SENDMatters July 2023

Welcome to the latest issue of the SENDMatters Termly Update

This termly newsletter aims to provide parents, carers and young people and professionals with information and updates that inform you of the latest news, developments and services for children, teenagers and young adults (aged from birth to 25 years old) who have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Bromley.

We cover a range of developments and key local events, and any updates.

Welcome! SEND and Autism Project Officer

Introducing Colette Shrimpton who is new in role as the SEND and Autism Project Officer, part of the SEN Programme Team. Her key role is to provide updates to the All Age Autism Board members and other stake holders about projects and groups across Bromley working with Adults, Children and Young People.

Ambitious about Autism event @ The House of Lords

On Wednesday 5th July colleagues from the Bromley All Age Autism Partnership joined Councillor Jonathan Andrews (Chair of the Bromley All Age Autism Board) at an Ambitious about Autism event at the House of Lords. Local Partner, Bromley Mencap, also attended and through their Education and Employment Service continue to support many programmes to enable Autistic people into employment.

The event celebrated the success of the Employ Autism programme which seeks to complement existing services to support autistic people into employment and share good practice nationwide.

In Bromley, young people have told us that people with autism not in employment need better advice and support to help them find the right job for them.

Supporting independence and employment is one of the strategic priorities in the Bromley All Age Autism Strategy and we are working with partners to improve the employment opportunities for all young people with Autism and special educational needs and disabilities.

If you would like to learn more about the work that we are doing or know of a local business who would like to get involved please contact for more information.

Marjorie McClure Opening of New Site

During the Summer Term, Marjorie McClure opened their new school and the new space and facilities will revolutionise the way they support their amazing young people.

The building work on the new site began in Autumn 2021 and was completed in April 2023. It has been built to high quality Eco-Friendly Passive House low energy carbon neutral sustainable standards. Boasting Air Source Heat pumps and solar panels within a timber framed well insulated modular building.

Headteacher Rebecca Cottage agreed the space really made such a difference with light wider corridors and more room in the classrooms for movability.

They had previously had very limited outside space to expand out into but now they have a beautiful accessible landscaped garden to grow into a wonderful learning environment.

NDT Internships Work Project

As the NDTI Internships Work project enters its second funded year we’re delighted to say that the project is gaining momentum in Bromley.

This exciting project is funded by the Department for Education and will double the current supported internship provision in England. It is designed to support more young people aged 16 – 25 with additional needs to have greater choice and control over their future, opening up opportunities that prepare them for adult life and independent living.

As a key activity in the first year we established a Bromley SEND Employment Forum which is now supported by more than 40 colleagues from Bromley’s Education, Health and Care teams, parent/carer and young adult representatives, joint partnerships , school and college careers leads, voluntary sector partner agencies and local employers. The forum has met on three occasions with a further date planned for 27th September 2023. Together we are working to establish our key priorities for the coming year so that we have the right resources in the right place at the right time. If you would like to contribute your thoughts please complete this short survey and share your views.

Our SEND Parent and Young Peoples forum is also in development which will allow us to learn first-hand about the opportunities that parents, carers and young people are looking for through our employer network.

If you are a young person who wants to learn more about Supported Internships in Bromley please visit our Bromley Local Offer Post 16 Supported Internship pages where you will also find more information for young people.

If you are an employer who would like to learn more about Supported Internships and the value that an intern could bring to your business please visit our information pages on the Bromley Local Offer where we have published more information for employers.

Every participant in this project has an important role to play in developing sustainable employment opportunities for our young people with SEND and we value your continued participation and support. We are always looking for new members so if you would like to become a member of the SEND Parent and Young Peoples forum please email your contact details to us at:

Transition event for pre-school children with SEND

The first early years transition event for pre-school children with SEND moving to school was held on the 24th May at the Warren.

The aim was to highlight vulnerable children with SEND and other needs starting Reception in September 2023 by providing a forum for professionals to meet and share relevant information, including types of support and intervention required to ensure a smooth transition.

There were professionals from a range of services from both the SEN Advisory team and health colleagues and there was a real buzz during the day. This lead to very constructive professional discussions supporting planning for children as they move into school both individually and strategically.

The feedback was very positive with requests to do it again next year:

‘This was great, To be able to talk face to face was so useful’
‘Hope you do this event again, think it will be so beneficial for children and for us all’
‘Very well organised’
Excellent idea, brilliantly managed.
Ability to discuss all children with SEN before trial session and support all before starting. Great day.’
Very informative, it was a good way to share information and be prepared for the new intake’.

The pre-school to reception transition event will now become an annual fixture in the calendar.

