 2023!
Last month you met our teachers. This month, we are delighted to introduce you to the seven high school students who are volunteering as Madrichim (student helpers) in our Religious School this year:
- Austin Lefkof: My name is Austin Lefkof. I am going into 8th grade at Herricks Middle School. I became a Bar Mitzvah in May. I spent the month of July at sleep away camp in the Poconos. I enjoy learning about history and languages. I am excited to start this new role as a madrich.
- Aaron Weisser: My name is Aaron Weisser. My Bar Mitzvah is in December. I am in 8th grade and I graduated Hebrew School last year. I like to read a lot and this summer I read 27 books! I love hanging out with my family and my dog, Tiger. This is my first year as a madrich in Hebrew School.
- Ethan Moy: My name is Ethan Moy and I am in the 10th grade at Great Neck South High School. My favorite in-school and “outside” subjects are math and science. I have been interested in math for years and study things on my own. My favorite things (other than math and science) are programming, playing the cello, and my cat, Pepper.
- Jared Wolfson: I am a 14-year-old high school student that loves to play sports. I have an older sister named Alana who previously worked as an assistant teacher. I was Bar Mitzvah at Temple Tikvah in 2021. Since then, I became an assistant teacher helping students in Grade 5. I’m excited for the new year, helping students prepare for their upcoming bet mitzvahs and Jewish learnings in Grade 6.
- Rebecca McCorey: My name is Rebecca, I am 16 years old, and I am in my sophomore year of high school. I like music, engineering, biology, and world history. I have been part of the Temple Tikvah Community since I was seven years old and have been a madrich at Temple Tikvah for the past year. I can’t wait to meet you!
- Lucas Baker: My name is Lucas Baker. I am an eighth-grade student at MS 67 in Little Neck. In my free time I love to play sports. I play baseball, soccer, run track, and compete in martial arts. I have been attending religious school since third grade. I am excited to be a madrich this year and be able to give back to the religious school.
- Leah McCorey: Hi, my name is Leah McCorey. I am 13 years old and I go to New Hyde Park Memorial High School. I love to go shopping, be with my family, traveling, watch crime shows, and hangout with my friends. I will be becoming a Bat Mitzvah on October 21st. I’m looking forward to this school year.
First Day of Religious School
What a Wonderful Gift ~ Our Torah!
- Simchat Torah ~ “Joy of the Torah” and what a joyful time it is to be a little one. Sometimes, families with young children may find it challenging to come to services. *I know I did. Our children are not always the greatest at sitting still, listening quietly, and keeping their energy in check. That is what makes this holiday so wonderful. We are encouraged to get up and dance around with the Torahs, singing and chanting along the way. We don’t need to fret about whether our children can make it through the service or if we will need to walk outside with them. This is a chance to engage as a whole congregation in the level of enthusiasm and zest for life that our children always have inside of them.
- It is also a time to see the Torah up close. Looking at our children seeing the scrolls, sometimes for the very first time, and seeing their eyes open wide as we imagine them reading from the scrolls of our ancestors in just a few years during their Bet Mitzvah, is very special. My favorite thing to do as a mom was always read together. Having them bring me their favorite books, reading the stack while they were seated on my lap, and then hearing the best words ever, “Read it again mommy. Please!!!” Well, that is just what we do during Simchat Torah. We get to the end of the scroll and start all over again.
We hope you can come celebrate with us this season of joy...See the flyers below for more information.
Why Not Begin 2024 with Rabbis Sheinberg & Alpert by Traveling to Israel for an Opportunity to Encounter the Wonders of this Ancient Land?
The Torah Reminds Us to Lead a Life of Value and Significance
- October is “Rejoicing of the Torah.” During the High Holidays we strive “to understand what God would have us do and be”. Among our community’s values are repairing the world, doing mitzvot, and reflecting on the obligations of being Jewish. We ask questions and consider the meaning of our heritage to give our lives more meaning and purpose, and to live a life of significance and value.
- The process referred to above is often the goal and subject(s) of the Social Action Committee. Our first meeting for this new year began with a discussion of plans for the Saturday, October 14th Lunch and Learn coordinated with Lifelong Learning (please see the Lifelong Learning Column for details of what we have planned). In addition, we also sent information out to our community about the Climate March on September 17th near the United Nations for those interested in participating (see photos below).
- Our recent and upcoming mitzvot: During the High Holidays our work continued with setting up bins at Temple to collect food to be delivered to the Sid Jacobson JCC to aid people suffering from food insecurity in our larger community. • We are also looking forward to holding a Temple discussion on current events in Israel related to its government plans for a judicial overhaul and the large protests related to it. We plan to share information before the projected Temple Trip to Israel in February 2024. • Our next meeting will be planned after the October 14th Lunch and Learn and before Thanksgiving, so stay tuned to our emails, the Tikvah Times, and Weekly Updates. • Please email feel free to reach out to us with thoughts, questions, and/or suggestions by clicking on the LINK below.
We hope you will find the Lunch and Learn rewarding and look forward to your participation to continue putting our values into practice.
lifelong learning
Pirke Avot 2:8: “The more Torah, the more life.”
