PASTURE VALLEY NEWSLETTER january - april 2024

So neither the one who plants, nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. 1 Corinthians 3:7 NLT

We celebrate with some of our children who decided to follow Jesus wholeheartedly and were baptised in the river. Please keep them in your prayers as they continue to live out the most important decision of their lives. (see photos below)


It was hard saying goodbye to these lovely girls, as they returned to live with their families. Dudu and Thulile now stay near to Pasture Valley, and Thulile is still working hard, while Dudu undertakes her studies.


Some of the Home-School children learnt how to make traditional grass mats (or “Cansas” as they are called in Eswatini). this is always a useful skill to have, as the mats remain popular!

Learning mat making


Sometimes it is nice to be a tourist in your own country! To see these special places through the eyes of the children (and Karina) was very special.


It's always an adventure when Mercy Air comes to visit. This always saves so much time travelling for hours on dusty roads, allowing instead for more time to share the gospel with children in very rural parts of Eswatini!


Some photos from the children during their Sunday school lessons. There are a lot of little kids at PV at the moment, so the Sunday school is thriving! Theme from the photos: “God is my Foundation”.


Karina from Germany is a qualified nurse and delivered First Aid Training to the Housemothers and Aunties at Pasture Valley. Aunty Shirley also came for a visit and was able to share her teaching expertise with the homeschool teachers.


t was so lovely having Tai and Francis back from their over 2-year long service on the OM ship. During their time at PV, they organised a reunion with all the old PV kids. Even if they're not staying a PV anymore, they're all still part of the family.


Tai and Francis also organised a lovely games day for all the kids, complete with sack races, wheelbarrow races, and a water slide!


We thank Jesus for continuing to provide for the child support programme, where many children have been able to continue with their schooling through the supply of school fees, food parcels and uniforms.


Two of our girls are now attending boarding school at Our Lady ofSorrows , but they still come home on weekends and for holidays! Tembi also won first prize at the Talent show. Over Easter, we celebrated the Passover meal together as a family it was a very special time. Not too long ago, PV also suffered a mighty storm, with extreme winds that damaged a lot of the buildings. We are thankful to our Norway friends who helped us repair the damage to the trees and buildings.


The homeschool children demonstrated their performance skills during their school play - there were small plays, recorder recitals and lots of acting ability!


Aunty Gail and Uncle Mike were also back visiting PV early this year. Among a host of things, Aunty Gail helped to do routine dental checks with all the children, and Uncle Mike assisted with the record-keeping(the paperwork is never-ending!). Mercy Air also regularly brings a dentist by helicopter, Dr Jason Earnshaw, who kindly volunteers.


  • Healing for Aunty Gail and that she will return to good health
  • That children will draw close to Jesus
  • For opportunities for our girls to serve overseas
  • Gratitude for: Dudu has been accepted to study at the College of Theology, Neliswa got a job at Montigny Investments, Micvhael got his Grade 3 electrical wiring certificate.