
Welcome to Birkwood An #IncredibleCommunity

The Birkwood Values

We wish you a very warm welcome to the Birkwood Primary School Newsletter.

8th September 2023

A Message from the Headteacher

‘Happy New Year!’ I hope that all our families have enjoyed a wonderful break. Most importantly, it has been great to welcome everybody back into school. A September heatwave has arrived with the new academic year, cricket weather at last! I have noticed lots of taller children, new uniforms and of course lots of new starters. I welcome each and every one to Birkwood. The children have been a delight and brought the building to life again. An enormous pleasure of working in a Primary School is that ‘joy’ is never more than a few feet away. It is great to be back.

It has been an extremely busy Summer at Birkwood as I’m sure you have seen. I must start with the wonderful news that Mrs. Lavendar has given birth to a beautiful baby girl, Florence. We have met her, and Mum and Florence are doing incredibly well. Much love to her and Mrs Porter’s extended family!

Welcome to Florence! Congratulations to a proud Mummy & Granny Jules!

The Building Work is looking great. I thank O&P Construction and our very own Miss White and Mr. Jones for their hard work in leading these exciting developments for the future of Birkwood. I know plenty of people read or hear the news. Thankfully we have been assured by the LA that our building is safe, so full steam ahead!

Our new developments have included a brand new ‘state of the art’ School Kitchen. Congratulations to Sarah and her team who are enjoying the new facility and have served lunches from their new base successfully this week.

New School Kitchen
New School Kitchen

The new corridor around the Hall has provided an extremely useful thoroughfare in school and will ensure any lessons, activities or meetings in the main Hall will be undisturbed.

Our new corridor
Our new corridor from the playground
Our new corridor

Our former Kitchen has been transformed into the new Year 2 Parks Classroom. A warm welcome to Miss Frith in there and of course all of other new staff! I am very excited to welcome them to the team and am certain they will feel at home incredibly quickly.

We began the week looking at School Improvement and then received essential Safeguarding Updates & Training. Our Governing Body has also met and look forward to an exciting year.

Please be aware of the disruption on September 19th – the morning drop off will require extra care on this day.

We have included several dates for your diary. Of course, some may change but hopefully this will help with your own diaries. An important early date is School Photograph Day on Mon 18 September!

Have a lovely weekend. Enjoy the sunshine. It has been wonderful to be back at Birkwood!

Our suite of X (formerly Twitter) Handles is here for you. Below is a link for 'all things Birkwood.'


PE & Sport

Please ensure children in KS2 - Years 3-6 come to school IN PE KIT on their allocated PE Days. Appropriate trainers must be worn. No crop tops – Sports t-shirts please and shorts. A tracksuit may be worn – please make a judgment on temperature. This will be until building work is complete as we have no access to discrete changing areas.

Celebration Assembly Winners
  • Headteachers Superstars KS1 ~ GE Y2 Seacole
  • Headteachers Superstar KS2 ~ LW Y4 Pankhurst
  • School Attendance Target for the Year - 97.0%
  • School attendance this year so far - 94.1%
  • School attendance this week - 92.4%
  • EYFS1 am - 75.0%
  • EYFS2 Anning - 97.9%
  • EYFS2 Sharman - 100%
  • Year 1 Einstein -99.0%
  • Year 1 Nightingale -92.4%
  • Year 2 Parks - 97.2%
  • Year 2 Seacole - 99.9%
  • Year 3 Earhart - 97.5%
  • Year 3/4 Holmes - 91.7%
  • Year 4 Pankhurst - 98.4%
  • Year 5 Attenborough - 96.8%
  • Year 5/6 Wollstonecraft - 94.6%
  • Year 6 Kings - 98.4%

Well done to Class Sharman who are this week's winners with a perfect 100%. Congratulations.

School Dinner Menu

Please see the Menus for the next 2 weeks. New Menus will be issued soon!


Please check your child's hair regularly for 'little visitors'and treat accordingly.

For current Year 6 children, their tests shall be Monday 13th May to Thursday 16th May 2024.

For current Year 5 children, their tests will be Monday 12th to Thursday 15th May 2025.

Future Events
These dates will be sent as a paper copy next week.
Our School Vision