
Give your Express Page a title by clicking here Then click the plus button below to add a photo background or change the layout

Anytime you see a plus button, click to add content

Express plus button
Express menu bar and plus button

Above is the Express plus button after pressing it. This shows the options for what you can add to an Express page. Each of these options will be detailed below.

  • You can then add content by clicking on the plus button in the middle of the screen.
  • This can be done at any place below the title section of your page, and you can go back to add more content in between sections later.

Express webpage menu bar explained

Add a Photo

Click the plus button, then choose the Photo option.

The Photos menu

You have the option to

  • Upload from device to upload a photo from your computer
  • Search the wide range of Adobe Stock photos included for free in Express.
  • Scroll through the catagories of images provided by Adobe.

Add Text

Adding text provides you with some options for how to format the text on screen.

Express Text menu

You can apply the following styles/options to highlighted text.

  • Apply a Header 1 (largest) style
  • Apply a Header 2 (smaller) style
  • Turn the text into a quotation
  • add a bulleted list
  • add a numbered list
  • bold the text
  • italicize the text
  • turn the text into a hyperlink
  • left, middle, or right align the text

Add Button (web link)

The Button option allows you to add a formatted web link as a button on screen. Button appearance can only be modified by changing the Theme of your Express.

The menu lets you:

  • enter the text for the button
  • enter the web link for the button
  • align the button to the left, middle, or right of the screen

Adding videos

Express Video menu

Express can link to videos from YouTube or Vimeo only.

If your video is located anywhere else, you will not be able to directly embed it into the Express Page. You would need to create a text link or button to any other video, such as Panopto or other video.

Next Steps

Add multiple images

The final three options for adding content are to add a:

  • Photo Grid - This is a collage of images that you can decide how large each image is.
  • Glideshow - This is a series of full screen images that transition as the user scrolls down the page. Text, videos, and other images can be embedded on top of the full screen glideshow images.
  • Split Layout - Dividing the screen in half with an image on one side and text, images, or videos on the other.

Here is an example of a Photo Grid.

Here is an example of a Glideshow

Images of people

Keep scrolling

As you scroll down, the image will automatically transition to the next image and set of content.


Image of a person in the background with a button linking to the Express home page.

Keep scrolling until the image stops.

The Split Layout

A split layout allows you to place an image on one side of the screen in full with other content on the other side of the screen.

The additional content can include text, images, videos, or buttons.

Final steps


  1. Click the Themes icon (a small magic wand) in the top right to select a theme for your entire Express Page. The Themes bar will open on the left side of the page.
  2. Click one of themes to switch to it.

The theme chosen will modify the look of the entire Page, including fonts, color scheme, button layout, and transitions. These changes will affect all parts of the site at once, making it easy to affect the overall look of the page.


Publish your page

When ready to share your Express Page, click the Share button at the top center of the screen.

  • Choose Publish to the Web and share link. Express will publish your page to the internet and give you a link to share to others.
  • You can continue to make edits to the Express Page after publishing. To update the published page, Click Share and Publish Changes.


Express Webpages can be created with others asynchronously.

To collaborate with someone,

  1. Select Invite Collaborators.
  2. Enter the name or email address of someone at the University, and their name should pop up for selecting.
  3. Invited collaborators will receive a notification inside of Adobe Express and an email (the email may take several hours to arrive).

Important notes about collaborating on Express webpages:

  • Collaborators can only work asynchronously. This means that each person must complete their edits before the next person opens the page to edit.
  • Only the person who created the webpage can publish or re-publish the page. This means you will want to coordinate with each group member and the person who created to make this update.