
Viewbank Voice 07.09.2023 Term 3 2023, Week 9


  • Thursday 14th September - SWPBS PJ Day Whole School Reward
  • Friday 20th October - Parents & Friends Fundraising Student Disco
  • Sunday 29th October - Working Bee
  • Tuesday 12th December - Statewide Transition Day
  • Wednesday 13th December - Grade 6 Graduation


  • Monday 6th November - Report writing day


  • Term 3: 10th July - 15th September (2:30pm finish)
  • Term 4: 2nd October - 20th December (1:30pm finish)

UPCOMING SCHOOL HOLIDAYS As we near the final week of term, I just wanted to take the opportunity to remind everyone of arrangements for that final week and the school holidays. We dismiss for the holidays from a final assembly on Friday, September 15 commencing at 2.10pm. Weather permitting, this will be held on the Tiger Turf. During the school holidays, the site will be closed to all to enable the first part of the demolition works to take place with the safe removal of asbestos sheets from the main building. We even recommend that families don’t take the opportunity to play on the school oval during that time. School resumes for Term 4 on Monday, October 2.

STOMP DANCE PERFORMANCES – TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 AND WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 A reminder that we will have end of term dance performances in the gymnasium next Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Further details will be sent out via Compass prior to the days, with Wednesday being a repeat of Tuesday’s dances.

SCHOOL COUNCIL The September meeting of School Council is set down for Tuesday, September 12 from 7pm in the staff room. This will the last one ever in this space!!!

TRIVIA NIGHT An enormous amount of time and effort has gone into preparations for tomorrow night’s Trivia Night which is the major Term 3 fundraiser of the Parents and Friends group. Monies raised will go towards outfitting our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program room in Jilinga. The fun kicks off at 6.45pm with the evening scheduled to finish around 10pm.

DIVISIONAL ATHLETICS Yesterday 20 of our Grade 4 to 6 students took part in the Divisional Athletics Championships held at Meadowglen Athletics Stadium in Epping. We are very proud of all of the students for their efforts to make this level in the first place and then performing so admirably in the second place. Hopefully by the time this newsletter is published we will have been able to update everyone on placings and performances, otherwise it will certainly be a feature in next week’s newsletter.

That’s it from me this week. Enjoy your weekend.

Kind regards,

Bill Kersing


Positive Partnerships is an organisation supporting school-aged students on the autism spectrum. They have a range of workshops and online resources available on their web-site for parents, carers and educators. Much of the advice is relevant to all children.

Please find attached the flyers for Positive Partnership’s upcoming webinars:

Registrations are on their homepage www.positivepartnerships.com.au . Please share with your networks as you see fit.

R U OK? Day 2023 is Thursday 14 September and is our national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, ‘are you OK?’ and start a meaningful conversation whenever they spot the signs that someone they care about might be struggling with life.

R U OK? Day is for everyone. At Viewbank we will be supporting our friends, classmates and colleagues by asking R U OK?.

The R U OK? Website has lots of excellent information, videos, resources and strategies to help you ask R U OK?.

Have a great week,


Allergies and Medication Spring is definitely in the air! However, this has also meant we have had an increase in the number of students attending our First Aid Room with seasonal allergies – puffy eyes, runny noses and the occasional rash. We do not have allergy medication available for students to use. If your child requires/may require allergy medication, please provide the in-date medication in its original packaging and complete the Administration of Medication Policy Form https://www.viewbankps.vic.edu.au/s/Administration-of-Medication-Policy.pdf. Doing this in advance will help speed up the process if your child requires assistance and is unwell.

SunSmart Policy - Hats This is a reminder that our SunSmart Policy is now in effect for the remainder of 2023. All students must wear a sun protective hat that shades the face, neck and ears for all outdoor activities as per images. At Recess and Lunch, students who are not wearing an approved hat will remain in the undercover area near the Year 2 playground. You can find our policy here: http://www.viewbankps.vic.edu.au/s/SunSmart-Policy-9rp9.pdf.

Have a great weekend. One week to go!


HOLIDAYS DURING SCHOOL TERMS Parents/Carers are required to email your child’s teacher with the dates of the holiday and also note it on Compass.

FOR SALE - Everhot 260L Internal Heavy Duty N/G Hot Water System Viewbank Primary School has a second-hand hot water system available for sale. The asking price of the Everhot 260L Internal Heavy Duty N/G Hot Water System is $2,000. Those interested in purchasing this item are welcome to get in touch with the General Office through phone or email at viewbank.ps@education.vic.gov.au. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if there's additional information you require!

EARLY LEAVERS PROCEDURES Parents are required to come to the office when collecting their child early from school. The Office Staff will ring the classroom and ask for your child to come to the office with their bag. Children are only to be collected by their parent from the front Office (not the classroom or the school yard). This will minimise disruptions to the children's learning and avoid teachers being unaware students have been collected by a parent during recess and lunch.

LATE ARRIVALS Please ensure children who arrive late go straight to the office to be marked as present. If the child does not come to the office for a late pass a text message will be sent to the parent/carer notifying that the child is absent. Late arrivals can only be time stamped at the office. When Parents/carers record the late arrival in Compass it provides us with the explanation but does not mark your child as present. When your child presents at the office, staff will record your child’s actual arrival time which updates the class roll.

WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECK (WWCC) A ‘Working with Children Check’ is just one part of creating and maintaining a child-safe environment. It is a requirement that all parents/careers who wish to volunteer or participate in school activities have a current WWCC. https://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/

Kind regards,

Lucy Addati

Divisional Athletics Congratulations to our incredible students who proudly represented Viewbank Primary School at the Divisional Athletics event! Your teamwork, sportsmanship, and commitment are truly commendable. Well done, athletes, you've made us all very proud!

