
African Elephant Fund Newsletter 2022 at a glance


This fourth edition of the newsletter provides an update of the activities undertaken by the African Elephant Fund in 2022. The African Elephant Fund, established under the auspices of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), brings together thirty-eight African elephant range States, donor States, the United Nations Environment Programme, the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), CITES and other wildlife conservation actors to work collaboratively to safeguard the African elephant from facing extinction.

Through the emergency funding provided by the AEF, the African elephant range States continued to strengthen their elephant management and conservation efforts to mitigate the risks brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. It was expected that human-elephant conflicts and poaching activities might increase due to the restrictions in movement placed to reduce the spread of Covid-19, and the consequent reduction in economic activities affecting livelihoods.

A majority of the projects integrated the local communities into elephant conservation and management, which contributed significantly to the success of the projects. In addition to training and equipping law enforcement personnel, some range States strengthened their enforcement capacities through training local community members in anti-poaching and reporting techniques, hence serving as local rangers or village brigadiers. Several local communities were also trained and provided with alternative income-generating sources, such as beehives, which also serve to deter elephants. Awareness and sensitization campaigns were also conducted extensively.

In 2022, the AEF also aimed to increase the visibility of the Fund and undertook a number of communication activities. These included exhibits, production of a short documentary, and hosting a side event at the CITES COP19, which brought together several range States and donors to discuss the achievements of the Covid-19 response. Updates on these projects and activities are detailed in this newsletter.


Since the initiation of the AEF in 2011, 59 projects have been completed in the African elephant range States in support of the implementation of the African Elephant Action Plan (AEAP). In 2022, 11 projects were completed: 9 Covid-19 projects and 2 pre-Covid-19.


Mitigation of HEC and Addressing Deforestation and Forest Degradation Through Income Generating Activities with Communities (Malawi)

All protected areas in Malawi have experienced a decline in elephant populations except for 4 protected areas, with Thuma Forest being among them. However, Malawi’s protected areas are now small islands surrounded by humans, whose need for land and natural resources is increasing. In most cases, people living close to protected areas live in extreme poverty, which links to the depletion of the forests and killing of wildlife. Since 2012, solar powered electric fences have been constructed along the boundaries of the protected areas. Areas where the fencing has been completed have seen a decrease in human-elephant conflict by up to 98%. Crops have been safeguarded from elephants leaving the reserves, and there are more positive community attitudes towards elephants.

To build upon the benefits achieved from the fencing efforts, the AEF project aimed to extend the solar powered electric fence along the western boundary of Thuma Forest with the objective of further improving human-elephant co-existence. It also aimed to enhancing local community co-operation and collaboration through introducing community income generating activities.

Fencing of Thuma Forest boundary. Credit: Department of National Parks and Wildlife, Malawi

Through the project, a 16km solar-powered electric fence was constructed along the Thuma Forest boundary to mitigate crop raiding by elephants. Over 300 communities participated in the construction, and 6 jobs created through training of personnel recruited from the local community to monitor and maintain the fence. No elephant breakouts or crop damage were reported after the erection of the fence. In conjunction with this, a reforestation exercise was conducted through pruning of regenerating and planting trees in the Miombo woodland. As of December 2021, over 17,000 trees survived (a survival rate of 74%). An awareness campaign was carried out in the 4 districts surrounding the Thuma and Dedza Salima Forests to sensitize them on the project. Over 1,000 booklets were distributed to the chiefs, and meetings with over 350 traditional authorities held. The project provided rangers with training on first aid and weaponry. Local communities were also trained on income-generating activities to help address deforestation and forest degradation.

Establishment of an Efficient, Effective and Reliable Communications Network to Support Wildlife Law Enforcement Operations throughout Queen Elizabeth Protected Area (Uganda)

Queen Elizabeth National Park (QENP) hosts the largest elephant population in Uganda numbered at 2,970 individuals as at 2016. The threat to this population is high with armed poaching prevalent across the Park. Poaching groups have been able to monitor ranger movements and easily communicate and coordinate in response. In March 2017, UWA developed a law enforcement plan for QENP which noted significant weaknesses in its law enforcement systems and infrastructure which undermines the effectiveness of park managers to protect the area’s elephants. In response to this, the Plan’s third main strategy is to ‘strengthen patrol communication, coordination and management’ and highlights the need to have the following: equipped control room, radio communication network and enhanced human-wildlife conflict (HWC) response mechanisms.

