

Friday 15th September 2023

Message from the Principal

Dear parents and carers,

This week everyone has settled in to routine and flow of academy life. Clubs have begun and children are enjoying the new clubs this year. There are a variety of afterschool and lunch time clubs this year with an increase in opportunities for KS1 in response to the last survey. One child came to thank for starting up the Cheer leading Club saying that it was the best club ever!

We encourage children to be active in their learning and to try new things. We love to celebrate achievements inside and outside the academy. Mrs Hahn has asked children with medals and awards to share to come along and meet her on Monday Lunch time . This worked well this week and everyone will feature in the celebration assembly on Friday.

I had the pleasure of meeting candidates for Head Prefect this week alongside Miss Lynch and Mrs Churchman. They were able to express their interest in the role and share their suitability and vision. The quality of their speeches and reasoning was extremely high and reflected our ethos. Many referenced the importance of belonging and out ‘Little Boat’. I would like to congratulate them all and thank them for their commitment. I look forward to seeing candidates as they enter the democratic vote. All the best and I look forward to working with a strong prefect team.

The Eco-committee has already drafted an action plan and working with dedication alongside Mrs Powell and Miss Ludford.

Other active citizen groups are being established over the coming weeks, peer mentors and the sports committee.

It is wonderful to see such active engagement.

As always, enjoy your family time together.

Mrs Nicholls

In the spotlight

Early years

All of our Reception children are now here with us. They have settled well and are enjoying exploring all the zones.

It has been lovely getting to know the children and watching them build new friendships whilst settling into the Academy. All the children have enjoyed exploring their new classrooms and our exciting Rockpool garden. We have been busy team building, getting to know each other and making memories. Together, we have been learning all about our acadmey logo and the story of 'little boat' beginning of its journey across the ocean, just like the children beginning their journey at Darlinghurst. Thank you to all our families who have entrusted us with your little ones - it is an honour.

The fun has just begun.

Miss Wise and The Reception Team

Thank you parents for your support and feedback:

‘I just wanted to say thank you to the Reception Team for settling ... so well this week. She’s been so keen to get in every day and loves breakfast and after school club.’

‘We love Darlinghurst, thank you for making the first days at school so special.’

‘Thank you for everything the Reception Team are doing. It is such a happy and loving school.’

"Thank you for being so accommodating and for your rapid response"

Dolphin Bay

In Dolphin Bay children are learning about electricity and were amazed by some of objects that Mrs HB brought into show them. they were able to explore and discover how electricity is conducted and what it looks like. They enjoyed touching the plasma ball, making electrical circuits and experimenting to find out what makes a conductor and why. Mrs HB and the children have been enjoying their new location. They have had a great start to the term.

Year 6 space day

Last Friday year six enjoyed their hook to learning - Space Day. Here are some quotes about the day:

“ We loved the VR workshop. We put on our headsets and we found ourselves in space. We went on a rollercoaster through the solar system and passed all the planets and their moons. Did you know that Saturn’s rings are made of rocks and space dust?” Thomas Edwins

“ We were able to taste some space food. One was powder, one was liquid, another was freeze dried and the final one was space cream cheese. I didn’t like the cream cheese” Harriet Montague

“We worked together in teams to make rockets, applying our learning and life skill – learning together. Our rocket sadly did not launch as it had a leak and the baking soda and vinegar mix escaped” Ava O’Reilly

“ We made kits for space. Our supplies included food and equipment for emergencies. We learned the importance of closing the vacuum seal” Olis Buja

The day was a fantastic way to introduce us to our new unit for science. Thank you to Mr King for a wonderful immersive experience.



Jellyfish – 96.4%


Shrimp – 96.3%

Albatross – 96.2%


Coral – 99.2%

Seashell – 98.4%

Shaping The Future

Today was our annual event - Shaping the Future. Thankyou to everyone involved for making this special event successful and memorable. The theme, , 'We are heroes' will continue throughout the year as we recognise all the super powers and skills used by everyone in the community . We are all everyday hero's and the children have been celebrating the hero's in their lives and so many mentions of - you!

We were delighted to see new comers inducted into the academy alongside special guests attending our presentations. A huge thanks to the Caedmon Company for supporting the day and sharing their heroes journey. The children enjoyed the drama activities with the company. The children were incredible! They also enjoyed being eco heroes and green heroes with activities linked to DT inside and outside the classroom. In the afternoon they followed the seven steps to being a hero and now have super hero status.

Proud to be me

Franklin from Puffin class has been training for an obstacle course at the end of the month called the Nuclear Race to fundraise St Mungo’s homeless charity and so far raised has £655 which is an amazing achievement. Well done Franklin!! https://www.gofundme.com/f/frank-is-racing-to-support-homelessness

Coming soon!



Tuesday 3rd October – Healthy Eating Workshop with Mrs Grant. Time: 9am


Friday 22nd September – KS1 Author visit

Early Years

Thursday 21st September: Tiny Tiddlers returns: 9am

Tuesday 26th September: Reception Tea & Talk: 9am

Year 6

Wednesday 27th September – Year 6 SATs Tea & Talk: 5:30pm

Tuesday 3rd October – Yr 6 - National Height and Weight Measurement Programme

Tuesday 10th October – Nursery Tea & Talk: 9am

Thursday 12th October – Open Evening for prospective parents

Wednesday 18th October – KS2 Reading and Accelerated Reader Tea & Talk: 9am

Find out more

Contact Us

Darlinghurst School

Pavilion Drive

Leigh on Sea

Essex SS9 3JS

T. 01702 478379

F. 01702 509207

E. generalenquiries@darlinghurstacademy.org.uk