We would like to remind you of an important deadline regarding the Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge. It's crucial that we ensure all books are entered onto the website before 6 pm on Friday, September 8th, 2023.

  • Children from Prep to Year 2 are encouraged to read or 'experience' 30 books with their parents and teachers.
  • Children from Year 3 to Year 10 are challenged to read 15 books.
  • All students who successfully meet the Challenge will receive a certificate of achievement signed by the Victorian Premier and former Premiers.
  • For more information, access the Premier's letter to parents, view the booklist, and explore additional details about the Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge by visiting the official website: https://www.vic.gov.au/premiers-reading-challenge

Let's ensure our students have a rewarding experience with the Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your dedication to promoting literacy and a love for reading among our students.

Green Gardeners Market The first Green Gardeners Market stall was a very successful last week.

It was great we had the opportunity to speak with some of the VPS families, share information about the Year 3&4 SAKG program and the students sold the following organically grown items:

  • Fresh bundles of mint
  • Sprigs of rosemary
  • Bags of mixed lettuce leaves

The Green Gardeners Market Stall will be open every Thursday afternoon from 3.15pm onwards on the Tiger Turf.

All money raised will go back into the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program.

Thank you for the support and we hope you enjoy the fresh produce!

Big Group Hug For our Inquiry unit “Civics and Citizenship”, the Year 4s have decided to put together a clothing and preloved item drive for ‘Big Group Hug’. This charity helps families and children in need. https://biggrouphug.org

We are asking for items that you can drop off at the collection ‘boxes’ which will be placed in areas anyone can access.

Here are are the locations of the ‘boxes’ for certain year levels:

  • Years F/1 - Top of the Stairway
  • Year 2 - Office
  • Years 3/4 - Jilinga kitchen
  • Years 5/6 - Near the printer in Year 5/6 building

Here is a list of some items you can donate:

Rule of Thumb: Don’t donate something you wouldn’t be happy to receive yourself.

Any donations would be very much appreciated.

Thank you

The Year 4


Trivia Night We'll be offering pizza slices for $2 each during the event. Additionally, a selection of soft drinks will be available for purchase throughout the night. BYO alcohol.

Kindly remember to bring cash to cover your expenses on the evening, this will make the process a lot easier.

Don't forget to place your bids on the silent auction items.

Lower Plenty Bakehouse will be providing the school with fundraising Lunch Orders every Thursday. These lunches have been implemented via our Parents and Friends Committee. All money raised will be used towards our major school upgrade.

Our Term 3 Fundraising Lunch Order Dates are:

  • Thursday 14th September (Orders closing on 11th September, 3:00pm)

Orders need to be placed in advance via Compass Canteen. Ordering will close the Monday before the lunch date at 3pm. All of Term 3 lunch dates are now open for orders, and can be placed in advance for the whole term if you choose to do so.

Please see attached a Parent User Guide on how to order via Compass Canteen. Please note a 35 cents order fee will be charged at check out.

Parent assistance is required on Lunch Days from 10:30am to 12:30pm to assist with the packing of our orders. If you are available to assist in anyway can you please email the school at viewbank.ps@education.vic.gov.au so your name can be added to our roster.

Thank you for your support.

​​ICY POLE FRIDAY Students are able to purchase icy poles over the counter at lunchtime every Friday. All icy poles cost $1.00 each.

Entertainment Book 20% of the membership goes directly to support our fundraising at Viewbank Primary School. https://www.entertainment.com.au/current-promotion

Lunches must be ordered online using the CLASSROOM CUISINE website.


WEEKLY SECOND HAND UNIFORM SALE - Every Friday 8:45am to 9:15am, next to the music room. Jumpers with the school logo, long and short sleeve school polo tops and school dresses will be $2.00. We are currently asking for donations of any unwanted reusable school uniform items to sell at our stall.

Instrumental Music Enrolments Can all students who would like to join our school instrumental music programs please inform the relevant teacher below of your expression of interest.


  • Email: favrettogab@gmail.com
  • Phone: 0413 676 733


  • Email: cai66@optusnet.com.au
  • Phone: 0403 490 078


  • Email: alec.stalder@gmail.com

DRUMS - Michael

  • Email: michaelfindlaymcnab@gmail.com
  • Phone: 0451 394 540

PIANO/KEYBOARD – Tiaryn Griggs

  • Email: tiaryngriggs@gmail.com

PIANO/KEYBOARD- Daniel Tucceri

  • Email: info@banyulemusicandtutoring.com
  • Phone: 0405 667 907

Our school has partnered with an independent provider called TheirCare to provide exceptional Outside School Hours Care services for our school community.

The program is available for all children at Viewbank Primary School from 6:30am until 9:00am in the morning and from 3:30pm until 6:15pm each school day.

During School Holidays & Pupil Free Days the service will operate from 6:30am until 6:15pm.

Families wishing to use this service can visit the TheirCare website: www.theircare.com.au

Families are eligible for a Government Rebate called the Child Care Subsidy which can reduce the cost per session by up to 85%.

More information can be obtained by contacting the school or ringing TheirCare Support Team on 1300 072 410.

TheirCare provides a stimulating and safe environment for all children. During sessions, children develop life-skills, friendships, confidence and creativity through play-based programs.


Shop Details:

  • Unit 3/30 Heaths Court, Mill Park
  • T: 9436 4005
  • E: info@northernregionaluniforms.com.au

Opening Hours:

  • Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm
  • Friday 9am to 3pm
  • Saturday 9am to 12pm

Online Ordering Please Visit:  www.aplusschoolwear.com.au
