
CNPS Bulletin 2023 | issue 7 | September

CNPS SCHOOL VISION: To build a community of curious, creative and engaged learners who are empowered to meet the challenges of our rapidly changing world. Collectively we will work with our students to become responsible global citizens who have the skills, knowledge and personal attributes they need for their future.

Principal’s Column

Dear CNPS families,

The term has certainly flown by hasn’t it? There has been so much going on this term with Year 3 and Year 4 camp, excursions as well as incursions; we haven’t stopped. The students definitely get a full educational experience at Coburg North thanks to the amazing staff who organise it all.

There has been a continued focus this term on School Wide Positive Behaviours with staff and students. It has certainly shown in positivity right across the school. The values of Coburg North represent lifelong values to be positive members of their community and society, supporting them throughout life. I see positive growth in our students using our SWPBS Matrix and expectations as the weeks have gone by. It has been very rewarding to see students holding a door open for a teacher or myself, or a student saying hello how are you as they walk past out of the blue, a student picking up rubbish they see in the playground without being asked, and many random acts of kindness has been seen throughout the school. This all leads to a genuine care for each other, and shows a positive behaviour that is developing role models from Prep right through to Year 6. Respect, Responsibility and Resilience is permeating throughout the school and we are seeing many happy kids and happy teachers. As we know, happy kids learn!

It also supports the engagement from students in our ‘Action Against NO Bullying’ day on August 18th. It was a fabulous day that gave lots of opportunity for us to continue to help drive positive behaviour and kindness. I encourage all families to openly discuss this topic as we also encourage our children to give and expect respect. It is our individual and collective responsibility to not only look after ourselves but also each other. The children loved dressing in orange, making posters, and wearing an orange pin. Some students even made their own expectations and statements. Our school leaders led this event helping to also teach their peers to seek help if they need to. They also supported each other through student voice that shone through loud and clear. The school, along with the wellbeing team have many future plans to ensure this positive development and growth continues throughout your child’s years at Coburg North. We continue to have high expectations for learning and wellbeing, as well as behaviour to ensure happy, healthy and safe children.

Check out some of the pictures of our students enjoying this very important day:

This will also be the last newsletter I will contribute to as I round up my time at Coburg North PS and we welcome back Monika as your principal for Term 4 and beyond. It has been a privilege that I am truly grateful for, as I have felt very warmly welcomed by all families and staff. I thank you for your support and hope to be able to see many smiling happy faces continue to walk through the gates each morning and afternoon until the end of term. Coburn North Primary School has most definitely made my winter months a lot happier and warmer!

What happened this month?

Book Week

Coburg North Primary School had one glorious week celebrating books and Australian children's authors and illustrators for book week! This year, the book week theme was Read, Grow, Inspire.

This year at Coburg North we have celebrated this event by:

  • Grade 4 – 6s had an author visit from the much-loved Aussie author Morris Gleitzman
  • We discovered this year’s theme, Read, Grow, Inspire, and took a closer look at artwork for this year’s theme. Did you know that within the picture there is something to represent every letter of the alphabet?!
  • We browsed through some of the short-listed books in this year’s competition.
  • We met with a buddy class and shared our love of books with another class.
  • Our teachers read some of this year’s shortlisted books to us and we completed some reading responses.
  • This week, students from Grade Prep – Grade 3 will get to watch a performance of Jorn’s Marvellous Imagination.
  • And of course, our favourite, Book Dress Up Day!

So many of students dressed up and it was great to see all the costumes that people had made.

Congratulations to our costume award winners.


  • Foundation A: Sunny – The Gruffalo
  • Foundation B: Sam – Dc Do Little
  • Foundation C: Nathaniel – Ninja Turtle
  • Cohort Winner: Meekah – A Magical Yetti

Year 1:

  • 1A: Huxley: David Bowie
  • 1B: Lucy – Peter Rabbit
  • 1C: Leo – Hot Dog
  • 1D: Isaac – Dogman
  • Cohort Winner: Remy – Questzal Costl

Year 2:

  • 2A: Elina – Hermione
  • 2B: Bella – Sam Kerr
  • 2C: Olivia – Cheshire Cat
  • 2D: Arki – Rowley
  • Cohort Winner: Angelo – Grand High Witch

Year 3:

  • 3A: Ellis- Coco
  • 3B: Olive – The English Dictionary
  • 3C: India- Malala Yousafzai
  • Cohort Winner: Greta – Hagrid

