Amplifying Independence Building advocacy, Audiences and allyship to strengthen Independent Supreme audit institutions

Amid increasing democratic backsliding and weakening institutions, 2023 stood as a pivotal year for collective action to promote and advance the work of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs).

🏛️ SAIs are threatened cornerstones in the governance framework of nations across the globe. As guardians of transparency and accountability, their institutional independence is critical to ensure the proper management of public resources. As we reflect on the strides made in bolstering SAI Independence, let's explore the progress and key milestones achieved to date.

From advocating for legislative reforms to fostering strategic partnerships, dialogue on SAI Independence has witnessed global and transformational shifts. Since 2019, international stakeholders from academia, civil society, development and good governance have converged in efforts to fortify the role of SAIs as crucial independent actors in the accountability ecosystem. In support of INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI), these partners have worked alongside IDI staff to elevate and strengthen the profile of SAIs and their independence. This Independence Engagement Recap looks back on those collaborative endeavors and highlights how we capacitated and empowered SAIs to mainstream independence.

📣 Want to promote and strengthen SAI Independence? Read our report below to learn more about upcoming opportunities!




In an increasingly interconnected world, the importance of oversight institutions forging connections with global partners cannot be overstated. By establishing collaborations and coalitions, these institutions can leverage diverse expertise, resources, and perspectives to enhance their effectiveness in ensuring accountability, transparency, and good governance.

Through such partnerships, oversight bodies like Supreme Audit Institutions gain access to best practices, innovative methodologies, and cross-regional perspectives, empowering them to address complex challenges with greater insight. This solidarity strengthens the unique, mutual support of INTOSAI and its partners, amplifying the accountability ecosystem's collective voice and influence on the global stage. Together, in partnership, these stakeholders promote integrity, fairness, and trust in institutions at both the national and international level-- strengthening democracy and the rule of law.


As we navigate the complexities of modern governance, engaging new audiences on topics such as open government, accountable public finance and institutional independence is paramount. These discussions aren't just for policymakers and experts; they're for every citizens invested in the well-being of their community. By fostering dialogue with important stakeholders and increasing understanding around these issues, IDI empowers individuals and organizations alike to actively participate in and protect the institutions shaping decisions that impact everyday lives.

Interaction on and offline is crucial to broadening public understanding. At IDI, we're dedicated to expanding the reach of conversations, bridging gaps, and amplifying relevant voices on SAI independence to create a more equitable, connected, and transparent accountability ecosystem to the public.

By leveraging the social media networks of our partner organizations, we've expanded our reach and connected with diverse audiences globally. Monitoring INTOSAI Development Initiative's social media reveals insightful trends and metrics on SAI independence, informing our strategies for greater impact.

Each mention, whether from within or outside our organization, extends our reach to fresh audiences, fostering direct and indirect engagement beyond our target demographic. Through these ripples, we're building momentum towards greater transparency, accountability, and integrity in governance, both in-person and through engaging online advocacy.


In the realm of accountability, transparency, and good governance practices, navigating the complexities of SAI independence requires a fresh perspective and innovative solutions. At IDI, we recognize that traditional approaches may not suffice in addressing these multifaceted challenges. That's why we prioritize developing relevant, informative products with outside-the-box thinking and adaptability at their core.

From enhancing financial literacy to fostering relationships between civil society and open government initiatives, our products are meticulously designed to be dynamic, purpose-driven, and user-centric. Addressing a wide array of subjects, our work covers SAIs' legal frameworks, threats to SAI Independence Principles, and areas of thematic interest. Our aim is to craft products with information and solutions that resonate with diverse communities, meet stakeholders at their level and empower them to meaningfully engage in governance processes.


2023 witnessed remarkable strides forward in the realm of SAI independence advocacy. Committed to championing the cause of independent Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), the work stream not only broadened its horizons but also ignited a global movement illuminating the vital role of independent SAIs.

From hosting vibrant workshops teeming with passionate stakeholders to adapting a groundbreaking resource kit, IDI's materials and thought-leadership reached new audiences across the globe.

Gathering partners from within and beyond good governance advocacy, we convened important dialogue to empower SAIs, amplify civil society engagement and advance joint action to strengthen and protect the accountability ecosystem.

