
Holme Junior & Infant School September 2023 Newsletter


Welcome back to the new academic year! What a fantastic start we've made and I am amazed (and proud!) of how well all of our children have settled back into school, especially our new Reception children!

We have been working hard over the last few weeks ensuring that all our systems and procedures are setup and communication is improved. We are utilising Reach More Parents (Weduc) exclusively this year rather than sending letters and correspondence through e-mail. We will still use e-mail and the odd paper letter for specifics, such as, communication around particular aspects of need for an individual child or group.

Without further ado, sit back and take a peek as what we're up to in school.

Please remember if you're not following our Facebook page, like and share for regular updates!

New Staff

As we start the new academic year, we welcome three new members of staff into our ranks. I thought it would be a good opportunity to introduce them to you if you haven't met them already and learn a little more about them.

Mrs Broughton

Hello, I'm Mrs Broughton! Few things make me as happy as my family: my husband (Mr Broughton), my son (Harry) and our border collie (Gus). But teaching and photography are my two passions in life. In my spare time, you'll find me on a long walk with my family, snapping as many memories as possible - or shopping for candles in TKmaxx (don't tell Mr Broughton!).

I'm super excited to be joining such a close knit family at Holme Junior & Infant School. When I visited Holme in the prospect of teaching here, I knew this was where I needed to be. One of my all time favourite quotes is "make thoughts become things" and this forward-thinking, small school is definitely on the road for big things - something I want to help build and be a part of. Thank you to everyone who has made me feel so welcome in my first couple of weeks, particularly my gorgeous new class! I'm ready for challenge, growth and some giggles along the way.

Mrs Broughton x

Miss Keeling

I'm Lesley Keeling. I work at Holme as a 1:1 SEN ETA. I have worked in schools in Huddersfield and Heckmondwike/Cleckheaton for 22 years and I have been a qualified teacher for 18 years. I have taught in KS1, Lower KS2 and Early Years. I love working with younger children and children with SEND needs most of all. I am passionate about supporting all learners to achieve the best that they are capable of and children's happiness and wellbeing is at the forefront of this and is of utmost importance to me.

I am a proud Labrador mum to Molly who is a 13 year old black Lab. Some of my interests are travelling, walking and reading. I also like to be outside whenever possible. I support Leeds Rhinos Rugby League team and go to all home matches with my two brothers.

Curriculum drivers such as creative and adventurous, along with the vision for its future drew my interest to Holme School. I am looking forward to embarking on this new journey, getting to know the staff, children and families at Holme School and becoming part of the school community, in such a beautiful part of Yorkshire.

Miss Dunkerley

Well hello, I am Miss Dunkerley and I currently teach Years 3 and 4 during each morning at Holme. I have been a teacher for over ten years and prior to this was a registered nurse. I live locally to the school and you may have recently seen my cows in the fields across from the school building. I have a loving family and a pet dog, they all certainly keep me busy!

I am looking forward to working as part of the Holme School team and can't wait to support Mr Bond and the school in our endeavours to ensure every child counts and receive the best education possible.

Thank you for embracing me into the Holme community and I look forward to getting to know the children further and find out more about them!

It's great to have them onboard and part of #TeamHolme. Please feel free to approach them in the first instance if you have any concerns about your child as I know they will be very keen to support. Miss Wood will be at the Class 1 door daily, Miss Dunkerley will be at the Class 2 door in a morning and either Mrs Broughton or Mrs Guest in an afternoon. Please be mindful of this if you would like to catch them to have a discussion.

New Chair of Governors

We would like to announce that from 24th October our current Chair of Governors, Mary Stephenson, has made the decision to step down as Chair and as a governor. Mary has been instrumental in supporting the school as Chair over the last four years, and I am extremely grateful for the support she has given me as Headteacher since my appointment to enable the school to improve to become the best it can be. I know she is looking forward to her holidays and I have to say it is well deserved. She has informed us she won't be a stranger, which is great to hear! We wish her all the best and I am sure you will all join me in thanking her for all of her hard work during her tenure.

In light of Mary's decision, the governors have made the recommendation to appoint our new Chair of Governors, Mr James Piggott. James lives in the village and some of you may already know him. He has been a governor at our school for nearly two years and we know he is truly invested in the school and all it stands for. I will be working closely with both James and Mary over a transitional period until his term starts on the 24th October, where he will then work very closely with me in order to continue Holme's journey to give the best outcomes and life experiences to our children. We would like to congratulate him on taking on this very important role!

Thank You Mr Hooley and Mrs Cieciala!

A big shout out to Mr Hooley and Mrs Cieciala who have been working hard over the summer break to ensure our outdoor environment is kept in tip top condition. Lots of wood stained, planters made, new plants purchased, gates painted, the outdoors tidied and the start of creating our Forest School area. Visitors have already commented about our school grounds... 'It's one of the most welcoming and tidiest schools I have ever been to' and Mr Stitchman, Headteacher at Holmfirth High, commented on how great the school is looking!