To address these, the AEF project aimed to deliver these outputs and strengthen patrol communication, coordination, and management across QENP, and enhance community support for elephant protection.

Thus, a 50m Joint Operations Command Centre (JOCC) tower was procured and installed. 10 digital radios and 20 phones were also purchased to equip and facilitate operations in the tower. As this was the largest operational change experienced in UWA’s history, several trainings were conducted on the JOCC. UWA senior management were sensitized on the system. Management also received operations room training, while UWA Community Conservation Rangers received training regarding their role in the HWC management communications network. Through the project, Park Community Committees were established to increase responsiveness to HWC.

Photo: JOCC Tower in Katunguru, QENP. Credit: Uganda Wildlife Authority


Reducing the Impacts of Covid-19 on Key Elephant Protection Activities (Chad)

Similar to other countries across the African continent, Chad’s elephant population has drastically decreased due to the intensification of poaching and increase in human-elephant conflicts (HEC). Presently, barely 1,500 individuals survive. Experts agree that if these two main threats are not substantially reduced, elephants in Chad will dwindle to zero. To reverse this trend, the Ministry of Environment, Water and Fisheries, in collaboration with its partners, deployed elephant protection teams in the field, including anti-poaching patrols and village brigades for managing HEC. The Covid-19 pandemic, however, made it difficult for teams to move from one area to another due to the movement restrictions enforced. As a result, poaching and HEC increased. In June 2020, poachers were captured with ivory, and several elephants were killed between April and May 2020.

The AEF project aimed to circumvent the containment measures put in place due to Covid-19 to strengthen remote communication between elephant protection teams in the field, and between these teams and the central administration and regional teams.

Poachers apprehended with ivory. Credit: Ministère de l’Environnement, de l’Eau et de la Pêche, Chad

Through the project, 10 motorcycles and 20 smartphones were purchased to facilitate remote communication and travel between 4 targeted sites (Bousso, Binder-Léré, Karal, and Doumdoum). 14 GPS devices were procured to relay data. 6 field missions to monitor project implementation were also successfully conducted, more than the 5 that had been initially targeted. The project resulted in improved supervision, delivery of supplies, training of field staff, and monitoring and evaluation of work being undertaken in the field.

Conservation of African Elephants in Mole and its Corridors (Ghana)

The Mole National Park (MNP) is Ghana’ largest wildlife protected area and holds the largest population of savannah elephants in the country. The long-term survival is threatened by the increasing fragmentation of the adjoining natural forests, including their traditional and historical migratory corridors. According to studies, nearly 40 of the Mole elephants are killed annually, 30 of them in the migratory corridors and 10 while raiding crops in nearby farms within the areas peripheral to the Park. The ad-hoc protection in elephant corridors results in an average loss of about 4 elephants annually due to revenge killings and poaching by residents, while at the same time their seasonal movements across the area pose a threat to human life and property.

The AEF project aimed to strengthen law enforcement within the Park, and enhance community collaboration to secure the MNP elephant population and its corridors.

Rangers were provided with patrol equipment and rations. 145 rangers were also trained. A temporal patrol team comprising of 5 field staff was set up along the Red Volta Valley elephant corridor to enhance protection of migratory elephants. These activities contributed towards enhancing staff deployment, patrol coverage and efficiency. In total, 1,494 local patrols (within the Park) were conducted and 120 external patrols completed. 63 wildlife offenders were arrested and prosecuted.

To complement this, wildlife prosecutors, law enforcement agents and members of the judiciary were also trained thereby improving wildlife crime investigations and prosecutions. In addition, communication materials were developed and utilized in sensitization and advocacy exercises among both wildlife prosecutors and the local community. 5 billboards were erected along prominent elephant corridors, and 5 community sensitization meetings held in 33 peripheral communities. Through the project, vulnerable community farms were mapped, and 250 vulnerable farmers trained on crop-raiding mitigation measures, which is causing a reduction in crop-raiding incidents.

