
Isham CE Primary School Weekly Newsletter - FRIday 15th September 2023

Encourage each other and build each other up

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Nurturing the infinite worth of every person through love, respect, perseverance, honesty and forgiveness

Message from the Head...

It's been a fabulous return to the new academic year! All the children have settled in so well to their new classes and have shown such great learning behaviours. The children may have mentioned about pegs! To explain....we have launched a new behaviour system, which we refer to as the Behaviour Rainbow. Every child starts each day on 'Ready to Learn' and as they show positive learning behaviours, they clip up the Behaviour Rainbow. The aim is to clip all the way up to 'Outstanding' and then clip off! Ten clip offs result in a sparkly golden peg which they then get to keep. This Behaviour Rainbow also supports children if they make wrong choices and enables opportunities for children to reflect and get back on track. This ranges from 'time out' to reflect, sensory breaks, reflecting on which emotional zone they are in and then thinking which strategies they need to get back in the 'Ready to Learn' mode. This year, we will also be introducing 'Zones of Regulation' to the children and parents. More information will follow on that! Children will also be recognised with 'Positive Postcards/Shout Out' cards which are on a daily basis. We have also introduced an 'Over and Above' board which links to our school values of: Love, Respect, Perseverance, Honesty and Forgiveness. The Over and Above board also informs the new 'Values Awards' where children are recognised for showing one of our school values. The Values Awards are celebrated on a weekly basis in the Celebration Assembly. Lastly, we have introduced a Golden Mention Award, which is given on a half termly basis for children who regularly go over and above, and they will received a Gold Star badge to keep! So there's lots and lots of positives! Children may mention our new 'Pupil Code of Conduct' and this means, that being at Isham we focus on: Being Ready, Being Safe and Being Caring. Please look at the dates at the end of the newsletter so you are aware of key dates so far!

Encourage each other and build each other up. 1 Thessalonians 5:11


Teacher Awards

Pupil Achievement - Teacher Awards

Year 1

  • Star of the Week: Ayden for amazing writing and sounding out
  • Values Champion: Poppy for showing respectful listening in the classroom

Year 2

  • Star of the Week: Fejiro for fabulous maths and mental recall
  • Values Champion: Hugh for showing respectful listening in the classroom

Year 3

  • Star of the Week: Chloe for her amazing summary of 'The Witches'.
  • Values Champion: Emily for showing love and perseverance in her learning.

Year 4

  • Star of the Week: Oliver for his fantastic work on the journey of a river.
  • Values Champion: Beatrice for showing love and respect to everyone around her.

Year 5

  • Star of the Week: Renesmee for consistently trying her best in all she has done this week.
  • Values Champion: Georgia for showing love and kindness to all her peers.

Year 6

  • Star of the Week: Callum for a great motivated start to Year 6 and trying especially hard with his writing.
  • Values Champion: Olivia for demonstrating excellent perseverance in her Maths learning.
Contacting the office to report an absence...

School Hours

  • School gates open at 8:35am
  • Lessons begin at 8:45am
  • School finishes at 3:15pm - (whole school)

Please note that children arriving after 8:45am will be marked as 'Late' in the registers, and this will affect their overall attendance marks. Children arriving after 9:15am will be marked as 'Unauthorised Absence', this will affect their overall attendance marks. Letters will be sent home to persistent latecomers and a meeting arranged if persistent lateness is not addressed.

Our Attendance Policy can be found here: https://isham-cofe-primary-school.secure-primarysite.net/policies-documents/

School Office Hours

The school office hours are from 8:30am until 3:30pm. Please note the office is closed from 12:30pm - 1pm for lunch break. You can email office@isham.pdet.org.uk outside of these hours.

Reporting your child's absence

All absences need to be phoned in to the school office which is open from 8.30am. Please do not email your child's teacher to report an absence.

Doctor's/Dentist Appointments - We are now required to see evidence of all medical appointments, this can be a text message, email or letter.

Lateness - If you are late dropping your child off to school, please make sure they are safely handed over onto the school premises - please do not leave them to walk down the road and through the gate unattended.

Parking at School & One-Way System

We have a voluntary one-way system during drop-off and pick-up times. We politely ask that parents enter down Church Street and then follow the road up and out through Middle Street, this then reduces potential blockages in the small road next to the school.

Please do not drop-off children outside the school gate in the middle of the road as this is unsafe/dangerous and also blocks the road for other road users.

Please be careful and considerate to pedestrians when driving down Church Street at drop-off/pick-up. Please do not mount the pavements and be mindful of your speed.

Parents can park in a number of places around school:

  • The Sorrels
  • Fairfield Road
  • At the bottom of Church Street, near The Lilacs

On the opposite side of the road to school, against the wall, on Church Street, not opposite zigzags

Please park considerately, please do not block driveways, park on pavement/corners/zigzags/staff car park entrance.

