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Goddess Speak Sanctuary of Solace Newsletter - October 2023

"I wish that every day was Saturday and every month was October.” ― Charmaine J. Forde

October Dates of Interest:

Musings from the Desk of...Priestess Laurelinn

Jeff McBride's

Wonderground 15

the Final Curtain

Jeff McBride and amazing company!

Were you there? If not I'm afraid you not only missed an amazing show, but the last Wonderground production ever. (Although Jeff and Abigail assured us that great new things were on the horizon!)

Anyway; Candace, Jim, Edmond, Kyle and myself, (plus the rest of the SOLD OUT crowd) were there - and WOW! I felt like a kid at the circus for the first time. In between the marveling, music and roving magicians I found myself a little melancholy that I had never attended before. It seems this awesome production happened for many years prior to the pandemic, and I was sadly unaware.

The evening was hosted by The Olive Mediterranean Restaurant, which had been the shows home for many years. The food was delicious, and we tried a variety of items from the menu. Edmond ordered some turkish coffee - I had never had turkish coffee before. I thought it was so yummy - I had 3 of those espresso size cups. In hindsight I should have been more cautious - when I showed up at the office the next day they asked why I was there? Seems I completely forgot I had taken the day off - LOL! (What's in that coffee?!)

While I enjoyed each of the acts, one of my favorites was the young illusionist, Ehrlich, from the Philipines. He worked with various tubes of light and went from looking like a talented baton twirler, to tubes of light dancing all about him! It was quite amazing.

If you haven't figured it out by now, I loved the show and had a fantastic evening! Thank you Jeff and Abigail, for bringing back the Wonderground one last time! Be sure to follow Jeff McBride and Abigail Spinner McBride on Facebook to get all the insider information for future adventures in Magick!

Priestess Laurelinn
“Listen! The wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves, We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves!” ― Humbert Wolfe

The Magic Garden

Words and image by:

Wild Earth Song

I held the old iron key in my hand, its rugged surface a bridge to the past, carrying whispers of forgotten enchantments and memories once carried and passed down by my ancestors.

The old iron key felt cold and heavy in my hand, I sensed its magical aura. Approaching a weathered door in the garden , I inserted the key and turned it. The door creaked open, revealing a realm of swirling colors and whispers of spells. With each step, I grew stronger, realizing that this key symbolized the power to unlock endless possibilities and adventures in the world of magic.

How many hands have touched this key, using it to unlock the door to the secret garden, revealing its own magic and mystery to each one....

Song 'The Garden" by Heather Alexander

“October had tremendous possibility. The summer’s oppressive heat was a distant memory, and the golden leaves promised a world full of beautiful adventures. They made me believe in miracles.” ― Sarah Guillory, (Reclaimed)

Support our founders!

Priestess Novaembre (Candace Kant) and Priest Naheem (Edmond Costello) will both be key speakers on the Interfaith Council of Southern Nevada in November.

It would be spectacular to have a group of pagans attend these two nights to cheer on and support Candace and Edmond. According to Candace, (who has been on many of these panels), it would be heartening to see pagans there. Representing the local community and dispelling the stereotypical image many people have of us.
And all at once, summer collapsed into fall ― Oscar Wilde

To The Dead in the Graveyard Underneath My Window

by Adelaide Crapsey

Written in A Moment of Exasperation

How can you lie so still? All day I watch

And never a blade of all the green sod moves

To show where restlessly you toss and turn,

And fling a desperate arm or draw up knees

Stiffened and aching from their long disuse;

I watch all night and not one ghost comes forth

To take its freedom of the midnight hour.

Oh, have you no rebellion in your bones?

The very worms must scorn you where you lie,

A pallid mouldering acquiescent folk,

Meek habitants of unresented graves.

Why are you there in your straight row on row

Where I must ever see you from my bed

That in your mere dumb presence iterate

The text so weary in my ears: "Lie still

And rest; be patient and lie still and rest."

I'll not be patient! I will not lie still!

There is a brown road runs between the pines,

And further on the purple woodlands lie,

And still beyond blue mountains lift and loom;

And I would walk the road and I would be

Deep in the wooded shade and I would reach

The windy mountain tops that touch the clouds.

My eyes may follow but my feet are held.

Recumbent as you others must I too

Submit? Be mimic of your movelessness

With pillow and counterpane for stone and sod?