Photo: Capacity-building of farmers on HEC management. Credit: Wildlife Division of the Forestry Commission, Ghana

Managing Human-Wildlife Conflict Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic in Agro-Pastoral Communities Neighbouring the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy (Kenya)

The Lewa landscape is utilized by approximately 400 elephants that migrate from the Mt. Kenya Forest Reserve/National Park to the south into the northern Kenya rangelands. As populations of wildlife and people grow, competition for food and natural resources intensifies. In the Ntalaban village, which is part of the Il Ngwesi Community Conservancy, adjacent to Lewa to the north, elephants raid farms for food, damaging crops, disrupting livelihoods, and accidentally injuring or killing people. In retaliation, the elephants are wounded or killed by the communities. The impact of Covid-19 led to a loss of tourism revenue, leaving workers in Il Ngwesi area unemployed and increasingly turning to subsistence farming to provide for their families. Left unaddressed, farm invasions by elephants will exacerbate HEC, endangering both wildlife and humans.

Community member walking along the HEC management fence. Credit: Lewa Wildlife Conservancy

To mitigate this, a 5.5 km solar-powered fence was constructed through the AEF project to mitigate crop-raiding by elephants and reduce HEC in the Ntalaban village. Involvement and buy-in by the local community underpinned the success of the project. The partner conducted 5 targeted community meetings to sensitize them on the project and the significance of the fence in enabling greater protection for their crops and mitigate HEC incidents. Casual labourers were also recruited from the local communities during the construction of the fence, thus benefiting the local community directly. For the sustainability of the fence, 1 person was hired from the local community on a 1-year contract and trained on fence repairs and maintenance, and also provided with 2 pairs of uniforms.

Management Interventions to Alleviate Human Elephant Conflicts Around Imenti Forest, Mt. Kenya Forest Reserve, Amidst Heightened Insecurity Caused by Covid-19 (Kenya)

Studies indicate that the highest concentration of elephants in the Mt. Kenya region, totalling an estimated 2,600 individuals, is located in the Imenti Forest. Historically, these elephants have been in conflict with local farmers due to crop-raiding and is the main human-wildlife conflict (HWC) hotspot in Kenya’s forests. To mitigate these conflicts, Rhino Ark and its partners built a 53 km long 10-strand electric fence around the Imenti Forest which has been very effective in reducing HWCs. However, Covid-19 significantly impacted the financial situation of the partners involved and subsequently, fence maintenance, community engagement and law enforcement budgets were cut down.

The objective of the AEF project was to address these challenges through supporting the maintenance of the fence and establishing community livelihood schemes and community-based forest patrols to mitigate human-elephant conflict incidences.

The project mapped the breakage points along the 53km long electric fence, identifying 5 breakage points. These breakage points were buttressed using an electrified short fence with outriggers and 3 energizers were installed to power the fence. 18 members of the local community have been engaged in the fence maintenance. They are also being supported by the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) which provides fuel and communication support for the teams, enabling them to attend to fence maintenance issues within 3 hours of the incidence occurring. This has enhanced the ownership of the Mt. Kenya electric fence by the local community. 6 community barazas were also held to sensitize the local community on the need to remove lethal fences that were killing elephants through electrocution. As a result, more than 80% of the lethal fences being removed. 6 intelligence gathering cells were established around the Imenti Forest. They report on violations of the electric fence as well as other illegal activities being carried out within the forest.

To enhance livelihoods, 54 members of the local community were trained on modern beekeeping practices as a means of generating income and as an elephant deterrent.

Joint patrols were undertaken by the Imenti Community Patrol Team together with KWS and the Kenya Forest Service (KFS), under the leadership of the Mount Kenya Trust. The patrols covered 1,569km on foot and 4,715km on vehicle. 7 offenders were arrested and successfully prosecuted. 191 snares were retrieved. Though these patrols deterred potential poachers, 2 elephants were lost to poaching.

Further, to create awareness on the benefits of elephant conservation, an essay competition in which 20 schools participated was held. The winners were taken on an educational tour. The participating schools formed Wildlife Clubs geared towards educating the wider community on elephant conservation.

Photo: Camera trap image of elephants approaching the Imenti Forest fence. Credit: Rhino Ark Kenya

Strengthen Law Enforcement and Mitigating Human-Elephant Conflict in and around Kasungu National Park (Malawi)

The Kasungu National Park is located in the west of central Malawi and borders Zambia. In 2015, Malawi and Zambia signed a Joint Operations Agreement to strengthen law enforcement. Since then, the number of poachers entering the Park from the Zambia side has decreased. However, poaching from the Malawi side has continued unabated. Encroachment into the Park has also increased due to agricultural expansion and vandalism of the electric fence that had been constructed along the eastern boundary of the Park. This has resulted in increased HEC incidences.

