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Shawnee Alliance SnapShot august 5 - Edition 47

In this Edition:

Message from Pastor Kris

This Sunday, August 11 is an exciting day at Shawnee Alliance, and I invite all of you to join us!

At our Blessing of the Backpacks services (9:30 and 11:00 a.m. in the Activity Center), we will be recognizing and praying for our students, teachers, aids, bus drivers, and anyone else involved in our schools. We have a heart for our community and are so excited for days like this, when we can give out backpacks to children and continue to invest in the schools in our community.

In the afternoon, we will meet at the Martin's Pond at 3pm for Baptisms and a Church Picnic! We will be supporting several children, teens, and adults who will be following Jesus' example in the waters of Baptism, and enjoying time together as a church family.

  • If you are not being Baptized, you do not need to register.
  • Please Bring to the Picnic: A dish to share (names A-M: side dish, N-Z: dessert), swim suits, child life jackets, lawn chairs, and fishing gear (if desired)
  • Directions to the Picnic



God is doing big things in and around Shawnee Alliance Church. Your giving to the building fund helps us improve our facilities to increase the effectiveness of our current and future ministries! You can partner with us through giving below. Thank you for cheerfully being part of Transforming Lives!

Connect with us!

Building a community of faith... Leading people to become fully transformed followers of Jesus Christ.

New to Shawnee Alliance or have updated information?

Would you like to know more about the church, submit a prayer request or connect with a pastor? Or maybe you'd like to find out about upcoming groups and events or let us know of a change in contact information? Let us know by filling out a connect card below! We would love to hear from you!

How to Connect With Us

As you're continually called into God's presence, please be reminded of the community we have here. We invite you to reach out and connect with us.

Join Community

Life Transformation happens through discipleship, serving, and making connections with others. Below are some opportunities to join community throughout the week and month!

Getting Involved

As we continue to pattern our lives after Jesus, we are called to live in community and lift each other up in encouragement and prayer. There are several ways to do that, such as:

If you have a question about how to get connected, please feel free to reach out to our staff by filling out a Connect Card. If you'd like to serve Jesus and others but you're unsure of where to start or what your fit might be, we invite you to fill out the form below to discover your spiritual gifts. From there, we will work with you to determine your next step to thrive in the Shawnee Alliance community!

Wednesday Night Groups

Whether you’re new to Shawnee Alliance or have been here a long time, getting involved in a group is a great way to join community and deepen your faith! Join us on Wednesdays from 6:30-8pm for Adults, Kids & Youth Groups from August 28-November 20.

If this is your first time jumping into a Wednesday Night Group, we encourage you to start with Faith Track! Faith Track is a 4-week class that prioritizes getting to know Shawnee Alliance and connecting with others. In a small group setting, we will discuss the essentials of our faith, learn about our church’s core values, discover our spiritual gifts, and discuss opportunities to further learn, grow, and serve.

Current High School-Adult Groups:

Life Groups

Life Groups are groups of about 6-14 adults that meet together on a regular basis to enjoy fellowship and lift each other up in prayer. Many groups are family-focused and their children are welcome to come as well. These used to be referred to as In-Home Groups, but as we have brought more intentionality to the groups, we have decided to change the name as well. The "Life Groups" name comes from the intentional design of fostering Christian friendship while living life together. The name is also an acronym which stands for:

  • Love – build relationships and show love in the body of Christ
  • Instruct – study the Bible to grow in their knowledge of God
  • Fellowship – value the experience of being with other Christians and enjoying time in the body of Christ
  • Evangelism – as with everything at Shawnee Alliance Church, life groups are a part of the way we fulfill the Great Commission

You can visit at any time to view groups that are open for new members, and new Life Groups form regularly. If you want to get involved but don't know where to start, or have any questions, please join the group "I want to join a group," on the Life Groups page, and you will be contacted within a week about how to become part of a group!

YouVersion Bible App

Join our church family on YouVersion! Download the app below and search for Shawnee Allianceset as your home church, and connect with others through our weekly devotionals.

As we walk through each week, watch for updates on social media and in the YouVersion app for new plans! Join in our newest plan below:

For more details, please see below or visit If you are interested in leading or hosting a small group, please contact Pastor Brian at

Ongoing Weekly Groups

Ongoing Monthly Groups

Don't see a group you'd like to attend? Contact Pastor Brian at if you're interested in leading your own!

Ministry Highlights

Our Kids & Youth Ministries have many fun activities lined up for this summer for Preschool-12th Grade! Check out the events in our Summer Calendar below!

Beulah on the Road

114 students, over $100 raised for a youth camp in Indonesia, and 11 bell ringers!! Thank you to all volunteers who helped this week run smoothly! 🫶
Kids who have made a decision for Jesus get to ring the bell! For some, it's the first time they've accepted Jesus into their heart; for others, they have already accepted him and are now rededicating their lives to Jesus

IGNITE Worship Night

On July 28, the youth groups from Shawnee Alliance and Lima Community Church met together for an incredible night of worship and fun! They invited everyone (adults included!) to join in as they led worship from 6-7pm and spoke about being an example to others even as they learned to be young leaders themselves, then enjoyed the rest of the night together for youth activities. The theme of the evening came from 1 Timothy 4:12: "Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity." It was a great time and God was glorified!