Bromley Primary to Secondary School Transition Liaison Day

SEND, pastoral and safeguarding colleagues from Bromley mainstream schools met together on June 20th, 2023 at The Warren to share information and advice to support this year’s transition process for Year 6 pupils with additional needs. This year’s event was attended by 123 Bromley school professionals, with 95% of Bromley mainstream secondary schools and 91% of primary schools represented on the day. Many local professionals also participated. A very small percentage of schools made other arrangements outside the event.

This year, primary school attendance was more spread out throughout the day, which helped to ‘even out’ the flexible schedule of professional conversations. This was very beneficial.

What did participants say?

“Excellent as always. Really well organised – an efficient use of time with fantastic attendance – thank you for all your hard work.”
“The new information form worked brilliantly – we had so much more information before the event this year.”
“Great as always. It’s an excellent forum for professional conversations.”
“Very quick, great to see people and well set-up – thank you.”
“Brilliant opportunity, great organisation, excellent venue.”
“Good for networking opportunities also with colleagues. Very worthwhile.”
“Very well organised, it ran really smoothly – I saw every school.”
"Always incredibly useful and productive days – thank you.”
“Very efficiently run and a very informative day – well worth the visit to find out so much information – thank you, see you next year!”

One Stop Coffee Shop

The ONE STOP COFFEE SHOP event (for families with children and young people with social communication needs (incl. autism)) was held on 28th June at Blenheim Children and Family centre. Fifteen different services attended event, successfully reaching out to over 60 families. The collaborative working on the day gave the unique opportunity for these families to meet the services face to face!

Families reported that the event saved them 2 weeks’ worth of phone calls trying to speak to services by phone. Services reported that being able to see families face to face and network was hugely valuable. Families were able to meet services previously not known to them and to access support especially at the tricky time of year with summer break approaching and children are transitioning onto their next part of the educational journey.

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Bromley Complex Needs Team Parent / Carer workshops

Bromley Complex needs team have been running a series of parent/carer work shops where families can learn more about their young persons needs. This is open to families who have young people with an ASD diagnosis or have had their first diagnostic appointment.

They are run over 3 evening sessions, in a workshop style. The take up for these sessions and attendance has been really high with wonderfully positive feedback. Some areas that have been highlighted are the engaging delivery and style of the presenters as well as the opportunity to network with families sharing similar experiences. From the advisory teams perspective the contributions from families has been truly heart warming

"The workshops were so good and the content was spot on. I really can’t say enough about how important it felt for the attendees – the collective acknowledgement of the issues raised and your perspectives on it had a profound effect on many of the people there. Also keeping it constructive and proactive while still acknowledging that autism is lifelong was done brilliantly, and so important as P/C’s are trying to understand where to accept and where to push on their own unique journeys. The consistently high turn out over the 3 sessions was testament to its quality.’"

Parent Carer Autumn workshops

The Complex Needs Team are running workshops on:

  • 19th September, 7-9pm
  • 26th September, 7-9pm
  • 3rd October, 7-9pm

At: The Phoenix Centre, 40 Masons Hill, Bromley BR2 8JG

Areas that will be covered include:
  • The 4 areas of difference with a focus on understanding communication and interaction differences and practical strategies to support your young person
  • An opportunity to network with other parents/carers
  • How to work in partnership with education staff

For further information please contact Emma Donovan-Brown:

Mini Griffins Family Playgroup

Mini Griffins is a family play group for children aged four and under with vision impairment and their parents/carers who meet fortnightly on Friday afternoons at Griffins to sing, create art and play. The group provides a fantastic opportunity for parents and children alike to meet and make friends.

Each session includes a whole group singing and music time, and a themed craft for the children to enjoy. There is a play kitchen available, as well as various sensory toys and a blackout tent which has proved to be very popular!

Mini Griffins has been a huge success this year and we are all looking forward to continuing in the new school year.

“I like the opportunity to meet other parents, it’s nice to know you’re not alone and you can share advice”. – Parent
“(Daughter) thoroughly enjoys finding different sensory toys like the lights, it gives her different ways to learn and gives me ideas that are outside the box”. – Parent
“I like playing with my friends. I like the art, making things” – Child
“I like coming here. I like it. I like the art and sand and lights” – Child

Bromley Vision Team Social Group

The Group provides opportunities for Children and Young People (CYP) with a vision impairment to meet others of a similar age from schools across Bromley. We meet once a term and are kindly funded by Friends of Griffins (FOG).

Children with vision impairment are often the only ones in their school and it can be very isolating. The group enables them and their parents to meet and make new friends with others they have something in common with.

They are involved in deciding what we do and activities so far include: Bowling, pottery painting, Yoga, pizza making and Christmas Art and Craft activities.