And if the many sayings of the wise

Teach of submission I will not submit

But with a spirit all unreconciled

Flash an unquenched defiance to the stars.

Better it is to walk, to run, to dance,

Better it is to laugh and leap and sing,

To know the open skies of dawn and night,

To move untrammeled down the flaming noon,

And I will clamour it through weary days

Keeping the edge of deprivation sharp,

Nor with the pliant speaking on my lips

Of resignation, sister to defeat.

I'll not be patient. I will not lie still.

And in ironic quietude who is

The despot of our days and lord of dust

Needs but, scarce heeding, wait to drop

Grim casual comment on rebellion's end;

"Yes, yes . . Wilful and petulant but now

As dead and quiet as the others are."

And this each body and ghost of you hath heard

That in your graves do therefore lie so still.

Image from: Colin's Journal

“The dust was antique spice, burnt maple leaves, a prickling blue that teemed and sifted to earth. Swarming its own shadows, the dust filtered over the tents.” ― Ray Bradbury, Something Wicked This Way Comes

~ October Spotlight ~

Excerpts from by: Nina Kahn

Trick or treat, star babes! In true Libra season fashion, the astrology of October 2023 has decided that we’re getting a perfect balance of both. The retrograde activity of the past couple of months is finally dying down, but the chaos of eclipse season is fully loaded and ready to launch — which means intense new beginnings and dramatic endings are in store for all zodiac signs. The major astrological events of October 2023 are not to be slept on.

Libra season’s balance reigns supreme through the first few weeks of October, putting emphasis on peaceful partnerships, harmonious aesthetics, and finding the symmetry and beauty in things. This is the perfect vibe for enjoying all the fun and coziness of early fall. Pumpkin patch photo shoots and autumn sweater shopping dates for all!

The sun is joined by the communication planet Mercury on Oct. 4, amplifying the Libran themes and making everyone a little more diplomatic and fair-minded. This can be a great time to work on smoothing over issues in relationships, weighing the pros and cons of upcoming decisions, and generally balancing any out-of-whack energies in your life.

The retrograde wave we’ve been riding recently began to break in September, with both Venus and Mercury’s backspins coming to an end. But the planetary pace picks up even more once Pluto retrograde 2023 ends on Oct. 10. Power-hungry Pluto moves slowly and subtly, so you may not feel the shift in any notable way. But as the planet of transformation, you can guarantee that its direct motion is shifting the tectonic plates beneath the surface of your soul.

A New Moon Eclipse

Welcome to eclipse season! On Oct. 14. the sun and moon will align in Libra, forming an intense but healing new moon eclipse. Solar eclipses generally usher in new things, but because this lunation is on top of the release-oriented South Node, we may find that this new beginning requires us to embrace some endings.

Full Moon Eclipse

October’s full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus rises on Oct. 28, promising a highly dramatic Halloweekend that tests values and wraps up an important story in each zodiac sign’s life. This critical lunation connects with an explosive opposition between hot-headed Mars and over-the-top Jupiter, bringing potential for big feelings, burned bridges, or stubborn stand-offs.

October’s full moon is traditionally nicknamed the Hunter’s Moon, and this one will most definitely summon our inner warriors, forcing us to brave the darkness in order to grow.

October Full 'Hunters' Moon

Adapted From The Farmer's Almanac

Artwork by:

When to see the Full Moon in October 2023:

The Hunter’s Moon will reach peak illumination at 1:24 pm Las Vegas time on Sunday, October 28. It will be below the horizon at this time, so we’ll have to wait until sunset to watch it rise and take its place in the sky. Like September’s Harvest Moon, the Hunter’s Moon rises around the same time for several nights in a row, so start looking for it on Friday, October 27th!

As the Moon drifts over the horizon around sunset, it may appear larger and more orange—how perfect for the fall season! But don’t be fooled by the “Moon Illusion,” which makes the Moon appear bigger than it really is.

Why is it called the Hunter's Moon?

For decades, the Almanac has referenced the monthly full Moons with names tied to early Native American, Colonial American, and European folklore. Traditionally, each full Moon name was applied to the entire lunar month in which it occurred and through all of the Moon’s phases—not only the full Moon.

The Harvest Moon and the Hunter’s Moon are unique in that they are not directly related to this folklore, nor necessarily restricted to a single month. Instead, they are tied to an astronomical event: the autumnal equinox!

