11/8/2024 ZWMS Parent Newsletter

Important Laptop Info for the 2024-2025 School year -

  • All grades (5-8) will be provided a school-issued Chromebook for their 1:1 device for the 2024-2025 School Year. For more information, visit the website here.
  • Sign up for School Device Coverage HERE.
  • The portal for device coverage will be open through the end of October.

Mark Your Calendars

  • 11/9 - ZEF Bash at Golf Club of Indiana
  • 11/11 - ZCS Board Meeting, 6pm at ESC
  • 11/13 - PTO Dine for Dollars @ HotBox Pizza
  • 11/18 - 5th Grade Art Club Starts
  • 11/26 - Last Day for current Lost & Found
  • 11/27-11/29 - Thanksgiving Break
  • 12/2 - School Resumes
  • 12/2-12/4 - Musical Auditions (4-7pm)
  • 12/6 - PTO Ice Cream Sales at lunches
  • 12/9 - ZCS Board Meeting, 6pm at ESC
  • 12/9 - 7th/8th Grade Orchestra Concert, 7pm
  • 12/10 - 5th/6th Grade Orchestra Concert, 7pm
  • 12/10-12/11 - NWEA Testing
  • 12/11 - IA Appreciation Day
  • 12/11 - 7th/8th Grade Band/Jazz Band Concert, 7pm
  • 12/12 - 5th/6th Grade Band Concert, 7pm
  • 12/17 - 5th/8th Grade Choir Concert, 7pm
  • 12/18 - 6th/7th Grade Choir Concert, 7pm
  • 12/18 - Great on the 8's (8th graders wear class shirt to school)
  • 12/23-1/3/25 - School Break
ZEF Bash is one of our community’s most important and fun events. Join the Zionsville Education Foundation on Saturday, November 9th at the Golf Club of Indiana Cardinal Room from 6:00-11:00pm as we raise funds to support our schools. Tickets include a buffet dinner, an open bar and soft drinks, live music from the band Living Proof, a silent auction, trips of a lifetime, and ZEF’s famous Cap Off the Night - be the first to see this year’s exclusive ZEF hat! Click here to reserve your tickets today!
Attention 5th Graders! 5th Grade Art Club with Mr. Z will start be starting soon! Sign-up sheets with more information are on the table outside Mr. Z’s art room (403) and can be picked up anytime. Sign-up slips are due back to Mr. Z by Wednesday, November 13th. The first meeting will then be before school on Monday, November 18th.

With the changing of seasons (a lot this time of year!), our Lost & Found is overflowing! Please encourage your student(s) to look through the items and bring their things home. Also, if you are attending a concert or sporting event at ZWest in the next few weeks, please take a look at the racks and re-claim anything that belongs to you or your household. Our Lost & Found is located at the back wall of the cafeteria/West Hall. Any items that remain after school on Wednesday, November 26th will be donated to a local shelter.

ZWMS Fall Art Contest

  • This contest is open to all ZWest students!
  • A winner and runner-up will be selected for each grade level. The winning artworks will be framed and placed in the ZWMS permanent gallery around the school.
  • Pamphlets with all the details of the contest are available outside Mr. Z's room (403), and students can pick them up anytime.
  • All artworks are due back to Mr. Z by Wednesday, December 4th.

2024-2025 Yearbook Information

  • The purchase price increased to $45 on Nov. 1st (engraved nameplates are an additional cost).
  • If you have any sport or club photos to share, you can upload them on the "e-share" link below. The code for this is zwest.

Ticket Info for Sporting Events

  • Monday, November 11th there will be a wrestling call-out meeting from 4-4:30pm in the wrestling room.
  • The first day of open mats will then be Tuesday, November 12th from 4-5:30pm.
  • Season passes can be purchased by following this link: Tickets - Zionsville West Middle School (eventlink.com).
  • We will no longer be selling punch passes, but we will honor those who still have one from previous school years.
Community Flyers LINK


Created with images by • pakWw - Live Simply, Dream Big, Be Grateful, Give Love, Laugh Lots. Motivational words • Valerii Evlakhov - Time and planning concept, collage with round clock and calendar page • Przemek Klos - Little girl preschooler showing painted colourful hands. Child having fun making a stamps on sheet of paper with painted hands during an art class in the classroom • Shamil - multicolor used oil pastel crayons, pile of old half used wax crayon pieces isolated white background, scattered taken from above • Vedrana - Retro albums with vintage monochrome photographs from the beginning of 20th century