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Life Commitment 2023

September 16, 2023

6:30 pm Dinner & Reception

A Private Residence in Southlands.

For thirteen years, the Life Commitment Gala has brought us together in support of the Dr. Peter Centre. Join us for an intimate event that will create lasting memories, connect with friends old and new while savouring exquisite cuisine. Sip on champagne and participate in a world-class auction.

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The Life Commitment Gala is an opportunity to continue creating a space where participants at the Dr. Peter Centre can tend to their soul to heal the body.

Our Day Health Program offers essential services to over 500 individuals dealing with challenging and complex health and social issues.

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The Program provides life-changing services, including nursing and medical care, nutrition-based meal services, mental health support, art, music and recreational therapy. Here Humanity Prevails.

The Dr. Peter Centre works with individuals who are at the intersection of mental health, substance use, poverty, HIV, and chaotic life. Since its opening in 1997, the Centre has taken a stigma-free, culturally responsive, and trauma-informed approach to delivering its integrated healthcare services.

Life Commitment 2023 supports the Dr. Peter Centre’s Day Health Program, which provides comprehensive, compassionate care in a therapeutic, stigma free environment, for those people living with HIV/AIDS, mental health challenges, substance use and homelessness.

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At the Dr. Peter Centre Love is Harm Reduction!

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