

29th September 2023

Message from the Principal

Dear parents and carers,

At this time of year, parents and carers are already thinking ahead for next steps for their children joining nursery, Reception or moving to secondary schools. I have a series of prospective tours ahead for those choosing Reception for 2024-25 and our open evening event on October 12th . Please be aware, that due to this there will be no after school provision (Little Mariners) and after school clubs on this date, Year 1 & 2 football and multi sports, KS2 Choir and French club will not be held as staff will be involved in the open evening event. Please ensure that your child is collected at normal pick up time on this date. Should you need to discuss this with a member of staff, please contact the main office. Thank you for your co-operation.

In the coming month, we engage in raising awareness of children’s mental Health and the importance of Planting trees for sustainability. Hello Yellow supports the charity Young Minds, and on the 10th October, we will be fundraising to support this charity by wearing yellow accessories. Let’s add yellow to our uniform. It could be yellow socks, hair accessories, a hat or scarf. Together we can show young people they're not alone with their mental health!

On the same day we also raise funds for Just One Tree – so don’t forget a little green in the accessories too! Did you know buy giving £1 they can plant 1 tree.

JUST ONE Tree supports reforestation projects in areas severely affected by deforestation such as Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique & Brazil. In doing so they have the greatest positive effect on limiting global warming whilst simultaneously alleviating extreme poverty within local communities through the provision.

We’re sure you will agree that tree planting is essential at this critical time for the planet. We will therefore be joining children, parents and teachers around the world on this day to demonstrate that an individual's actions can have a positive impact on the environment.

Due to our past fundraising, Darlinghurst Academy is now an Elite Plant Hero School! There are only a small, but growing, number of plant hero schools that are real plant savers

We also continue to support those in need with donations to St Vincents for those in poverty or homeless. If you are able to send in donations we know they will be warmly welcomed. Your child can bring these to their class.

As a healthy school and as part of our curriculum, we promote sustainable health behaviours.

Keep a healthy body and mind. Be well and take a mindful minute.

We are a healthy school and our children have revised our healthy snack policy. We are delighted to see an increase in reusable pots, reducing wrappers and other packaging. However, we love the natural wrappers of fruit and encourage children to eat fresh fruit at snack time. Fruit is supplied to children in Early Years and Key stage one.

Pupil Voice: here is a suggested list from our children

  • Fruit: bananas, apples, grapes (halved), strawberries, mixed berries, mango slices, satsumas, pineapple sticks, orange quarters, melon slices, pomegranate, plums, peaches or a fruit salad
  • Cucumber, carrot sticks or pepper strips
  • Broccoli , tomatoes, sweetcorn or sugar snaps
  • Olives, pickles or dried fruit
  • Malt or fruit loaf
  • Rice crackers, rice cakes or plain pop corn
  • Crackers, breadsticks and dips

If your child is in Reception, year one and two they are entitled to free Universal Meals. They can take a meal, with no cost, from our menu. They can choose between the main meal, meat free meal, pasta, jacket potato or ‘Pick and Mix.’ There is so much variety. Why not ask your child to give them a try and take up this option whilst they are in EYFS and KS1.

Children have been talking about healthy eating and adding rainbow colour to their plates at lunchtime too. They have been actively engaged in our developments in the dining hall. In KS2 we have been focused on increasing independence and responsibilities, reducing waste and recycling. This has included taking responsibility for self-clearance and keeping our hall tidy. Children have loved returning plates to the trolleys and seeing less waste. They are recycling any containers used with their meals too. Those having a school meal have also liked visiting the self-service counter for their fruit, bread and salad. In the year six dining area, prefects have taken position in their designated kitchen area with their own salad bar. We are all working together to create the overall dining experience.

Our active citizens play an important role in keeping healthy. The Eco-team will continue to monitor food waste, recycling and menu choices for those who are vegetarian or vegan as they are keen for plant-based options. Our Junior Governors continue to gauge pupil voice and will be feeding back to the catering company on the menu’s this half term.

Other active citizens support the health and well-being of their peers and support staying active in play and supporting others at lunchtime. The Play Squad and Peer Mentors are dedicated to their roles.

