
Weekly Newsletter 22nd September 2023

Welcome to DSJ Weekly!

It doesn't feel like two minutes since the last newsletter, which is usually a sign of an eventful week!

We've had lots going on as usual - drumming lessons, RockSteady, swimming trips, Junior Wardens, and even a handball tournament, which looks to be great fun! Thank you to Darton Primary School and St Mary's Academy Trust for hosting the event this afternoon. It's great for the children to have these opportunities. As usual, our children have been marvellous representatives of the school. It's a source of real pride to know that we have such fantastic pupils out there in the community representing our school.

I've been very impressed with some of the learning taking place in school. On my travels through school I've heard and seen children engrossed in stories, practising skills with real concentration in PE, completing some excellent learning on Healthy Eating, and much more. This doesn't just happen - it is thanks to the careful planning and dedication of our teaching and support staff that we have had such good learning going on, and my thanks go to them for their hard work.

We had a visitor to school this week who spoke to some of our Year 6 children about many things, including British Values, democracy and the protected characteristics. The children spoke unbelievably well and with such great knowledge and sensitivity about these issues. In fact, our visitor (who has this conversation with children in hundreds of schools) said that some of these answers were as good as he's ever heard anywhere! Again, this is a testament to our staff and our families, and it made me very proud.

Our building works resume next week, meaning two classes will have to be relocated temporarily while work is done on the heating, lighting, fire doors and ceilings. More information can be found below.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Here's hoping for a last little bit of sunshine before the Autumn weather really kicks in!

Mr Smith

behaviour and class dojo

At DSJA, good behaviour is highly valued. We have put together a quick and easy guide (see below) which demonstrates our approach to how we manage behaviour.

It's important to remember that good behaviour is deserving of reward! It should be acknowledged and celebrated wherever it happens. This is why we have put to use the Dojo Points system: so that children can keep track of their achievements and have them celebrated. You can keep track of this at home as well through the app. Children will receive a certificate to congratulate them on their achievements when they reach increments of 25 Dojo Points: at 25, 50, 75, 100 etc.

One of my favourite things to do is see and reward children for their excellent behaviour. You may have seen the prestigious ‘Headteacher’s Award’ stickers. These are given out for acts of kindness, care, and just being a superstar in general. They are also not given out lightly – receiving one is a big deal! I am glad to say, however, that such is the behaviour and manners of children in school that I’ve already gone through one box of them this year. I look forward to going through many more!

school improvement works

Next week, Phase 2 of our ongoing school works begins. This means that Class 3/4 and Class 6 will be temporarily relocated to another area of school. Class 6 will be in the old Butterflies classroom (don't worry, there's plenty of room in there!) and Class 3/4 will be in the library. These temporary classrooms will be fully equipped with all that is needed to continue the high standard of work we have set ourselves already this year!

This also means that from next week we will be using the front playground as an overspill car park to make way for the contractors' vehicles, which will be positioned in our current car park near the school drive. Please ensure that care is taken around staff cars at drop-off and pick-up.

We anticipate that this will be for a duration of approximately 3 weeks, after which both classes will return to a lovely and warm classroom thanks to the heating upgrade, along with new ceilings, new lighting and new doors!

Apologies for this short term disruption. However, upgrading the school facilities is something I'm very excited about and will benefit everybody in the long run.

Many thanks for your understanding and cooperation.


Please note that Monday is school photographs day!

These are for individual photographs and for photographs of siblings in school.

sickness and absence

Please see the handy guide below for guidance on how to respond to particular illnesses, and how long it is advised to keep children off school. (Best viewed in landscape on mobile devices.)

Star Learner assembly - 29th September

Unfortunately, due to the rearrangement of learning spaces and other events taking place in school next Friday (such as the MacMillan Coffee Morning and Flu Immunisations), we will be unable to host our Star Learner assembly. We will still give out Star Learner certificates, but apologise that we will be unable to host our usual assembly.

MacMillan Coffee Morning/Dodworth Bake-OFF!

Our very own Mrs Harper has arranged a MacMillan Coffee Morning to take place on Friday 29th September. Due to various things happening in and around school, this will take place in the Bungalow from 9am.

As part of this, we are running our Dodworth St John's Bake Off! All bake off entries will be sold at the coffee morning. If you'd like to participate, please bring your entries to school on Thursday 28th.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Bruce Dyer

Please see link to Bruce Dyer’s Friday Morning Multi Sports Club / 8am - 8:45am below

Book Now: https://brucedyerlovelifesports.classforkids.io/info/141


3.30pm-4.30pm every Friday

7 weeks in this block


Available for any children from years 1-6

Please speak to the office or call Adam on 07859 903237

Diary Dates

Monday 25th September

Individual School Photos

Tuesday 26th September

Junior Wardens Trip - Back at school for 3:30

Thursday 28th September

Send your bake off entries in!

Y6 Swimming

Friday 29th

Macmillan Coffee Morning 9am

Y3/4 Handball at Darton Primary

Flu Immunisations

INSET DAYS 2022-23

Our INSET days for 2023-2024 are:

Monday 4th September

Tuesday 5th September

Monday 23rd October

Monday 19th February

Monday 22nd July


(Best viewed in landscape mode from mobile device)

Useful Links