The goal of the AEF project was to enhance the capacity of law enforcement to combat poaching in Kasungu National Park to enhance conservation outcomes.

Through the project, a refresher course for prosecutors, investigators and field staff from the Department of National Parks and Wildlife was conducted, and a workshop on international wildlife trade held for enforcement agencies. Law enforcement officers were also equipped with logistical support to carry out anti-poaching patrols. 125 patrols and 32 investigations were conducted, leading to 227 arrests and confiscations. 12 joint border patrols with the Zambia Department of National Parks and Wildlife were conducted to avert encroachment. Further, the project created awareness among the local communities on encroachment to encourage them to move voluntarily out of the park area.

Community meeting in progress. Credit: Department of National Parks and Wildlife, Malawi.

Elephant Conservation Project in W National Park (Niger)

The elephant populations in Niger are only found in the W National Park and the Baban-Rafi classified forest. These elephants are mostly confined to W National Park and are threatened by a high poaching rate, weak law enforcement, encroachment due to expansion of agricultural activities, persistent human-elephant conflicts (HEC), and habitat degradation due to human activities and climate change.

The AEF project’s objective was to establish sustainable management of elephants by reducing the rate of poaching, improving elephant monitoring, mitigating HEC, and reinforcing the capacity of local stakeholders to protect elephants.

For the project’s duration, fuel and rations were provided to 30 field officers to reinforce anti-poaching patrols. 30 informants were also trained on wildlife crime, particularly, elephant crime, and were provided with mobile phones to facilitate communication. Village brigadiers were set up and trained to carry out community sensitizations on conservation of elephants and their habitats, and on appropriate pushback techniques. The brigadiers also carried out a total of 36 patrols resulting in 48 offenders being caught.

Further, local farmers and farming associations were trained on alternative income generating activities (beekeeping and rearing of small ruminants), and on elephant pushback techniques. In collaboration with the local authority, 4 communes and 5 villages affected by elephant damage were provided with assistance (food and cash). Local leaders were sensitized on wildlife conservation regulatory frameworks and conventions. In addition, awareness raising workshops were conducted with politico-military authorities aimed at strengthening the collaboration between the Park managers and the civil and military authorities in the fight against wildlife crime. To increase awareness of wildlife laws among the local population, the legislative and regulatory texts were translated into local languages and disseminated among thelocal communities.

Photo: Granary ransacked by elephants. Credit: Direction de la Faune, de la Chasse et des Parcs et Réserves

Awareness creation materials distributed to local communities. Credit: Direction de la Faune, de la Chasse et des Parcs et Réserves

A zoonotic disease surveillance was carried out through a survey of the communities living in the outskirts of W National Park (6 villages). The purpose of this exercise was to monitor zoonotic diseases existing in the elephant habitats within the Park. 10 forest officers and 20 local informants were trained on zoonotic diseases and in filling in the surveillance sheets to conduct the survey.

Further, an academic study on the causes of human-wildlife conflicts was conducted, with the local communities living in the periphery of the Park being interviewed. The study presented the proposed causes and solutions to human-wildlife conflict to the Ministry. Through this project, the partner supported the Ministry of Environment in the process of updating/revising the law on hunting and wildlife protection (Law 98-07 of April 29, 1998) through providing information and proposing improvements. The adoption of the amended law is in progress.

Saving Nigeria’s Largest Elephant Population in the Midst of Covid-19 (Nigeria)

The elephant population in the Yankari Game Reserve is the largest remaining population in Nigeria. In 2014, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) signed a co-management agreement for Yankari with the Bauchi State Government, resulting in in an increase in elephant conservation efforts and a dramatic decrease in poaching rates. No elephant poaching cases have been reported since 2015.

To maintain these levels of protection, the AEF project was geared towards sustaining WCS’ protection strategy during a time when funding had dwindled due to the pandemic. Through the funding, 146 anti-poaching patrols covering 18,066km were conducted and facilitated with field rations, camping allowances and fuel for support vehicles.

In addition, 60 first aid kits and uniforms were purchased. This boosted the morale of rangers and increased productivity. As a result, 50 arrests were made for carrying out illegal activities in a protected area. No elephants were killed during the project implementation period.