This progress can be seen across four milestones:

  1. Expanding the suite of instruments for reactive and proactive advocacy
  2. Giving life to the SAI-Civil Society Organisations (CSO) Resource Kit and tailoring it for country-level interactions
  3. Developing relevant and innovative approaches to support SAI independence advocacy
  4. Exploring new thematic horizons to raise the profile of independent SAIs

Take in the highlights from our affiliated initiatives and programming below as we celebrate these pivotal achievements and continue to champion the cause of transparent, accountable governance for SAI independence on a global scale.

1. Expanding the Suite of Instruments for Reactive and Proactive Advocacy

In its 2019-2023 Strategic Plan, IDI introduced the Independent SAIs work stream, reflecting a robust commitment to enhancing global advocacy for SAI independence and bolstering support for SAIs striving to fortify or uphold their autonomy. While historical efforts centered on driving independence primarily by SAIs or key stakeholders, including development partners and civil society organizations, recent insights underscore the multifaceted nature of SAI Independence and its widening network of champions.

Recognizing the many dynamic political and institutional landscapes present globally, IDI acknowledges the evolving challenges posed by executive or legislative actions that can undermine SAI Independence. These challenges range from constitutional or legislative amendments to budget cuts, and even proposals to abolish SAIs entirely.

In response, the Independent SAIs work stream not only aims to facilitate the attainment of independence, but also endeavors to safeguard and sustain it amid emerging threats. By working with partners such as the INTOSAI Donor Cooperation as advocates of best practice, IDI puts a global spotlight on the hurdles SAIs face. Particularly, through the advocacy of the IDC Goodwill Ambassador for SAI Independence, Rt. Hon. Helen Clark, IDI provides a platform to increase awareness among governments and other stakeholders of the critical need to maintain SAIs’ independence.

Get to know the role of the IDC Goodwill Ambassador for SAI Independence, Rt. Hon. Helen Clark, in this introductory interview:

Beyond advocates, SAI independence threats can also be addressed by IDI staff through response tools. An example of one of our agile support mobilization tools is the SAI Rapid Advocacy Mechanism, or SIRAM, established to swiftly identify breaches to institutions' independence.

Alongside a support service capable of promptly rallying advocacy efforts, the creation of SIRAM represents a pivotal step forward, enabling coordinated responses and enhancing capacities to sustain SAI independence. As evidenced by the rising number of reported threats in 2023, our continued adaptation and expansion of response strategies underscore IDI's commitment to supporting SAI independence against threats worldwide.

SIRAM Snapshot: Threats Growing Globally

Escalating threats against SAI independence paint a concerning picture, signaling a broader global issue that transcends geographical boundaries and affects diverse models of SAIs across all INTOSAI Regions.

While our reporting captures only a fraction of these threats, the correlation with challenges faced by other independent institutions like the judiciary underscores the interconnected nature of accountability erosion.

Get an overview of the SAI Rapid Advocacy Mechanism and its connection to institutional governance in our introduction video:

🔍 Spotlight: SIRAM Cases Successfully Assessed in Poland and Montenegro

In regions experiencing a heightened concentration of threats, we observed trends coinciding with the shrinking of civic space and diminishing conditions for accountability. However, amid these challenges, SAIs also continue to play a crucial role in upholding the rule of law through their audit reports, which serve as compliance checks with existing laws and regulations.

In 2023, we issued two comprehensive assessment reports in Montenegro and Poland, in lieu of statements of concern, which have drawn interest from stakeholders. Through high-level press conferences in Warsaw and Podgorica alongside leaders from their respective SAIs, IDI was able to convey each report's findings, proving independence infringements in both cases. Watch our breakdown of the Poland SIRAM Report in the video below:

Additionally, the INTOSAI Chair recently concluded a visit to Montenegro in support of the SAI (pictured left). While in Poland, the Contact Committee of SAIs of the EU issued a statement referring extensively to IDI’s SIRAM assessment report.

(Pictured below) After multiple country visits, myriad stakeholder engagement, and a thorough fact-finding mission, IDI staff were able to conclude the SIRAM investigations and raise the profile of the affected SAIs through the media. Thanks to ongoing advocacy efforts championing the independence of the institution, SAI Poland now has a fully functional management team in place.


