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Our Beloved Community Building Up in Love


We worship and serve a God who calls us to build a beloved community rooted in love, justice, and grace. This year, we reflect on what it means to be a part of this community in the present and prayerfully consider the future we want to build together.

Ephesians 4 tells us that “to each one of us grace has been given grace as Christ apportioned it” (verse 7) and “Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ” (verses 11-13). We are equipped with blessings, resources, leaders, guidance, and grace from God to build His kingdom here on earth.

Our church is not the building at the corner of Park and 5th – our church is our community. The worship, fellowship, ministry, and service of Caldwell are done by our people. The community we have and the work we do require investments from all our people – time, talents, resources, and love. As we prepare for a new year in this beloved community, we ask you to prayerfully consider all that God has given you and what you can offer back to God in service of the kingdom.

A "narrated slideshow" video version of this 2025 Stewardship Campaign message is also available. (9.5 min)

Our Beloved Community


Caldwell is God’s gift to each of us and is whatever we make it. Whatever it has been, whatever it will be in 2025 follows God’s outline but is defined in size, scope, depth and breadth by what we bring to it, including our financial pledge. “Our” means us. Each of us. No one else. Each of us and what we prayerfully give back to God with our pledge.


“Beloved” is one of the most powerful words in scripture. It proclaims our place with God. It is how the earliest Christians described Jesus. And, in Christ, we are the beloved - seen, embraced and gathered to offer love to others. How does that feel? Where else in your life do you feel “beloved” as you do here? How is God calling us to welcome others as “beloved” here in 2025 and beyond?


Caldwell is more than a congregation or even a church family. It is a community of all kinds of people striving together to be the body of Christ in the here and now. Here “faith” is a verb. Now is a time when so many of our neighbors need the care, encouragement and love of justice that guides our many ministries, those that attend to our own members and needs and those that extend radical, healing hospitality in a wounded, hurting and often hostile world.

Our. Beloved. Community.

The sum of us and what we contribute. Our expression of what we believe God wants in the world. Our response to God. Our responsibility to bring to life according to what we want to make of it. The author of Ephesians declares that we are the beneficiaries of God’s “glorious grace, with which the Lord has blessed us in the Beloved.” As recipients of that grace, we pledge to make Caldwell a blessing to all.

What Is a Pledge?

A pledge is a financial commitment of your planning giving to the church for next year. Your pledge, combined with others, creates the budget which our elders create for 2025. Only our church business manager sees the actual amounts of each pledge. While a pledge is a future commitment for the year ahead, the church understands if circumstances arise later that impact your ability to fulfill your pledge.

What Your Pledge Makes Possible

A pledge is a statement of hope, a down payment for the loving grace of God we can never afford, a material claim that we have enough and want others to have enough, too - enough to eat, a place to sleep, enough dignity and justice, enough community, enough purpose, enough love and self-love that reflect God's love for us.

A pledge is added to others to allow church leaders to build a budget for 2025 - to retain excellent staff and ministerial leadership; to see to it that our buildings are shared with the city as God's property, not ours; to help ensure Caldwell can bear witness through the highs and lows of life.

A budget demonstrates values, what an individual or organization really cares about.

The importance of PLEDGING the amount you intend to give in offerings for 2025 cannot be stressed enough. Please give this your prayerful consideration for also increasing the amount you give. You have verbalized, through the Thriving Congregation conversations, that you want to hire a full-time associate or co-pastor to help lead us forward as we strive to fulfill Caldwell's MIssion Statement while expanding our community to include Easter's Home. The reality is this: We need to increase our total pledges by a minimum of $80,000 to call a full-time Associate Pastor with benefits. This may appear to be a huge jump. Consider these factors:

When our previous Associate Pastor, Gail, was on the payroll for five years, her benefits were covered by her husband's employment, costing us zero.

The Presbytery's Board of Pensions made a historic shift, effective January 1st, 2025, resulting in each church paying significantly more for the benefits of Pastors and their families.

Gail started working at Caldwell while still in Seminary, and was a wonderful pastor and leader for our community. To attract and hire a new, experienced pastor skilled in congregational care, promoting social justice, leading worship, and communications, we will have to offer a competitive financial compensation package.

Our outstanding Interim Associate Pastor, Dot, is Part-Time Status. In addition to the decreased expenses, this means an unfortunate decrease in Pastoral hours devoted to Congregational Care, Leading Worship, and Ministry.

Your Pledge In Action

Financial pledges from members and friends build the annual church budget. Your tithes and offerings take many forms - the work and ministry of our staff, the ability to share our campus spaces with the community, financial grants to a range of community partners addressing housing, hunger, poverty, systemic justice, disaster relief and more.

The accompanying colored, circular graphic includes a GREY slice representing THE INCREASE NEEDED FOR THE 2025 BUDGET for staff compensation and benefits, including compensation for a new pastoral colleague.

