
Monkton Park Newsletter Friday 29th September 2023

Weekly Achievement Awards

Achievement certificates

Achievement certificates are awarded to one child per class every week in our celebration assembly.

Congratulation in week 4 to: Frankie, Sienna, Joey, Theo, Nat, Bianca, Flynn & Olivia

Hot Chocolate Friday

Congratulations to this weeks hot chocolate winners.

This weeks achievers are: Amelia, Grayson, Elsie, Molly, Lucia, Isabella, Georgie & Anna

Star Writer

Our Star Writers this week are: Edie, Rowan, Sam, Ada, Marcus, Sofia, Olivia & Ivy

Parking at drop off and pick up times

As you will know roads around the school can become busy at pick up and drop off times. This can make crossing the road extremely hazardous for children so please always park considerately and avoid parking on double yellow lines. Parking spots are always available on roads slightly further away and we would encourage the use of these at busy times.

Forest School Donations

Forest Schools are in need of some items. They need metal sieves and plain cotton sheets/pillow cases. If you have any you could donate, please either bring them to Rabbits classroom or the school office.

Voices for Life

Wiltshire Young Musicians

Wiltshire Young Musicians have been providing musical groups for children for over 20 years from junior through to senior groups and we are holding our next Love to Play Strings event on Monday 23rd October for children who are at beginner stage (have been learning for about 6 months/I year+). These events are designed to give children a taster of the enjoyment of playing with other children in a group and we hope that if they enjoy the experience they would like to join one of our junior groups afterwards. We have junior groups based in Wootton Bassett, Trowbridge, Devizes and Bradford on Avon.


The photographers will be in school on Monday 9th October in the morning. They will be taking individual and school age sibling photos. If you do not wish your child's photo to be taken, please let the school office know.

HelloYellow - World Mental Health Day - 10th October

Tuesday 10th October is World Mental Health Day and we will be taking part in HelloYellow by holding a "Non Uniform" day (if your child does not have any yellow to wear please do not worry - they can wear any clothes of their choice).

We can all struggle with how we’re feeling, but sometimes things get tough and it can be difficult to cope. For so many young people, when this happens, they don’t get the help they need, when they need it. But together, we can change this.

By wearing yellow this World Mental Health Day on 10 October, and donating what you can, you can show young people that you’re with them. Show them that they matter and deserve the support they need, when they need it, no matter what.

If you wish to donate please go to https://www.youngminds.org.uk/support-us/donate/

Annual Nasal Flu Vaccination- 12th October 2023

Your child’s flu vaccination is now due.

This vaccination is recommended to help protect your child against flu. Flu can be an unpleasant illness and can cause serious complications. Vaccinating your child will also help protect more vulnerable family and friends by preventing the spread of flu.

Please complete the consent form using the following link: https://schoolimms.hcrgcaregroup.com/flu/2023/wilts

Please ensure you complete your child’s consent 48 working hours before your school session to ensure your child receives their vaccination.

We are visiting your child’s school on 12th October 2023

The vaccination is free and is a quick, simple and painless spray up the nose. Even if your child had the vaccine last year, the type of flu can vary each winter, so it is recommended to have it again this year or they won’t be protected.

A leaflet explaining the vaccination programme for primary aged children can be accessed hereand includes details about the small number of children for whom the nasal vaccine is not appropriate. The nasal spray vaccine contains a very small amount of purified porcinegelatine as an essential ingredient to keep it stable and able to work. For those who may not accept medicines or vaccines that contain porcine gelatine,a flu vaccine injection is available. Since the programme was introduced, most children offered the vaccine in schools have had the immunisation.

If you have any queries, please contact the School Aged Immunisation Team on 0300 247 0082 or email us using vcl.immunisations@nhs.net

If your child becomes wheezy, has a bad attack of asthma, or has started oral steroids for their asthma after you return this form, please contact the healthcare team on 0300 247 0082.

If you decide you do not want to vaccinate your child against flu, please complete the consent form giving the reason. This will help us plan and improve the service.

For further information see: www.nhs.uk/child-flu

Secondary School Applications

If your child is currently in year 6, you have until 31st October to apply for a secondary school place. Application can be made on online using the Wiltshire Council Website

Primary School Application

Applications for September 2024 primary school places must be made by 15th January 2024. Application can be made on online using the Wiltshire Council Website. If you would like to come and visit the school, please contact the office to make an appointment.


Our 2022/23 academic year was a fantastic year!

We have held our AGM and have a committee in place to move into 2023/24:

Julie Fry and Dan Smart - Co Chair

Emma Claridge – Secretary

Rob Elkins – Treasurer

We have held some brilliant events over the past year, I would like to thank every single person who has helped us raise money to support our school!

Special thanks need to go to the organisers of each of our main events; Helen and the subcommittee of the Christmas Fayre. Carla and Darren for running the quiz. Mary, Kat and all the subcommittee of the Scarecrow Trail. Julie, Kate and Helen for organising the Summer Picnic. Without them we would not have had our amazing community events.

Thanks also to all the volunteers who helped at our discos, the parents and the teachers who gave up their evenings, to everyone who baked cakes and cookies or donated items for our bake and book sales. Also to Sally for organising the Coronation event and Laura for the Christmas cards.

An extra big thank you needs to go to Nicolette who has worked tirelessly organising posters social media and been a great support this year and previous years.

I cannot forget to mention Rob as treasurer and Julie as Co-chair. It has been a good team!

So once again THANK YOU to everyone who has supported FOMPs and the school.

We are all FOMPs, and we are incredibly grateful to announce that over the year we have raised an incredible £9300!

We will look forward to our 2023/24 academic year and I would like to invite you to continue supporting FOMPs.

If you are New Parent/ Grandparent and want to get involved, please contact us on fompspta@gmail.com or Facebook: Facebook/groups/fomps.mps

Provisional Dates and Events for your Diary 2023/24:

Autumn Disco - 7th November (After School) Times to be announced Please sign up on the volunteer sheet that will be sent at the beginning of October.

Christmas Fayre - 15th December (Evening) We are looking for a subcommittee to help run this event please come along to the next Fomps meeting or drop us an email.

Scarecrow Trail – Our 15th Anniversary – Third weekend of May

Summer Event - TBC

Cake Sales - TBC

And we welcome any other ideas for events.

WhatsApp Information

Parenting Courses

Wiltshire Council Road Safety - Car Seat Check

TD Days

Friday 1st September 2023

Wednesday 18th October 2023

Thursday 28th March

Tuesday 23rd July

Wednesday 24th July

Term Dates 2023/24