
Vision, Values and Ethos at Moorlands Primary School

High Expectations, High Achievements, Challenge and Enjoyment for All."

The Moorlands Motto

Our Vision

At Moorlands we work together as a school community with pride, respect, high expectations and fairness.

We believe that every child can succeed. Our community is built on the values we share- Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. We celebrate effort, respond enthusiastically to challenges and create positive opportunities that enable everyone to achieve in every way.

We are passionate about achieving outstanding outcomes for all but committed to educating the ‘whole child’. We want our children to be socially responsible and emotionally literate; we want them to be safe, confident and happy. Opportunities are created for everyone to achieve and value the individual talents and aspirations of our community. We challenge children to think, question and make connections, enabling them to secure deep knowledge and understanding that they can then apply.

We want our pupils to aspire to the highest achievements and our parents to be ambitious for their children.

We are an inclusive school with a nurturing approach to getting the best out of everyone. Having fun is important to us, as well as teamwork and collaboration.

Our creative curriculum is based on the things that really work for our children.

Our Values

In additon to 'Ready, Respectful, Safe', we celebrate the following Values within School:

Making positive contributions


Making good choices

Being kind and caring

Showing respect

Adults and children are encouraged to recognise excellent contributions towards these values. Children are then awarded a leaf to be added to the relevant branch on our School Values tree, which is outside of the main offices in school, with 1 child from each branch randomly selected to receive a certificate at our half termly Celebration Assembly.

This was created in unison with staff, to ensure it meets the culture, values and needs of our children.