Anti-poaching patrol team. Credit: Wildlife Conservation Society, Nigeria

Strengthened Law Enforcement Capacity to Save the Elephant Population in Murchison Falls Conservation Area amidst Covid -19 Pandemic (Uganda)

Murchison Falls Conservation Area (MFCA) is the largest wildlife conservation area in Uganda and hosts approximately 2,726 elephants out of the estimated 6,000 elephants in Uganda. The shutdown in the tourism industry due to the country’s Covid-19 lockdown measures brought challenges to conservation of Uganda’s wildlife resources, including in MFCA. With no tourism, several neighbouring communities benefiting directly or indirectly from tourism saw their incomes dwindle. Further, the lockdown measures and closure of most businesses forced many youths to migrate to villages, and without formal employment, many resorted to poaching to survive. Since March 2020, an increase in poaching was witnessed. In April 2020 alone, 100 poaching suspects were arrested in MFCA which had never happened before.

The AEF project aimed to provide the needed financial and logistical resources to ensure sustained, stable or increased elephant populations in MFCA.

Through the project, 597 patrols were carried out resulting in 666 suspects/offenders being arrested and 13,146 poaching implements confiscated. 126 wire snare operations were conducted, and 4,124 wire snares recovered. 2 cases of ivory trafficking were registered and referred to the court. 49 animal rescues were also achieved. Training workshops with 60 judicial officers from Uganda’s law enforcement agencies on wildlife laws were held, leading to an increased number of convictions and handing out of more stringent penalties.

In addition, community scouts were trained on managing and mitigating HWCs and were equipped with protection gear. The project created awareness on living with elephants through community meetings and radio talk shows. This has contributed to a more collaborative relationship between UWA and the local communities, as well as a reduction in HWC-related injuries. Solar equipment was also installed in a remote camp which has improved communication and response to HWC incidents.

Photo: Snare being removed from elephant. Credit: Uganda Wildlife Authority

An Integrated Conservation and Management Approach to African Elephants During a Period of Social and Economic Crisis in Hwange, Northwest Matabeleland Elephant Region (Zimbabwe)

Hwange National Park, the largest park in Zimbabwe, holds the country’s largest and increasing elephant population and is grappling with the problem of overabundant elephants. Associated with this is increasing human-elephant conflict (HEC), possible impacts on vegetation and other wildlife species, and elephant induced landscape changes. On the other hand, the elephants are still threatened by poaching, habitat loss and degradation, and drought due to climate change. There is need to resource anti-poaching units to effectively protect the growing population.

The purpose of the AEF project was to strengthen law enforcement activities in Hwange National Park to ensure that effective management and protection of elephants is sustained.

Through the project, 3 training workshops on SMART and MIKE were conducted to build the capacity of rangers in 3 administrative units. Field rations and patrol boots were also procured for use during anti-poaching operations and conducting field surveys. These boosted the rangers’ morale.

The project also supported the monitoring of elephant mortalities with 101 lower jaws of aging elephant carcasses collected. A vegetation survey to assess the impacts of elephants on major vegetation, particularly around water points, was carried out. Reports on both these studies were developed to go towards informing the management of elephants and their habitats, particularly due to climate change impacts.

Elephants at Lifupa Dam in Kasungu National Park. Credit: Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority

Further, local communities were supported in managing incidents of HECs by using beehives to pushback the elephants. 25 beehives were procured and also serve as a means for income-generation.

While the project also responded to 559 human-wildlife incidences reported, 10 people were killed during HEC incidences, 507 fields were damaged, and 783 fences damaged. This further highlights the challenges faced due to HEC.


Celebrating World Wildlife Day 2022

The World Wildlife Day, held on 3 March 2022, coincided with the commencement of the UNEP@50 celebrations. UNEP, through the AEF Secretariat, organized an exhibit that run from 28 February to 4 March 2022, to showcase UNEP’s work on wildlife conservation during the resumed fifth session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2) and UNEP@50.

The theme for World Wildlife Day 2022 was “Recovering key species for ecosystem restoration.” It aimed to draw attention to the dire status of some of the most critically endangered species, and the need to develop and implement solutions for their conservation and sustainable use if we are to prevent their extinction in the near future. This was also in line with the overall UNEA-5 theme of “Strengthening Actions for Nature to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.”

