Welcome to this week's newsletter
Dear families,
The half-term holidays are upon us and whilst many may be looking forward to a break from school and spending time with family and friends, let us collectively spare a kind thought for those who are having a harder time. It is the kindness of our friends and our community which enriches our lives and gives us peace and happiness. I am grateful for all the kind acts from our students over the last few days. Many have gone out of their way to help, even in small measures. We have had students handing in lost property, helping students who have fallen and hurt themselves, alerting adults when tempers have frayed and getting support for students who are struggling. This is who we are and what we stand for - Empathy and Humanity continue to be significant within our REACH values.
If you cast your mind back to Christmas, Manor School sent out approximately 1000 cards to our neighbours, shopkeepers and to our local care homes. For many this might seem like old news, however the small acts always matter, they always help someone. This was shown this week - some 7 weeks later - when we received this lovely thank you card.
At Manor School we will keep promoting the values of Humanity, Empathy and kindness. Giving these to others makes us richer, selfless acts make us humble, and sharing understanding makes us work towards a common goal in which everyone achieves. Let us all pledge to do one of these things over the next week and be a little gentler on ourselves too.
After half-term we are looking forward to new staff strengthening the maths, science and RE departments. Also, we will begin the planning of the re-introduction of Activities Week in July, something fun for us all to look forward to. Watch this space.
Dr Newman and the Manor School family
Year 9 immunisations
On Monday 26 February, Year 9 students have their national immunisation programme teenage booster (tetanus, diphtheria, polio) and Meningitis ACWY vaccine. Parents/carers should have received a consent form which they must fill out. The closing time for the consent form will be 8:00am the morning of the 26th.
Year 8 Curriculum Day
For the Year 8 Curriculum Day on Tuesday 27 February, students will have been told by their form tutor which of the creative sessions they will be involved with. Students will need to register in form time and then go to their allocated room for the day at 9am.
Students who are in the dance workshop need to come to school in PE kit for the day.
For any student who does not know where they need to go, there will be posters around the school to help.
World Book Day competition
We are holding a creative writing competition to celebrate World Book Day (this year held on Thursday 7 March). Open to all year groups, students are invited to write an alternative ending to their favourite story. Please see the following poster for details.
Book donations wanted
Do you have any unwanted fiction books that you would be happy to donate to our library? We are looking for novels to add to our fiction collection for students to read. If you are happy to donate books to the cause, please send them in with your child to be handed in to the librarian.
Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Online safety and relationships
A number of teen online dating apps have emerged over the past few years - the most popular of these recently hit a huge one million users worldwide. With some teens spending more time online than with their friends, young people are increasingly using the internet to meet new people and form relationships. Unfortunately, making friends and dating online can come with serious issues from catfishing, to scammers, to stalking and harassment.
Please see the following parents/carers guide to help keep your child safe online.
Half-term support
Should you or your child need mental health support over the half-term break, please contact one of the agencies listed in the following leaflet.
If you have a safeguarding concern during the break, please contact the MASH team on 0300 126 7000.
Please click here for details of places offering free or discounted children's meals during half-term.
Year 9 knife crime sessions
Year 9 students took part in a series of workshops on Monday 5 and Monday 12 February as part of the ‘Carry a basketball, not a blade’ campaign. The campaign was set up in 2008 to help tackle the growing issues of knife crime, gang activity and anti-social behaviour. It aims to engage young people through participating in a sport that helps them to develop both physically and socially, whilst at the same time alerting them of the dangers of knife crime.
Each tutor group attended the following sessions:
- Basketball: coaching session with professional player Andre Arrisol practicing individual skills and then applying them in a match
- CABNAB workshop: learning about different items that could be used as a weapon and how this relates to the law, with guest speakers Anna Letts and PC Danny from East Northants Police
- English: writing about a young person choosing to hand in a knife to the Knife Angel sculpture rather than using it
- Maths: considering crime risk factors mathematically with regards to interpreting statistics and making judgements
- Science: various activities related to knife wounds including learning about the effects of stabbing on the body and producing first aid guidance for people assisting victims
- Humanities: designing a youth hub for our local area with suitable activities to help keep young people away from being drawn into crime
Thank you to everyone involved in planning and delivering the event, as well as to our students for their positive engagement and behaviour.
For information about the campaign and details of related support groups, please see below.
Year 11 English preparation
Since starting the new revision focused cohorts for English earlier in Term 3, we have been impressed by the maturity and aspiration demonstrated by our Year 11 students. The English revision sessions after school on a Tuesday have been well attended and productive.
In the next and final trial exam period after half term, Year 11 students will sit AQA English Literature Paper 1 and AQA English Language Paper 1. This is crucial experience in preparing for the external exams in May and June.
Year 11 students have been issued with two revision guides by their English teachers:
- Jekyll and Hyde (Literature)
- Language Paper 1 - reading and writing
These bespoke guides are produced by the Manor School English department and are closely linked to the content and skills taught in English lessons. The subject content, step by step instructions for each question and practice papers have been introduced in Year 11 lessons this term so that students are familiar with the format and know how to revise effectively. In most cases, teachers have modelled the completion of the revision guide to get students started with confidence.
Students have also been provided with a ‘Countdown plan’ to guide their home learning from now until the final exam. This plan includes useful links to support private revision.
To this end, please support and encourage your child to complete regular and effective revision for English Literature and English Language during the February half-term study break.
If you have questions regarding the forthcoming trials and the revision required, please contact your child’s English teacher in the first instance.
Many thanks for your ongoing support.