Counseling Corner 9th & 10th Grade College & Career Planning


1. Explore interests and careers using Keys to Success.

2. Be aware of Graduation Requirements and Grade Point Average (GPA).

3. Plan to take the right classes and challenge yourself with Honors, AP, IB and CE classes.

4. Get Involved - Join school clubs, after school programs and look for volunteer opportunities.

5. Start early by preparing for the ACT (college readiness exam) and looking for Scholarships.

College & Career Readiness

The goal of high school is to prepare students for college and a career. A high school diploma is the first step, but that is just the beginning. The majority of careers now require more advanced education: a 1-year certificate, 2-year associates degree, 4-year bachelors degree or more (college = 1, 2, 4, or more). The good news is that some certificates and college credits can be completed while in high school for little to no cost. What's important is that students and families know that the path starts now. Use Keys to Success assessment results. Work with your counselor to develop a plan that's right for you.

Keys to Success

Whether you know what you want to do after high school or not, the Keys to Success program can help you to explore and gain experience to help in the decision making process.

  • Explore Pathways
  • Find Scholarships
  • Find Internships
  • Win Prizes

Graduation Requirements

**Monitor Progress toward Graduation on Powerschool**

Required for High School; Recommended for College

  • Language Arts - 4.0 credits
  • Math - 3.0 credits; 4.0 credits
  • Science - 3.0 credits; Biology, Chemistry, Physics
  • Social Studies - 3.0 credits
  • Fine Arts - 1.5 credits
  • Career & Technical Education - 1.0 credit
  • Digital Studies - 0.5 credits
  • Financial Literacy - 0.5 credits
  • PE/Health - 2.0 credits (PE Skills, Fit for Life, Lifetime Activity)
  • Electives - 5.5 credits; 2 years of a World Language in a progressive manner

Honors Diploma

Students can graduate with Honors if they fulfill the following:

  • Pass 16 Honors, AP, IB, or CE classes; 3 must be AP or IB
  • Minimum 3.5 Cumulative GPA
  • Pass two consecutive years of a World Language; Level III or higher counts as honors.

Credit Recovery Options

Students who receive an 'F' for any term of a core class must make up the credit in order to meet the graduation requirements. If you need to make up credit, be sure to start early in order to stay on top of the skills needed for future classes and the graduation requirements.

After-School Packet Class

Starting November, Highland will be offering a FREE after-school packet class on A DaysMonday through Thursday, 3:30-4:30PM. Talk with your counselor for a referral.

Northridge Learning Center

Northridge Learning Center sells packets ($55/packet .25 credit). Talk to your counselor for a referral.

Online Classes

There are many online class options for original and recovery credit. The State Board of Education provides a list of accredited programs. Check out the options through the link provided, and meet with a counselor to work on a plan.

Plan to Take the Right Classes

Career & Technical Education (CTE)

Career & Technical Education (CTE) classes are designed to help students explore career options and build skills required by the labor market. In some cases students may be able to earn certificates that allow for employment right out of high school. Completion of the coursework in a pathway could lead to internships or job opportunities. Students who complete a pathway can receive a medallion at graduation. Our hope is that every student chooses a pathway during high school. The link below provides information on statewide pathways. Check with a counselor to see which pathways are offered at Highland.

Advanced Placement (AP)

Advanced Placement (AP) classes are high school classes that can provide college credit. These classes are writing and research intensive courses that have an emphasis on study and test-taking skills. Students can earn college credit by receiving a passing score on and end of the year AP Exam.

Concurrent Enrollment (CE)

Concurrent Enrollment (CE) courses are college courses that students can take in high school. These courses can provide both high school and college credit, and they cost little in comparison to college classes taken after high school. Students earn college credit by earning at least a 'C' in the class. Theses classes do remain on a college transcript after high school so it is important that they are taken seriously. Highland offers some Concurrent Enrollment courses, and SLCC offers even more on their campus, again, at little cost to families. Be aware, there are grade and ACT score benchmarks that must be met in order to enroll in any CE course.

NCAA Requirements

For students interested in sports, the NCAA has strict requirements for the courses necessary to be eligible. Students should register with the NCAA during their Junior year, but planning to take the right classes starts early in high school.

Get Involved

Continue to be involved in athletics, school clubs, after school programs, and volunteering. Track your involvement, leadership roles, and awards. These activities can help to build a career or college resume.


Playing a school sport is a great way to get involved. Physical activity is great for your mental health as well!

School Clubs & Activities

Sign up for at least one school club or activity. Club Rush is coming up in November.

Volunteer Opportunities

Get involved with volunteer opportunities in your community.


The ACT is a college readiness exam that students take starting in their Junior year. Colleges use the ACT (or SAT) to determine acceptance into a program and placement in classes. The ACT can be used to get scholarships as well. The end of year Aspire test provides predictive data on how students will perform on the ACT. Practicing questions and learning test taking skills can help students to perform their best.

ACT Prep Options

Shmoop offers an online ACT prep program that is FREE to Utah students. This program includes tutorials targeted toward the specific needs of each student as assessed in an initial practice test. Students can access Shmoop through any Highland canvas course (see left-side menu in course).

If in-person test prep is more of your style, there are also classes in the community. Check out the link below.

Highland offers free ACT prep classes for sophomores, juniors and seniors. Contact your counselor for more information.

Paying for College

College can be expensive, but you can prepare with: Savings, Financial Aid, Scholarships.

There are scholarships available to students every year of high school. Start searching early, and apply to at least one scholarship during 9th & 10th grade. For help finding scholarships, visit Highland's website or contact Highland's Scholarship Advisor, Landon Clark.

Help is Available


Talk with your counselor for help or additional information.

  • Claudia Kassner (A-Cl)
  • Nicole Bogue (Co-G)
  • Mia Naddeo (H-Le)
  • Lisa Madsen (Li-O)
  • Lia Martinez (P-Sn)
  • Jerly Alcala-Gomez (So-Z)

Youth Advocates - Available to students for academic support in Room A103.

Tutoring Available Tuesday through Thursday in the Library, 3:30-4:30

Parent Guidance Resources

Education and therapeutic support to empower parents and provide hope as you support your child’s mental health.


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