
Forden School News 8th september 2023


We welcome all pupils back at the start of a new term. We also welcome nine new pupils to school: Joslin, Jobitha, Toia-Rose, Ollie, Isla, Morgan, Carrie, Logan and Connie.

Term dates and non-pupil days

Please note that all schools in the Welshpool cluster will be closed to pupils on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th September.

Half term holiday is from Monday 30th October to Friday 3rd November. The last day of this term is Thursday 21st December.

Criw Cymraeg

Heddiw, mae siaradwyr yr wythnos yn dosbarth Bedwen ydy Amelia, yn Collen ydy Ffion ac yn Ysgawen ydy Isobel. Da iawn pawb.


Congratulations to Sean and Demi for completing a level on Lexia. Da iawn.

School swimming sessions

Please note, our swimming sessions at the Flash will now be on Thursdays. Ysgawen (Years 5&6) start swimming next week for 6 weeks.

Harvest Service

There will be a harvest service in church this Sunday at 11:00am followed by a 'bring and share' lunch. All are welcome.

Lifeline activities @ Park Hall

On Wednesday 20th September, Year 6 pupils will be attending a Lifeline activity session at Park Hall, Oswestry. This is arranged and funded by Oswestry Rotary Club for all year 6 pupils from schools in the area. Pupils work in small groups to complete a range of challenges.

They will need a packed lunch/snack/drink and a coat. They will return to school at 4:00pm.

Forden Bike Show

Please support this event, It is our biggest fundraiser. Last year the school received a fantastic £2000 which helped fund activities and resources for all pupils in school.

If you are available to help on the day, even for an hour, please see Mrs Kershaw.

Governor Vacancies

We have two vacancies on our governing body for Community Governors. These can be any member of the community and do not need to have a connection to the school. If you know of someone in Forden who has the skills or experience required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school, and would like this opportunity to help direct the strategic direction of the school, please contact Mrs Fowler.


Dates for your diary

Next week 11th - 15th September

Please return all flu forms.

  • Sunday (10th Sept) - Harvest service at St Michael's church
  • Tuesday - Ysgawen outdoor learning session (Please bring coats and wellies)
  • Wednesday - School photographs
  • Thursday - Ysgawen swimming (1/6 sessions)
  • Friday - Collen & Bedwen outdoor learning session (Please bring coats and wellies)

Monday 18th Sep Non-pupil day

Tuesday 19th Sep Non-pupil day

Wednesday 20th Sep Year 6 - Lifeline 2023 @ Park Hall (return 4:00pm)

Sunday 24th Sep Forden Bike Show

Wednesday 20th Dec Whole school visit to Theatre Severn - pantomime