The Harvest Moon is the full Moon which occurs nearest to the date of the autumnal equinox (September 23, 2023). This means that either September or October’s full Moon may take on the name “Harvest Moon” instead of its traditional name. Similarly, the Hunter’s Moon is the first full Moon to follow the Harvest Moon, meaning that it can occur in either October or November.

This year, the Harvest Moon occurred on September 29, so the Hunter’s Moon will follow it one lunar cycle later, on October 28.

It is believed that this full Moon came to be called the full Hunter’s Moon because it signaled the time to go hunting in preparation for the cold winter ahead. Animals are beginning to fatten up ahead of winter, and since the farmers had recently cleaned out their fields under the Harvest Moon, hunters could easily see the deer and other animals that had come out to root through the remaining scraps (as well as the foxes and wolves that had come out to prey on them).

The earliest use of the term “Hunter’s Moon,” cited in the Oxford English Dictionary, is from 1710. Some sources suggest that other names for the Hunter’s Moon are the Sanguine or Blood Moon, either associated with the blood from hunting or the color of the changing autumn leaves.

Image from Farmers Almanac

The names of the Moon are most often related to natural signs of the season or to activities that were done at this time of year. Some of our favorites include:


  • Drying Rice Moon, (Dakota), describes part of the post-harvest process of preparing rice for winter.
  • Falling Leaves Moon (Anishinaabe) highlights the transition between summer and fall.
  • Freezing Moon (Ojibwe) and Ice Moon (Haida) refer to the increasingly cold temperatures of this period.
  • Migrating Moon (Cree) refers to the time when birds begin to fly south to warmer climates.


  • Corn planted under a waning Moon grows slower but yields larger ears.
  • Babies born a day after the full Moon enjoy success and endurance.
  • A new Moon in your dreams promises increased wealth or a happy marriage.
“The sky grew orange and pink, a pale ghost of the full moon appeared above Salem, waiting to glow brilliant in the velvet black hiding just beyond the twilight.” ― Amber Newberry, One Night in Salem

October Full Moon Magic

Excerpts from: A Peculiar Brunette

By The Peculiar Brunette

As the Hunters Moon of 2023 graces our skies, the spiritual bond between the human soul and the October Full Moon connects. It’s a celestial feast full of meaning, a ghostly dance of ritual, and represents the very core of astrology and spirituality.

Throughout the hallowed pages of history, the Hunters Moon has symbolized a time of harvest, abundance, the afterlife, spiritual transformation, and divination. Keep reading, and we’ll explore the spiritual significance of October’s Full Moon.

The Hunter’s Moon spiritual meaning is focused on internal work and self-reflection. We now begin the dark half of the year; accept and welcome the darkness with open arms and spirit. Before industrialism, people focused on harvesting and preparing for the coming of Winter. Failure to do so meant facing one’s own death or mortality.

You can feel the magical energy in the air right now as we head toward Samhain, and the veil grows thin. This increases your ability to communicate with your ancestors or loved ones. It’s an opportunity for spiritual growth, goal setting, gratitude, and finding ways to slow down and enjoy the season of Autumn.

The sacredness of the moon has been connected with the basic rhythms of life and the universe. A widespread phenomenon, appearing in various eras and cultures, moon worship has engendered a rich symbolism and mythology. The moon is viewed in terms of the rhythmic life of the cosmos and is believed to govern all vital change. The cyclical process of disappearance and appearance of the moon is the basis of the widespread association of the moon with the land of the dead, the place to which souls ascend after death, and the power of rebirth. Britannica – Moon Worship
By The Peculiar Brunette

October Full Moon Correspondences

The Hunter Full Moon spiritual meaning can be a potent time for magic and rituals, as well as a beautiful time of inward growth and reflection. Here are some correspondences and intentions to help get you started!

Hunter Moon Spiritual Meaning And Intentions

  • Gratitude
  • Transitions
  • Divination work
  • Afterlife
  • Shadow work
  • Harvesting
  • Preservation
  • Dreamwork
  • Psychopomps (Greek – a spirit, human, or being who guides souls who have recently crossed over)


  • Ruby Red
  • Dark Purple
  • Black
  • Burnt Orange
  • Silver
  • Deep Navy Blue
  • Gold


  • Amethyst
  • Black Tourmaline
  • Quartz
  • Obsidian
  • Moonstone
  • Bloodstone
  • Carnelian

Sacred Space and Altar Decoration Ideas

Feel free to decorate with any seasonal items from your area! These are just a few ideas to get you started!