Wow, What a Start!

It has been amazing to see how all of our children have come back to school and how well they've settled in. We thought we'd share some pictures of what we have been up to so far over the last few weeks...

Holme School Parents' Parking Promise

Congestion on the roads around school at drop off and pick up poses a risk to children and their families, as they travel to and from school.

It’s a parent’s responsibility to see their children safely to and from school but, in doing so, they should not create dangers to others. Walking, scooting, or cycling to school has endless benefits for you and you child/ren and is without doubt the best way to travel to and from school.

However, we recognise that there are circumstances when travelling to school via car is the only option. If this is the case, then we would ask you to please park with care and consideration.

We are asking parents and carers to complete and sign the parking promise, agreeing that, as a caring and responsible driver they:

  • Will NOT park or stop on the ‘SCHOOL KEEP CLEAR’ markings during the hours stated (Currently awaiting Kirklees to redo them)
  • Will NOT park on double yellow lines in and around the school and village with the exception of a displayed valid Blue Badge
  • Will NOT park on single yellow lines during the hours stated in and around the school and the village with the exception of a displayed valid Blue Badge
  • Will NOT block the school entrances
  • Will NOT park on pavements in the village, making it difficult for prams and wheelchairs to get by
  • Will NOT park on the school side of the road creating a bottleneck and hazards for children crossing
  • Will make sure children get out of the car safely
  • Will park some distance away from the school, walking a short journey, even in bad weather conditions. (We have made arrangements with The Fleece to utilise their carpark and walk the short distance to school or advise parking on the cobbles at the bottom of Meal Hill Road.)
  • Will turn my engine off while waiting outside school, to avoid unnecessary air pollution

We are overwhelmed by the current support we have received and ask that parents and carers complete the Weduc form before the end of Friday 6th October. I am sure that you can agree that this is in the best interests of our school community, especially the children who are most at risk. We are currently exploring appointing two Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSO's) from either Year 4 and/or Year 5, who will lead on this initiative to ensure that everybody is aware of the dangers and road safe both as a driver and pedestrian.


School Council

You will be aware that we have made a change to our School Council structure this year in order to incorporate pupil voice from across the school rather than just Year 6. It has been great to see the enthusiasm of our children in writing and performing a speech in order to persuade their fellow classmates to vote for them to be this years councillor. We have started to incorporate British Values into the work of the school and this area fulfils an important role of Democracy, learning about this and actioning it in context. It also supports our Shine Bright Value of resilience, ensuring that we can keep calm and carry on even if we don't get selected and reflect for next time. The teachers have informed me that all speeches they heard have been amazing and that we should all be proud of the children who made the decision to put themselves forward.

We are awaiting some final results and will declare our councillors, who will be working closely with Miss Keeling over the year. This year, for any year groups where two or more school councillors have been elected with a tied vote, we will give them the opportunity to be a School Councillor at some point during the year, for example, two councillors will do half a year each, three councillors will do a term each, etc. We have found this is the fairest way of making sure those voted in are given the opportunity rather than selecting one child from a tie situation. From next year, this will change to one elected councillor per year group for the year.

We will let the children know over the coming weeks who has been elected and make our community aware in our next newsletter, so please keep your eyes peeled!

Northorpe Hall Parent Workshop

Dawn Kershaw, our Rural Education Link Worker from Northorpe Hall Child and Family Trust has offered to deliver a workshop for our parents on Thursday 12th October.

The workshop covers:

  • Child development
  • Emotional regulation
  • Resilience
  • Boundaries and routine
  • Self care
  • Digital impact

As we all know Mental Health and Wellbeing issues amongst children/young people are on the rise. This workshop addresses some of the areas where parents can support their child/ren with developing positive well being. The format of the session looks at why each of the above areas are important to how a child/young person develops and how we can support to enable them to become independent, resilient adults.

For the workshop to go ahead, we need to know numbers ASAP.

If you are interested in attending then please can you go onto the Forms section on Weduc and complete it with your time preference.

