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August and September 2024 @BVNLibrary back to school, back to school

We started the year off seeing every student in the first few days! We had 37 ELA classes to check out. We had all freshman ELA classes come in for orientation, where they learned about ALL the amazing things our library has to offer! It was fun to see them roaming the library finding unusual objects, scanning the QR codes, and reading about so many things. Many were surprised to learn there is no check-out limit!

Government classes came in to learn about media bias. We showed them the Ad Fontes Interactive Media Bias Chart and discussed reliability and bias and also how to use the databases to find news articles. They will be presenting current events throughout the semester and are tasked with finding the information and understanding any biases those sources may have.

Close Read Activities

We have had such a good variety of classes coming in to learn some close read strategies and we are excited to see how many students we can teach these to throughout the school year! First up was Anatomy and Honors Biology. We discussed the added learning benefits of reading and taking notes on paper, then practiced using these skills to convert them to online reading. Psychology classes learned about this as well as translated them to a screen so they could be prepared for their AP exams in the spring. Economics students also practiced close read strategies while learning about the economic impact of the Olympics in Paris.

Making all the things!

Our Open Concept Supply Closet has been heavily used while classes are decorating boxes, making magnets, and also for needed school supplies. Libraries have everything you need!

Students in Mrs. Porter's ELA 1-4 classes came to the library to make characters for a novel study of Charlotte's Web and we created a barn for them to use to understand better the transitions between characters and locations in the story. It was so much fun!

Physical Science students designed a 3D printed component for their egg drop contraptions while learning about Newton's Laws. They learned how to think in 3D, how to create a design online, and then got to see how it worked to protect an egg from 30 feet high!

Psychology students had an experiment design project that culminated in a poster session. They were in the library for every step of this project, from learning about databases and citations in the research, to wondering about which direction to take their experiment, to making and presenting their posters.

Banned Books Week 2024

We had 51 classes come to the library for our Banned Books Week activities! This year we put together a presentation about censorship and what students can do in the face of injustice. Students could also make tally marks for a display of any Banned Books they had read. They also could make bracelets, learn about previously challenged titles, and take some selfies with book covers. Check out some photos from our wildly successful Banned Books Week!

Created By
Abigail Cornelius


Created with an image by SKT Studio - "Book stack on the table in the library room and blurred space of bookshelf background"