New Ministry Ideas

Is God laying something on your heart as a potential ministry opportunity you do not currently see within the church?

Please fill out the form below. We'd love the opportunity to walk alongside you and help determine next steps.


Coming Soon: Guinea 2025!

Stay tuned for more details!

CASA: Court Appointed Special Advocates

CASA, or Court-Appointed Special Advocates, looks out for the best interests of children who have been victims of child abuse and/or neglect in our community. Join their team of volunteers and be a voice for children who might otherwise be lost in the system. For more info, check out our Volunteer Section below!

ESOL Classes

ESOL orientation was held last week at Shawnee Alliance; where nearly fifty young adults were welcomed, tested in their language skills, mentored and placed in their needed skill level class. Ten classes started up this week, both at the church and at Apollo Career Center.

I, along with another Aspire ESOL instructor, have 18 new students in our Level A class here at the church, all from Haiti. They have been a very fun group to get to know and start initial basic lessons on introductions, present and past tense grammar, and numbers.

Apollo is always looking for additional teachers to assist with the classes. For any questions or if you're interested in getting involved in this community outreach program, please contact Jessica at

If you have any questions or would like to know more about mission trip opportunities, please contact Jessica at

Prayer Ministry

Prayer is not just something we do, it's a part of who we are. We incorporate prayer into everything we do, because prayer brings us closer to God, and that's right where we want to be.​

Prayer Requests

Whether we are celebrating the ways God has answered our prayers, or walking through a tough situation in which we need support, it is so important to be in a caring community where we can live life together! Every Sunday during our services, we offer the opportunity for you to sit with someone and receive prayer. But did you know that there is an even bigger team who is ready and honored to pray for your requests throughout the week?

You can send prayer requests, as well as any updates to those requests, to and Lisa will update our prayer email list so they can pray for you!

If you'd like to keep a prayer request private to the pastors and staff, you can always request prayer through our Connect Card at the bottom of our website.

If you'd like to receive Prayer Request emails so you can pray for others in our church, sign up below!

Summer Prayer Opportunities

Intercessory Prayer for America

James 5:16 says the prayers of the righteous are powerful & effective. Our country is in need of our unified prayers! On Wednesday, August 14, our families will have opportunity to unite in prayer on behalf of our nation. Our trust is in the Lord Jesus! Join us in East Campus Rooms B-C at 6:30pm.

Prayer Guides

Prayer Guides will be available beginning September 8 in our welcome centers and Kids Check-in areas. These guides will provide Bible verses and prompts to encourage prayer for America in several ways, including: our church, families, education, the workplace, military, government, and media.

Sunday Partners in Prayer Team

“Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Ephesians 6:18.

Partners in Prayer is built on the belief that everything we do must start with the presence of God. There is a rotating schedule, so each person is assigned one Sunday a month to pray. There are two parts to Partners in Prayer:

  • Intercessory Prayer Team: Intercessory Prayer is praying on behalf of others. Each Sunday, 2-3 people arrive before each service to walk through the sanctuary and pray for the pastors, worship team, and everyone who will join together in worship that day. Join with us to partner with the Holy Spirit as He brings to mind the right people to pray for and how to come alongside them!
  • Prayer Area Team: Toward the end of the worship services, we invite people to receive prayer in our Prayer Area in the modern service or outside the sanctuary in the traditional service. Partners in Prayer, along with the staff, are there to meet with people, listen, and pray for them as the Holy Spirit convicts their hearts.

Please contact Pastor Brian at with any questions.

Current Volunteer Opportunities

CASA: Court Appointed Special Advocates

CASA Volunteers are specially trained people from all walks of life who are appointed by the Court to advocate for the best interest of children and youth who have experienced abuse and/or neglect. CASA Volunteers make a life-changing difference for children. They work with child welfare professionals, attorneys, educators and service providers to ensure that judicial officers have all the information they need to make decisions for each child. They give children hope by giving them a voice. If you're interested in volunteering and making a difference in these children's lives, please click the button below.

Ongoing Opportunities

Boys & Girls Clubs of Fort Wayne

Whether you volunteer with tutoring, coaching, mentoring, or administrative tasks, you’ll have the opportunity to build healthy relationships with young people and have a positive impact on their lives. To volunteer, complete the Volunteer Application at the link below. Donations are also appreciated.

Remember, you can reach out to our staff at any time by filling out a connect card at the bottom of our website!

New Ministry Ideas

Maybe you're looking to serve in a different way. Do you see a need in our community or church family that God is placing on your heart to begin meeting? What next step is God calling you toward?

If God is calling us to something, it's worth doing, and it's worth doing well.

Do you have an idea for a new ministry? Please fill out the form below. We'd love the opportunity to walk alongside you and help determine next steps.