Year 4:

  • 4A: Errol – Spotted Leaf Cat
  • 4B: Mika – Benny Alden from Boxer Children
  • 4C: Annabelle – Charlie & Chocolate Factory
  • Cohort Winner: Matilda – Sherlock Holmes

Year 5:

  • 5A: Matilda – Violet Bougardt
  • 5B: Zoe- Belinda, Worlds Worst Parent
  • 5C: Ashling – White Rabbit
  • 5/6: Francis – Wings of Quibly
  • Cohort Winner: Frankie – Cheshire Cat

Year 6:

  • 6A: Freya – Oggie Boggie
  • 6B: Noah – Mr. Tickle
  • 6C: Jamal – Spider Man
  • 6/5: Ned – Mr Bump
  • Cohort Winner: Ernie – Dark Stall

Well done everyone and we look forward to next year!

Thank you

Eliza H (5/6)

Foundation 100 Days of School

Foundation students recently celebrated 100 Days of School. We had a fabulous day celebrating this important milestone by dressing up, participating in arts and crafts, counting 100 items and celebrating with our Grade 5 Buddies. Congratulations on your progress and learning so far, Foundation students!

Sport Update: Bat Tennis

On Friday, the boys bat tennis team (Rowan, Zigi, Oscar, Archie B, Lucas, Baxter, Ned, Essien, Elliott C and Louis) played St Fidelis for the district finals. The team won and now are continuing onto the division champions. It was a good competition and everyone showed great sportsmanship and resilience. It was also an absolutely amazing day and everyone cheered each other on really well. A big thank you to everyone.

Grade 3 Camp - Alexandra Adventure Resort

On Monday 21st August, the Grade 3 students set off on their adventure to Alexandra Adventure Resort. We had such fun on the buses and sang the whole trip up to our destination. We were greeted by the friendly staff and went on a tour of the campgrounds. This is when we got super excited to see all the fun activities we were going to do.

Over our stay we did these activities: Crate stacking, the giant swing, gaga ball, volleyball, disc golf, archery, low ropes, the flying fox and the rock-climbing wall.

There was lots of giggling coming from the cabins because all the grade 3 students were having a blast. Some of us were full of excitement and woke up REALLY early, even before the sun, but our teachers reminded us that 4:00am was way too early and that we needed a bit more sleep to have enough energy for the day.

The food was delicious, and we got plenty of it, some even had 4 bowls of cereal to start the day off strong.

The teachers are so proud of all the students for demonstrating the school values and having such a positive attitude about everything which contributed to a great camp experience!!!

Thank you to all the staff and parents who came along to help out we appreciated it and love that you helped us have the best time!

Well done everyone 😊

What was your favourite thing about camp?

  • Joy: “My favourite thing about camp was the giant swing.”
  • Laurie: “Flying fox and giant swing”
  • Greta “rock climbing”
  • Leon: “I loved pretty much all of it!”
  • Jonas: “a combination of things…the cabins, the flying fox no wait it was gaga ball and the pasta”
  • India: “I liked the flying fox and I liked the food”
  • Asher W: “My favourite thing was the giant swing”
  • Cleo: “My favourite thing was the giant swing and gaga ball”
  • Zain: “I loved the giant swing and holding the snake”
  • Reuben: “I loved being in the cabins, the food especially the pasta and the free time. It was pretty cool that my mum came to camp”.
  • Pippa: “I loved patting the turtle and disc golf and the flying fox”
  • Elliot: “I loved the giant swing and rock climbing because I reached the top”
  • Sasha: “I loved the bunk beds”
  • Indi: “I loved having my birthday on camp and the giant swing”

Grade 4 Camp - Phillip Island

The Grade 4 Phillip Island Camp was awesome!

The highlights of the camp were the movie - Monsters Inc, camp activities (especially the giant swing) and cabin time.

Here are some of the things Grade 4s have said about the camp:

  • “I liked connecting with my friends and loved seeing them 99% of the day”
  • “Archery was fun as it was cool to learn and hang out with friends”
  • “The pedal racers were awesome as I loved racing my teacher”
  • “The staff at the camp were 10/10”

There were funny moments playing at the beach, meeting new friends and spending time with old ones. Relaxing with free time in the Rec room and in cabins with friends was good. The penguins were super cute and we loved watching them run.