- Social Action Lunch & Learn: Please join Social Action and Lifelong Learning on Saturday, October 14th for a Lunch and Learn in-person or online, when we brainstorm ways Temple Tikvah members might reduce single use plastics at Temple and in our homes. Our objective is to increase awareness of actions we can take, by having a discussion based on a brief film: Is Recycling Still Worth It Anymore?
- Lunch will be at 11:30am in the Harris Beber Auditorium. The film and discussion will follow at noon, both in-person and on ZOOM. Please RSVP to Lifelong Learning by clicking on the LINK below if you will be attending in-person so that we can plan accordingly. We hope to see you there!
- If you would like to view the film in advance, you can watch it on YouTube by clicking on the LINK below.
- Torah Study: Torah Study continues as always on Saturday mornings at 9:00am with Rabbi Sheinberg on ZOOM. We have been meeting once a month in-person at Temple Tikvah at 9:30am. Please note that you will still be able to participate on ZOOM if you cannot meet with us in-person. Please check the Calendar in the back of this Issue, the Weekly Updates, our Website, or call the Office for the most up-to-date information. There is always a ZOOM LINK for those days which you can find in the Weekly Updates. We hope to see you!
Until next month ~
REMEMBER TO MARK YOUR CALENDARS: * The Temple Book Club will next meet on Monday, October 9th at 7:30pm to review The Secret Life of Flora Lea by Patti Callahan Henry. (Twenty years after WWII, a woman's life is upended when she discovers a mysterious book set in the imaginary world she created for her sister after being evacuated from war-torn London. Could this book be the key that helps her solve her sister's disappearance? - Barnes & Noble)
*PLEASE NOTE: The Afternoon & Evening Book Clubs have merged to one meeting per month. The meetings will be the second Monday of each month. The ZOOM LINK will be in the Weekly Update and will be the same LINK for the entire year.
Next meeting is on Tuesday, October 10th at 7:30pm ~
Chag Sameach!
- Welcome to the New Year. I hope everyone had a wonderful Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. I also hope you were able to spend quality time with your families.
- And now we conclude our holiday season by celebrating our beloved Torah on Simchat Torah! Acknowledging the gift of Torah helps us to understand the might of the Jewish people, as well as our perseverance, resistance, and ability to thrive, keeping alive our ancestors' legacy and traditions. ( Gilad Atlacevitz)
- As for Brotherhood, we have had a great Membership Drive so far and we hope that we can increase our membership even more in the coming weeks, especially since we are in the midst of planning, planning, and planning for our members and our synagogue: • As our new year begins, Brotherhood has made its annual donations to the PJ Library and the MRJ (Men of Reform Judaism, an organization that we are members of). For more information about MRJ you can visit their website by clicking on the *LINK below. • In November we will be hosting a members only dinner, in a restaurant to-be-announced; as well as holding our Annual Panera Bread Fundraiser in Mineola. • Brotherhood will also continue to help pay for our Sunday Morning Religious School Security.
Brotherhood is still looking a few more men to help build our team. Please join, if you have not yet.
Simchat Torah
- As September is about to roll into October, I am starting to see commercials for the upcoming season of “Dancing with the Stars”. With Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur over, thoughts are turning to Sukkot, the Israelites journey from slavery to the promised land and Simchat Torah, the celebration of the conclusion of the annual cycle of public Torah reading and the beginning of a new cycle. It is a time of celebration and dancing.
- So what does “Dancing with the Stars” have to do with Simchat Torah? On Simchat Torah we carry the scrolls around the sanctuary seven times or seven hakafot. All members of the congregation can dance with the Torah or God’s books of teachings. On the show, the dancers must perform several different dance routines each week, following their partners guidance, in order to win the grand prize or Mirror Ball Trophy. For the Jewish people the grand prize is the inheritance of the Torah.
- Why is the Torah the grand prize, because it represents the past, our history and provides our guide to the future, our goals, and way of life. Yet it also represents community, and dancing with the Torah like “Dancing with the Stars” brings people together to achieve a common goal.
- Sisterhood is a community of women that can bring unique insights to Torah. Just like dancing can bring different interpretations to the same music, women can do the same for Torah and Judaism. As part of the Sisterhood community your thoughts, ideas, and insights are always needed and welcomed.
If you have not already, please become part of our community through membership, and then join us at the Sisterhood Membership Brunch on October 22nd or any of our upcoming activities.
