End of Year Newsletter Friday 19th July 2024/ Dydd Gwener 19eg Gorffennaf 2024

Dear Families,

Another school year draws to a close. It has been a busy and successful year at Minera VA School.

I would like to thank all the staff team at Minera VA School for their commitment and hard work. Without their efforts to go above and beyond, your children would have the special opportunities they do at our school.

Thank you, to you, our families for your continued support for Minera VA School and all that it does.

I say this every year but WOW! - what an amazing Friends of Minera team that we have . They are a small team of volunteers who put a great deal of effort and hours into organising events . On Friday, the Friends of Minera put on a Summer Fair and made £800 to support our school and provide for our children but more importantly… they provided our Minera community with a lovely afternoon of food, fun and lots of laughter .

Have a lovely summer holiday and see you all in September. School re-opens on Tuesday 4th September for everyone.

Spencer Williams - Headteacher


Year 6

Everyone at Minera VA School would like to wish our fantastic Year 6 pupils all the very best of luck as they move on their journey to St Joseph's High School.

We are extremely proud of all them. It was a pleasure watching their leavers service and hearing about their memories and ambitions for the future. Make the most of every opportunity and try your best! We will miss them all!

A huge thank you to Mr Barnes for organising our Leaver's Service. Thank you to the friends and family of our Year 6 who joined us for our special service. It was great to see the hall so full!

This is a link for the Year 6 leavers photographs:



As we reach the end of term, we say goodbye to Mr David Griffiths and Mrs Sara Roberts.

I would like to thank both for their hard word work at our school and wish them the best for the future. Mrs Roberts will still continue to work in Breakfast Club.

End of Term Awards

Sunshine Cup
Excellent Effort Award
Cwpan Camnol - Excellent Work Award

Sponsored Walk

Thank you for helping us with our sponsored walk to raise money to get better play equipment. We raised £821.25! We will buy lots of equipment to play on the yard. We would also like to thank Minera Roof Trusses who kindly donated £50.

Alfie and Oscar (School Senedd)

Well done to four amazing fundraisers! Lily raised £46, Freddie raised £75 and Isabelle & Evie raised £105!

Happy Birthday/Penblwydd Hapus

We have lots of children celebrating their birthdays the months of July and August:

Friends of Minera

Thank you for supporting our summer fundraising events. Last night's disco was our busiest yet, with 85 children attending. We made a profit of £208.

We are grateful to all the parents who stayed to help serve refreshments and the staff who helped with the disco, despite being tired at the end of a long term.

The children loved buying their hot dogs, drinks and sweets; we hope they weren't too lively when they got home!

With the Summer Fair raising £803 and the Sports Day raising £160, our summer fundraising total was an impressive £1,171.

Thank you all for your support.

Special thanks go to two members of our FOM Committee, Rachel Walker and Claire Thomas who are leaving us as Alex and Dylan move on to St Joseph's. We are now more desperate than ever for people to join our small committee. Please let us know if you are interested.

Summer Holiday Club

Kids Eat Free

Term Dates 2024 to 2025

Diary Dates

  • 2nd - Staff Training Day (School Closed)
  • 3rd - Staff Training Day (School Closed)
  • 4th - School Opens for New Term

Contact Information

Phone: 01978 269500
Email: mailbox@minera-pri.wrexham.sch.uk
Website: www.mineraprimary.com
Don't forget to follow us on Facebook