Monkton Park Newsletter Friday 26th April 2024


Summer term clubs have now been allocated, they have proven really popular and we are running waiting lists, so please do let the office know if your child is no longer going to be attending.

Mrs Spencer's fundraising

The staff at Monkton Park abseiled from the fire station training tower on Saturday to a wonderful crowd. They all faced the fear and leapt over the edge and even some of the crowd were able to join in and have a go too! They have raised over £3000 so far for a special cause and £128 for the Fireman's charity with their bake sale.

As many of you are aware, Mrs Spencer has been battling stage 4 bowel cancer for the past 16 months and has organised this event to raise awareness of and help raise funds for Dorothy House Hospice.

Mrs Spencer has even made the news

Please click the link if you would like to make a donation Just giving page

Abseiling team

Lunchtime and playtime routines

We have made a few changes to our playtme and lunchtime routines this week. Each class is now putting all their water bottles outside their classroom door at play and lunch. This means children can easily have a drink of water whilst they are outside. Children can still have a drink in the classroom but to help get classes settled as quickly as possible we are discouraging having a drink as they come in from play and lunch. We certainly don't want anyone to get thirsty but choosing the right time for a drink is important. We now have an award for 'legendary lines' at the end of each week too. The class that gets the most points each week for brilliant lining up will get 5 minutes extra play at the end of Friday lunch! We've also reintroduced the traditional school bell to signal the end of play and lunch and we'll be choosing a lucky pupil each day to ring it!

Foxes Trip to Steam - Thursday 2nd May

A reminder that Foxes will be catching the train to Steam in Swindon on Thursday.

We will be leaving school at 8.45am, so all children need to be in school at 8.40am.

Please note, all children need a drink and packed lunch, unless you have made separate arrangements with school.

Head lice

We are aware that some children currently have headlice, please can you take the time to check your child and treat if necessary.

Weekly Achievement Awards

Achievement certificates

Achievement certificates are awarded to one child per class every week in our celebration assembly.

Congratulations this week to:Archie, Ayla, Aahana, Brook, Lucia, Ruby, Aayan, Adedayo & Flynn

Hot Chocolate Friday

Congratulations to this weeks hot chocolate winners.

This weeks achievers are: Sathu, Mikey, Isaac, Harry, Rytas, Josie, Lydia, Henry and Nefeli

Star Writer

Our Star Writers this week are: Ava, Oscar, Willow, Eddie, Skyla, Noah, Georgie, Hermes & Maddie

Science Week

'The school is gearing itself up for a very exciting Science week from the 29th April - 2nd May where the children will be participating in a variety of different activities to develop their understanding of science beyond that of the National Curriculum and expanding their knowledge of STEM (Science, technology, engineering and maths) roles. As part of this, we are excited to announce that the school will be visited by a planetarium and every class will participate in an age-appropriate space show! This planetarium visit has been made possible with support from the Chippenham Borough Lands Charity and for this we are incredibly grateful. We really hope the children will finish our science week filled with enthusiasm for all things science and STEM!'

Chippenham Borough Lands

Coffee Morning

Coffee Morning

Affordable Schools

At Monkton Park School, we have recently engaged with Wiltshire’s ‘Affordable Schools’ strategy because we understand it can be difficult to talk about money worries. People finding it hard to make ends meet often hang on and try and sort things out themselves; not seeking help until the situation has become very difficult. Whatever the issues you are facing, we would encourage you to ask for support. With guidance from the ‘Affordable Schools’ strategy, we have created a page on our website under the ‘Parents’ tab that signposts support and guidance. Alternatively, please feel free to get in touch with us here at school. You can contact our Family Link Worker, Jen Marshall or contact the office in school on

Wiltshire's Affordable Schools Strategy

Parent Resource - online safety

In a recent survey with pupils in Y3-Y6 we found that lots of children have very active online lives. Many use apps such as WhatsApp or Snapchat and we would recommend regular checks with your child to see which groups they are part of. Some groups can contain over 100 people and can lead to children being exposed to inappropriate language. This is always best done in a supportive way with your child and the recording below has lots of advice. Other children said that they use games which are not age appropriate e.g. Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto.

Please see links below to the parent resources and recording of the Online Safety talk

Parents resource pack

Recording Link (please do NOT to share this link publicly online / social media etc)

Class Assemblies

Class assemblies will take place on Tuesday mornings at 9.05am. Family and friends are welcome, tea and coffee will be served after.

Squirrels - 30th April 2024

Owls - 11 June 2024

Fieldmice - 18th June 2024


Friends of Monkton Park School (FOMPS) PTA Update

Scarecrow trail 2024
School Avoidance
May half term holiday club


TD Days

Tuesday 23rd July

Wednesday 24th July

Term Dates 2023/24