After lunch, children engage in a mindful minute. A great way to come in from play and take a minute to relax and reset. All children and staff engage in this short mindfulness activity as part of our Darlinghurst Direction. The children in the Early Years are introduced to our Mindful Monsters too. You can also do Mindful Monsters at home – mindfulness for all the family.

Why not prepare and share a nice lunch together, get active or take a mindful moment? Whatever you do, as always, enjoy your family time together

As always, enjoy your family time together.

Mrs Nicholls

In the Spotlight

On Friday 22nd September, Stephanie Taylor, author of 'I'm going to be a princess', visited our KS1 children. Stephanie works in a school in London and has written many stories before, although this is her first published book.

Stephanie told the children how a conversation with her god-daughter Maya led to her writing this story. Maya said she wanted to be a princess when she grew up, but Stephanie thought her god-daughter could do more. So, she tried to inspire her with some wonderful successful women.

The children sat in awe as Stephanie read her book and bought the characters to life. They were inspired to think of aspirational careers they wanted to do, and I think our streets will be safe with the number of children that want to be police officers!

The session ended with time for questions, and I was so proud of the thought that went into the questions. How did you feel when you sent your book to the publisher? Will you write another story about Maya when she is grown up? How long did it take to write the story? How long does a story have to be to be made into a book?

Stephanie was so impressed by the behaviour and maturity of our KS1 children and said it had been a pleasure to share her book with them all.

Children in KS2 will have their own author visit on Tuesday 3rd October.

Mrs Richards

Tea and Talks

Reception Tea and Talk

Wow! What an amazing turn out for our first Tea and Talk of the year. The Reception team had the pleasure of meeting over 28 families over a cup of tea, a biscuit and lots of baby cuddles for me especially. This informal meet and greet allowed for new relationships between parents and staff to start and for existing parents an opportunity to grow. Our tea and talk space in the Harbour room allows a safe space for parents and staff to come together and collaborate in their child’s journey through the Academy together. It was a great opportunity to discuss how well the children have settled and ask questions about inside and outside the classroom. We even got to see the children enjoying the Rockpool garden as we finished the session.

It was so lovely to meet you all and I’m already looking forward to our next one on Monday 16th October where we will look more closely at the school day and some activities your children have already enjoyed taking part in. Don’t forget to confirm your space with mrsalexander@darlinghurstacademy.org.uk and I will see you there. Don’t forget younger siblings are welcome.

Miss Wise

Early Years Lead, Assistant Principal

Year 6 SATs Information Evening

It was wonderful to see such a good turnout at the Y6 SATs Information Evening this Wednesday evening. Mrs Dunne and Mrs Hahn shared the dates for the up and coming SATs in May and looked at the different types of questions and texts our year 6 children will come across in the various papers. Test strategies and how to help your child at home to prepare for the SATS were discussed. If you have any questions regarding the SATs and you were unable to make the talk, we will be sending the information to all Year 6 parents via Ping and we will have a copy on the school website, under Parents/Tea and Talk.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs Hahn – Vice Principal & Mrs Dunne – Year 6 lead



Jellyfish – 98%

Starfish – 96%


Puffin – 96.3%

Lobster – 94.8%


Victoria – 99.6%

Dune – 98.4%

Proud to be me

This week we are celebrating the success and achievements of some past Darlinghurst children. We love to watch children continue their pursuits and passions and set an example to their siblings and others. Clarke in year one has two sisters who are continuing their sporting interest at secondary school with great success. They attended an award ceremony with Fatima Whitbread. kara has achieved sporting excellence and is a year 9 athlete performer. Lana is a year 7 elite performer for long distance running too.

Save the date

Thursdays: Tiny Tiddlers: 9am

Tuesday 3rd October – Yr 6 - National Height and Weight Measurement Programme

Tuesday 10th October – Nursery Tea & Talk: 8.50am

Tuesday 10th October – Hello Yellow, supporting Young Minds charity and Just One Tree

Monday 16th October – A Day in Reception Tea & Talk: 8.50am

Thursday 12th October – Open Evening for prospective parents 4pm – 7pm

Wednesday 18th October – KS2 Reading and Accelerated Reader Tea & Talk: 8.50am

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Contact Us

Darlinghurst School

Pavilion Drive

Leigh on Sea

Essex SS9 3JS

T. 01702 478379

F. 01702 509207

E. generalenquiries@darlinghurst.co.uk