Overall, everyone was super excited, loud, energetic and happy. We hope that next camp has the same amount of fun time with friends, activities and cabin time.

Written by Grade 4 Junior School Representatives

(Alex, Emmi, Kai, Freddy, Pearl and Rebecca)

Grade 2 Excursion - Edendale Farm

On Tuesday the 8th of August, all the Grade 2 classes went on an excursion to Edendale Community Farm. We really enjoyed feeding and patting the animals. We got to meet horses, goats, sheep, alpacas, and chickens. We learned all about the importance of recycling, gardening, and about other ways that we can look after the environment. We learned about how useful worms are and we even got to hold some worms! It was a very exciting and interesting day.

Grade 1 Dinner

On Wednesday the 30th of August the Grade 1 cohort had their Grade 1 Dinner. The students enjoyed a magician show from Tim Credible, a delicious dinner and a disco!

Here are some of the students favourite part of the night:

  • "I loved the lollies and the dance party!" - Dilara (1A)
  • "I loved the magician" - Archie (1A)
  • "I loved the disco it was fun!" - Edward (1B)
  • "I loved when the magician did the trick and got money out of Finns ear" - Patience
  • "I loved everything about the Grade 1 dinner" - Lucy (1B)
  • “My favourite was the disco because we got to eat two gummy snakes and we got to dance and do any dance move.” - Freyja L (1D)
  • “My favourite part was when the magician was holding nothing and then a white ball appeared.” - Evie S (1D)
  • "It was the funniest night of my life" Micah (1C)

A big thank you to Katrina, Geordie, Hannah and Kathleen that helped the Grade 1 Team run a successful evening!

Wellbeing and Inclusion

The Power of Words

Over the last few weeks, several Grade 6 students have been participating in some small group Social and Emotional Learning sessions. One of the focuses we have worked through has been ‘The Power of Words’.

Words are powerful. Whether you write them or speak them, they have an impact on you and on others. They can change someone’s mood or ignite a passion in them.

Reflection from Rosie 6A

The power of words is how you say something to someone and how it can affect them. When we say positive words to people, they can feel loved, appreciated, valued, proud & happy. Negative words can make people feel sad, unvalued, insecure & down. You never know what is happening in someone else's life and saying discouraging and negative words can really hurt them. A kind and positive comment could make someone's day and make them happier.

Hints & tips for saying kind things to others

  • Use your manners, please and thank you go a long way!
  • Congratulate others
  • Being genuine
  • Care about other's feelings, show empathy
  • Being specific in your comments and compliments
  • Be nice to others as much as possible!

Buildings and Grounds

Pirate Ship Playground

The pirate ship playground is back and even better!

We now have a spectacular space to enjoy with new monkey bars, sandpits, steppers, climbers, logs, rocks, tunnels and water play.

This work has transformed the pirate ship into an imaginative and adventurous space for all ages.

In the coming weeks, students will be involved in getting hundreds of plants in the ground.

There will also be shade sails coming at the end of the year and, my favourite, the old pirate ship will emerge from the depths to give us a permanent reminder of days gone by.

A special thanks to families that helped rejuvenate the areas around the pirate ship during our last working bee. This has expanded the play area even further and utilises the existing features and planting that had been neglected (mostly by me...).

Thank you to everyone for your patience during the construction.

More new stuff!

There's no break from the work over the next few months.

During the school holidays, we'll be installing a new fence along Bishop street.

The existing fence is in very poor condition and the new one will now match O'hea street - and look great.

Then we are moving back under the COLA with some more landscaping that will expand the stage area and add planting, tables and seating around the space.

In October, the asphalt will be painted with new sports courts and colours to match in with our basketball courts.

Many of you will have seen the new structure that was installed above and between classrooms near the Jersey street entrance. This is a new shade that will provide protection from the weather for families and students and will be completed in early September.

Block B update

I have some good news to report about Block B.

The remediation of the areas impacted by water damage has now been completed.

This means that we can begin reinstating plaster and carpet, painting and getting the spaces ready for the return of classes.

As you can see by the photos, a lot of the building has been removed to allow for proper drying and work to stop water getting inside again.

I'll continue to provide updates about when this work is expected to be finished. We are all working hard to make sure classes return as soon as possible.

Working Bee Sunday 10 September

The next CNPS working bee will be held on Sunday 10 September from 10am - 12pm.

