Upper Key Stage 2 Newsletter Summer 2024

Welcome to summer

I hope that you have all had a lovely Easter Break with your families.. UKS2 children have come into school settled, happy and ready to learn. I am particularly impressed with the fantastic listening and attitudes to learning: long may this continue. The residential this week went well and the children were a credit to our school and to you.

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to get in touch with your child's class teacher, in the first instance, on Class Dojo.

Staff in Upper Key Stage 2

Golden Eagles (Year 6) - Mrs Fisher, Mrs Harrison & Mrs Wilson

Wolves (Year 5/6) - Miss Templeman, Miss Kahn, Mrs Wetherall & Mrs Bloodworth

Hippos (Year 5) - Mrs Lashford & Mr Snowdon

Our timings for the school day will continue to remain the same; we will open the doors at 8.45am and close them at 8.55am; we dismiss at 3.15pm. All UKS2 will enter and exit from the bottom door. There will always be a member of the UKS2 team at the door each morning and afternoon. If you have a quick query, please see one of the team at these points. If you would like to have a longer meeting with your child's class teacher, please get in contact with them via Dojo and arrange a suitable meeting time. Thank you.

This newsletter is to inform you of the teaching and learning that will be taking place during the Summer term in UKS2. This will not only give you an insight into what your child will be doing in school but it will also enable you to support your child with any additional learning at home. If you have any questions about any of the content of this curriculum newsletter, please contact your child's class teacher or Mrs Fisher via Dojo.

English and mathematics

Our learning in English follows the National Curriculum and ensures that the children understand the links between reading and writing. We continue to push reading and the importance of reading; it not only improves vocabulary and understanding of words - great readers make great writers.

Accelerated Reader is one of the ways we are encouraging our children to read. This is a great tool for us to see how much children are reading and how well they are understanding the books that they read. The inter class rivalry is continuing and the staff in UKS2 want to win the 'most words read' competition. Don't forget to get your child to take a quiz after every book that they have read. Here is the link that you need: https://ukhosted97.renlearn.co.uk/6707939/

If you would like to see if a book you have at home is on Accelerated Reader, simply go to https://www.arbookfind.co.uk/

During our reading lessons, we will be giving the children the opportunity to become fully fluent with a text before beginning to zoom in and answer questions about their understanding of the text.

The texts we will be reading this term are: The Many Worlds of Albie Bright by Christopher Edge, Clockwork by Philip Pullman and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.

Our spelling scheme is RWI Spelling which will be taught daily and follows on from the RWI phonics program which is taught in KS1.

We are currently following the White Rose Maths programme. White Rose Maths is an organisation that provides maths resources and Schemes of Learning for pupils of all ages, from early years to secondary school. The Schemes of Learning break down what children need to learn during each week of each term to master the learning objectives laid out by the National Curriculum. The resources are designed to be enjoyable, engaging and varied, to help pupils develop a love of learning and work towards mastery with differentiated resources.

'Everyone can do maths: everyone can!'


Religious Education

During this unit of work we will be asking the question: Creation and Science: conflicting or complimentary?

The children will:

• explain the importance of Creation on the timeline of the ‘big story’ of the Bible.

• identify the type of text some Christians say Genesis 1 is and its purpose.

• suggest the different meanings of the Genesis 1 text. (poetry, true event, story)

• make clear connections between Christian belief and God as Creator.

• recognise that Christians find science and faith do complement each other.

• express my own views about the universe, Creation, a Creator, science, etc. and justify my response.

• ask questions about faith and science and if they are compatible or in conflict.


Our science focuses for this term are Physics and Biology and we will be answering the questions: What is electricity? and How do we change as we grow older?

The key scientist we will be learning about this term is:

If there is anything you can encourage your children to find out about these scientists, it will support their science learning this Summer term.


We will be following a new PHSE scheme of work this year. Each half term we will focus on a different theme. PHSE will be taught in straight year groups, weekly, so all children will be taught to the expectations of the year group they are in. This means that Wolves class will be taught separately by miss Templeman (Y5) and Miss Hudson (Y6)

We will be learning about 'Being my Best' and 'Growing and Changing'


How has crime and punishment changed over time in Britain?

During the Summer Term we will be learning about the order of some time periods in British history: Roman, Anglo-Saxons, Tudors, Victorians and describe some of the punishments for crimes during these periods.


During our Geography studies this term, we will be investigating what sustainable energy is and how we can use it.

We will be thinking about renewable sources of energy and what we can do to try and save energy.


PE improves motor skills and increases muscle strength and bone density, which in turn makes students more likely to engage in healthy activity outside of school. Furthermore, it educates children on the positive benefits of exercise and allows them to understand how good it can make them fit and healthy.

Our PE days are a WEDNESDAY and a THURSDAY and all children need to ensure they bring their indoor and outdoor PE kit on these days.

During the Summer term, we will be focussing on the skills of hockey, rounders and athletics. There will also be an opportunity for some Y6 children to attend swimming lessons on Wednesdays. We will inform you on Dojo which children will be attending on which week.

PE is an essential part of the curriculum and all pupils need to take part. If you are struggling to obtain any PE uniform, please contact Mrs Fisher via Dojo and we will do our best to help. The uniform bank is also available to support.

For PE children will need:

  • Black or navy shorts/skort - these need to be mid thigh length and not hot pant style
  • Plain white T-shirt (no logos or sport's teams)
  • Trainers suitable for outdoor PE
  • Plain black or navy joggers or leggings
  • Plain black or navy jacket or hoodie
  • A water bottle


We will be continuing with our French tutor, Mr. Ratcliffe, who is coming in to work with all classes in Key Stage 2 this year. He will teach each class for 30 minutes every week. The children will not only be learning a variety of French vocabulary, but in UKS2 they also do a lot of writing in French too. This will give them all such a head start for when they head to high school.

The arts

This term we will be learning the skills of sculpture. The children will be investigating installation art. They will be introduced to installation art as a medium for communicating a message; learning about the features of this art genre and evaluating an artwork.

The children will be investigating structures during our Design and Technology lessons. They will have the opportunity to design and make a Truss Bridge.

In music lessons we will be listening to a range of songs from the musical theatre genre. The children will be learning to sing and preform songs that feature in musicals.


During our computing sessions this term we will be using technology to help design a new product. The children will be using both the ipads, laptops and micro-bits to complete this task.

In addition to these computing lessons, we will be working with the children to ensure that they know how to keep themselves safe online and the dangers of putting their personal details and photos out on social media.


Attend today - Achieve tomorrow

At St Botolph’s CE Academy, we believe that children have a right to fulfil their potential and flourish as unique individuals and so it is our vision that all children attend our school regularly and on time. To this end, we strive to support all our families in encouraging their child to attend regularly, no matter what barriers they may face

Please ensure that your child is in school each day. If they are not well, please phone the office to let them know. If we do not have a reason for absence, your child will be marked as an unauthorised absence.

Thank you for all your support and helping us to provide the best possible education for your children.

As always, if you have any questions, concerns or comments, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

You can message us on Dojo, email us on info@stbotolphsacademy.co.uk or catch one of the UKS2 staff team on the door at the beginning or end of the day.

Mrs Fisher and the UKS2 team.