

Year 12 Major Works showcase

On Tuesday 29th August, our Year 12 students showcased their major works to a very appreciative audience. Year 12 Musical performances were outstanding, the Year 12 Extension English stories were captivating and the Year 12 Technology Wood pieces were exceptional! Well done to all students and their dedicated teachers for ensuring the evening was a success and that the talents of our students were directed to these outstanding pieces of work! Thanks to all families, friends, staff and students who attended and assisted in making the evening a success. Mr Noreika, relieving Head Teacher CAPA/PDHPE, did an outstanding job coordinating the evening, ably assisted by so many other staff. A fantastic evening and well done to all!

Waratah Shield – Number 1 Public School in NSW!

Last week, the mighty Randwick Boys’ High School First Grade Rugby squad competed in the semi final round of the Waratah Shield. Our school was successful in both games and have been crowned the best Public High School in NSW. Next week, we compete against other organisations for the Waratah Shield. We wish Mr Bester and Mr Jackson well in their efforts preparing the squad and wish our students the best of luck in their efforts to be crowned Champions! Congratulations and ‘Up the Wicks’!

Father/Son breakfast – Friday 8th September 7.30 – 9.

Our hard working P & C have coordinated our inaugural Father/Son Breakfast, which will take place on Friday 8th September 2023 in the outdoor classroom, on the western side of the office. We encourage all Father’s and son’s to register (see information in P & C section of newsletter) and attend what will be a lovely celebration. Thanks go to our P & C for Coordinating this event, as they do many events. Last Sunday, members of the P & C as well as SRC and other students and staff, attended RBHS for the regional Tournament of Minds event. They provided refreshments and the BBQ was sizzling! Over $3,000 was raised and these funds will be provided for students in the near future. Well done to all involved, particularly Katja and Suzy for their herculean efforts!

Year 11 exams – last 2 weeks of Term 3

Year 11 are extremely busy preparing for their Yearly examinations. These begin on Monday 11th September and conclude on the last day of this term, Friday 22nd September. Term 4 sees Year 11 begin their HSC courses and we wish them well in both endeavours!

Year 12 Graduation – September 21

Our current Year 12 students conclude their studies on Friday 22nd September before preparing privately for their HSC examinations. They have some major events before the end of Term, including: ‘Clap out’ on Thursday 21st September and Graduation, also on the 21st at Souths Juniors. Families are reminded that each student can bring 2 guests, usually parents. We cannot accommodate more than 2 guests per student and encourage all families to be mindful of this arrangement.


A reminder to all families that skateboards are not to be ridden to and from school nor stored on RBHS property. This week, three students have been reminded of this fact and needed to collect their boards after school, none of the students had safety equipment. We will remind students of these arrangements and ask parents/guardians to do the same.

No drop off on school grounds

Lastly, a reminder that due to limited capacity, there is no drop off/pick up of students in either car park. Student safety is paramount and we remind all families to drop their son outside our school grounds. I would like to thank all who regularly comply.

Year 12's last hoorah!

A big thank you to Mr Dimopoulos for organising a Duke of Edinburgh Silver hike for four Year 12 students, myself, Thomas Groves, Thomas Steel and Fletcher Pashley as well as some Year 11 students who were on their qualifying trip. The Year 12 students were given a lot of freedom, as a way to enjoy the experience and wind down for the final three weeks left for school. There was a plethora of friendship building experiences, laughter and plenty of photos shared together.

CAPA night on Tuesday 29/08/23, was a great success. It was awesome to see the unique diversity of skills and talent our creative and performing arts students possess. Attendance was great and it was awesome to see such a growing Faculty of our school and the students involved shining in the light.

The countdown to our graduation is now well and truly upon us. Just one very short month to go and we will have completed six years of school, except the all-important examinations. So, the hard work is now on and now is the time to buckle down and study. There will be plenty of time in November to relax and ponder the years that were, while we reminisce on the past.

Written by Richard Whalebone

SRC Assembly

Duke of Edinburgh Silver Journey Blue Mountains

RBHS CAPA Night 2023

The school’s annual Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA) exhibition took place on Tuesday 29 August. The night provided an opportunity for our boys to showcase their talent, hard work and commitment towards their craft. Our Technological and Applied Studies (TAS) students exhibited their completed major works. A variety of unique furniture designs were put on display for friends, families and teachers.

This year, our English Extension 2 students also collaborated for the occasion. Each student read excerpts from their short stories’ major works. These were followed by performances from our Year 12 Music students who packed out the music block and rocked the night away.

A special thank you to the teachers who have guided their students throughout the duration of their respective senior courses. Nick Frougas (Head Teacher TAS), Meaghan Vierboom (Head Teacher English), Melissa Olsen (Deputy Principal), Kai Johnstone and Maxine Ford (Music teachers), also Arielle Simon (SRC Coordinator). The evening would not have been possible and run seamlessly without all their efforts and devotion towards their students. Congratulations to all our students involved, it was a fantastic evening!

Grade Sport Report

The excitement was palpable as the competitive rounds of the Summer sport competition kicked off this week. Our talented athletes took on Asquith Boys’ in an away match, showcasing their dedication and skill on the court.

The basketball courts were alive with action as our teams brought their A-game to the competition. The Wicks didn't disappoint, delivering impressive victories in both the Opens age and U15's basketball competitions.

Zach Cavanna stood out as a force to be reckoned with in the U15's basketball competition. His dedication, agility, and impeccable teamwork contributed significantly to our team's success. Zach's remarkable performance on the court truly inspired his teammates and left a lasting impact.

Oliver Kemp, representing our opens basketball team, exhibited exceptional skill and leadership. His strategic gameplay, quick thinking, and accurate shots were instrumental in securing victory for the team. Oliver's commitment to the sport and his teammates was evident throughout the match.

The future is looking bright for Randwick as we prepare to face Normanhurst in our next challenge. Another away trip awaits us, and we're ready to demonstrate the same level of passion and determination that led to our recent victories. Our athletes are gearing up to take on the competition with unwavering spirit and sportsmanship.

Up the Wicks!

Right across school life, students are developing Future Skills, often known as 21st Century Skills. They’re personal qualities important for their future success in our rapidly evolving world. Our Game Changer Future Skills student recognition program recognises students’ efforts as they develop these skills across their learning and involvement at school. Congratulations to this week’s nominees.

The Show Sponsor

School Absence Notification System

Regular attendance at school is essential to assist students to maximise their potential. At Randwick Boys' High School, we must ensure our school has effective measures in place to monitor and follow up students absences. We are required under the Section 22 of the Education Act (1990) to undertake all reasonable measures to contact parents promptly and within two school days of absence. this week, we have implemented additional measures to ensure we are upholding the NSW Department of Education standards here at Randwick Boys' High School. Our school absence notification system consists of a text message, follow up email and Sentral notification in the parent portal, to minimise unexplained absences. An absence is unexplained if parents have failed to provide an explanation to the school within 7 days. Thank you for your understanding and assistance.