School Website

As the year progresses, we will be updating our school website. This is the first port of call if you need any information about school. Some parents and carers have asked questions about where they can find information. I thought it would be useful to signpost the most common pages that might be helpful (and to possibly bookmark for the future):

  • Calendar - Our calendar has been updated. It can be found here.
  • Class Curriculum Information - Teachers update their Class pages at least once a term with important updates as to what children are learning and ways in which parents and carers can support at home. You can access the Class 1 and Class 2 pages.
  • Curriculum Information - We are currently in the process of updating our school curriculum. You can find more information here. Please use the links at the side or the 'Curriculum' drop down menu to see specific pages.
  • Policies - We are currently in the process of updating our school policies. If you see a little red page with the Adobe symbol in it, this means the policy has recently been updated. You can find our policies page here. These will continue to be updated.
  • E-Safety - During our recent Safeguarding parent survey it was brought to our attention that we may not publicise e-safety sufficiently within school. We have created a dedicated page with information for parents and carers. It can be found here. We have also produced a page with questions and answers that parents and carers may find useful. This can be found here.
  • Parent Information - Miss Talbot and Miss Devlin are currently updating our parent information pages. Please keep an eye here as updates will be coming over the Summer Term. Please use the links at the side of the 'Parent Information' drop down menu to see specific pages.

Shine Bright Values

Our shine bright values encompass what we believe our children should foster during their time with us to become well-rounded citizens in our community and the wider world. We cultivate our children to be independent, resilient, respectful, creative, adventurous and aspirational for their future. These will be featuring more regularly within school through our positive behaviour policy, being rewarded as part of Class Dojo and having a 'Shine Bright Values' award of the week. This will be one child in the entire school each week who has been recommended by all the staff in school, achieving one of our Shine Bright Values really well. We would like to encourage parents and our local community to support us with these values outside of school to ensure that the children understand the language and are able to show these life skills in order to thrive, not just now, but in the future. Here are our September award winners, who have shown respect, aspiration and creativity. Great work! We can't wait to see more children actively showing our Shine Bright Values.

Celebration Assembly

It's been great to see our children continue to be awarded for Honour of Holme, Shine Bright Value award, Remarkable Writer, Regal Reader and Maths Mogul. We've also added an all new Lunchtime Award and Super Speller! Our lunchtime award winner is chosen weekly by Mrs Crowther. This lucky person will be able to have their trophy and Munch eating with them for the week. She's keeping a close eye for those with good manners, eat their yummy lunch and are respectful at all times during their time in the dining hall. As spelling is a school focus, we have also introduced our Super Speller, where one child throughout school is chosen each week. Here are some of our award winners so far this month.

Please remember to keep those pictures of what your child is up to outside of school coming in for our Shine Bright Board. It doesn't have to be a sport, it can be anything they're proud of achieving. We do ask that you send these to shinebright@holmejischool.co.uk. If pictures are sent to Mr Bond or the Office e-mail, there is no guarantee they will make it to the board. When we receive them, they will be printed and placed onto our board, being celebrated in the next Celebration Assembly.

FOHS (Friends of Holme School) usually supply refreshments each week and we kindly ask that you make a donation as all funds go back to the children. This will start again when the colder months approach. All of our community are welcome to attend the assemblies outlined on the Key Dates section at the end of each newsletter.


The Year 5 and 6 children were given the opportunity to take part in Bikeability training to achieve Level 1 and Level 2 at Holmfirth High School this month. This is offered to our children every other year and is a great opportunity to improve on cycling proficiency. There are expectations associated with this and would like to make parents aware for the future that children do need to have the basic skills in order to cycle safely on the road and achieve these levels. For further information, please take a look at their website, which includes opportunities for children to attend free courses if they are not currently proficient in order to take part in the training in future: https://www.bikeability.org.uk

Macmillan Coffee Afternoon

The children will be serving coffee and cake at The Fleece on Friday 29th September in the afternoon in order to support the Macmillan charity. Parents have been sent a Weduc message with the time slot their child will be at The Fleece in order for them to serve you some delicious cake. We would like to thank Shirley Amesbury for her continued support in our joint ventures and look forward to seeing you there!

Open Morning for Prospective Parents and Our Community

On the morning of 25th October, the newly elected members of the School Council will be conducting tours of school for prospective parents and any members of our community who are interested in the school or how the children learn. As we try to host a range of different opportunities for parents, this morning will be aimed at inviting extended family members, such as, grandparents, aunties, uncles and family friends, along with members of the wider community. If you know of anybody who is looking for a place for their child to start school in September 2024, please pass on this date and give them the opportunity to take a look around our wonderful school!

Attendance Matters

At Holme Junior & Infant School, we fully recognise the impact of good attendance and punctuality on the success and development of young people both socially and academically.

Research has proved that any young person with attendance under 95% is at risk of achieving a grade lower in every subject by the time they leave school. We expect all children to attend school regularly.

We do understand that children become ill and there are guidelines around how long a child should be absent for. We do take these guidelines onboard. We do ask that parents consider the period of absence beyond the guidelines as this may have a negative impact on the child missing further learning.

We take attendance seriously at Holme and follow our school procedure in-line with our policy that has been ratified by the governing body and also follows national guidelines. You can take a look at our policy here for further information and clarification. If you are ever unsure, please contact the school office in the first instance who will happily support and advise.

