porters grange weekly newsletter week ending 11th october 2024

Diary Dates


  • Monday 21st - Thursday 24th - Book Fair
  • Friday 25th - INSET Day
  • Monday 28th - Friday 1st November - Half Term


  • Monday 4th - Return to school
  • Friday 22nd - Year 5 & 6 Cinema trip
  • Wednesday 27th - Reception Reading Workshop


  • Friday 20th - INSET Day
  • Monday 23rd - Friday 3rd January - Christmas Break


  • Wednesday 15th - Year 6 Height & Weight check
  • Wednesday 22nd - Reception Reading Workshop


  • Monday 17th - Friday 21st - Half Term
  • Monday 24th - INSET Day


  • Monday 7th - Thursday 17th - Easter Break
  • Friday 18th - Good Friday
  • Monday 21st - Bank Holiday Monday


  • Monday 5th - Bank Holiday Monday
  • Monday 12th - Thursday 15th - KS2 SATS Week
  • Wednesday 21st - Reception Height & Weight, vision & hearing checks
  • Monday 26th - Bank Holiday Monday
  • Tuesday 27th - Friday 30th - Half Term


  • Monday 2nd - INSET Day
  • Monday 9th - Friday 13th - Phonics Screening Check
  • Monday 16th - Wednesday 18th - Year 6 Residential


Wednesday 23rd - Last day of term


This week we have been looking closely at our book for this half term ‘The whales on the bus.’ We have used the creative workshop to make some models and collages, which we will display on the wall. We are also continuing to learn the rules and routines of the group, especially sharing resources with our friends.

REMINDER: Please remember no toys from home are to be bought into nursery.


This week we have played lots of Phase 1 listening and copying games, action songs and rhymes and games identifying the sounds we can hear. We have been learning the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and we used this in our story acting. In Maths we have been learning to match and sort objects. We have been revising numbers 1-5. Thank you to all those parents that attended our reading workshop. We hope you found it informative.

REMINDER:Y our child needs to bring their book bag to school every day with their reading book and reading record in it.

If your child does not have one yet they will receive theirs next week.

We have our healthy lunchbox and fussy eating workshop on Friday the 18th October. This is open to the whole school; you must book to attend.

Incase you missed the Reception Class photos in the Echo we thought we would share them on the newsletter as well.

Year 1

The children have continued to practise their letter formation this week, looking at the zig zag monster letters. We have recapped our geography knowledge by naming and locating the 5 oceans. Also, we have been discussing ‘emotions’ in PSHE and talking about those special people who make us happy.

REMINDER: Reading books in school every day please. This is a year 1 expectation. No earrings to be worn on Thursdays. Thursday is our PE day.

Year 2

The children have really enjoyed English this week. They have explored the text ‘Night Pirates’ and made predictions of where the main character may go on an adventure. They also used expanded noun phrases to describe different nouns. In maths, the children have been learning to count in 3s and look for patterns to help them work out what number comes next in the sequence. We had a very interesting science lesson and recognised the differences between things that are alive, dead and never been alive! In history, the children enjoyed the walk and looked at how buildings have changed over time.

REMINDER: Please make sure you note how your child reads at home in the reading records.

Help your child at home by counting in 3s. You could gather objects in groups of 3 and count out loud! Use a number square to help you spot the patterns.

Year 3

This week in English we have begun to learn about writing effective instructions. In maths we have continued adding ones, tens and hundreds to three-digit numbers. In history we have been learning about how metal is made and how the Stone Age turned into the Bronze Age. We had a very interesting science lesson about the different joints in our bodies and how they move.

REMINDER: Please hear your child read at home and make sure they have their PE kits in school on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Year 4

This week we have started immersing ourselves into a new text in English. We are writing in the style of a narrative about an Anglo-Saxon princess! So far we have used speech punctuation and some apostrophes. In maths we are learning to add using different methods and have recapped some place value learning. In Porpoise class PE the children have loved setting up their own mini golf course and are looking forward to using a different club to learn some driving! In Orca class PE we have been learning how to steal tags from each other in tag rugby!

REMINDER: PE kit should be in school by now and ready for Monday and Wednesday.

Reading books should be in every day, children should change their own books unless told. They can show their teacher their reading from home during early morning work to celebrate their love for reading!

Year 5

In English, we have been looking at the biographies of Katherine Johnson and Neil Armstrong. We identified the features and wrote our own biography about the life of Neil Armstrong.

In maths, we started our new unit of multiplication and division. We discussed what multiples and common multiples are.

REMINDER:Please see the letter that went out about booking learning consultation appointments.

Year 6

We have finished writing our mystery story this week. The children have loved planning their robberies and murders! They have set up clues so Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson could solve the crimes. In maths, we are continuing to use our times tables facts. Now we are using them to solve multiplication and division questions.

In science, we have planned and carried out our own investigations about electrical circuits. In art, we have started making our sculptures of our faces using cardboard. Thank you so much everyone that sent some cardboard into school. We now have enough.

REMINDER: We are still focussing on increasing reading stamina (the length of time children read for). We are aiming for 12 – 15 pages a day.

IndiRock trips - Please return the slip AND complete the online Permission form.

It is getting colder so please can your child have something warner to wear for outdoor PE eg jogging bottoms.


Well done to those children who attended the Portico Sports Event on Tuesday the 8th October. You represented Porters Grange incredibly well and I am so proud of your effort, determination and teamwork. Brilliant job!