Reported threats, mapped by IDI since 2018, show an increasing trend of democratic backsliding and institutional weakening across several geographic regions, including Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Eastern Europe.

Additionally, follow-up on previous SIRAM cases have led to two important developments. First, in Sierra Leone the Tribunal established to judge the case against the Auditor General and her Deputy recently ramped up its proceedings, where IDI experts provided legal opinions on the specific audit procedures performed by the SAI.

Then, in Ghana the country's Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the President's decision to send the Auditor General on leave was unconstitutional, considering it a violation of the functional and institutional independence of the office of the Auditor General. This ruling validated the stance IDI took in its July 2020 Statement on the critical independence threat being faced by the Ghana Audit Services office at the time.

Empowering Change: Country-Level Initiatives and SIRAM Advocacy

In addition to our reporting initiatives, we are committed to fostering meaningful change and advocacy for SAI independence through our country-level engagement and bilateral projects. Central to our approach is the cultivation of strong partnerships with INTOSAI bodies, leveraging their expertise and resources to advance our objectives.

Collaboration with the INTOSAI General Secretariat and INTOSAI Regions has been integral to the successful rollout of initiatives like SIRAM. Through active engagement and participation with these actors in regional events, IDI has advocated for SAI independence, elevated the profile of SAIs, and reached previously underrepresented stakeholders at the local and regional level.

By working closely with international partners and stakeholders, we have aimed to drive meaningful change that strengthens oversight institutions. Explore our initiatives in Madagascar, Somalia, Gabon, and Suriname to learn about our efforts at the country level and how IDI is making a difference.

SIRAM addresses threats after they happen, but reactive advocacy is not enough.

Proactive methods are needed to better understand the factors preceding democratic backsliding and understand the causes behind the threats SAIs face.

Proactive Advocacy Meetings

Building on insights gathered from SIRAM that point to a regional concentration of cases, we facilitated the establishment of reference groups for proactive advocacy in three INTOSAI regions: AFROSAI, EUROSAI and OLACEFS. In 2023, IDI built these networks at the regional level by activating dialogue with subject matter experts to address the growing developments and root causes of threats to SAI independence.

Established as platforms for stakeholders within a region to discuss challenges affecting SAI independence through a regional lens, the convening of these reference groups has led to the development of proactive approaches applicable for country-specific advocacy and intervention.

(Pictured left) High-level participants from SAIs, Parliaments, and civil society took part in IDI's proactive advocacy reference group meetings in Prague, Algiers and Lima, and the 1st IDI-ARABOSAI Symposium on SAI Independence in Doha.

Prague, Czech Republic-- Participants attending the Second Meeting of the SAI Independence Reference Group to establish IDI's Proactive Advocacy Approach

🌟Spotlight: Legal Experts Convene at 2nd Meeting of SAI Independence Reference Group

In April 2023, IDI held a meeting with members of the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI). The meeting featured discussions focused on IDI’s strategies to advocate for the independence of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) in the region, including through the establishment of a proactive advocacy approach.

Attended by nine SAIs from EUROSAI, as well as the World Justice Project, the meeting gathered important advocates from civil society and oversight institutions to advance discussion. Additionally, the current President of EUROSAI and the SAI of the Czech Republic, Mr. Miloslav Kala, and the Chair of INTOSAI, Mr. Bruno Dantas, were also in attendance for the event’s programming.

Stressing the importance of collaborative efforts in spite of rising threats to institutional independence, IDI Deputy Director General, Mr. Ola Hoem, hinted at future collaborations between IDI and EUROSAI in the ongoing journey to safeguard and support SAI independence.

Serving as a platform to foster commitments and innovation, the Prague Meeting on Proactive Advocacy was a critical convening towards advancing progress for the legal enhancement of SAI independence and oversight as a whole.

2. Driving SAI-CSO Collaboration: Bringing to life IDI's Resource Kit

An independent, effective, and credible SAI is an essential component in a democratic system where accountability, transparency, and integrity are indispensable parts of a stable democracy.

At the core of IDI’s mission is the recognition that Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) are vital pillars in upholding principles of transparency, accountability, and integrity by meticulously scrutinizing government expenditure and ensuring the responsible allocation of public funds. Yet, the road to achieving robust SAI independence and effectiveness is riddled with challenges that no institution can travel alone.

