
Use this toolkit to help you plan your own local campaigns, organize events, share resources, engage the media or activate your social media supporters in the lead up to World Diabetes Day - 14 November.

How to use this document

Scroll down the page to view each section of the toolkit.

Once at the desired section, you will be able to access all necessary information, click on links for further insight, download assets or get in touch with the IDF team.

Each individual section can also be shared by copying the anchor link to left of the section title.


• About World Diabetes Day

WDD 2023 theme and key campaign messages

• How you can get involved

Support WDD online

Resources and visual assets

• Official partners

About World Diabetes Day

World Diabetes Day (WDD) is the largest diabetes awareness campaign in the world. It is marked every year on November 14.

Launched in 1991 by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the World Health Organization (WHO), WDD aims to promote the importance of coordinated and concerted action to confront diabetes as a critical global health issue. The event unites a global audience of more than one billion people across more than 160 countries to raise awareness of the need for better care, education and resources to support people living with diabetes and help delay or prevent the condition in those at risk.

World Diabetes Day is represented by the blue circle, the global symbol for diabetes awareness introduced by IDF in 2006.


Diabetes: Know your risk, know your response

2023 marks the third and final year of the 2021-23 theme access to diabetes care. This year’s campaign focuses on the importance of knowing your risk of type 2 diabetes to help delay or prevent the condition and highlighting the impact of diabetes-related complications and the importance of having access to the right information and care to ensure timely treatment and management.

In many cases, type 2 diabetes and its complications can be delayed or prevented by adopting and maintaining healthy habits.

When not detected and treated early, diabetes can lead to serious and potentially life-threatening complications. These include loss of vision, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, nerve damage and complications in pregnancy.

Unfortunately, many people with diabetes are often diagnosed late, when they already have one or more diabetes-related complications. This can lead to an increased need for medical care, reduced quality of life and even premature death.

IDF is committed to helping all people with diabetes and those who provide their care to enhance their understanding of diabetes and reduce its impact on those affected.

Key messages for people at risk

  • Almost half of all people with diabetes are currently undiagnosed.
  • The symptoms of type 2 diabetes can be mild or absent. People affected can live several years with the condition before being diagnosed.
  • Many people are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes when one or more complications are already present.
  • Knowing your risk and the right response can help delay or prevent type 2 diabetes and its complications.

The IDF Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment Tool can provide support and guidance.

Key messages for people living with diabetes

  • Without ongoing treatment and regular self-management, diabetes can lead to serious and potentially life-threatening complications.
  • Diabetes-related complications can be delayed or prevented with regular access to medicines, monitoring tools and supplies, education and psychological support.

The free courses available on the IDF School of Diabetes Understanding Diabetes platform can provide support and guidance.

Key messages for healthcare professionals and policymakers

  • Diabetes costs lives. In 2021, approximately 6.7 million adults between the age of 20–79 are estimated to have died as a result of diabetes or its complications.
  • In 2021, 966 billion USD was spent on healthcare for diabetes and its related complications.
  • Early detection and treatment can help delay or prevent serious, potentially life-threatening complications.
  • Evidence suggests that screening for diabetes-related complications is cost-effective, with screening strategies reducing the incidence of developing complications, such as cardiovascular disease.
  • Achieving Universal Health Coverage is key to delaying or preventing diabetes-related complications and ensuring the sustainability of healthcare systems.

The IDF School of Diabetes offers a selection of free and premium online education courses to help healthcare professionals keep up-to-date with various aspects of diabetes management and treatment.


Download and display our dedicated campaign resources to support the World Diabetes Day 2023 campaign.

Would you like to adapt or translate any of the campaign resources? Contact us at wdd@idf.org to receive the source files.

The WDD logo

Display the logo on your website or social media this November.


Display our visual assets to let your community know about World Diabetes Day and the importance of awareness of the diabetes risk factors and related complications. The assets are available in English, French and Spanish.

Poster for healthcare professionals

Encourage healthcare professionals who work with people living with diabetes to boost their diabetes education. Display the posters in breakrooms, classrooms, and staff areas in your clinics and hospitals.

Poster for people in the community

Guide people in your community to assess their risk of type 2 diabetes by displaying this poster in waiting rooms, treatment rooms and community group spaces.

Other WDD 2023 resources

Banners and social media visuals

A selection of visuals are available to display the campaign messages on your website and social media channels.


A more indepth look at the key campaign messages, again for displaying in waiting rooms, treatment rooms and community group spaces, or sharing on social channels.


Blue circle pins and bracelets are available to purchase for use in World Diabetes Day awareness activities.


This #WorldDiabetesDay, join our call to #KnowYourRisk, and how you can prevent or delay diabetes-related complications. You can support the campaign in a number of ways:

Share our type 2 diabetes risk assessment tool to help people in your community learn about their risk of type 2 diabetes.

Boost your diabetes knowledge with free courses for healthcare professionals and people with diabetes from the IDF School of Diabetes.

Download and display our visual assets in your community. View all WDD 2023 resources.

Organise an activity in your community, workplace or online to promote the campaign theme and key messages.

From individual actions to large-scale celebrations and awareness activities, let us know what you’re planning so we can promote your activities.

Share a blue circle selfie: take a photo with the diabetes blue circle app and share your diabetes story online. Download the Blue Circle app.

Involve the media: contact your regional, national and local media outlets to ask if they are interested in an interview with your lead spokesperson. Find the latest WDD news.


Share our example posts on your social channels, website and in your community groups.

Example social post one

For: General awareness. Encouraging the general public to know the signs to look out for and understand their risk of developing type 2 diabetes and how to respond.

Over 90% of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. Close to half are not yet diagnosed. This #WorldDiabetesDay, join our call for better diabetes awareness. Understand the signs to look out for and assess your own risk with our online tool: https://worlddiabetesday.org/type-2-diabetes-risk-assessment #KnowYourRisk

Example social post two

For: People living with diabetes, encouraging them to improve their knowledge of diabetes-related complications

If left untreated or insufficiently managed, diabetes can lead to serious and potentially life-threatening complications. Do you know the signs to look out for and the steps to take to delay or prevent diabetes-related complications? This #WorldDiabetesDay, improve your understanding of diabetes with our free online courses: worlddiabetesday.org/understandingdiabetes #KnowYourRisk

Example social post three

For: Healthcare professionals, encouraging them to take free and premium courses in the IDF School of Diabetes.

In 2021, diabetes was responsible for 6.7 million deaths. Do you have access to sufficient training and resources to detect diabetes early and prevent or delay its complications? This #WorldDiabetesDay, upgrade your knowledge with our free diabetes training: https://www.idfdiabeteschool.org/ #KnowYourRisk

Join our call to action in support of Universal Health Coverage and the WHO diabetes coverage targets

The World Health Organization (WHO) has called on Member States to strengthen primary health care systems to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by 2030. However, global progress to achieve UHC is falling short. This is particularly true for diabetes, with millions of people not being able to access the care they need and nearly half of those with the condition remaining undiagnosed. This can lead to an increased risk of developing severe and potentially life-threatening complications, and puts individuals and health systems under increased financial strain.

Urgent action is needed. This World Diabetes Day, IDF is calling on governments to contribute to the global achievement of UHC and accelerate progress towards the achievement of the WHO global diabetes coverage targets by 2030:

Support our call to action this World Diabetes Day by sending a letter to your national health minister or policymaker through our online platform.

World Diabetes Day 2023 partners

Partners of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) help to make World Diabetes Day a global success by providing valuable support for many of the activities taking place around the world. IDF is pleased to have the support of the following partners for World Diabetes Day 2023.