Our Mission: North Carolina Cooperative Extension partners with communities to deliver education and technology that enrich the lives, land and economy of North Carolinians.
Cabarrus County 4-H
Summer Fling
Summertime in the 4-H world is all kinds of crazy! We have had 4 full weeks of Summer Fling classes that youth have been really enjoying. We have several more throughout the summer that are full. We look forward to the rest of the summer. We are so thankful to our wonderful Intern who has helped organize the camps. We can't thank Mikayla enough. We also had 20 youth attend District Activity Day for presentations in Scotland County. We are so proud of these youth. They did a great job representing Cabarrus County and we wish them the best of luck at the start competition in July!
Please contact 4-H Agent, Molly Kleman with any questions about Cabarrus County 4-H.
Cabarrus County Family and Consumer Sciences
Summer has definitely arrived and food preservation hands on workshops have kept the Extension Kitchen in heavy use! Three 4 hour "Basics of Home Canning" hands on workshops have been offered and well attended! The Basics of Home Canning workshops utilizes delicious locally grown green beans to introduce pressure canning and offer an experience to preserve green beans using both a weighted gauge and dial gauge pressure canner. Participants are provided opportunities to use tools such as jar lifters, magnetic lid lifters, head space gauges for head space measurement and to assist packing green beans in the jars. Many of the participants have been surprised at the tools that are available that there mother's and grandmothers did not have access to! This workshop also includes an opportunity to use a boiling water bath canner to preserve delicious grape jelly.
Food safety is very important in home food preservation. Using research based recommendations is critical to ensure the safety of all home food preserved products. The Extension recommendation is to use "So Easy to Preserve, 6th Edition" as a reference. It is also important to have all Dial Gauge Pressure Canners checked annually before use. Our Office offers certified Dial Gauge Pressure Canning weekdays by appointment.
Tomatoes and Salsa Food Preservation Classes will be offered in July.
An important part of the Family and Consumer Sciences Program in Cabarrus County is the Extension and Community Association . ECA members are adult men and women who have many program opportunities. ECA Clubs meet in locations across the county and conduct and support many Cabarrus County projects. Just recently a local high school graduate, Merri Jo Harrison, was awarded both the Cabarrus County ECA Scholarship and the South Central District Scholarship to begin her college studies.
Cabarrus County Horticulture
This month has been an excellent opportunity to teach, learn, and expand the Extension Master Gardener program through the introduction of grab-and-go kits and collaboration on public program offerings.
Gov101 was a highly successful event, providing the public with valuable knowledge on plant propagation, container gardening, and microgreens. Attendees left the event with four plants each, enhancing their hands-on experience.
If you are interested in learning more about garden tours or joining Cabarrus County Master Gardeners email Payton Berry or call 704-920-3310.
Cabarrus County
Livestock and Field Crop
October 12th Cabarrus County Livestock Show.
Rules: https://go.ncsu.edu/cabcolivestockshow2024
Registration: https://forms.gle/rYGtMQGPcWKQ5rRV9
Please contact Livestock and Field Crop Agent, Sarah Newman with any questions: sarah_newman@ncsu.edu or 704-920-3310