  • Small pumpkins
  • Autumn leaves
  • Skeletons or skulls
  • Gothic candleholders
  • Acorns or other nuts and seeds

Embrace The Season!

As the veil thins, take some time to contemplate the natural cycle of life. Observe how Nature dies externally each season to rest and prepare for the light and growth of next Spring. Here are some ideas to help you embrace the October season!

  • Visit a local cemetery. Bring fresh flowers to place on graves you connect with or who might need a bit of love. Read each headstone and imagine who they were and what they cared about in life.
  • Since the veil thins the closer we get to Samhain or Halloween, it increases the opportunity to spot Fae! Learn more about how to incorporate Fae mythology origins or different types of Fae into your spiritual practice.
  • The harvest season of October is traditionally a time for protection magic as well. You’ll see this rooted in the history of pumpkin and turnip carvings to guard the home and people from sinister or evil spirits. Draw or design your pumpkins with sigils, bind runes, symbols, or spiritual meanings you’re drawn to, like sacred geometry or the pentagram.
  • You could also spend more time researching spiritual paths or topics you’d like to learn more about, like candle color meanings, magical elements, or types of witches. Start here if you’re a beginner witch.
  • Embrace all things October: decorations, pumpkin spice everything, cozy blankets, bonfires, or whatever your heart and spirit connect to! Have fun, be free of judgment, and celebrate this wonderful season.

There is a great deal more information on The Peculiar Brunette's page, be sure to follow the link at the top of the article to find more!

“All things on earth point home in old October; sailors to sea, travellers to walls and fences, hunters to field and hollow and the long voice of the hounds, the lover to the love he has forsaken.” ― Thomas Wolfe

~ Crafty Corner ~

Pumpkin Spice Samhain Ritual Bath Soak Recipe

As posted by Moody Moons

Pumpkin Spice Samhain Ritual Bath Soak

Set a mystical mood for your Samhain ritual this year. This DIY ritual bath soak incorporates autumn-y ingredients like coffee, pumpkin spice, and vanilla.

Ritual baths lay the foundation for spiritual work. Creating a bath soak with seasonal items appropriate to the Sabbat adds a layer of unmistakably magical energy.

Come with me! Let’s prepare to work across the Veil Between Worlds.

Meaning of the Ingredients:

Of course, recipes for ritual and spell work always contain layers of meaning in their ingredients. Knowing the meaning is important! The symbolic use of natural elements provides foundational support for energy work.

  • Pumpkin Pie Spice - We never get through October without using this autumn staple. A combination of the most seasonal baking spices, pumpkin pie spice is autumn in a jar.
  • Coffee - Did you even know coffee essential oil was a thing? If you’ve never used this amazing, unbelievable creation in your homemade bath products before, it’s really time to start. Coffee promotes creative efforts and inspires new ideas. Many practitioners regard Samhain as the witch’s new year. So, it’s time to retire old ways of thinking and move forward with renewed insight.
  • Dry Milk - Milk represents the nourishing energy that gets us through the coming months of darkness.
  • Himayalan Pink Salt - This beautiful form of rock salt offers protection from negative vibrations. During the month of Samhain, as the Veil Between Worlds thins, it becomes essential to protect your energy from negativity.


  • 3 parts dried milk
  • 2 parts pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 part instant coffee
  • 1 part Himalayan pink salt
  • 6-8 drops vanilla essential oil
  • 3-6 drops coffee essential oil


  • Choose a clean glass jar that is tall and narrow for the best visual effect.
  • Begin with one layer of dry milk.
  • Then, add a layer of pumpkin pie spice. Add several drops of vanilla essential oil.
  • Add another layer of dry milk.
  • Then, add a layer of instant coffee, with several drops of coffee essential oil.
  • Continue layering in this order until you fill the jar.
  • Finally, top the soak off with a generous layer of Himalayan pink salt.

Using Your Salts:

On the night of Samhain (or the October full moon), draw a hot bath. Add bath soak and any other oils or ritual items you like.

Soak and meditate on any loved ones who have crossed over. If you want, you can ask to receive messages from them in your dreams that night.