At IDI, we understand that fostering trust and collaboration between oversight institutions and civil society organizations (CSOs) is paramount for promoting accountable governance. This realization propelled us to embark on a mission to bridge the gap between SAIs and CSOs, acknowledging the symbiotic relationship between them.

Our journey began with the development of a comprehensive resource kit aimed at empowering CSOs to advocate for SAI independence effectively. As we have worked in tandem with stakeholders, we have witnessed the transformative power of collaboration. From sparking dialogue through the inception of our resource kit to creating user-centered content in our product development meeting to initiating multiple country-level workshops with leading actors, we have strived to equip CSOs and SAIs with the necessary tools and knowledge to champion transparency and accountability in governance.

Through IDI’s continued strategic engagement and advocacy efforts, we are aiming to cultivate a culture where oversight institutions and civil society collaborate seamlessly to safeguard public resources and enhance SAI independence.

Join us as we share our path to fostering teamwork, safeguarding institutions, and expanding our network to promote accountability in managing public resources

Releasing the SAI-CSO Resource Kit

Independent, effective and credible Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) are an essential component of political systems and indispensable to democracy-building. To hold governments to account and add value to citizens, SAIs must be able to maintain independence from the bodies they audit and work with key stakeholders to conduct oversight.

In 2022, IDI partnered with Transparency International to jointly publish “Safeguarding the Independence of Supreme Audit Institutions: A Resource Kit for CSOs”. The aim of the resource kit was to enhance the interaction between SAIs and CSOs who are uniquely positioned to safeguard and advocate for SAI independence. The resource kit provides key insights and resources for CSOs to support SAIs at the global, regional, and national level.

By using the kit, CSOs can learn about the importance of SAI independence, understand existing SAI-CSO collaboration, and familiarize themselves with collaborative advocacy and assessment tools, such as the SAI Rapid Advocacy Mechanism (SIRAM). Watch our intro video to the Resource Kit below:

🌏 Reaching Beyond Borders: Outreach and Feedback from Stakeholders

During the pilot phase of the Resource Kit's rollout, IDI was able to facilitate a workshop with SAI Solomon Islands. Attended by 40 participants, IDI provided logistical, communications, and programming support that enabled the SAI, in collaboration with PASAI, to engage Parliament and CSOs and build capacities around how to advocate for the SAI's independence.

Auditor General Mr. David Dennis opening the workshop, held in September 2022, in the Solomon Islands

Since its launch, the Resource Kit has gained a strong following in governance and civil society communities around the world, with users reaching out to IDI from Mexico to Vanuatu. The resources and tools provided have truly jumpstarted a conversation towards action and collaboration between SAIs and CSOs. With 2,000+ downloads, across its four different language versions. Today, the Resource Kit is empowering CSOs to reach out, in many cases, for the first time to engage with the SAIs in their countries.

Webinar on SAI-CSO Collaboration with Transparency International

Building on the success of the IDI-Transparency International Resource Kit for CSOs on Safeguarding the Independence of SAIs, we worked towards disseminating its content to enhance collaboration between SAIs and CSOs online.

In March 2023, IDI held the capacity enhancing webinar, "Enhancing Collaboration between Supreme Audit Institutions and Civil Society Organizations in the Fight Against Corruption". Attended by more than 400 participants from 50 different organizations, and with speaker contributions from the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Capacity Building Committee ( CBC), Open Government Partnership, SAI Argentina, SAI Peru and various TI Chapters, the audience gained many insights for effective collaboration.

Having made a splash in and outside the INTOSAI community, some notable developments emerged following the webinar. First, inspired by the discussion encouraging country-level adaptation, Transparency International- Lebanon decided to work with the content of IDI's Resource Kit, creating a new version fit-for-purpose and tailored to Lebanon's country context in Arabic and French. Using the Lebanese kit, CSOs worked to facilitate successful interactions with SAI Lebanon, creating a dialogue on how outside actors can support the work of public institutions.

Another result was the use of the kit for performing educational and capacity-building activities centered on bringing together and training audiences with varying levels of public financial management literacy. In collaboration with SAI Ghana, Transparency International- Kenya led workshops with Transparency International- Ghana to build the CSO's capacity, enabling it to understand institutional weaknesses and assist in disseminating audit findings.