We have received positive feedback and comments from both the children and young people and their parents. Here’s what some of our children and parents have to say about our latest bowling event:

‘Thank you for doing these groups. There are often a lot of negatives around having a vision impairment this is a light relief where they can get together and forget about the challenges and just have fun. We really appreciate it.’ - Mum of Year 2 pupil
‘I enjoy going to the events and spending time with the other children.’ - Year 4 pupil
‘I like meeting people with ‘bad eyes’ like me.’ - Year 5 pupil

New Changing Places facility opens at Princess Royal University Hospital

Need2Change – a group of Bromley Mums who have children and young adults with complex disabilities, were at the recent opening of a new Changing Places toileting facility at Princess Royal University Hospital.

Need2Change said: “We are delighted that more Changing Places are being built in the area, enabling us to access places that we need to, and want to, visit. They make such a difference to daily life - making trips out not only possible, but far more dignified and less stressful too. It is a pleasure working with Bromley council officers, NHS teams, and voluntary sector organisations to bring more of these specialist facilities to our borough.”

You can find out more about the facility at PRUH, other venues which have Changing Places and the work of Need2Change by following their social media pages.

Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Summer Offer

HAF Programme

Bromley’s Holiday, Activities and Food programme (HAF) provides free holiday club places, including activities and healthy meals outside of term time, for eligible families with children and young people aged between 5-16 years old.

As part of the HAF programme, a SEND Specific Provision is being hosted this summer through the Bromley Children and Families Voluntary Sector Forum. Places are going fast and on a first come, first served basis.

Embracing Diversity

SEND Network Champions

Do you believe that we should all be SEND Champions?
Do you want to be part of a new and exciting network representing your service in SEND?
Are you an outstanding and passionate individual who wants to make a difference for children and young people who have SEND and support your service in this area?
Would you like to be a key lead for your area?

Are you interested in becoming a SEND Network Champion?

Have a chat with your line manager or if you are parent contact Kay Moore, SEND Programme Manager, for more information

The date of the next meeting is:

The Neurodiversity Umbrella Project

The Neurodiversity Umbrella Project is an uplifting visual representation of all the different minds we have here in the UK.

Every Umbrella Project installation helps to raise awareness and understanding of neurodiversity. Colourful umbrellas are strung together over public spaces, in schools, and in company buildings around the nation. Each display is designed to represent the one in five of us who have a neurodevelopmental condition, such as ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia or Tourette’s syndrome. These conditions fall under the umbrella term of neurodiversity.

We are changing the perception of neurodiverse/neurodivergent people and celebrating all the many strengths that come from thinking differently.

The London Borough of Bromley has secured external funding to bring an umbrella installation to Bromley High Street for Summer 2023. We would like to invite you to attend the launch of the Umbrella Installation which will be taking place on Tuesday 25th July as part of ‘High Street Lates – A Sport and Wellbeing Festival’ running from 4pm-9pm.

The Umbrella Installation will be in place for the duration of the school summer holidays and we welcome groups activating the space underneath for activities.

For further details, please click the following link The Neurodiversity Umbrella Project - ADHD Foundation : ADHD Foundation or contact

Help and Support for Families

Save the Date! Local Offer Market Place Event

Bromley Local Offer team and Bromley Parent/Carer Forum are working together to organise a ‘Local Offer Market Place Event’ for Parents and Carers of SEND Children and Young People in Bromley.

On Wednesday 11th October from 10-2pm at Bromley United Reformed Church, providers across Education, Health and Care will be invited We hope that SEND parent/carers will be able to gather information on a wide range of services available to them.

Bromley Mencap Update

We support disabled children, young people, and young carers through to their transition into adult service. We offer advice and information, signposting, opportunities for peer support, short breaks, and leisure activities. We are proud to work with disabled children, young people, and their families to make life better.

Short Breaks

Our Short Breaks service provides respite for families of children/young people with disabilities from the ages of 0 to 25. Community Support Workers, Buddies and Childminders support children/young people to access social and leisure activities in the community or they provide support in the family home, depending on the families’ wishes.

Specialist Autism Family Support

We are working with 17 families, offering strategies for support with issues such as:

  • Behaviour management & emotional regulation tools
  • Sensory Processing
  • Managing a healthy home/school relationship
  • Young carers & short breaks referrals

Young Carers

Young Carers enjoyed a variety of activities and workshops over May half term, including a photography exhibition; LGBTQ+ workshop around gender expression and a fun games day whereby young carers created Tik Toks and spent time forming new friendships; and a forum on a Carers Charter - all of which included pizza or sweet treats.

16+ Autism Service

We are supporting people aged 16 and above with issues such as socialising, managing money and living independently. We have recently launched a weekly drop-in service in central Bromley. Contact us for details.


  • Bromley Mencap enquiries -
  • Specialist Autism Family Support –
  • 16+ Autism Service –
  • Short Breaks -
  • Young Carers -