April 2024 Ten Ten Resources Parent Newsletter

It’s officially Eastertide - a time for rejoicing! This significant season is the longest time of celebration in the Church’s calendar (50 days!) because of the great news that Jesus has risen!

In times when the news of our world is not always so good, Eastertide gives us a bigger perspective. This Good News is at the heart of all our resources and is particularly highlighted as we enter this summer term.

This newsletter shares some of the content children will experience in school throughout April and suggests ways for you to engage with them about it. We hope it is a useful resource for your family prayer time.


Throughout the first half of the summer term, children will be introduced to Ten Ten’s Gospel Acclamation where they will learn and sing along to the ‘Alleluia’.

As St Pope John Paul II said, “We are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song!”

Alleluia means ‘Praise the Lord!’ and Eastertide is the perfect time to bring our praises to God through this response, typically sung in the Gospel Acclamation.

With your child, why don’t you…

  • Investigate where people ‘Praise the Lord’ in the Bible and discuss what praising God looks and sounds like. You might like to start with Psalm 150.
  • Choose a time each week as a family to share something you are thankful for. You could even sing the Alleluia once everyone has shared to give thanks to God for these things.

Year of Prayer

The Church is preparing for another special celebration, the Year of Jubilee in 2025. In preparation, Pope Francis has called for 2024 to be a Year of Prayer.

Children will be introduced to the Year of Prayer and the invitation to grow their friendship with God through prayer in their time at home and school.

We’ve put together a short video introducing the Year of Prayer, highlighting how children might engage with prayer themselves over the coming months.

With your child, you might like to…

Plan a monthly prayer time for the rest of the year, where you could try out a different way of praying together. Why not try silent prayer, a prayer walk, or praying through song?
Share your own experience of prayer and what you find easy or difficult about praying, allowing space for your child/ren to discuss their thoughts too.


The daily prayers for the week beginning 15th April focus on how children can ‘see Jesus’ and know His presence in the people and things around them.

You might like to discuss the different ways we can ‘see Jesus’ as part of your family prayer time.

How can we see Jesus in:

  • Our friends and family?
  • Creation?
  • The things we have?
  • The kindness and help of others?

You might like to use this short prayer to conclude your personal or family prayer time.


Help us to see you in the people we know,

and all the things around us.