Didn't catch the webinar? Watch the full event here:

Product Development Meetings held in Oslo and Mexico City

To streamline and operationalize use of the SAI-CSO Resource Kit for stakeholders, IDI hosted two pivotal Product Development Meetings in the Spring and Fall of 2023. Held in Oslo, Norway and Mexico City, Mexico, both engagements convened myriad stakeholders from the SAI, governance, and civil society world to lend their expertise and bring to life the Kit- from a PDF to a real-use product.

Hosted by IDI, both events were more than just meetings— these week-long interventions served as a strategic exercise, led by subject matter experts, to springboard collaboration and revolutionize how SAIs build partnerships that safeguard independence.

Product Development Meeting #1: Oslo

First, in Oslo, participants designed the foundations of in-person workshops, including high-level modules and thematic sessions, based on adult learning principles. Additionally, teams also worked together to strategize and map web content for the development of an interactive online courseware, empowering any digital user to also benefit from the Resource Kit's learnings and materials.

Participants from ARABOSAI, CAROSAI and AFROSAI-E work in tandem with private sector and civil society leaders to develop kit

Product Development Meeting #2: Mexico City

Then, in Mexico City, IDI used the framework developed in the previous meeting to expand the content of the Resource Kit into several scalable modules. Notably, these modules can be used to facilitate SAI to SAI interactions, SAI to CSO interactions, and CSO to CSO interactions- making it an ideal product, conceptually adaptable to multiple audiences and stakeholders.

Using inputs gathered from global experts and diverse institutions, including the World Justice Project, Transparency International, and Paradigm Leadership Support Initiative, among others, IDI was able to pilot its modular concept with SAI Mexico in a workshop held on the concluding day of the meeting. Following this, participants met with the Auditor General of Mexico for an informative dialogue on the historical engagement of civil society actors in the OLACEFS region.

Participants posing with the Auditor General of Mexico, Mr. David Rogelio Colmenares-Páramo, representing the host institution of the Mexico Product Development Meeting- SAI Mexico

The unique value of the content developed for the workshops is the embedded flexibility, where features can be delivered as both stand-alone formats or act as add-ons to other initiatives. Through using the materials, any actor or stakeholder can inform audiences about topics like how to foster collaboration among institutions and educate participants on basic public financial management literacy as a prerequisite for initiating more meaningful engagement with SAIs.

❗Stay tuned: Workshop materials, including PowerPoint templates and a user guide, are being developed now. IDI will release versions of these tools in English, Arabic, French and Spanish in Spring 2024.

Country-Level Interactions Facilitated for On-the-Ground Action

Embarking on the next stage of the Resource Kit's journey, IDI set its sights on bridging the gap between global advocacy and local action, recognizing that true impact lies in meeting people where they are and adapting to the unique contexts of each country.

With this ethos at its core, IDI commenced its pioneering initiative to introduce workshop materials developed during the Product Development Meetings to the grassroots level by facilitating interactions between Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). This endeavor was not merely about disseminating information; it was about fostering meaningful collaboration and empowering stakeholders to drive change from within their own communities.

The journey began with the original resource kit, serving as the cornerstone of advocacy and capacity development. Yet, as the kit traversed various settings and engaged diverse audiences, it underwent an evolution-- adapting and refining its approach based on real-world feedback and experiences.

The Fall and Winter of 2023 saw a flurry of activity, with workshops hosted in Mexico, Nigeria, and Malawi, each event tailored to the unique needs and challenges of its participants. Together with high-level actors and development partners, IDI reached over 300 participants, laying the groundwork for SAI-CSO collaboration and igniting a spark of change that reverberated across nearly 200 organizations present across the workshops.

Workshop 1: Mexico

At the conclusion of the Product Development Meeting in Mexico City, IDI wrapped up the culmination of the sprint-style development process to deliver the workshop modules to over 30 invited staff from the SAI. During this half-day convening, attendees took part in the first rollout of the freshly developed materials, engaging in exercises leveraging tools such as Mentimeter, QR codes, and Stakeholder Mapping and videos modeling real-world scenarios of accountability principles.

