Calendar of events
- Monday 18th September - Monday Morning PBL Assembly
- Tuesday 19th September & Tuesday 10th October - Learn N Grow Playgroup
- Tuesday 19th September & Tuesday 10th October - Breakfast Club
- Friday 22nd September & Friday 13th October - Kindergarten Transition
- Thursday 21st September - LMG Cultural Day
- Friday 22nd September - Footy Colours Day
- Friday 22nd September - Last Day of Term 3
- Monday 9th October - First Day of Term 4
- Tuesday 10th October - Stage 2 & Stage 3 Interrelate Sessions
- Thursday 12th October - Stage 1, Field of Mars Excursion
- Monday 16th October - P&C Meeting
- Tuesday 17th October - Kindergarten, Hunter Valley Wildlife Park Excursion
- Tuesday 17th October - Rolling Hills Film Festival
- Tuesday 17th October - Learn n Grow Playgroup
- Wednesday 18th, Thursday 19th & Friday 20th October - Stage 2, Great Aussie Bush Camp Excursion
- Wednesday 25th October - Youyoong AECG AGM - Murrook
- Thursday 26th October - Whole School Fortnightly Assembly
- Friday 27th October - Day for Daniel
- Friday 27th October - World Teachers Day
- Friday 27th October - Outdoor Movie Night
Principals MESSAGE
What an amazing Term 3 we have had….. lots of learning experiences for our students in the classroom and on the sporting field.
We are asking for parents/carers to complete the Tell Them From Me survey on student engagement. The survey asks parents/carers questions about different factors that are known to impact on student well-being and engagement. The survey is conducted entirely online on smartphones, ipads, tablets, laptops or computers. The survey will typically take 15 minutes or less to complete and is completely confidential.
Dhurrumiri & Barrangga had a wonderful time last week competing at the Hunter River Community School World Athletics Championships. Everyone won some medals and enjoyed the day interacting with other schools.
Our Lost Property box is full to the brim, please encourage your child to check the box early this week before the box is cleaned out ready for Term 4.
Dungog Public School will be participating in the SHARE OUR SPACE program again during the up and coming school holidays. The Horse Paddock will be open for community use from Monday 25th September to Sunday 8th October 2023, from 8.00am to 5.00pm every day during the school holidays, including public holidays (please see the flyer below).
Pump up your tyres, adjust your seat and find your helmet for the Kids & Cobwebs Bike Ride this Friday afternoon. Everyone is welcome to join the ride and a sausage sizzle on completion. Please return your note and money as soon as possible.
What football jersey are you wearing for Footy Colours Day this Friday? Can't wait to see what teams everyone supports!
I hope everyone has a great holiday and enjoys some time with family and friends. Staff and students return to school on Monday 9th October for Term 4.
Ms Kylie Pennell - Principal
Principals Award
km with miss mowbray
And we’ve made it to the final week of Term 3. I can’t believe we only have one term left of Kindergarten. KM have been focusing on our long vowel sounds in the past few weeks and this week we are learning all about the long vowel ‘u’. We are learning about Patterns in Maths this week. Don’t forget our two excursions are coming up in next term so all notes and money need to be returned this week. Have a fantastic, fun, and safe holiday! See you all in Term 4!
1O with Mrs Olsen
What a huge term of learning we have just had. As we head to the holidays, I hope 1O students remember to find a favourite spot and sit with a book and keep practicing their reading skills. As we say in 1O, the more we practice the better we get! I hope you all have a happy holiday period and I will see you all in a couple of weeks ready for Term 4!
1G with Miss Gilmour
Week 10, we made it! 1G have all worked super hard this term and definitely deserve a relaxing holiday. Don't forget to still do your reading each night though. There is lots to look forward to next term including our excursion, the musical and so much more! Stay safe everyone. See you on the 9th October 🙂
release from face to face with Miss gregory
Welcome to Week 10! The term has gone so fast. 1G have been learning all about volume and how we can measure and compare different objects. They enjoyed doing hands-on water activities and comparing how much is needed for different containers. Barrangga and Dhurrumiri have enjoyed playing with the Bee Bots and ipads. They have been learning how to code and how it makes objects move. Enjoy the holidays and be safe!
dhurrumiri room with miss duncan
Wow! Where has Term 3 gone? What a wonderful term of learning we have had in Dhurrumiri Room. We have made some delicious food in cooking and expanded our taste buds! We have also made some AMAZING writing pieces about the Gruffalo. I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday. See you in Term 4!
barrangga room with miss wallace
I can't believe it is already the end of Term 3! We have had another fantastic term in Barrangga class. This term we have made some delicious food in our cooking time, our favourite being Honey Joys! We have enjoyed learning about the Dreamtime story Tiddalick the frog. We had a great time at the World Games excursion, a wonderful end to the term. I hope you all have a great holiday and I'll see you next term!
Barrangga & Dhurrumiri students at the world games
2C with Mrs Curry & Mrs Morgan
After another busy term, I hope everyone can get outside to play and enjoy some beautiful Spring weather during the school holidays. Looking forward to hearing about the exciting adventures 2C have had when they return to school. Don’t forget to also spend time reading. Don’t have a good book? Take a trip to the Dungog Library and borrow one!
2V with Mrs middlebrook
2V has been on an incredible learning journey this term, working tirelessly to explore the fascinating world around us. We've delved into the captivating realm of informative texts, diving deep into the lives and landscapes of our Australian neighbours. From the vibrant cities to the awe-inspiring outback and islands, we've uncovered stories and facts that have broadened our horizons. But our exploration didn't stop there! In the world of Science, we embarked on a thrilling adventure through the wonders of erosion. Our hands-on experiments allowed us to witness the power of nature firsthand, as we watched landscapes transform before our eyes. And as for Mathematics, well, it turns out that angles are everywhere! From the classroom to the playground, we've been on a quest to discover the secrets of angles in our everyday surroundings. 2V has truly been a class of eager learners, and we can't wait to see where our curiosity will take us in Term 4. Wishing everyone a joyful and restful holiday!
