Newsletter 26/4/24

Fund Raiser

Many of you will be aware that one of our pupils, Aiden-Leo, is currently undergoing chemotherapy. The nurse has visited the Junior children this week to talk about keeping him safe on the playground. Aiden-Leo's treatment means that he goes through cycles of feeling well and less well so he is in and out of school accordingly.

We will be holding a non-uniform day on Friday next week as a fundraiser. Proceeds will go directly to Aiden-Leo's family to spend on something nice that he will enjoy, whether that be a treat to cheer him up whilst he is feeling less well or to go somewhere / do something nice whilst he is feeling well.

Sports Days are: Nursery Tuesday 14th May (am); Reception - Year 2 Friday 17th (am); Years 3 - 6 Friday 17th (pm). Please read our information guide before attending.

Swimming Years 3 & 4 (for 3 weeks after half term). Please read our information guide.


This week I received an email from a parent who is unhappy with our current uniform policy. Consequently I have agreed to review the policy with Governors and Staff at our joint meeting next month.

The current policy has been in place for nearly 2 years and was written as we came out of the pandemic restrictions. Children wear uniform every day in Pontllanfraith which is very good when compared with some other schools. It is very rare for anyone not to be in uniform and if they are not there is usually a good reason provided.

Most children are in uniform that is exactly in line with school policy - we really appreciate this, thank you.

However there are a minority of children who are not. Some wear uniform that is less practical than the policy (skirts, tights, shirts, ties, girls' shoes, laces when the children can't do them up) and some are 'bending' rules (hoodies, inappropriately short shorts, brightly coloured trainers, occasionally shoes that are not safe for school).

So my question is, are we pitching it right? What do parents think?

We are seeking the views of parents, staff & children and the Governing Body will take the final decision as to whether the policy is amended.

Please click here for further information including a rationale behind the current policy, and a link to the survey.

Trip Survey

Feedback from the trip survey will be published as soon as I have the opportunity to do so - please accept my apologies, it has been an extremely busy start to the term.


Thank you for bearing with us whilst we introduce the new menu from Catering Services. We hope the children are enjoying the greater choice. A few changes will take place next week (email has already gone out). Please look at the menu with your children and order in advance. Your support at this time is greatly appreciated.

Late Arrivals

If you arrive after 9:15, please go to the main office where lunch choices will be checked and reasons recorded. We do need to discourage late arrival but we would prefer you're late to not arriving at all so please do not worry. Parents of Dosbarth Oren, please do not knock on the classroom window for entry - this is disrupting the start of the day for staff & pupils.