These activities yielded significant insights, highlighting opportunities for enhanced collaboration with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and emphasizing the broader network of stakeholders available to support audit processes and disseminate findings effectively. The workshop concluded with participants expressing a commitment to leveraging external support to strengthen their institution's impact and reach, marking a potential paradigm shift for the SAI of Mexico towards a more collaborative and impactful future.

Workshop 2: Nigeria

IDI took center stage at the inaugural Nigeria Accountability Summit (NAS) 2023, hosted by the Paradigm Leadership Support Initiative (PLSI) in Nigeria. This landmark event brought together field experts and policymakers from national and subnational levels, united in their mission to address sectoral challenges on enhancing accountability. As a partner of the event, IDI facilitated an engaging workshop aimed at building capacity around SAI-CSO engagement in the region.

Led by IDI experts, the workshop provided a platform for meaningful dialogue and collaboration, focusing on actionable strategies to strengthen accountability mechanisms. Participants explored SAI-CSO engagement, reviewing best practices and innovative approaches to drive sustainable development. Through interactive sessions and practical exercises, attendees gained valuable insights into the role of accountability in accelerating the sustainable development agenda.

As the workshop unfolded, participants were encouraged to identify key policy problems and devise solutions within the framework of accountability domains to move progress forward. By fostering collaboration between SAIs, CSOs, and policymakers, IDI's facilitation catalyzed a collective effort towards setting a robust public accountability agenda. The event underscored the pivotal role of partnership and dialogue, setting the stage for continued collaboration in Nigeria's journey towards sustainable development.

Workshop 3: Malawi

Hosted as part of the Malawi National Anti-Corruption Symposium, Voices of Accountability, in celebration of the Anti-Corruption Bureau's 25th anniversary, IDI was invited by the EU Delegation of Malawi to co-facilitate two sessions with Transparency International on horizontal and vertical accountability with SAIs, CSOs, and representatives of Anti-Corruption Bureaus from 14 different countries across the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region.

Ms. Martha Chizuma, Malawi's Anti-Corruption Bureau Director, introducing IDI's joint workshop presentation
Workshop facilitators from IDI and Transparency International

This four-day event in Lilongwe marked an important milestone in the Resource Kit's relevance as a mechanism for augmenting advocacy on the national and regional stage. With IDI and TI at the helm, attendees kicked off the agenda by attending thematic workshops introducing the concepts of Horizontal and Vertical Accountability, two pillars crucial to democratic governance.

Through presentations and interactive exercises, participants discussed the current state of play for accountability in Malawi, identifying opportunities, challenges, and key priorities for action. Guided by the workshop materials, attendees had meaningful dialogue in breakout groups, with over 150 people attending the two-part workshop.

SAI Malawi representatives, in a televised broadcast, spoke with President Chakwera during the final day of the Symposium

Participants, including delegates from SAI Malawi, were able to share the results of a common national action strategy developed from guidance provided during the IDI-TI workshop in a televised and in-person event attended by His Excellency, President Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera. In addition to facilitating this important event, IDI was acknowledged for its impactful efforts and facilitation skills in a visit with His Excellency at the Presidential Palace following the conclusion of the Symposium.

IDI facilitator meeting President Chakwera

3. Forging Pathways to Independence: Collaboration to Raise SAIs' Profiles

To be truly independent, Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) cannot operate in isolation. They need the support of other institutions and partners to ensure their protection to provide effective oversight. Recognizing this, our advocacy efforts have focused on forging partnerships with global stakeholders to raise awareness, generate knowledge, and address threats to SAI independence in collective and innovative ways.

In 2023, IDI ventured into new territories, forging strategic partnerships with leading international organizations to co-champion accountability and create a springboard for action on SAI independence. Our current collaborations extend to organizations overseeing global processes in promoting transparency, accountability, and the rule of law, including the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Justice Project (WJP), Transparency International (TI), the European Commission TED Network, and Open Government Partnership (OGP).

Through these partnerships, we've underscored the significance of SAI independence and developed joint initiatives with leading global institutions, civil society, and academia to promote multi-regional impact, policy diffusion, and research on SAI independence. Using innovative delivery methods and strategic alliances, we're driving forward the mission of SAI empowerment and global accountability enhancement.

✨ See how IDI is reshaping accountability through its strategic partnerships and setting a new standard in advocacy to advance SAI independence below.

