
De La Salle College Newsletter “A Catholic School for Boys in the Lasallian Tradition”

in this issue


College Principal - “Men of Excellence"

Associate Principal - "It's About the Love"

Deputy of Curriculum - Curriculum

Deputy of Pastoral - Cell Phone and Media Use Advice

Academic Year 7/8

Literacy Centre

Waka Ama



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"men of excellence"

Mr Myles Hogarty

College Principal

This morning I welcomed a very large group of excited young men who were ready to enter our MPC to start their NCEA exams.

Preparing our young men for these important exams is why we are here as a College. We have an expectation that they sit external exams so that they have further opportunities to continue their education at tertiary level and have greater options for their career pathways. These exams require careful preparation, planning and hard work, our young men will learn that success in an exam or in fact in any area of their lives requires them to meet these expectations.

I am pleased by the very high attendance rate of our young men at their external exams and wish them all the best as they complete these over the next two weeks.

This year has seen the staff and students adapting to the coming new NCEA requirements and curriculum changes, we have been proactive in preparing the College for these developments, something we will have to continue to focus on in the new year and beyond.

The expected change of Government may bring further changes to the education system and they will likely review their educational priorities once in power. Their promise of an hour a day devoted to each of reading and maths is one I applaud as we have seen the drop of achievement by NZ students in these two very essential learning skills due to a focus on other trends in education.

At De La Salle we continue to have a very strong focus on our student’s Numeracy and Literacy and these two key areas of learning receive the highest priority in our College planning, timetabling and resourcing.

In fact it was our Founder John Baptist De La Salle who made it compulsory in his schools that students would complete 2 hours a day of Reading and Maths, such was the importance of these two subjects. La Salle was a smart man ahead of his time.

Outstanding achievements in sports, music, culture and in faith continue to be attained by our young men. We box well above our weight and these successes should no longer be a surprise to anyone, we have talented, committed and determined young men who have the ability to reach excellence, supported by committed, compassionate and skilled staff and as this is one of our College Values we aim for, nothing less.

We held a wonderful Senior Prize Giving celebrating the outstanding academic success of our Senior students. One of the features of Prize Giving was the presentation of over $380,000.00 worth of Scholarships to Universities in New Zealand for our Year 13 students.

It was interesting to note that the young men who were awarded Dux of the College, Proxime Accessit, General Excellence and First in Subject awards were all students who had been awarded entry to the Millionaires Club in Year 7 & 8 for reading over one million words a year. This focus on raising their Literacy achievement has certainly stood them in good stead for their learning throughout their Senior years at school.

We look forward to celebrating academic success with our Years 7- 10 students and their families at the Junior Prize Giving on December 6th.

associate principal

Mr Dermot English

It's About the Love

Like many of you I have attended several funerals recently. Since the last newsletter our boys have had a number of bereavements, including boys who have lost parents. We feel for these families and for the boys who now have to live a life that will be different than before. This is the pattern of our lives, of this community, this readjustment of priorities and thoughts about how to live.

These are of course sad occasions and they each have their own circumstances and flavour, but there is something that they all share, that what is always mentioned is the love that was given and/or received by those who have passed away. Each funeral is a reminder that its about Love.

The challenge is to have our behaviour and the way we treat others reflect this truth. I find that it is helpful to assume that others are dealing with difficulties and so give them the benefit of the doubt when I’m annoyed with them. A second strategy is not to be too hard on ourselves when we aren’t perfect and make mistakes. I wish everyone who is grieving some peace and consolation.


Deputy Principal Curriculum- Mr Phil Doyle

Junior Exams & Assessment Week

Well done to all the boys for the way that they have worked this week during the exams. Results and End of Year reports will be out at the start of Week 8 and final De La Salle Certificate points will be calculated next week after results are added.


NCEA Exams are well under way. Attendance has been excellent, and all the boys have come ready to give their best. Exams continue up 29 November. Our NZQA Exam Centre Manager, Mrs Warrender has been impressed by the way that the boys have conducted themselves.


With cases of Covid-19 in the community we want to remind all students not to attend their exam if they are feeling unwell.. There is no longer mandatory isolation after a positive test for COVID - just the recommendation to stay home for five days. Whether it is COVID or not students if are unwell they are eligible for derived grades or results based on practice exams earlier in the year. To get the derived grades students should get a medical certificate and send to me at doylep@delasalle.school.nz as soon as possible.


A reminder that students must bring their Admission Slip to every exam. If you need a new copy, you can download a copy from the NZQA login.


NZQA is changing how students can do their NCEA exams – from hand-written papers, to online, using a laptop. This reflects the way students interact with the world and how we are completing much of our teaching and learning at De La Salle College, and it helps to prepare our men for their next steps after school.

Year 10 students required a laptop to complete the Literacy and Numeracy Corequisites and Year 11 – 13 students need a laptop for many exams now. A reliable laptop is now become a must have rather than just useful. This year we have had a large number of students completing Digital Exams. In fact, our Level 1 pilot subjects Vagahau Niue and Lea Faka Tonga only have digital options available. Students are reminded to bring a fully charged device to their Digital exam. Students are still able to loan a device from the school if required.


