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SJSU School of Social Work Monthly Newsletter September 2023

This newsletter was created by Student Assistant Paola Quintanilla, on behalf of the School of Social Work. For any accessibility or broken link problems, please email


We thrive to build a connection with our social work community by sharing resources, community events, and by shining a spotlight on our School, Students, Alumni, and Faculty! Follow us on social media today!


Office Telephone: (408) 924-5800

Office Address: One Washington Square (WSQ Room 215) San Jose, CA 95192-0124

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Official Website:

Newsletter Archive:

General Email Address:

Post Masters PPSC Email:

On-Campus PPSC Program Coordinator:

Title IV-E Program Coordinator:

Integrated Behavioral Health (IBH) Program:

BASW Mental Health Stipend Program:

Spanish Language Counseling Certificate:

School of Social Work Evaluation, Suggestion, and Feedback Form (Anonymous):

A Message from the Director of the School of Social Work

Dear School of Social Work Students, Staff, and Faculty,

We have started our new academic year! Thank you again for choosing social work and for your passion to promote the well-being of others! Our educational opportunities are important, and we want to acknowledge that most (if not all) of us are facing many challenges. Life is still very difficult.

Please take time to practice self-care, seek-out resources, and build your support network. SJSU, our College, and our School can provide services and referrals to help you complete your degree and reach your career goals. A few highlights:

SJSU Resources. There are several university programs and resource centers that might be of help. Do a web search or start here:

You will find information about services such as:

Health and Wellness Resources

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

Accessible Education Center (AEC)

Writing Center

Career Center

Student Success Centers (including identity-specific centers)

Financial Resources

SJSU Cares

Library Resources

Feedback Form. The "School of Social Work Evaluation, Suggestion, and Feedback Form": This form may be completed anonymously, and used by anyone to provide information of any kind to the School. Some uses are to:

Provide unofficial evaluative information about our School of Social Work;

Make a complaint or raise a concern;

Share about something positive;

Contribute a suggestion;

Provide insight

Open Office Hours with the Director. In addition to the support you receive from your professors, advisors, and staff, I will be hosting periodic open office hours (virtually via Zoom, see link below). The next opportunities are:

Wednesday September 13th

5:30PM to 6:30PM

* See below for Zoom link

Thank you again.

Dr. Lee

Zoom Link for Office Hours:

Student Success Tips

Some tips and tricks for incoming and continuing students!

Can't find the School of Social Work? Check out our TikTok below to find our office!

Welcome New Staff

Hiba Ahmed, Admin Analyst

Dr. Jennifer Chavez-Buey (she/her/hers), Assistant Field Education Director

Dr. Chavez- Buey comes to San Jose State University with over 15 years of social work experience which ranges from school social work, macro/micro/mezzo practice in Alameda County, Field Instructor supervision, and served as an FFL at Cal Baptist University. A huge passion of hers is teaching and mentoring students in higher education. Being a first-generation college student, one of her biggest influences was her community college counselor. Dr. Chavez-Buey's counselor was a Doctora, and helped who helped her see the potential within herself to be whatever it is she chose to be. With that said, she strives to be that mentor/teacher for those students who don't have those connections or influences. She absolutely LOVES teaching and counseling and will always find a way to continue on that path. Welcome!

Janis Wright, Department Resource Analyst & Lead Administrator

Janis is a former creative professional living in downtown San Jose, CA. After working for twenty years in the arts in positions in events for Netflix, theater, advertising and animation, she decided to use her administrative skills where she can make a difference to her community. She became interested in the HR field after becoming aware of its intersection with helping people, cultural anthropology, and events. She earned her masters in HR management during COVID shutdown. She lives in a 120-year-old fixer upper with her husband Paul, her two children and her cat. Janis likes volunteering with local theatre and community organizations and with her children's schools.

Janis Wright with the costume she made for the Netflix events department’s Stranger Things Launch party

The SOCIAL WORK experience PODCAST: Season two

We are excited to share that the SJSU School of Social Work and SWGSA have partnered up to continue bringing new podcast episodes to you all! The podcast hopes to create a community in the social work program by having authentic conversations at least once a month. The podcasts will consist of having special guests and providing its listeners with pertinent information

Help us in welcoming the new podcasts hosts, who are working on their first episode of season 2! Stay up to date by following us on social media. If you have any questions please reach out to


The Social Work Graduate Student Association or SWGSA is a student organization created by and for MSW students at SJSU. All students in the MSW program at SJSU are automatically enrolled as members. ​SWGSA thrives to build connections and enact social change on every level as well as be a voice for the students. Please join us during the year as we embark on learning, growing, and shaping the school to suit us - not the other way around.


Social Media

Want to get involved? Join a SWGSA Committee!


The Undergraduate Social Work Association (USWA) is a student-led organization created by and for BASW students at SJSU. All BASW students are automatically registered as members of USWA. Follow USWA on social media today!

Reach out to USWA via email:

USWA is Seeking New Officers!


The School of Social Work partnered with SWGSA to co-host and organize several orientations throughout the summer. We want to say thank you to all of the Student and Alumni Panelist and other faculty who were able to attend.

Below are some photos of our Summer orientation! Thank you SWGSA Officers for organizing such a great event!!


Check out this weekly farmers market at City Hall!

The McNair Scholars TRiO Program is a federally funded program that helps first-generation, low-income, and/or underrepresented undergraduate students prepare for and apply to doctoral programs across the nation. They will be accepting applications until November 6th, 2023!