🌎 A Global Convening with Core Partners: Joining IDI, OECD & IMF

A notable IDI collaboration began by partnering with the OECD. Always supportive of SAI independence initiatives, in Fall 2023 the partnership leveled up as the two organizations co- hosted the IDI-OECD Masterclass on SAI Independence- the first step in developing a platform for innovation in governance.

Held at OECD's headquarters in Paris, the event served as a valuable convening for SAI leaders to exchange best practices and insights on safeguarding the autonomy of Supreme Audit Institutions. Through presentations, discussions, and knowledge-sharing activities, participants, including 12 Heads of SAIs and development partners, gained valuable perspectives from experts.

Listening and participating in expert-led sessions, Heads of SAIs took part in the IDI-OECD Masterclass on SAI Independence in Paris, France

Participants dove deep into the complexities of SAI independence, which sparked insightful conversations and catalyzed the discussion around a joint partnership between IDI, OECD, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) aimed at shaping OECD standards on SAI independence. Moving from dialogue platforms to dynamic policy diffusion, these top organizations are now exploring discussions to work together towards a Global Project on SAI Independence in 2024.

This project represents a crucial step towards enhancing accountability and transparency within governance structures worldwide. Recognizing the multifaceted challenges faced by SAIs in upholding their independence, the ambitious partnership highlights the importance of SAI independence and INTOSAI’s Mexico Declaration.

🌟 Mainstreaming Discourse at the Regional Level: 1st IDI-ARABOSAI Symposium Sets the Stage

Drawing SAIs, civil society representatives, and parliamentarians from across the region, the inaugural IDI-ARABOSAI SAI Independence Symposium showcased a pivotal collaboration aimed at strengthening accountability in the region.

With a focus on enhancing relationships with Parliament, the symposium brought together leaders and representatives from 20 countries to discuss initiatives supporting independence at both country and regional levels. Led by IDI and hosted by SAI Qatar, the event provided insights into global trends in SAI independence and highlighted the need for concerted efforts to strengthen regional accountability institutions amid democratic challenges.

The symposium featured sessions led by Transparency International and the World Bank, where speakers emphasized the importance of collaborative approaches between SAIs and Parliament in enhancing governance. Highlighting the relationship between these institutions, experts underscored the need for collaborative strategies to improve effectiveness.

A key outcome of the symposium was the introduction of the Doha Action Plan, proposed by IDI, to enhance interaction between SAIs and Parliament in the ARABOSAI region. This landmark plan outlines strategic steps for data collection, guidance development, capacity building, and support for country-level implementation and will pave the way towards bolstering accountability frameworks and democratic institutions in the region.

🌱 Spotlight: AISCCUF Leads Discourse on SAI Independence through Newly Passed Declarations

The Association of French-language speaking Supreme Audit Institutions is an associate member of INTOSAI. Composed of 40 institutions, the association helps its members in developing skills and asserting their role and legitimacy as audit institutions, so they can carry out their missions with the greatest possible independence. As such, AISCCUF works on behalf of advancing both independence and the quality of public money auditing in French speaking countries.

Recently, AISCCUF adopted a declaration to address SAI Independence which encourages INTOSAI to intensify its actions in favor of SAI independence by promoting compliance among its national institutions and ensuring that independence principles are represented at INTOSAI's General Assembly.

AISSCUF has also adopted a declaration committing to the values of La Francophonie, including democracy. Specifically, the declaration states that, in order to fulfill their mission towards citizens and civil society, SAIs must have and make use of the freedom to decide on the programming of their work as well as the distribution of their reports; including the content, publication, and date of distribution.

(Pictured left) Ms. Natacha Rimbon, on behalf of SAI France, addresses AISCCUF's advocacy on independence at the International Seminar on Sustainable Development in Bucharest, Romania.

4. Exploring New Horizons to Raise the Profile of Independent SAIs

Elevating SAI Independence in the Extractive Sector: IDI's Collaboration with Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)

Extractive industries play a significant role in the global economy. At least 63 countries, and approximately 3.5 billion individuals live in resource-rich environments, including oil, gas, or mineral reserves. If managed effectively, the extractive sector has the potential to contribute to socioeconomic development and enhance the well-being of citizens.

