World Malaria Day April 25 , 2024


World Malaria Day, observed globally annually on 25th April serves to emphasize the importance of ongoing investment and sustained political commitment for malaria prevention and control.

On World Malaria Day 2024, the RBM Partnership to End Malaria highlights malaria's heavy toll on women and girls, impacting their health, roles, and economic outcomes. Malaria perpetuates inequality and hinders Universal Health Coverage.

A gender-focused approach is vital, focusing resources and targeted interventions in vulnerable areas. Focus areas include addressing gender disparities, improving pregnancy-related prevention, and promoting inclusive health systems. Community engagement ensures equitable access to malaria prevention and treatment interventions..

Let's recommit to women and girls' well-being, pursuing equity in the fight against malaria.


This year’s International Malaria Day theme, "Accelerating the fight against Malaria for a more equitable World", underscores Gender, Health equity and Human Rights as a cornerstone to building resilient societies. When we invest in women, Health and Human Rights we make strides towards a healthier, more equitable world.

We encourage partners to use the following hashtags in social media posts to join the conversation

  • #AccelerateTheFight
  • #WorldMalariaDay
  • #GenderEquityHumanRights
  • #EndMalaria
  • #ZeroMalariaStartswithMe

Suggested Tweets

#DidYouKnow women and girls face a higher risk of malaria infection? This #WorldMalariaDay and beyond let's work together to ensure everyone can access life-saving tools like insecticide-treated nets and healthcare services to #acceleratethefight against malaria.

#WorldMalariaDay🦟 is here! We're advocating for Universal Health Coverage, ensuring access to services to prevent, detect and treat malaria for all, regardless of gender, finances, or location. Let's #AccelerateTheFight to #EndMalaria.

Suggested Facebook Posts

Today is #WorldMalariaDay! Join us in the fight for Universal Health Coverage, ensuring access to malaria prevention, detection, and treatment services for all, and let's #acceleratethefight to #endmalaria for a more equitable world.

Women and girls face higher risks of malaria infection due to obstacles in accessing healthcare services and information, along with limited decision-making power, hindering the ability to treat, detect and prevent the disease. It is essential that we confront these disparities and guarantee equitable universal health coverage. #WorldMalariaDay.

Mothers are particularly vulnerable. Malaria in pregnancy poses a lethal threat, with 10,000 maternal deaths each year. The time is now to #AccelerateTheFight, aiming for improved health outcomes for both mothers and newborns globally #WorldMalariaDay.

In 2022 alone, the World Health Organization reported a staggering 249M malaria cases and over 600,000 deaths. This disease's profound impact touches millions globally, with the WHO Africa region bearing the heaviest burden. No one should be left behind; access to quality and affordable health care should not be influenced by your gender, financial, or geographical status. #AccelerateTheFight

What can I do to end the fight against malaria?

Fund the fight

We call on malaria endemic and donor governments, philanthropists, private sector actors and others, to further invest in ending malaria, particularly by investing in the upcoming replenishments of Gavi and the Global Fund.

Reach the last mile

Ensure the most marginalised, and at risk of malaria, communities are prioritised in the delivery of tools and treatments

Invest for tomorrow and reverse the statistics

Provide resources for research and development to ensure the malaria campaign can stay ahead of growing and emerging threatsSpeak up – Zero Malaria Starts with all of us speaking up on the importance of fighting malaria – whether that’s in our own communities or by encouraging our leaders to take action”.