For 2024 the Stewardship Campaign goal was $80,000 more than was received in pledges. As a result, the hoped-for budget was trimmed by that amount to a stark operating budget. The whole "pie" is represented in the graph to show the $80k gap. An increase of pledges by $80,000 which is an increase of 12.1% ,will provide us with an Associate Pastor, but maintain the same stark budget without taking into account 1) additional monies requested by Building and Grounds for maintenance and updating of aging equipment 2) Additional needs for Congregational Life. For instance, the wonderful turnout for the recent fall kickoff luncheon prepared by the youth presented the challenge of running out of food even though twice as much was purchased as last year. 3) Increased needs for other church functions and 4) inflation.

More details about our 2024 budget are available.

Coming in 2025

Easter's Home

As Easter’s Home is completed in 2025, we will continue to make preparations to welcome our 21 new neighbors. Partnering with Roof Above, following the housing-first, permanent supportive housing model of addressing homelessness, we seek to not only directly provide housing to 21 Charlotte neighbors and residents, but also serve as an example for other congregations and communities around our region and nation.

Easter's Home will operate with its own independent budget, with no financial connection to the church's operating annual budget.

Your pledge and support of Caldwell Presbyterian Church in 2025 will enable our congregation to prepare to welcome and embrace our new neighbors in Easter's Home in all the appropriate ways.

We have built a home - 21 in fact. Next, we will build community. The physical construction and preparation of Easter's home, "brick by brick," will be mirrored by how we create a place of belonging, comfort, meaning and purpose for our neighbors as they settle in alongside our church family.

Caring for Each Other

At Caldwell, caring looks inward and outward. As we strive to care for our neighbors beyond the Caldwell family, it is every bit as important that we care for each other. Your Congregational Care Committee has deepened the ways we stay in touch with each other through life's ups and downs.

As we look toward 2025, we are called to build upon the legacy of love, justice, and radical hospitality that defines OUR beloved community. The work of Christ, which we have embraced in serving our members and neighbors, can only continue with your generous financial support.

With every pledge, we lay another brick in the foundation of God’s vision for us. Your contribution helps us welcome new leadership in the form of an associate pastor who will walk with us as we live out the Gospel in a world yearning for love and justice.

Now, more than ever, our ministries must reach outward to a world in need of healing, while continuing to nurture the hearts and souls of our congregation. This is where your giving matters. Every brick—every dollar—allows us to extend the care, grace, and transformative love of God to our community and beyond, as is our collective mission.

Please prayerfully and urgently consider what you will give back to God in 2025, knowing that your pledge will be the foundation on which we continue to grow, welcome, and serve. Let us rise to the call of building up Caldwell together, brick by brick, with love and generosity as our tools.

2025 Pledge Instructions

On Commitment Sunday, October 20, 2024, we will ask members to bring their pledge commitment to the front table. Our pledge commitments will be an insert in the bulletin with space provided for your name and one of two selections you can make:

  1. One will state “I have already made my pledge online."
  2. The other selection will state “I commit to making my pledge online this week”.

We ask our members to fill out the bulletin insert and bring it to the front table at the time designated during the worship service. If you are not able to be present in worship on October 20th, please make your pledge online. You can also contact our church staff to make your pledge. Thank you for your generous pledge to support the work of Caldwell Presbyterian Church.

Donors can explore giving “Qualified Charitable Contributions” (QCDs) directly to the church from their IRAs without paying taxes on that amount, thus increasing the potential gift. This can also count towards RMD (Required Mandatory Distribution.) Disclaimer: Verify this tax information with your accountant or financial advisor.

Timeline for our 2025 Stewardship Campaign

  1. Sunday, Sept 29, 2024: Launch of our Stewardship Campaign website
  2. Sunday, Oct 6, 2024: Kickoff Event in our main sanctuary - Lunch. in Hope Hall. 1st of 6 Online Gatherings, 7 pm.
  3. Friday, Oct 11, 2024: Young Adult Community Event, 5:30 - 8 pm (Seaboard South End)
  4. Sunday, Oct 13, 2024: Worship in Hope Hall. 2nd of 6 Online Gatherings, 7 pm
  5. Sunday, Oct 20, 2024: Commitment Sunday. 3rd of 6 Online Gatherings, 7 pm
  6. Sunday, Oct 27, 2024: 4th of 6 Online Gatherings, 7 pm
  7. Saturday, Nov 2, 2024: All-Church Church Retreat (No online gathering Nov 3)
  8. Sunday, Nov 10, 2024: 5th of 6 Online Gatherings, 7 pm
  9. Sunday, Nov 17, 2024: 6th of 6 Online Gatherings, 7 pm

Submitted and Shared in Faith for the Glory of God through Christ Jesus, by your 2025 Stewardship Committee – Eugenia Richards, Jesca Yiskah-El, John Chandler, Betsy Tao, and Wes Fryer. With assistance from Linda Schick, Pastor John Cleghorn, and members of the Caldwell Finance Committee.