Thank you for your support in keeping everyone safe.

Football Coach Visit

This week we 'kick started' our PE learning with a visit from a football coach. Luke Graham is an ex-professional footballer and an A- Licence football coach, so we were super lucky to have his expertise for the afternoon. He delivered sessions to children in KS2, starting with Year 3 and 4 and then with Year 5 and 6. The sessions were energetic, fun and skills focused which all the children loved. The feedback from the children was that the sessions were " Really fun" " We learnt a lot" "We would love him to come in again" "We had lots of fun and learnt some good football skills."

This introduction to the Football curriculum will be an excellent foundation to build our skills over the coming weeks and we look forward to building on the work that Luke started and seeing all the children progress in their Football both in PE lessons and the upcoming competitions next term.


Poor punctuality can lead to your child…

  • Feeling embarrassed in front of their friends
  • Missing the beginning of vital lessons making them fall behind
  • Missing important instructions for the rest of the school day
  • Learning bad habits which could affect their employability in the future.

Please work with us to provide your child with the best chances of learning by ensuring that they are in school every day and on time

Isham CE Primary School - Attendance

11th - 15th September

  • EYFS/Reception = 100%
  • Year 1 & 2 = 99.3%
  • Year 3 & 4 = 99.3%
  • Year 5 & 6 = 96.9%
  • Total = 98.6%

Parents/Carers with any Concerns - Please phone to make an appointment

We urge parents/carers with any concerns regarding the provision made for their child to speak to the school as soon as possible and, in the first instance, to the class teacher by making an appointment through the school office, (parents cannot 'drop in' to speak to a teacher or Headteacher). If parents / carers feel their child's needs are still not being met they should make an appointment to see the Headteacher. If concerns are still unresolved parents / carers may wish to engage with PDET’s Complaints policy procedures.

School Uniform

School Uniform

School PE Kit - Please go to our school website for the school PE kit expectations: https://www.ishamprimary.org.uk/policies-documents/ The PE kit for both girls and boys is a black sports t-shirt, black shorts or skorts, bottle green hoody, trainers and black tracksuit bottoms.

Trainers - Trainers are to be worn for PE and brought in for non-PE days so they can safely complete the daily mile. Children should not be coming to school in trainers and wearing them for the school day.

Nail Varnish - As part of our school uniform policy, children should not be coming to school wearing nail varnish.

Coats - Please remember to send your child in with a coat every day, thank you.

Name Labels - Please label all clothes, lunch boxes, drinks bottles, etc so if (when) it gets lost it can be easily returned to your child.

The Stikins labels can be purchased from https://www.stikins.co.uk/name-labels/ you just need to enter our code 10571 at the check out where it says school code

The Stamptastic labelling stamp can be accessed from https://bit.ly/STAMPNN141HD and our PTA code is NN141HD


Our Safeguarding Vision

Isham CE Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children. Our school has a child centred and co-ordinated approach to safeguarding. Consequently, safeguarding and child protection is at the forefront of everything we do. We ensure systems are in place that are well promoted, easily understood and easily accessible for children to confidently report any form of abuse or neglect, knowing their concerns will be treated seriously, and knowing they can safely express their views and give feedback.

Our Designated Safeguarding Leads

If you believe that a child in our school may be at risk, please talk to the Designated Safeguarding Lead or one of the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads. These are:

Miss Alexandra Price (Headteacher and Lead DSL) - a.price@isham.pdet.org.uk

Mrs Helen Hughes (Deputy Safeguarding Lead) - h.hughes@isham.pdet.org.uk

If you are worried about a child outside of school time, you can call the local Multi Agency Support Hub (MASH) for advice (anonymously if needs be) on 0300 126 7000 (option 1).

Mental Wellbeing


Wellbeing Activities and Ideas for Parents

  • Mindful breathing can be a good place to start regulating and recognising breathing patterns. Mindful breathing and colour activities can help slow down the pace of the day and enjoy some reflection time.
  • Going out for a walk is a great way to reset and enjoy nature. Why not try a sound walk together and let the sounds of nature give your walk a purpose?
  • Use Daily Reflection Journal Pages to help learn how to reflect on a days activities.
  • Interaction: Children need to connect, so build connections with people around you. Stay in touch with family and friends in person or via video chat.
  • Energy: Children need to be active, so help boost your energy and mood by doing something active.
  • Mindfulness: Children need to take notice so encourage curiosity about the world and savour the moment.
  • Discovery: It's important to keep learning, so learn something new to boost confidence. Consider taking virtual tours - for example, check out the animal cameras at places like the Edinburgh Zoo. Kids can use this to then create their own animal portraits.
  • Be Creative: Find time to paint, make, sing or dance on your own or with another person.



#Wake up Wednesday

National Online Safety release a weekly guide, #Wake up Wednesday and aim to cover all major social media platforms, apps and issues that children encounter online. This aims to help empower parents with the knowledge to protect their children from the dangers of the internet.