Rinse off completely.

If you have a Samhain ritual planned, now is the time to do it.

“Ah, Lovely October, as you usher in the season that awakens my soul, your awesome beauty compels my spirit to soar like a leaf caught in an autumn breeze and my heart to sing like a heavenly choir.” ― Peggy Toney Horton

The Kitchen Witch's Cauldron

~ Walnut-Blackberry Jam Pies ~

It's the final harvest, all the crops have been brought in and it is time to celebrate the abundance of our labors. It is also time to honor our ancestors with the thinning of the veil before the rest and repose of winter. Walnut-Blackberry pie represents prosperity, protection, abundance and healing; all things to set your intentions on and manifest to carry you through the dark time of the Year Wheel. Blessed baking!

Recipe from Taste of the South Mgazine
"The spicy, musky scent of Autumn rolled over my town, and I could feel the Veil between the worlds getting thinner" Ellen Dugan ~ Seasons of Witchery
By Lady Arsinoe

The Final Harvest

October 31, 2023

By Priestess Novaembre

Samhain is the 8th and final spoke on the Wheel of the Year. It is also called Hallows, Hallowmas, November Eve and Third Harvest. It has many meanings. The word “Samhain” means “summers end.”

For farmers, it was the third and last harvest when all crops must be safely within as frost would destroy what was left in the fields. Thus, is it an agricultural sabbat. The final harvest is the harvest of fruits and nuts.

Herders moved cattle or sheep to winter pastures, driving them between the fires to purify and protect them. It was also the time the cull the herds, to provide enough food for the cold time ahead, but not so much that the herd would be threatened. Because of this, it is a time of anxiety. Thus, it is a pastoral sabbat.

It is the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, but also the end of one year and the beginning of the new year, so it is a New Year’s celebration. Following the Celtic tradition of dating an event from the dark time (such as the Jewish Sabbath which begins at sundown on Friday and goes to sundown on Saturday), this is the beginning of the new year, starting with the dark time of the year – winter.

From the Crystal Temple Blogspot

The day before Samhain is the last day of the old year, and the day after Samhain is the first day of the new year, so the day of Samhain is a time out of time, a liminal day. Because of this, now the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest, so it is possible to communicate with those on the other side – ancestors and relatives who have crossed over – it is a time to remember one’s deceased relatives and honor them. One of the traditions is a “dumb supper” which is a feat to which one’s relatives and ancestors who have crossed over are invited. It is traditional to have the favorite food of that relative. Samhain is a time for divination.

Samhain is a time of rest and renewal after the harvest, a time for warm fires, good food, good company and quiet celebration. As it is the crossroads of another year, it is also a time for reflection and planning for the future.

Crone Goddesses:

  • Hecate (Greece)
  • Cailleach (Scotland/Ireland)
  • Nepthys (Egypt)
  • Kali (India)
  • Tara (Ireland)
  • Oya (Africa)
  • The Morrigan (Ireland)
  • Sedna (Inuit)
  • Hella and the Norns (Scandinavia)
  • Copper Woman (First Nation)
  • The Furies (Greece)
  • Spider Grandmother (First Nation)
  • The Fates (Greece)
  • Baba Yaga (Russia)
  • The Old Woman Who Never Dies (First Nation)
  • Yellow Land Earth Queen (China)
  • Persephone (Greece)
  • Yemaya (West Africa)
  • Proserpine (Rome)
  • Inanna and Ereshkigal (Sumer)
  • Mother Holle (Germany)
  • Ceridwyn (Wales)
  • Isis (Egypt)
  • Tonantzin/Gudalupe (Mexico)

Celebrating Samhain Today

excerpt from:

  • Create an Ancestor Altar 
  • Dumb Supper - Lay an extra plate at your table on Samhain Eve.
  • Build a Bonfire - Write personal prayers on parchment and cast them into the fire along with objects symbolizing your wishes for the new year.
  • Apple Divination
  • Witches Processional - In the spirit of the witches who lived before, on Samhain night dress yourself up in a black cloak, carve a small pumpkin and put on a handle so that it may be carried as a lantern.
  • Visit Graves of Loved Ones - Leave them offerings of jack- o'- lanterns, candy, nuts, apples or special treats that they enjoyed in life.

