January Newsletter Regent Farm First School

School Rebuild

We finally have some good news on the new school building! Last week we began working directly with the DfE, architects and the builders, Bowmer and Kirkland. We are currently working through a series of meetings to plan the location and design of our new school. We have made a very positive start and hope this continues in the coming weeks. In the next couple of months we hope to complete this process; we are aiming to ensure the education we provide at school can be enhanced by the rebuild, whilst being mindful of the cost limitations imposed on us!

Once the design process has been completed the team will be holding a consultation event for all parents and local residents where you can pop in to school to see the plans. You will also have an opportunity to ask the team any questions you may have. We will notify you as soon as we have further information about when this event will be but hope it will be shortly after Easter.


We have had a great response for the Feeding Families boxes and just wanted to take this opportunity to remind parents that these are available from school. Anyone can apply, just contact our Family Support Advisor on 07415404841.

Another great scheme has also come to our attention called Grassboots: they offer free and low-cost items of clothing for families where cost is a barrier to participating in sport, outdoor activities or simply going to school. Last year they provided over 800 pairs of football boots/trainers and other shoes along with over 2500 items of clothing/sportswear and other items. They can offer support with free and low cost new and pre-loved:

  • Football boots, trainers and other footwear
  • School shoes and some school uniform items
  • Sportswear and accessories
  • Adult and kids clothing
  • Baby equipment and accessories

Some of the items, particularly football boots and trainers, are now going out via the click and collect website. You can view the shoes and sizes available at www.grassboots.uk

Dogs on School Site

Please remember that dogs are no longer allowed on school grounds at anytime, this includes being carried. If you are collecting your child after a club, or dropping them off outside of the normal times, this rule still applies. Whilst many children and adults love dogs, we have a number of children who are very frightened of dogs and they must not feel afraid when walking in or out of school.

We have also been made aware of a potential incident outside Asda where a dog jumped up at a child causing damage to their coat; thankfully the child was unhurt. Please be very careful approaching unfamiliar dogs and if you have concerns about their behaviour you should report this.


You may have seen in the media, that the Government have a campaign running to improve school attendance and punctuality. It is vital children are in school as much as possible to help give them the very best start to their education, and support their friendships. We appreciate there are times when children are genuinely unwell, and cannot attend school, but we aim for all children to reach the target of 96%. We also know that a small number of children have been impacted by significant health issues and we have medical evidence to explain their absence. However, we also have lots of children who are falling below this 96% target without a reason. If your absence if causing us concern we may ask for medical evidence to explain all future times away from school. We may also look at legal monitoring, which can result in a fine.

We also have a huge number of holiday requests, which will not be authorised. Please remember, everyday your child is out of school, they miss two sessions (one morning, and one afternoon).

School starts at 8:40am, if you arrive after 8:45pm you will need to sign in at the main office and will be marked as late. Most children start the day with maths or phonics, if you are regularly late your child is missing out on this vital learning. Please try your best to get to school on time.

Important Messages

Unfortunately we need to stop ball games, including football, before school starts. The yard is very busy with adults and children, it is not safe to have football matches going on at this time.

We have spoken to the children about this and asked them to ensure they leave footballs at home, or school equipment packed away until breaktime.

Curriculum Information

Our whole school topic this half term is 'Time Travellers' and the classes have responded very well to their new lessons. The children have been learning about lots of aspects of the past from dinosaurs and the Stone Age through to space travel. Every class has been making the staff proud with their curiosity and questioning skills. We've also been developing the children's use of historical sources to find evidence and gather new information. We will provide you with a full curriculum update before half term and share some examples of the wonderful learning with you.

Maths Week

We are coming to the end of Outnumbered Maths Week 2024. The children have loved applying their curious minds to a range of problems, and have showed amazing teamwork and determination in our workshops with The Happy Puzzle Company.

Our whole school text for this week has been The Great Pet Sale by Mick Inkpen, and we have been using this in our Maths lessons as a base for our learning.

The children are loving the opportunity to show off their Maths skills to parents in our open classrooms, sharing the resources and problem solving skills we use daily in Maths. Thank you so much if you were able to join us for these, or are planning to come along tomorrow. Please complete the attached form to give us feedback about these sessions; your comments will make a difference to how we run these in the future.

Scientist of the Month

This month Mr Matthews has awarded Sofia Rasul in MH's class with our Scientist oif the Month Award for working really well planning and carrying out a waterproofing investigation, whilst learning about the properties of materials.

Dates for Half Term

  • Thursday 8th February 9:15am Year 2 Great Fire of London Play for Parents This performance is for the children in Mr Matthew’s Class (two adults per child).
  • Thursday 8th February 2:45pm Year 2 Great Fire of London Play for Parents This performance is for the children in Mr Hudson’s Class (two adults per child).
  • Tuesday 13th February Year 4 Trip to Great North Museum
  • Wednesday 14th February ‘That History Bloke’ working with year 2
  • Wednesday 14th February Reception Alligator Ball Please bring in some party clothes in a named bag for our alligator ball in the afternoon!
  • Thursday 15th February Mid-Year Progress Reports sent home for all children
  • Friday 16th February Year 1 Visit to Centre for Life
  • Friday 16th February Break Up for Half Term at 3:15pm