September Attendance Figures will be published in the next newsletter.

We had quite a few holiday requests at the end of the last academic year and ask where possible that these are minimised to support with your child's education. You can find future term time dates for this year, 2023/2024 here.

Miss Talbot's Reminders

  • A message has been sent via Weduc about this years seasonal Flu offer. This will be offered to all children from Reception to Year 6 pupils. Locala nurses will be coming to our school on Monday 16th October to give these to all the children who have consented online. If you have not yet done this, please click onto the link below to consent/dissent as soon as possible. https://www.locala.org.uk/services/immunisation-service/flu-vaccination-south-kirklees you will need the following code 107659.
  • Please can we ask that all Parentpay lunch balances are kept in credit and that anyone who has signed their child/children up to the Lego term this term have paid via Parentpay.
  • If you have not already done so, please can I ask that you return student details forms that were given out at the start of this term. This is to ensure we have the most accurate numbers and details for your child.
  • We remind parents and carers that the schools office telephone is only manned until 3.30pm, therefore any messages that are left may not be picked up until the following day.
  • Please can we ask that the office is given as much notice as possible for any medical appointments during school hours. Where possible we ask that routine medical appointments are made outside of school hours.
  • Can all Acceptable Usage Policy agreements be signed and sent back via Weduc forms as soon as possible please.
  • A reminder that the deadline for High School 2024/25 applications is Tuesday 31st October.


As you will have noticed the celebration of our school through Facebook shows just how committed we are at Holme to show the rounded education our children experience. Teachers will be updating our community at least once per week as to what is going on in their class and we will celebrate achievements from our week celebration assembly. I will also be updating Facebook with any further posts that I feel will support our school community. Give us a follow and a like and share with your friends far and wide!

Outdoor Learning

Miss Wood has made a fantastic start to Forest School this year and the children have been really enjoying the sessions. Dates for Forest School sessions are available in the Weduc calendar, so parents and carers are aware of when sessions occur for each class on a Thursday afternoon. Dates are always subject to change, but we are aiming to have a fortnightly session this term for each class. Please ensure that the children come well prepared for their session on these dates, especially as we start to move towards autumnal and winter months!

Robinwood Residential

The time is fast approaching for our Year 5 and 6 residential visit to Robinwood, Wrexham. We have now been allocated dorms, with all the boys in one room and girls in another. Both Mr Bond and Mrs Guest have been allocated rooms in very close proximity. We ask that final payments are now made if any are outstanding. A form was given out back in July to complete, and we will be asking for this to be returned to school in the next couple of weeks. We will send the form out again and ask parents and carers to get these back to us on the date specified on the letter. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Bond.

Young Voices

Mrs King has made a great start to our Young Voices rehearsals and we are overjoyed that 12 of our Key Stage 2 children have taken the opportunity to sing at Sheffield Arena on 8th February! Mrs King will be continuing with our Songbirds every Monday lunchtime from 12:30pm - 1:00pm for those who have signed up and would like to attend. We do ask that the children learn the songs at home over the course of time between now and the 8th February.

We would also like to thank parents and carers for their ticket and t-shirt orders. The opportunity to order has now closed and additional tickets will now only be available closer to the time, subject to availability if they haven't been ordered through school already.

Cost of Living Crisis

As we are living through these very difficult times with the cost of everything rising at an alarming rate, if you need any support either financially or practically, please do speak to a member of staff, as there are many agencies and charities that have a range of offers to support families through these times and we can confidently signpost you to the most appropriate.

Dates for the Diary

As always, if you wish to speak to us about your child, please do not hesitate to talk to Miss Wood in Class 1 and Miss Dunkerley, Mrs Guest or Mrs Broughton in Class 2 in the first instance. We will endeavour to help in any way we can.


Holme Junior & Infant School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff, volunteers and parents to share this commitment.

We have safeguarding policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our child protection and safeguarding policy which can be viewed in the policies section of our school website. Our safeguarding policies and procedures seek to ensure that every child, regardless of their age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation, has a right to equal protection from harm.

Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about a pupil are discussed with the child’s parents/carers first, unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare.

We actively support the Government’s Prevent Agenda: to challenge ideology that supports terrorism and those who promote it, protect vulnerable individuals from being drawn into terrorism, and raise awareness of radicalisation risk.

Further information around safeguarding can be found on our website, which has recently been updated. We ask that parents explore these pages if they are unsure of any procedures.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mr D Bond (Headteacher).

Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) is Miss B Wood (Acting Assistant Headteacher).

Our Safeguarding Governor is Mrs M Thomas.

If you have any safeguarding concerns at all, please do not hesitate to get in touch with either Mr Bond or Miss Wood.

Our school website also has further information around safeguarding and e-safety, which will be updated at regular intervals.