

In 1998, a group of counselors from Sardis Lake Christian Camp headed to a place many of us had never heard of (Lithuania) to conduct a Christian Bible camp there. Not knowing what lay ahead of us, we went on faith. Twenty-five years later, we have friendships that are truly genuine, and hopefully our work has made a difference in the lives of the hundreds we have served. Countries represented at our camp include Lithuania, USA, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, England, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Spain and even India and Brazil.

Pictured here are five of the original participants in the first camp. From left is David, Zivile Puodziukaitiene, Danny Dodd, Vika Dapsiene, and Vladimir Rancev.

Vika was 14 when she came to our first camp. This year she, her husband and their children also came to camp. They now live in England. Zivele and Vlad live in Lithuania.

We were honored to witness the birth of a new brother-in-Christ with the baptism of Adomas Dapsas! Adomas is the oldest son of Vika, mentioned up above. Lourelia and I have known him for many years and are so very proud of him!

Even though I picked up a bug before we got to camp I was still able to lead the worship services most nights. It is a pure joy to lead worship here because everyone who is here WANTS to be here and love singing.

Lourelia taught the younger children (ages 4-7), and had at least four languages in her class. She taught on the miracles of Jesus this year. We had the help of so many from our Lake Harbour church family to make our work so successful. In Lourelia’s class she has a table with English speaking children, one for Lithuanian speaking children and one for Russian speaking children. Many times the children’s parents come in with their children. It is a wonderful way to reach others for the work of Christ.

Thank you all for your prayers and support this year and through the years. Let us continue praying for this work and all of the work missionaries carry on through the years.