We will run along side the CNPS Parents & Friends seed planting day so there will be lots of fun things to do.

The working bee will focus on two main tasks: sand and oil the Block B deck and prep the garden beds around the COLA for new planting. The deck is badly in need of some work and it is a great space for the kids, with shade, so it needs to be in great condition when we get back into the building. The garden beds have been on my list for a long time and now that we are updating the COLA, it is also time to get the surrounding areas looking great too.

I will have a dingo for digging and there'll be new soil and mulch to spread. Student groups (with parent volunteers) will plant out these beds in term 4.

Anyone with sanding equipment (belt, orbital or any other kind!) that would like to help with the deck, please let me know. I think if we get enough people, we could knock it over pretty quickly!

If you would like to be involved in any part of the working bee, please email me at paul.sutton@euducation.vic.gov.au prior to the day. I'll need to make sure we'll have enough people to handle the work!

Paul, Manager Buildings and Grounds

School Council

School Council have been considering and assisting with a range of activities under the remit of the school leadership team, subcommittees and working parties. These include the many capital works projects being undertaken in Term 3 (and during the break), with some coming to completion; the Pirate Ship! Also reviewed were the many up-coming Parents & Friends events, school camp proposals for next year, and some school policies (which are continually reviewed and updated as scheduled).

Paul Cavicchiolo, CNPS School Council Vice President

TheirCare: After School Care

Parents and Friends

The Parents and Friends teams would like to thank the school community for all the support in Term 3, but there’s still more to come! If you want to contact P&F, have a great idea, or would like to find out more, please email us at cnps_pf@hotmail.com.

Eurovision Trivia Night - Last week to book and buy your Raffle tickets now!

Don’t miss out on the school’s social event of the year – Eurovision Trivia Night - on Saturday 9 September!

You can get a group together for a table of 10 or just buy tickets and meet new people on the night. All money raised will go towards a new PA system for the school. Reminder this is an adults-only events.

For full details and to purchase tickets, visit: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/cnps-parents-friends-eurovision-trivia-night-tickets-691503404297?aff=oddtdtcreator

The Trivia Night Raffle is live!!!

This is our biggest year yet with more than $3,000 worth of prizes up for grabs. The raffle will be drawn at the Trivia Night on Sat 9 September.

Get your tickets at: https://www.raffletix.com.au/cnpstrivianightraffle

Free veggie seed packets available from the school office

Packets of seeds to grow vegetable and fruiting plants for the Spring Plant Market are available for families from the school office now.

The plant stall is on Saturday 21 October 2023, and we need LOTS of growers to help grow the seedlings for sale held at the school.

All are welcome to join the planting day to be held at the school on Sunday 10 September from 10am. Come along and help plant produce for the plant market and meet new faces.

We really appreciate your support. If you have any questions, please email: CNPSevents@gmail.com

Pop extra items in the trolley for ASRC food drive on 8 September!

This term’s collection for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) food drive will be on Friday 8 September. Please add a few extra items to your weekly shop to support this important initiative providing much needed items for refugee families.

We are again asking for donations of soaps (in bundles of 2 soap bars), toothbrushes & toothpaste. The ASRC have asked we collect the same items each term so they can plan their inventory of goods.

Thanks for your support.

Wrap up of the Fathers’ Day and special Persons Stall

Thanks to all the makers, bakers and volunteers who supported the Fathers’ Day / Special Persons Stall on Friday 1 September. It was wonderful to see the kids’ enthusiasm when purchasing their items. We’ll let you know how much we raised once the takings have been counted. Here are some photos from today’s event.

Are you rockin’ a beanie yet?

The new CNPS beanies have been selling like hotcakes and there will be more opportunities to pick one up in Term 4 (it is Melbourne after all!). We think they look awesome!

Upcoming Events

Week 9

  • Book Week Incursion P-2 - Monday, 4 September
  • Casual Clothes Day - Red Cross Gold Coin Donation - Wednesday, 6 September

Week 10

  • Student Led Exhibitions - Tuesday, 12 September 3:45pm - 4:45pm
  • Student Led Exhibitions - Wednesday, 13 September 9:05am - 9:50am
  • Footy Colours Day and Footy Parade - Friday, 15 September
  • Last Day of Term, Early Dismissal 2:30pm - Friday, 15 September

Community News

At CNPS we believe that by being respectful, responsible and resilient we can succeed and thrive as a community.