World Wildlife Day 2022 exhibit at UNEA-5.2 and UNEP@50. Credit: African Elephant Fund

The exhibit highlighted UNEP’s efforts towards addressing wildlife conservation challenges by creating awareness on the work being undertaken by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wildlife Fauna and Flora (CITES), the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), and the AEF Secretariat which are hosted by UNEP. CITES, CMS and AEF work with member States to sustainably manage wildlife and restore their habitats in line with national and international laws.

Contributing to the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework through Species Conservation

Exhibit at the OEWG-4. Credit: African Elephant Fund

The AEF Secretariat organized an exhibit that run from 21 to 26 June 2022 during the Fourth Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (OEWG-4). The exhibit created awareness regarding how the work undertaken by the AEF, CITES and CMS supports and contributes to the achievement of several of the targets outlined in the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.

African Elephant Fund Side-Event at CITES CoP19

Panelists at the AEF side event at CITES CoP19. Credit: African Elephant Fund

During the Nineteenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CITES (CITES CoP19), the AEF organized a side event titled “Emergency Action: Strengthening African elephant conservation efforts amidst the Covid-19 pandemic”. The event was held on Wednesday 23 November 2022 from 12.15pm - 2.00pm and was attended by more than 35 participants from the African elephant range States and the donor community. The event showcased the responses of the African elephant range States to the challenges posed to elephant conservation by the Covid-19 pandemic. Representatives from the four sub-regions (Central, East, Southern and West Africa) presented on selected Covid-19 projects implemented in these regions, and on the achievements and impacts.

Success Story: Documentary on AEF Covid-19 Project in Uganda

A short documentary and accompanying article on the Covid-19 project implemented in Uganda was produced. The project implemented by the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) enhanced law enforcement capacity and operations in Murchison Falls Conservation Area to reinforce elephant conservation efforts during this unprecedented period (more on this project in the highlights of the completed Covid-19 projects in this newsletter). The documentary and article were published on the UNEP website and YouTube page.


Initiated in 2018, the review of the African Elephant Action Plan (AEAP) continued. The inputs received from the consultative meetings held with the range States in 2019 were incorporated to produce the first draft of the revised AEAP. This was reviewed by the AEF Steering Committee and the comments received incorporated to the draft revised AEAP for circulation to the range States for review and further discussion with the aim of finalizing the revised Plan in early 2023.


In 2022, the AEF Steering Committee held 2 informal and 1 formal virtual meetings. The 8th Virtual AEF Steering Committee meeting was held on 25 October 2022 during which the proposals received during the ninth call for proposals in 2020 were evaluated. 4 project proposals were approved for a total funding of USD 456,375. The evaluation of the proposals had been put on hold to prioritize the emergency call for proposals to provide funding to the range States to address elephant conservation challenges related to or impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Funded by:

Since its inception, the African Elephant Fund has received voluntary contributions in total of USD 4,968,390 by the end of 2022 from the European Commission and the Governments of the Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium, China, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and South Africa to assist the 38 African elephant range States to implement the African Elephant Action Plan.


The African elephant (Loxodonta africana) is the world’s largest terrestrial mammal found in 38 range States across Africa. It is a species of considerable economic, ecological, cultural, and aesthetic value to many people and is arguably the world’s most charismatic mega-herbivore. African elephants possess extraordinary intelligence, complex social structures and remarkable abilities to adapt to their surroundings. Still, elephants continue to face a multitude of very serious threats, including illegal killing and poaching, conflict with humans, and the loss and fragmentation of their habitats. To reverse this trend, the African Elephant Fund (AEF) was created to support the overall implementation of the African Elephant Action Plan (AEAP).

For more information on the African Elephant Fund or to collaborate with us, please contact us below

Disclaimer: The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views, policies or official opinion of the African Elephant Range States, Donor States, UN Environment Programme or other contributing organizations


Created with images by: Department of National Parks and Wildlife, Malawi; Uganda Wildlife Authority; Ministère de l’Environnement, de l’Eau et de la Pêche, Chad; Wildlife Division of the Forestry Commission, Ghana; Lewa Wildlife Conservancy; Rhino Ark Kenya; Direction de la Faune, de la Chasse et des Parcs et Réserves, Niger; Wildlife Conservation Society, Nigeria; Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority; African Elephant Fund; Casey Allen/Unsplash.