Symbolism of Samhain

excerpt from:

  • Jack-O'-Lantern: The tradition of carving a lantern started in the UK and was traditionally carved from a swede or a turnip. They were carved on All Hallows' Eve and left on the doorstep to ward off evil spirits.
  • Trick or Treating
  • Bonfires
  • Black Cats
  • Scarecrows: The scarecrow contrary to popular opinion, is not really for scaring birds away from crops. A scarecrow is a magickal symbol used to guard the crops against failing.
  • Skeletons and Skulls
  • Ghosts
  • Bats
  • Werewolves
  • Besoms
  • Bobbing for Apples: Apples were the sacred fruit of the Goddess, and many games of divination involving them entered the Samhain customs.
  • Witches
  • Herbs: Acorn, Angelica, Apple, Broom, Catnip, Deadly Nightshade, Dittany of Crete, Hazel, Heather, Mandrake, Mugwort, Rosemary, Wormwood, Pomegranate, Pumpkin
  • Foods: Pumpkin pies, Apples, Cakes for the Dead, Bread, Pears, Pork, Red Foods, Beans, Pomegranates, Grains, Beets, Turnips, Corn, Gingerbread, Mulled Wine, Meat Dishes, Hazelnuts, Ale, Cider and Herbal Teas.
  • Incense: Copal, sandalwood, mastic resin, benzoin, sweetgrass, wormwood
  • Stones: All Black Stones, preferably jet or obsidian.
  • Trees: Apple, Beech, Blackthorn, Locust, Pomegranate, Willow, Witch Hazel, Yew
  • Animals: Bat, Boar, Cat, Cow, Dog
  • Colors: Black, Silver, orange and purple

~ Samhain Music ~

This haunting melody was performed by Spinner during our last Samhain celebration. Hallowed Blessings to All!

Video artwork by: Corinne's Digital Imaging

Lead Image from Pinterest

“Autumn is the time of year when Mother Nature says, “Look how easy, how healthy, and how beautiful letting go can be.” ― Toni Sorenson

October Book Review

Greatest Works of Edgar Allan Poe

By Edgar Allan Poe

Delve into the dark and mesmerizing world of Edgar Allan Poe, where suspense and terror reign supreme. In this collection of his greatest works, experience the haunting brilliance of The Raven, as a lone narrator confronts a mysterious visitor in a chilling tale of loss and madness. Enter the macabre depths of The Tell-Tale Heart, where a murderer's guilt manifests in haunting paranoia. Discover the mesmerizing detective skills of C. Auguste Dupin in Murders in the Rue Morgue, the pioneer of the modern detective story. These timeless classics display Poe's mastery of atmosphere, psychological complexity, and the power to elicit spine-tingling thrills.

  • Unforgettable tales of Gothic horror and macabre suspense.
  • Masterful exploration of the human psyche and dark obsessions.
  • Intricate and chilling mysteries with ingenious plot twists.
  • Evocative language that lingers, haunting your thoughts and dreams.
  • Unmatched ability to create an atmosphere of haunting dread.

About the Author

One of the most Gothic short story writers of the nineteenth century, Edgar Allan Poe was a predominant figure of the Romantic movement in American literature and is regarded as the inventor of the detective story. His literary career began with Tamerlane and Other Poems (1827) but it was his deftly plotted short stories which attracted attention. He was also a noticeable literary critic and an unwearying reviewer and essayist. The recurring themes in his works— the death of women, bereavement, horror, madness, premature burial, decay, revival of the dead, life after death— are suggested to have resulted from his own life, which was a sequence of tragic events and frequent abandonments. Poe skillfully weaved these themes into his meticulous plots and created the macabre world of terror and dark romanticism bringing alive the horror through his choice of words. More than a century and a half after Poe’ s death, his works still remain as fresh and scary, sending a frightening chill down the spines of his readers.

What can I say - I totally love Poe, and since I already enjoyed the content I felt free to completely judge this book by it's cover! What a beautifully done edition, sure to look fantastic on my shelf; perhaps making some of the other books a little jealous!

Happy reading!

October Laughs:

BAHAhahaha....too funny!

Write for Goddess Speak!

Goddess Speak accepts submissions for articles, stories, poetry, recipes, guided meditations, creative fiction, chants, artwork, photography and more. Please send submissions to Laurelinn, in care of If your submission is selected you will be notified by email.

(Logo by Laurelinn)