Saving Seea By Maeve Phipps

Odi knew he had one job. He must save his lover Seea from the prison on the very top of the mountain on Deadfang’s Island. Odi has never ventured near Deadfang's island so he doesn’t know what to expect. He packed his crew of three other men onto a small wooden boat that was controlled by a stained white sail that has been used for centuries and they took off on a journey to save Seea. The waters were calm for the first ten days of the journey. On the eleventh night of the journey the water started to shake, splashing over the sides of the boat as thunder rolled in the distance. Odi knew he was getting close to Deadfang’s Island because he brought an old book his grandfather gave him when he was a child. The book showed a map of the island and a description that said “on the eleventh night from leaving Uia, the water will shake, and grow angry with you. Once you meet the upset water your journey has almost ended.

large pieces of boulders fell

The sun began to rise, but the storm stayed. A large black shadow with a mountain so high it pierced through the clouds came into the eyesight of Odi and his crew. They washed up on shore, inspecting the damage the storm had caused the ship. A few new holes in the sails, and broken boards had been lost in the depths of the ocean. It was still early morning but the men wasted no time and began to hike up the mountain. No food, no water, no climbing gear, just the old map that was given to Odi when he was young. The very first step that Odi took onto the mountain was a mistake. Explosions went off all around him. Large pieces of boulders fell close to them, shattering when they hit the ground. The crew took cover in a small cave they found about ten yards ahead. They waited a few minutes so the boulders could calm down and began to hike again. After hiking for another thirty minutes about one hundred small snakes started to slither towards them. With no weapons the men didn’t know what to do. Odi and two other men ran past them, some snakes falling over the side of the cliff they had just walked up. Unfortunately Soma, the smallest and maybe weakest of the crew, couldn't escape the snakes. They pushed him downhill, biting at his ankles. He was too out of breath to keep going and tripped over a rock, the snakes bit at the rest of his body. The men couldn’t wait behind, they were losing daylight.

momma bird's nest

The next mile they walked was calm. They started to hear a screeching noise above them. A huge shadow cast down on the and the largest bird they had ever seen flew over. The bird's wingspan had to be at least 14 feet. The crew did not think much of it and kept walking. Germy, the bravest member of the crew, stopped dead in his tracks and put his arms out to protect his friends. “Guys, I think we have a problem”, he said as they were standing in a huge nest made from leaves, twigs, and bones. Germy knew exactly what they were standing in. The momma bird’s nest, with seven huge tan eggs laying in the bottom of it. Just like that Germy was picked up and swept away by the momma bird, who had to be at least 12 feet tall. Germy was carried off the cliff and dropped into the ocean. The rest of the crew watched the bird fly 100 feet away from the cliff and heard Germy’s body flail around before splashing into the water.

Odi and one other man remained and sprinted far away from that bird’s nest. Out of breath and tired, the men were not paying attention to where they were headed. Odi looked up and saw some rocks falling. No one was around him and silence filled the air. “Hello?”, he yelled. Nothing. He peered down and looked over the cliff. The last member of the crew, Kingdo fell over the cliff and was laying there hopeless. He easily had a broken back and legs. There was nothing Odi could do.

a boulder to hide behind

Odi was all alone but had a mission to go on. He continued his journey by himself. After walking for over eight hours and just seeing the top of the cliff, the sun began to set, and Odi felt defeated. He was so tired and hungry he could barely walk. As he was resting on the side of the path, large stomps shook the ground. “Oh no!” he whispered to himself. Deadfang was walking near him. His dark green skin and yellow eyes spooked Odi, he started to run, forgetting about all the pain and more importantly, what he came for on the island. Down the hill he sprinted, and jumped over puddles and rocks as Deadfang followed after him. Odi rolled into a cave. Shaking, he found a boulder to hide behind. He was hopeless. Odi was going to die. He was so scared he found stone that he scratched against the boulder to make them sharp. He tied strings of leaves around his head to move his hair out of the way, rubbed mud on his face to act as a natural camouflage. Deadfang crept over to the boulder that Odi was hiding behind. Deadfang roared and Odi had to fight. Odi was being torn apart by the huge beast. Odi used his last bit of strength to run and jump over the edge of the mountain. He fell 50 feet and hit the water hard. Legend has it that Odi is still hiding from Deadfang, and the monster is tearing apart the world just to find Odi.