2/3S with Ms Carter
Students have been excitedly combining their persuasive and informative writing skills to create a text about an Australian island holiday destination. In Mathematics students engaged in hands-on activities creating 3D objects. This term has been filled with growth and learning and now it's time for a well-deserved break. I hope you all have a fun and restful holiday.
3J with Miss Muddle
The end of term is fast approaching and there is still plenty of work to be done. In English we are working on a Persuasive text on the topic 'Women should not get paid more in major sport'. In Mathematics we are working on Angles and learning how to find missing angles from a range of situations. Have a great holiday everyone, see you all in Term 4!
learn n grow PLAYGROUP
3P with Ms Palmowski
How is it the end of Term 3 already? It has been a busy term and the weeks have flown by. This week in English students are finishing off their persuasive writing and novel study. In Mathematics, students are learning to identify, measure and draw angles. In PDHPE, students are investigating food groups and the purpose of food labels. It's great to see so many students enjoying our musical rehearsals! Have a happy and safe holiday! See you in Term 4.
3L with Mrs wilson
Even though we are approaching the end of Term 3, 3L have continued to work hard in all learning areas. In Writing students have been exploring elements of poetry. A class favourite is called ‘Black out poem’. Students use a written texts and scan for key words that are interesting or related to a theme. The other words are then blacked out to reveal only the chosen key words, thus creating their own poem. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in another city or another country across the other side of the world? During Geography lessons the class researched the history, climate, environment, technology use and culture of two cities Kalgoorlie, Australia and Venice, Italy. We discovered that Kalgoorlie is a productive working city which had the largest mine pit in the world, it uses modern technology which now completes much of the work that people use to do. In comparison, Venice is a very popular holiday destination and is made up of many small islands. It was good to know that if you visit both cities, the climates are very similar, there are restaurants and cafes to visit, and the people are laid-back and friendly. With holidays just around the corner Mrs Wilson is dreaming of drifting down the canals in Venice on a Gondola!
Library/STEM with Miss Donnelly
This week we've been preparing the library for the end of term and getting all the borrowed books returned. It's been incredible to go through all the books, non fiction, and graphic novels that you've been enjoying in your classrooms this term. At lunch time students have been enjoying creating Perler bead designs. It's been great to see the students creativity.
class samples with RFF & Miss Gregory
chaplain news
We can support our kids by asking them R U OK? THEN REMEMBER to LISTEN. Please phone or shoot the school an email if your child is having a rough time and would benefit from a chat with a trusted adult. I’m always happy to listen & support 😊 ~ Philippa.
EFTPOS now available
EFTPOS is now another convenient option for parents/carers to make a payment at our School Office. EFTPOS will make it easier for parents/carers to pay for their child/children’s school activities including excursions, performances, sports, etc. Transactions may only be processed in person over the counter, no over the phone payments will be accepted. Cardholders have the option to tap, swipe, insert or use their payment-enabled Smart device. Payments can still be completed through our Parent Online Payments (POP) through our school website or with cash via the office.
NSW Police legacy Child Safety Handbook
The “NSW Police Legacy Child Safety Handbook” is a comprehensive and free resource to assist parents, carers as well as teachers on a range of topics essential to child safety. The updated digital edition (link below) includes important content updates from: NSW Rural Fire, NSW Ministry of Health, NSW Police Force, Fire and Rescue NSW, Transport NSW, State Emergency Services, NSW Department of Family & Community Services, eSafety Commissioner and NSW Office of the Children's Guardian.
Important information about school buses
Transport for NSW is seeking to improve the consistency and accuracy of bus service information across New South Wales. As part of this state-wide program, bus route names and numbers are being amended so they can become part of a standardised system. These changes will apply to all buses that operate to and from your school, effective 29 August 2023. Note that these are route name/number changes only. Physical routes (or paths) along which school buses operate will not be affected.
P&C news, Canteen & uniform shop
The P&C are looking for helpful people like you to join the canteen team for Term 4! Fill in the attached form and send to Volunteers are needed who can help make lunches for our hungry, growing children and serve them during lunch 1 & 2. You can indicate which times suit you best, as there are different shifts available for you to choose from as a canteen volunteer! Here are the options:
o Full day: You can join us from 8:30am to 2:30pm. It's a longer shift where you can help prepare lunches, serve during recess and lunchtime, and assist with other tasks.
o Morning: If you prefer a shorter shift, you can help out with the morning collection of lunch orders and lunch 1 period. This shift is from 9:00am to 12:00pm. You'll play a key role in organising lunch orders and ensuring everything is ready for lunchtime.
o Afternoon: Another shorter option is the lunch 2 period shift. It starts at 11:30am and ends at 2:30pm. During this time, you can assist with serving lunches and making sure our students have a great lunch experience.
When you become a canteen volunteer, your P&C membership fee will be paid for by the committee, and as a bonus, you'll get a free lunch as a token of our gratitude each time you help out at the canteen. We'll be thrilled to have you as part of the canteen team!
The Dungog Pedalfest are inviting children to a 'Kids and Cobwebs' ride at the start of the Spring Holidays. Meet at 3.30pm for a 4.00pm start. Friday 22nd September starting and finishing at Dungog Public School. Riders are rewarded with a BBQ at the end of the ride at the School. All cash registrations that come through Dungog Public will go to Dungog Public School.