
NLPS News Thursday, September 14, 2023

Success for All!
Minister of Education and Child Care Visits École Hammond Bay

Minister of Education and Child Care Rachna Singh recently toured the new expansion at École Hammond Bay Elementary. The new addition will add 295 classroom seats and eliminate the need for portables. View the photos here.

RCMP Youth Camp

In July, students from across Vancouver Island participated in the RCMP Youth Camp Training Academy experience. The days were full of intense police-based activities. Some of the activities included water survival, testifying in court, self-defense, collecting evidence and scenario-based training. Students also received presentations from the Vancouver Island Tactical Response Team, Air Services, Police Dog Services, the Operations Communications Centre, the Emergency Response Team and more.

Business Committee Meeting

At the Business Committee Meeting on Wednesday, September 12, 2023, the committee made several recommendations to the Board of Education:

  • To approve the 2022-2023 Enhancing Student Learning Report
  • To receive the Draft Policy - Public Interest Disclosure Policy and circulate as a notice of motion
  • To receive the Executive Compensation Report
  • To approve recommendations to allocate unrestricted surplus to support the Board's goals
  • To approve the 2023-2024 multi-year financial plan

The committee also received an update about the facilities summer work projects as well as an update on the Strategic Plan. You can view the entire agenda here.

Nanaimo International Jazz Festival

This year's Nanaimo International Jazz Festival begins on Friday, September 15 and ends on Sunday, September 17. There will be free events, 114 performers, six venues and one all-start concert. The all-star concert will feature Connor Stewart Sextet and dedicate homage to Bryan Stovell (former NLPS music educator) with Decadence, NMA and many special guests including the Wellington Jazz Band as a pre-show in the lobby at the Port Theatre.

Connection Camp

In late August, educators gathered together for a day of connection, learning and sharing. Facilitators hosted a variety of sessions for staff to choose from. Some of the options included:

  • Outdoor learning
  • Ed Tech Exploration (K-7)
  • Weaving it together with the Basket Woman story
  • Secondary Reporting strategies (8-12)
  • Stepping into Story Workshop (K-3)
  • Coast Salish Kits & Resources (K-12)
  • Nature Journaling and the Walking Curriculum (K-7)
  • Elementary reporting and SPACES (K-7)
  • Intermediate Reading Screener (4-7)

Nanaimo Art Gallery offers program for youth

The Nanaimo Art Gallery offers outlets for teen artists this fall. There is a teen art drop-in for teens to connect with peers and use new art materials. You can use the supplies in the studio to work on your own, get advice from peers or try out the project of the week. The Art Gallery also offers the CØD3: Youth Art Collective, a youth art collective for creatives ages 15-19 years. Students can experiment with various media (video, photography, paint, collage, digital art and performance).

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