Class 11's Learning Journey Spring Term 1


In Literacy this half term, we have been writing a formal letter about the treatment of passengers aboard the Titanic.

During this unit, we have focused on a number of different skills, these included gathering subject specific and formal vocabulary, adverbials and how these can uplevel our writing. semi colons and colons, relative clauses and also subordinate conjunctions.

When copying up this piece of work, we have really impressed Mr Hart with our determination to ensure this is the best piece we have done.

Check out some of our final outcomes!


In LIRA this term, we have been focusing on a number of texts. These included Wild Ride, Leaving Home and Room 101.

During our LIRA sessions, we focused on a range of different activities and questions. We enjoyed making predictions on what we thought the texts will be about.

Also during this half term, we had the chance to take part in a virtual author event. We had a brilliant time learning all about the book 'Beast Lands' by Jess French.


In maths, we have been exploring angles (in triangles, on a straight line and vertically opposite angles), mulipication and division, algbra and finishing of with investigating the properties of a variety of 2D and 3D shapes.

History - Ancient Maya

In History, we have been exploring all about the Ancient Maya.

We have been looking at when the Ancient Maya period was and using our skills of chronology to fit it in to other time periods we know. We have also looked at the significance of religion in Ancient Maya times. We learnt all about how the Ancient Maya lived, and even had a go at writing a diary entry in the form of a Mayan child.

We enjoyed creating posters, using our ICT skills on everything we have learnt about the Ancient Mayas.

In music, we enjoyed exploring the notes of the E minor scale and created our own melody using these.


Our RSHE focus has been on economic wellbeing. We have explored how we can pay for different things, how people have different attitudes to saving or spending money depending on their personal situation and finally deciding if something is good value for money or not.


In Science, our focus has been on animals including humans.

During this unit, we have learnt all about the function of the heart, lungs and circulatory system. We also explored the different components of blood and even had the chance to make our own blood!

We also looked at how exercise can effect heart rate and created a scientific enquiry all about exercise and the effect on heart rate. Then finally finishing off with how does lifestyle and exercise affect the body.

PE - Gymnastics

Our focus for this half term has been on gymnastics!

We have enjoyed using the different apparatus to create our gymnastic routines!

School Disco

We loved putting our dancing shoes on to have a boogie at the school disco!

Its been a fanstic half term full of hard work and fun! Well done to everyone!

Here's a sneak peak of what we shall be learning about next half term.