You can access your results from late January through your NZQA student login.

We recommend that Year 13 students change their contact email with NZQA to something different than your school email to make sure they have easy access in 2024 and beyond.


Special congratulations to Mr Rex and the Vagahau Niue students who completed the first ever Level 1 NZQA External Exam.

This is the very first time that the NZQA Level 1 VAGAHAU NIUE paper has been sat in NZ. De La Salle College is one of the few schools sitting the Pilot subject in the whole of NZ!!


Deputy Principal- Mr Elton Charles

Cell Phone and Media Use Advice

Encouraging responsible cell phone and social media use in teenage boys involves a combination of communication, setting boundaries, and being good role models. Here are some tips for parents:

1. Open Communication:

  • Establish an open and non-judgmental line of communication. Make sure your teenager feels comfortable discussing their online experiences and concerns.
  • Educate them about the potential risks and benefits of social media and cell phone use. Discuss topics such as online privacy, cyberbullying, and the impact of excessive screen time on mental health.

2. Set Clear Guidelines:

  • Establish clear rules and expectations regarding cell phone and social media use. This might include guidelines for screen time, appropriate content, and the importance of respecting others online.
  • Consider creating a family media agreement together, outlining expectations and consequences for misuse.

3. Lead by Example:

  • Model healthy cell phone and social media behaviour. Demonstrate responsible device use and avoid spending excessive time on screens yourself.
  • how them how to balance online and offline activities. Engage in family activities that don't involve screens to emphasize the importance of a well-rounded life.

4. Teach Digital Citizenship:

  • Emphasize the importance of being a responsible digital citizen. Discuss the impact of online actions on others and the long-term consequences of inappropriate behavior.
  • Encourage them to think critically about the information they encounter online and to question the reliability of sources.

5. Monitor Their Activity:

  • While respecting their privacy, it's important to keep an eye on your teenager's online activities, especially if they are younger or new to social media. Familiarize yourself with the platforms they use and their privacy settings.
  • Use parental control tools to set limits on screen time and block inappropriate content.

6. Encourage Offline Interactions:

  • Encourage your teenager to balance online interactions with face-to-face interactions. Plan family activities, outings, or events that promote real-world connections.
  • Discuss the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between the digital and physical worlds.

7. Promote Self-Regulation:

  • Teach your teenager self-regulation and time management skills. Help them understand the importance of taking breaks, getting enough sleep, and engaging in physical activities.
  • Encourage them to set their own limits on screen time and to be mindful of the content they consume.

8. Stay Informed:

  • Keep yourself informed about the latest trends in social media and technology. This knowledge will help you guide your teenager through the ever-evolving digital landscape.
  • Be aware of the apps and platforms they are using and discuss any new concerns or issues that may arise.

Remember, building trust and maintaining open lines of communication are crucial in guiding your teenager toward responsible cell phone and social media use. Regularly check in with them, ask about their online experiences, and address any concerns they may have.

Academic Year 7/8

Assistant Principal- Mr Herbert Tanuvasa

Another week has finished and another New Zealand defeat with the Black Caps going down in the One Day world Cup semi-final against India. I guess with Diwali celebrations happening this week it was inevitable that India would continue celebrating on the cricket pitch, especially if we consider the Diwali theme of victory where light overcomes darkness. In hindsight maybe the Black Caps should not have worn their black jersey?

Here at De La Salle College the boys are experiencing shifting from the darkness of the covid years into the light. Our 2024 college theme “Let Perseverance finish its work” has seen us begin to enjoy the fruits of the tough labour during lockdown/flood emergencies. There is a lightness in the air around the school where students and staff feel, at ease despite it being exams, testing and reports.

I want to thank the wider De La Salle community for the perseverance shown these last few years, in order for us to reach this place where we can enjoy the fruits of perseverance. Families working with their sons cannot be underestimated in helping the boys achieve success, it is a holistic work done with a holy calling. As we enjoy the lightness of not having heavy burdens upon us these last few weeks of school we look forward to moving into a Christmas holiday period akin to Diwali’s “Festival of Lights”.

In Christ

literacy centre

Waka ama

by Evander Su'a

At the start of term 4, a group of year 9 and 10 boys expressed their interest in representing our school in waka ama.

With the regatta just around the corner, there was no time to waste.

Having a few trainings to get us prepared, the team learnt how to refine their paddling techniques, build their physical stamina, help rig the waka, move the waka from the water and back into the sheds, and most importantly work as team.

Representing our school at the Auckland Secondary School Junior Regatta, we did surprisingly well with the Division 1 boys taking home 2 Gold and 1 Silver medal.

On behalf of the junior waka ama team, we would like to thank Br. Jack, Ms Felise, Mr Skipps, Ms Tanuvasa, Ms Henry and Mr Felise for organising us. A special thanks to old boys Soakimi Tauliauli, Ezekiel Aoake, Austin Roberts, and Fiva Laufili for guiding us throughout this experience and helping us build the sport up again at our school. Without their assistance, all of this would’ve been possible and once again I thank the old boys of the college for continuing to serve their school and our community.