Bible Reading Plan

Bring transformation to your life by reading your Bible! You will get to know Jesus on a deeper level and learn wisdom for your everyday choices.

You can find a free Bible in any of our church lobbies. Please feel free to take one when you're with us at church on Sunday or download the YouVersion app on your phone.

Use this simple SOAP format to guide your interaction with God's Word:

  • Scripture. Take your time reading each chapter and allow God to speak to you.
  • Observation. What do you see God doing in the Scripture? What is God saying to you?
  • Application. Ask yourself how you can apply this to your life right now.
  • Prayer. Communicate with God and ask Him to help you apply this to your life.

Try adding a chapter from Proverbs every day to the below plan! This list is also posted every Sunday on our Facebook page.

  • Monday, July 29 - Luke 19
  • Tuesday, July 30 - 1 Corinthians 15
  • Wednesday, July 31 - 1 Peter 2
  • Thursday, August 1 - Judges 18
  • Friday, August 2 - Judges 19
  • Saturday, August 3 - Judges 20
  • Sunday, August 4 - Judges 21:15-20,23-25
  • Monday, August 5 - Proverbs 11
  • Tuesday, August 6 - 2 Corinthians 9
  • Wednesday, August 7 - Luke 12
  • Thursday, August 8 - Romans 12
  • Friday, August 9 - Romans 15
  • Saturday, August 10 - Hebrews 13
  • Sunday, August 11 - Philippians 2
  • Monday, August 12 - John 16
  • Tuesday, August 13 - James 1
  • Wednesday, August 14 - Ephesians 5
  • Thursday, August 15 - 2 Thessalonians 1
  • Friday, August 16 - 2 Timothy 3
  • Saturday, August 17 - Psalm 31
  • Sunday, August 18 - 2 Corinthians 12:7b-10
  • Monday, August 19 - John 10
  • Tuesday, August 20 - Hebrews 7
  • Wednesday, August 21 - Ephesians 4
  • Thursday, August 22 - John 14
  • Friday, August 23 - Matthew 21
  • Saturday, August 24 - Mark 11
  • Sunday, August 25 - 1 John 5:13-15
  • Monday, August 26 - Matthew 7
  • Tuesday, August 27 - 1 John 4
  • Wednesday, August 28 - 2 Peter 2
  • Thursday, August 29 - 2 Corinthians 11
  • Friday, August 30 - 2 Timothy 4
  • Saturday, August 31 - Colossians 2
  • Sunday, September 1 - Ezekiel 13:1-9


Thank you for giving to the ministries of Shawnee Alliance Church. Through your generosity and faithfulness, we continue to see life transformation happen in our church, community, and around the world!

Giving Opportunities

When the Lord has blessed you and you want to give over and above your regular giving, here are some of the ways you can invest in the church and the community:

  • LifeWise - help bring Jesus to Shawnee Schools!
  • Missions - help bring Jesus to the world!
  • Building Fund - help us to maintain and improve our facilities to increase the effectiveness of our current and future ministries!

Ways to Give

  1. Online at
  2. Church Center Appdownload today
  3. In Person - place check or cash in offering box after Sunday services

Thank you for your generosity and partnership with our ongoing ministries!

Financial Update

Upcoming Events

Blessing of the Backpacks - August 11 at Activity Center at 9:30am & 11am services

Church Picnic and Baptism - August 11 at Martin's Pond at 3-6pm (register for baptism)

Keenager Birthday Luncheon - August 13 at 11:30 in KidsMin Area

Intercessory Prayer for America - August 14 from 6:30-8pm

Our Daily Bread Volunteer Thursday - August 15 at 11am

Windows for Water - During services on August 18 at 9:30 & 11am (pickup envelope on August 11 in lobbies)

Our Daily Bread Volunteer Tuesday - August 27 at 11am

Wednesday Night Groups - Wednesdays, August 28-November 20 from 6:30-8pm

Fight Club 2024 Kick-Off - August 30

Labor Day - September 2 - Office Closed

LifeWise Labor Day 5K - September 2, 9-10:15am at the Sunnydale House

Centershot Archery Begins - September 9 at 5 & 6:15 pm (register by Sept. 9)

Keenager Luncheon - September 10 at 11:30am

Our Daily Bread Volunteer Thursday - September 19 at 11am

Our Daily Bread Volunteer Tuesday - September 24 at 11am

Connected Women Bonfire - October 5 (info coming soon!)

Mystery Dinner Theater - October 12 (Operation Christmas Child Fundraiser)

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection - October 27-November 17

Community Events

Shawnee National Night Out - August 6 at 6pm at Heritage Park

We hope you enjoyed this edition of the Shawnee Alliance SnapShot! Please visit to view previous editions of this newsletter, watch sermons and testimony videos, and more!

If you no longer wish to receive the SnapShot, please email to let us know. (Clicking "unsubscribe" removes you from all church communications including emergency email notifications, updated information about an event you registered for, scheduled volunteer communications, etc.)
