Data Visualisation Observatory (DVO) Methods@Manchester staff training

Thursday 6th February 2025, 1.30-3.30pm

Who is this staff training session for?

This staff training session is for any UoM members of staff who are interested in finding out more about the Data Visualisation Observatory (DVO) for research purposes.

  • You might be a researcher working on a project or going for funding and interested in how you can utilise the DVO in your work.
  • You might be a PGR supervisor who is working out whether the DVO could be useful for PGR(s) you are supervising.
  • You could be working with industry partners and see a potential use for the DVO in your collaborations.
  • You may want to learn more about this facility for your future projects and collaborations.

What is the DVO?

The DVO is a large-scale visualisation facility located in Alliance Manchester Business School building. It offers interactive 3D visualisation of data and virtual reality-style immersive worlds and has a wide range of uses including (but not limited to):

  • Industry 4.0 - simulating innovative mechanisms for flexible routing of materials through a factory with a complex layout
  • Health - visualising health data and immersive observations of brain signals and anatomical models
  • Environment - linking air quality simulations and real-time traffic flows to reduce pollution levels
  • Marketing - observation of customer behaviour in a simulated retail environment under controlled conditions
  • Fintech - visualising monetary flows and stock market behaviours
  • Video conferencing and information-intensive brainstorming

Find out more about the DVO

Session Leads

Dr Qudamah Quboa and Laura Pemberton

Dr Qudamah Quboa is a Research Fellow within AMBS, University of Manchester. He works within dynamic multidisciplinary teams, investigating challenging research and innovation problems as well as developing data visualisations for research areas from across the University through short collaborative projects.

Laura Pemberton is a final-year PhD researcher whose work focuses on the adoption of emerging technologies by older adults. Her research investigates factors influencing technology acceptance, such as personal history, self-efficacy, and the design of anthropomorphized systems. Her studies include testing technology adoption models with caregiving support technologies, exploring perceptions of anthropomorphized technology in virtual reality, and understanding how older adults' life experiences shape their engagement with technology.

What to expect?

The session will comprise of the following:

  1. A tour of the DVO, introducing some of the diverse ways it can be used in research
  2. A more detailed walk through its use in specific projects.

Example projects to be discussed

The session will draw on Laura's experience using the Data Visualization Observatory (DVO) to facilitate observational interviews, providing rich insights into user interactions with smart home technologies. During their DVO visit, attendees will learn about the process of designing and developing the smart home Laura used in her study. Laura will also share her experience of working with participants within the DVO, highlighting how this innovative space supported her research objectives. Laura’s work offers valuable implications for creating inclusive technologies that meet the needs and preferences of older adults.

In addition to her current research, Laura has experience using the DVO for other projects, including testing user reactions at a simulated taxi rank where participants were forced to choose between autonomous and human-driven taxis, and exploring how patient information can be effectively shared between doctors using immersive reality spaces. Laura’s work offers valuable implications for creating inclusive technologies that meet the needs and preferences of diverse user groups.

University of Manchester Staff Only

Please note this session is primarily aimed at UoM staff (including researchers/post docs) - please do not register below if you are not a member of staff. If you are a PGR who is interested in attending, please instead contact us on and if there are spaces available we will contact you.

Please note that there will also be an opportunity to attend a DVO session on 15th May as part of the Methods Fair (details of this methods@manchester event will be publicised in the new year).