There is a new story and photos below


This week, in addition to the year 5 topic of The Olympic Games, the year 4 topic of Family, and year 2 learning about the weather, the deadline for the European Day of Languages competition on the theme of peace has come. Students have submitted some fantastic entries, and the overall winner will be named this week.


Music Clubs

  • Tuesday - Music Making - 3.30pm - 4.15pm
  • Friday - KS2 Choir - 3.30pm - 4.15pm

Instrumental Tuition

  • Tuesday Guitar - Mr Brown
  • Wednesday Guitar – Mr Elliott
  • Wednesday Keyboard – Mr Hockey

Portico Sports Festival

Children from Hamstel Infant School, Hamstel Junior School, Porters Grange, Friars Primary School and West Leigh Junior School participated in an afternoon of sporting fun on Tuesday! The children selected were a credit to our academy. They enjoyed sports such as dodgeball, boccia, benchball, archery and much more! We were so impressed with the children's attitude and behaviour throughout the afternoon. All of the children displayed the School Games values which we look for at all sporting events and competitions:

  1. Determination
  2. Teamwork
  3. Passion
  4. Honesty
  5. Self-belief
  6. Respect

Well done children! We look forward to you representing the school again soon.

Fire Safety

Healthy Schools

Online Safety

Fortnite is a game well-known for its popularity with younger players, as well as its many different modes and expansions intended to keep the experience fresh for long-time fans. One such addition has been LEGO Fortnite – a kind of “survival mode” where players take control of LEGO characters, craft tools, and build structures in a manner similar to the toy set of the same name.

While the content of LEGO Fortnite has been rated as suitable for children of 7 and older in the UK, it – like any online game – carries inherent safety concerns. For this reason, parents and educators should consider keeping themselves apprised of any potential dangers posed to children who enjoy this title. This guide offers plenty of insight into the most prominent risks associated with this title, and lets you know how to ensure children can safely enjoy their time with this expansion.

Second Hand Uniform Shop

Our Uniform shop is located within the front reception area of the school and is open Monday-Friday 8.30am - 4.00pm. All items are 50p each. We always have a good selection of skirts, trousers, jumpers, tops, dresses and P.E items. Please ask at the office to point you in the right direction.

We always welcome school uniform donations for us to sell at our school uniform shop. Could we please ask that the clothes are in good, clean condition. All items can be dropped off at the school office between 8.30am - 4.00pm. Thank you so much for doing this for the school as it helps our parents out tremendously.

Thank you


Congratulations Attendance Awards

Congratulations to Oyster, Seahorse Lobster and Sea Turtle classes for achieving a certificate this week.

Being ready every day and getting in on time is the challenge you set yourself to achieve greatness!

his week, we celebrated 337 children who achieved 100% attendance, slight rise on last week. Well done to all those attendance hero's, children who were Here, Every day, Ready and On time.

Aim to attend school 100% Of every week.

Attendance monitoring

Advice and support for families who are experiencing difficulties around attendance is always available on request, please call the attendance line or email the attendance email and Mrs Wyer our attendance administrator will follow up any questions or queries.

Each week the attendance team contacts families about attendance

• National threshold review letters

• Level 1 absence review letter

• Attendance support meeting invite

• Punctuality review letter

Weekly attendance support meetings have started with Mrs D Morris This week, so if you are invited to an attendance meeting on a Thursday morning and you unable to make it, please do get in contact to rearrange for a day and time that suits you. We understand everyone leads a busy life, Mrs Morris often has availability at the start of the day just after you drop off in the morning or just before you collect your child at the end of the day, to have that short catch up about attendance for your child.

Being here is half the battle won!

Contact Us

If you would like to talk to someone for support or advice on attendance or punctuality at any time, please do not hesitate to contact the Attendance Team: Mrs. S. Wyer, Attendance Administrator, or Mrs. D. Morris, Assistant Principal and Senior Leader for Attendance. You can pop into the school office to speak face to face, if we are available. Alternatively, you can call the school or drop us an email at attendance@pgps.porticoacademytrust.co.uk We are here and always happy to help!

From the first day of term to the last,

the small moments in a school day make a real difference to your child.

Weekly Attendance Report

Dinner Menu

Week 1

Monday - Beef Bolognaise with Spaghetti - Vegan Bolognaise with Spaghetti - Baked Potato with Grated Cheese - Peas & Broccoli - Maryland Cookie

Tuesday - Ham & Cheese Pizza with Baked Wedges - Margherita Pizza with Baked Wedges - Pasta & Tomato Sauce - Carrots & Sweetcorn - Apple Crumble with Custard

Wednesday - Roast Chicken with Roast Potatoes & Gravy - Vegan Vegetable Biryani - Baked Jacket Potato with Baked Beans - Seasonal Greens & Cauliflower - Cherry Cornflake Cake

Thursday - Chilli Con Carne with Steamed Rice - Vegan Bean Chilli with Steamed Rice - Pasta & Tomato Sauce - Broccoli & Carrots - Chocolate & Pear Sponge

Friday - Breaded Fish Fingers with Chips & Ketchup - Vegan Goujons with Chips & Ketchup - Baked Jacket Potato with Grated Cheese - Peas & Baked Beans - Banana Flapjack


Cost of Living Advice

Click here to access cost of living advice from Southend City Council. It contains information on housing support, energy cost advice and benefits and support for those with children.