With Auckland Secondary Schools Senior Regatta coming up early in 2024, this was a good experience for the team to get ready for and who knows, we might even qualify for Nationals!


De La Salle Sport has had a busy couple of weeks.

  • Our junior volleyball had three teams playing competitively, culminating in the Auckland Junior Champs on Wed, Thurs, Fri of this week.
  • Our cricket team has been setting the foundation for future De La Salle cricket and were in a position to win all their games but just came up short each time.
  • Waka Ama had a great regatta to get De La Salle Waka Ama back to it's original strengths, with our division 1 Junior boys winning gold too.
  • Our Junior Boys Tag have qualified for Auckland Champs which is coming up and we're looking forward to the test.

Still a few sports to finish off the year and looking forward to ending off with a bang.

Auckland Blues Region Sevens Tournament

by Mr A Brown

The De La Salle Year 10, 7s team played in the Auckland Blues Region inaugural 7s tournament held at Bruce Pulman last Friday 10 November. The team was co–captained by Likati Tovia and Jacobshalom Lui. The rest of the team were Latu Enoka, Riley Tulisi–Apelu, Liam Fanolua, Kava Moa, Nokise Manulelea, Eneasi Fisiiahi, Ignatius Schmidt, Vince Lavea and Kohen Masoe coached by Mr Ramsay and Mr Brown.

The weather was warm from the very first game at 9.20 a.m. against Avondale College and became hotter throughout the day. This game was won by DLS- a 40 plus points win. The second game was against Pakuranga High School with another 40 plus points win. The final pool game was against our neighbours across the railway tracks, Kings College. A tougher game with Kings leading by two tries early in the first half. The team rallied together and some strong individual runs from Likati, Nokise and Vince helped us get closer to Kings score. Down by a try, Vince Lavea broke through the defence past the halfway line and chipped the ball ahead to superbly bounce into the hands of a fellow teammate who scored under the post. De La Salle win and advance to the semi-final against our fellow brother Catholic school, St Peters.

The semi-final was won convincingly by St Peters who went on to win the tournament, so DLS played MAGs in the 3rd/4th play-off game. This was a game not taken lightly by either team and treated it like a consolation final. MAGS scored early and went on to score two unanswered tries despite a good defensive effort by the DLS boys. In the second half, Nokise entered the game and scored a hat trick, and another try scored from DLS, snatching a win from behind to claim third spot for the inaugural Blues U15s, 7s tournament. Congratulations to all the players involved for their exciting attack and determined effort on defense particularly Ignatius Schmidt.

Thank you to our physio on the day, Julian. Also, sending our best wishes to co-captain Likati Tovia for a healthy recovery from an injury received on the day. Looking forward to seeing you back on the field next year.

Junior Tag

by Ms M Judd

The Year 9 tag team played against Mangere College, TKM Nga Tapuwae and Alfriston College. They just won against Aorere College and then went into a Plate game against Botany which they won. The outstanding player of the team was Taimo Fatai. Thanks to coach Mr Ualika.

The Year 10 tag team coached by Ms Judd and Mr Joynt won against Wesley College 6-4, Southern Cross Campus 4-2, Onehunga High 9-2 and then went into the quarter finals where they played Mangere College and won 6-1. The team now move onto the Auckland Champs, Wednesday 29 Nov

Year 10 team: James Ash Faulalo (captain), Blessing Elisala, Liam Fanolua, Ezekiel Filipi, Eneasi Fisiiahi (vice captain), Kaharau Gilbert, Jacobshalom Liu, Nokise Manuleleua, Kohen Masoe, Kava Moa, Jazaiah Mokalei, Ignatius Schmidt, Evander Su’a, Cyrus Tango, Richie Tukula


Parents have been emailed their child’s unique Key Code to go online to view and purchase 2023 School TEAM photos. Go online and purchase your team photos today. Email comms@delasalle.school.nz if you did not receive your unique Key Code to place an order
Register your interest to be a rugby coach for 2024 in all grades: U12 to First XV. Please email Mr Hakeagatoa hakeagatoau@delasalle.school.nz
Want to earn badges for service hours?- sign up here


De La Salle College

A Catholic School for Boys Year 7-13 in the Lasallian tradition

2024 Year 7 Applications Are Still Open

2024 Year 9 Applications Are Closed

Creating great men of Faith - Service - Community - Excellence

  • Strong Catholic Character and Lasallian traditions
  • Dynamic teaching staff
  • Strong academic achievements
  • High expectations of every student
  • Caring and Supportive Pastoral Care team
  • Extensive co-curricular activities

For enrolment enquiries contact Mrs Bianca Leau

Phone: +649 276 4319 ext 816

Email: enrolments@delasalle.school.nz

Website: delasalle.school.nz/enrolments

contact us

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Website: www.delasalle.school.nz

Facebook: De La Salle College, Auckland , La Salle Collegians (NZ)

College app: SchoolAppsNZ

De La Salle College

81 Gray Avenue

Mangere East

Auckland 2024


+649 276 4319