- ADULT EDUCATION FUND: Susan Schall in memory of Monte Schlitten
- RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND: Martin & Susan Goldschmidt in appreciation of Rabbi Randy Sheinberg • Beth & Barry Strobel in appreciation of Rabbi Randy Sheinberg • Faye Renee Strobel of appreciation Rabbi Sheinberg for her guidance to Justin Strobel
- SIMCHA FUND: Elaine Farber in honor of Andrea Comerchero and Sandra Peskin for all they are doing and continue to do for Temple Tikvah
- TEMPLE TIKVAH MEMORIAL FUND: Sharon Adler in memory of Celia Kornhauser, Louis Kornhauser, and Carole Feith • Dr. Ellen Aronoff in memory of Dr. Philip Sechzer and Dr. Jeri Sechzer • Robert Bader in memory of Harold Bader, Gussie Wexler, Helen Bader, Jacob R. Kramer, and Emanuel Kramer • Florence Baravarian in memory of Joseph Rosenberg and Hortense Herlitschek • Martin Bokser in memory of Lillian Lehrman Bokser • Brotherhood in memory of Monte Schlitten • Jody Diamond in memory of Ethel Pugach • Sonia Fink in memory of Henry Fink and Manfred Fink • Merle Fishkin in memory of Ethel Pugach • Muriel Gorochow in memory of Samuel Grossman • Debra Hochrad in memory of Lisa Freeman and Estelle Rothman • Phyllis & Michael Jacobs in memory of Richard S. Beatus • Ira & Terry Lepzelter in memory of Frances Lepzelter • Cheryle & Steve Levine in memory of Lewis Levine • Andrew & Marilyn Mandell in memory of Emily Mandell and Dr. Ira Gold • Dr. Joanne Neff in memory of Pearl T. Neff • Lee Newman & Family in memory Ira (Bob) Newman • Michael Newman in memory of Irving Newman • Suzanne Plastrik in memory of Rhea Markus • Phyllis Richards in memory of Bob Richards and Mollie Glick • Lorraine Ross in memory of Sarah Ross • Susan Schall in memory of Harvey Wald • Janet & Barry Spool in memory of Abraham Goldberg • Teresa & Jeff Weisbrot in memory of Monte Schlitten • Madeleine Wolf in memory of Sylvia Jassie and Joyce Millstein • Stanley & Irene Zorn in memory of Martha Zorn
* october 2023 calendar
- SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1st - SUKKOT BEGINS (through Friday, October 6th) - NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL
- MONDAY, OCTOBER 2nd - Cardio, Core and More! with Lori on ZOOM from 5:00pm to 6:00pm
- TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3rd - Sisterhood Board Meeting at 7:30pm
- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4th - Choir Rehearsal at 7:00pm
- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5th - On the Marc Sports Talk with Marc Gold at 4:00pm
- FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6th - EREV SIMCHAT TORAH / Tikvah Tots at 5:30pm; Pizza Dinner for Family Shabbat Services at 6:00pm; and Shabbat Family Services & Simchat Torah Consecration of New Students at 7:00pm (Shabbat Candles Lit at 6:12pm)
- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7th - SIMCHAT TORAH / * Torah Study at 9:00am In-Person & on ZOOM and Festival & Yizkor Service at 10:30am
- MONDAY, OCTOBER 9th -COLUMBUS DAY / INDIGENOUS PEOPLE’S DAY - Cardio, Core and More! with Lori on ZOOM from 5:00pm to 6:00pm; Brotherhood Meeting at 7:00pm; and Book Club Meeting on ZOOM at 7:30pm
- TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10th - Writing Group Meeting at 7:30pm
- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11th - Choir Rehearsal at 7:00pm
- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12th - Wise Aging at 11:00am & On the Marc Sports Talk with Marc Gold at 4:00pm
- FRDAY, OCTOBER 13th - Shabbat Service 7:30pm (Shabbat Candles Lit at 6:01pm)
- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14th - * Torah Study (extended) In-Person and on ZOOM & Social Action/Lifelong Learning Lunch & Learn at 11:30am
- SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15th - Kol Simkha Choir Rehearsal at 9:00am & Religious School at 9:30am
- MONDAY, OCTOBER 16th - Cardio, Core and More! with Lori on ZOOM from 5:00pm to 6:00pm
- TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17th - Brotherhood Paid-Up Dinner at 7:30pm
- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18th - Bet Mitzvah Orientation at 5:45pm & Choir Rehearsal at 7:00pm
- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19th - On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm
- FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20th - Shabbat Services at 7:30pm (Shabbat Candles Lit at 5:50pm)
- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21st - * Torah Study In-Person and on ZOOM at 9:00am & Leah McCorey’s Bat Mitzvah at 10:30am
- SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22nd - Kol Simkha Choir Rehearsal at 9:00am; Religious School at 9:30am; Grandparents Tot Event at 10:00am; Commonpoint Queens Community Service Event at 12:15pm; and Sisterhood Paid-Up Brunch at 12:30pm
- MONDAY, OCTOBER 23rd - Cardio, Core and More! with Lori on ZOOM from 5:00pm to 6:00pm
- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25th - Choir Rehearsal at 7:00pm
- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26th - On the Marc Sports Talk with Marc Gold at 4:00pm
- FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27th - Shabbat Service with Choir at 7:30pm (Shabbat Candles Lit at 5:40pm)
- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28th - *Torah Study on ZOOM ONLY at 9:00am & Blessing of Animals Havdallah at 5:00pm
- SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29th - Kol Simkha Choir Rehearsal at 9:00am; Religious School at 9:30am; Parent Program at 9:45pm; and After School Youth Event at 12:00pm
- MONDAY, OCTOBER 30th - Cardio, Core and More! with Lori on ZOOM from 5:00pm to 6:00pm