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FIRE STATION #6 1615 S Spotted Rd

Station 6 serves the West Plains and also responds to incidents at Spokane International Airport


Spokane Fire Department (SFD) Station 6 was opened in 2012 when the City of Spokane annexed a large area on the West Plains. The addition of Station 6 allowed SFD to meet performance standards in the newly annexed area. The station consists of a large two-door apparatus bay and a three (3) bedroom double-wide manufactured home. Station 6 is the first SFD apparatus typically on-scene at the Spokane International Airport for any type of aircraft emergency. Station 6 trains weekly with the Spokane International Airport Fire Department to stay current on all aspects of Aircraft Rescue and firefighting. The service areas includes the large area surrounding and including the Spokane International Airport and West Hills area.

Station 6’s response area includes large areas of open land, and will respond to wildland fire incidents in the summer months.

Station 6 Captain - Dan Strobeck

Station 6 Phone - (509) 625-7106

Spokane Fire Administration - (509) 625-7000