In a collaborative effort to bolster transparency and accountability in the extractive sector, IDI partnered with EITI throughout 2022 and 2023 to bring Supreme Audit Institutions into the fold.


🤝 Joint Workshop on Oversight of Extractive Industries held in Oslo, with key insights from IDC Goodwill Ambassador Rt. Hon. Helen Clark

In Fall 2022, IDI and EITI jointly organized the workshop "Strengthening Public Oversight of Extractive Industries," which was attended by SAIs from extractive sector-heavy countries across Africa, Europe, the Caribbean, and Latin America, as well as representatives from NORAD, OECD, and GIFT. High-level speakers, including the Rt. Hon. Helen Clark, IDC Goodwill Ambassador for SAI Independence and Chair of the Board-EITI, also participated.

Workshop participant Lalaina Ramiandrisoa (SAI Madagascar) asks questions during the Q&A

A significant highlight was the joint session fostering direct interaction between SAI representatives and EITI’s national coordinators, enhancing transparency in the extractive sector and leading to the opportunity to connect SAIs with EITI's Multi-Stakeholder Groups (MSGs) at the country level. Additionally, a representative of SAI Uganda spoke in promotion of joint advocacy on behalf of the INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA), which they chair.

Read our Recap Blog at the link or take in the highlights from our Event Video below:


💡IDI releases new study on SAIs’ opportunities and challenges in improving the institutional oversight of extractive industries

In anticipation of transitioning to the new IDI Strategic Plan for 2024-2029, our work stream sought to elevate independent SAIs, specifically in extractive industries (EI) and anti-corruption efforts. During 2023, IDI collaborated with EITI to delve into the potential for increased SAI involvement in the extractive sector, aiming to raise SAI profiles in resource-rich nations.

This collaboration resulted in the publication of the study "Strengthening Public Oversight of Extractive Industries through SAIs: Challenges and Opportunities."

The study, which collected responses from 25 SAIs across three different INTOSAI regions, shares solutions and action points tailored to SAIs and actors in the accountability ecosystem to foster better collaboration and increased transparency of oil, gas, mining, and broader extractive industries. Working alongside EITI and AFROSAI-E, global and local awareness was raised regarding the symbiotic relationship between SAIs and EITI MSGs.

🌟Conference in the Spotlight: IDI shines during presentation at 2023 EITI Global Conference

Speaker from IDI presenting during panel session

In June 2023, IDI presented alongside AFROSAI-E during the Peer Learning Day of the EITI Global Conference in Dakar, Senegal. The side event brought awareness to the challenges oversight institutions face in monitoring extractive industries. Through presentations and a panel discussion, IDI expert speakers were able to convey insights from IDI's new findings and share entry points for SAI impact when working with extractive industries.

IDI staff speaking with Transparency International Founder, Mr. Peter Eigen

The Global Conference brought together a variety of international and regional actors, including Mr. Peter Eigen, Founder of Transparency International, Mr. Richard Nephew, U.S. State Department Coordinator for Anti-Corruption, and Rt. Hon. Helen Clark, EITI Global Chair and IDC Goodwill Ambassador for SAI Independence.

Rt. Hon. Helen Clark presenting at the EITI Global Conference

This timeline illustrates IDI's proactive engagement with EITI and other stakeholders to enhance transparency and accountability in the extractive sector, aligning with its overarching mission to strengthen SAI independence and public trust. Critically, SAI Independence must be protected and maintained so that SAIs can effectively carry out their mandate as the main oversight actors of state and private sector-driven extractive activities.

SAI Independence: IDI's Partners, Supporters and Donors

We are grateful for the unwavering support of our donors both within and outside the INTOSAI community. Their generosity and commitment play a vital role in empowering us to safeguard and promote SAI independence worldwide.

The invaluable contributions from our donors enable IDI to leverage on unique influence and outreach, amplifying our advocacy efforts to new heights. With their support, we are able to effectively advocate for SAI independence, ensuring that Supreme Audit Institutions remain impartial and free from external pressures.

Thanks to our donors, we're equipped to navigate complexities with confidence, ensuring that the voice of audit institutions is heard and respected. They are not just financial supporters; they are invaluable partners in our mission. Together, we're making strides towards a world where SAI independence is upheld and respected, ensuring transparent and accountable governance.

Get an overview of our core and supporting donor networks below

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