Principal's Message
Welcome back to all our children, parents, carers and staff! What a glorious way to return to school after the long break. It was amazing to see our lovely children smiling and in uniform on the first day. The children have returned as expected: politely, respectfully, happy and engaged. The new staff have been impressed with how well the children have responded to them and how welcoming they have been. This week we have focussed on reminders about Protective Behaviours, values, being a good house member and electing our pupils with roles and responsibilities. We have also has WOW launch afternoons in history, geography, and science to hook the children into their learning. The children have had a wonderful week and are continuing to impressed us.
You may have noticed that we are in the process of creating and filling 6 raised beds. This is the start of our allotment project. Please look out for requests for plants and help. Thank you to Mr Linford for providing wood chipping to lay at the bottom of the beds as great composting material.
Learning Round-up
Maple: Welcome to all the year 3 children. They have made an excellent start to the new academic year and have impressed the year 3 team with their amazing attitude and effort. This week we have been having “wow” afternoons, we have learnt about William Gilbert in science in geography we drew our own map of the UK and finally in history we did some cave drawings. Well done to all the year 3’s for their hard work.
Silver Birch: A big welcome to all of the Year 3 children! Silver Birch have made a fantastic start to the academic year and have demonstrated an amazing attitude in class. This week we have been learning about the topics we will be starting this term in Science, Geography and History. We learnt about William Gilbert who invented the electroscope, drew and labelled our own map of the UK and created some cave drawings. Well done to everyone for a great start and demonstrating a positive attitude!
Elder: A big welcome to the Elder class. It has been lovely to meet you all. This week we have had our wow afternoons to start off some of our subjects. In Geography they wrote a news report about Mount Everest, Science they made spines and in History they became a Roman soldier to march and protect us from the enemy. Well done Year 4 and I look forward to the year together.
Pine: What a fantastic start to the year! Pine class have been enjoying lots of exciting activities from a House morning to WOW afternoons. We have spent some time learning a bit more about our first topics in Geography, History and Science through lots of different activities. We particularly enjoyed creating the ‘Testudo’ formation (tortoise in Latin) with Roman shields to see if we would make it in the Roman Army. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for us, keep up the great work Pine!
Willow: Welcome back to my Willow class. It has been a great start to the year and a wonderful introduction to our year 5 learning. This week we have launched our history, geography and science topics with our wow events. In history we have created our own words and messages using the Mayan alphabet. They made stamps of the Mayan symbols and printed their words onto card. I am looking forward to an exciting year together. Well done Willow!
Acer: What a great start to the year we have had! This week we have completed lots of PSHE work and Protective Behaviours where we have all learnt about keeping ourselves safe. We have also experienced some “Wow” afternoons for history, geography and science. We’ve started to learn about archaeology, rainforests and the scientist John Dalton. We have been so impressed by the enthusiasm and dedication to learning so far. Thank you everyone.
Oak:Welcome back to the new Oak class. You have demonstrated some excellent attitudes to learning already and we have been thoroughly impressed. This week we have launched our new topics in history, geography and science. Our new topics are Migration Through Time, Tropical Rainforests and Changing States of Matter. We have also completed some wonderful descriptive writing based on the painting “Surprised” by Henri Rousseau Keep up the great work.
Dates for your diary
NMPAT Booked Violin Lessons: Starts Monday 11th September 2023
Bikeability L2 - Year 6: Monday 18th Sept to Thursday 21st Sept 2023
NMPAT Wind Recital: Friday 22nd Sept 2023
Macmillan Coffee Morning: Friday 29th Sept 2023
Y3 New Intake Tour 2023-2024: Wednesday 4th October 2023 - 9AM & 11AM
Winter Shield: Thursday 12th October 2023
Parents Evenings: Monday 16th October 4pm-7pm & Tuesday 17th October 4pm- 6:30pm
Y3 New Intake Tour 2023-2024: Wednesday 8th November - 9AM & 11AM
Children in Need: Friday 17th November
Y3 New Intake Tour 2023-2024: Wednesday 6th December - 9AM & 11AM
Christmas Jumper Day: Thursday 7th December
Daventry Carol Service (Choir): Tuesday 12th December
Santa Run: Wednesday 13th December
Christmas Party: Friday 15th December
Reports: Monday 18th December
Coats 4 Kids Letter - Please Read
Healthy Eating and Well Being
We are working hard to promote healthy eating in school. Caterlink provide a wide range of salads to accompany our school meal offer. Their meals are nutritional and well balanced. Below is a link to the Better Health website where you can find guides to healthy meals and lunchboxes.
Healthy Eating Award
We are working towards out Healthy Schools Award. Please take a look at our draft Healthy Food and Physical Activity policies. Please remember to send your child in with water in their water bottle and a healthy packed lunch. Don't forget to consider the fresh cooked balanced meals from Caterlink.
Reminder - snacks at playtime must be healthy e.g. fruit, low sugar/salt bars. This should not be crisps. Water bottles need to contain water and not squash OR fizzy drinks.
Allergy awareness - we are a nut-free school. Please ensure Nutella sandwiches and Celebrations and other sweets containing nuts are not brought into school.
Your child should have come in with their Accelerated Reader book and reading journal. Please remember to record when your child is reading at home. A target of 3 times a week or more is great.
The novels that the children will be reading in class next term are as follows:
Year 3 -
Year 4 -
Year 5 -
Years 6 -
Please feel free to explore these at home as well!
We use My Family Coach to help our parents and carers understand their children’s behaviour. My Family Coach is a free website written by behaviour experts with 20 years’ experience working with over 5,000 schools. My Family Coach will support you through the tough times, inspire you with new ideas, free online classes and share practical tips to make parenting that little bit easier.
My Family Journal App - Find patterns and triggers to make sense of your child’s behaviour and find helpful ideas to try with our free journal app. Your journal is completely confidential to you. We don’t offer prescriptions, just more ideas to consider to help you understand the reasons behind the behaviours you’re seeing. Enjoy the benefits of journaling with all the advantages of our free app. Using the power of the My Family Journal, we can help you find and tackle the reasons behind the behaviour.
Our Vision
To ensure all our children are engaged in the present and prepared for the future. Our children will leave us motivated to take on new challenges and with the confidence to persevere in all they do. Through a world class education, all our children will develop the ability to become lifelong learners. Our exciting, engaging and innovative curriculum will ignite a passion for learning in all of us.
Our children are members of a diverse community that is kind, responsible and respectful to all. Everyone is valued and celebrated. Everyone is encouraged to be ambitious and aspirational. Through our active collaboration between home and school, we develop resilient, confident and independent learners.
Keep in touch
01327 703132
Twitter: @FalconersHill
Facebook: Falconer's Hill Academy
Term Dates 2023-2024
Term 1
Training Day 1st September & 4th September 2023
Term starts 5th September 2023
Term Ends 20th October 2023
Term 2
Term starts 6th November 2023
Term ends 20th December 2023
Term 3
Training Day 3rd January 2024
Term starts 4th January 2024
Term ends 16th February 2024
Term 4
Term starts 26th February 2024
Term ends 28th March 2024
Term 5
Term starts 15th April 2024
Term ends 24th May 2024
Term 6
Term starts 3rd June 2024
Term ends 22nd July 2024
Training Day 23rd July 2024 & 24th July 2024