Technology changes at such a rapid pace that it can be hard to keep up with the latest trends. The resources below are an invaluable way of making sure you know as much as your children. You are the first line of defence in keeping your children safe online – our aim is to encourage and support you to become involved in this process so that they are receiving the best protection they can – you can’t eliminate the dangers but you can reduce them!

Please click on the button below:


Useful Links for FOIS fundraising extras:

Easy fundraising – sign up via their website www.easyfundraising.org.uk and search/register to support Isham CEVA School – Kettering or follow the link: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/ishamprimary/?utm_campaign=raise-more&utm_medium=clipboard&utm_content=rm-cpl

Stikins Labels - Name Labels For School Clothes. Stick On Name Labels: Stikins. When ordering name labels please use the School Fundraising number 10571 (Isham C of E Primary School) https://www.stikins.co.uk/

Stamptastic – Name stamps for labelling. All purchase give donation to FOIS if you need to enter the PTA code (usually for deluxe packages) it us NN141HD https://bit.ly/STAMPNN141HD

Follow us on Facebook or email us on Fois@ishamprimary.org.uk

Please 'like' our Facebook page as this will keep you up to date on all events: https://www.facebook.com/FOIS-Friends-of-Isham-School-176690376296486/


We are recruiting for our next Volunteer Preparation Course starting Monday 18th September, running weekly for 5 weeks 10am - 2.30pm, with lunch and refreshments.

Our Volunteers Help By:

❤️Visiting families at home once a week for 2-3 hours for about 6 months.

💚Offering emotional support to help parents find ways of coping.

💛Playing with children, listening, reading, having fun together.

🧡Providing practical help – with budgeting, shopping, cooking and getting to appointments.

💙Encouraging parents to get out and about – to family groups and other social activities.

💜Helping parents access parenting advice and parenting skills training such as Health Visitors or Children’s Centres.

🖤A Home-Start Volunteer supports families until they have the confidence to stand on their own two feet again and pass on that confidence to their children.

Does this sound like something you'd love to get involved with?

Get in touch to join our next Volunteer Preparation Course by calling 01536 484318 / 07935 402179 or email admin@homestartkettering.org.uk

We welcome all applications, irrespective of age, gender, disability, marital status, racial, ethnic or social origin, colour, religion, belief or sexual orientation.


Does this sound like something you'd love to get involved with?

Get in touch to join our next Volunteer Preparation Course by calling 01536 484318 / 07935 402179 or email admin@homestartkettering.org.uk

School Value: Thankfulness
Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5–6

Dates for your diary

Please look at the calendar on our website to see further ahead: https://www.ishamprimary.org.uk/diary/grid/2021/11/

  • Monday 25th - Friday 29th September - Year 6 Residential
  • Monday 25th September - Year 4 Residential information session at 3:30pm in Year 3/4 Classroom
  • Friday 29th September -  EYFS/KS1 - Book and Biscuit - 8:45am - 9:10am
  • Monday 2nd October - Early Reading Information evening for Reception parents 5pm - 6pm in the School Hall
  • Monday 9th October - 2:15pm Church Harvest Assembly
  • Tuesday 10th October - World Mental Health Day
  • Tuesday 17th October - Whole School Flu Immunisations
  • Thursday 19th October - Whole School Photos - Individual
  • Thursday 19th October - PCSO Visit on Fire Awareness
  • Friday 20th October - End of Term
  • Monday 30th October - School Re-opens to Pupils
  • Thursday 2nd November - Outdoor Classroom Day (more info to follow)
  • Monday 6th November - Thursday 9th November - Book Fair week
  • Monday 6th November - Parents Evening 3:30-6:00pm (more info on how to book will follow)
  • Wednesday 8th November - Parents Evening 3:30pm-6:00pm (more info on how to book will follow)
  • Friday 24th November - EYFS/KS1 - Book and Biscuit - 8:45am - 9:10am
  • Thursday 30th November - School Christmas Fair 3:30pm-5:00pm
  • Monday 4th December - Music Assembly 9am
  • Monday 4th December - 2pm EYFS/KS1 Nativity Dress Rehearsal for Grandparents
  • Tuesday 5th December - 2pm EYFS/KS1 Nativity Performance
  • Wednesday 6th December - 6pm EYFS/KS1 Nativity Performance
  • Thursday 7th December - Choir sing at Westhill Park Care Home
  • Thursday 7th December - FOIS Wreath Making at 5:30pm
  • Friday 8th December - Christmas Jumper Day
  • Wednesday 11th December - Choir singing at Tesco
  • Thursday 14th December - Whole School Trip to see Christmas Panto at The Old Savoy in Northampton (info to follow)
  • Monday 18th December - Christmas Church Service at 2pm
  • Wednesday 20th December - Last Day of Term - School Closes at normal 3:15pm pick-up